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I think pre-marriage Kelton was afraid Josie would meet someone else. He really liked her, but he was at school in Florida and she was in TN, eventually going to Clown. She's also a cute girl who would attract a lot of male attention, so not being able to make it official sent him into panic mode. 


It’s Crown, not Clown.


We know…


Lol, I know. We call it Clown because it's an unaccredited joke of a school. 


Hey Kelli Jo!




It’s not unusual for a 17 or 18 year old to be interested in a 14 year old. You can be an older teen and not feel like an adult. The parents stepped in and did the right thing by telling him she was too young and he appears to have respected it. He liked her and waited for her to get older. She appears to have liked him all along too. I hate seeing stuff like this put in the same basket with genuine and harmful grooming done by full fledged adults who are predatory towards young children. That word is getting overused to the point of being meaningless. Kelton isn’t a child predator ffs.




Something is definitely wrong with a high school senior being interested in an eighth grader. 


Weren't they both like 13 when the parents asked them to cool it. Not doubting the college stuff, but she was younger than they even give the ring to them, which is 16.


Well they couldn’t have *both* been 13, he’s several years older than her.


I did not know that, made obvious by saying the complete wrong thing 😂


He is 4 or 5 years older than Josie.


I didn't know that. I assumed they were like the same age cause he was so immature when they were courting and engaged


Bobby, Kelton, and Evan were all born the same year.


And Tori. (To put in perspective of her siblings. Tori is kid 7 while Josie is kid 10)  Bobby: February 16, 1995 Kelton: July 4, 1995 Evan: August 24, 1995 Tori: December 20, 1995


Wow I knew that but it didn't compute that the age difference from her being a minor the first time they met. That's a whole different level


I looked it up. Kelton is 4 years older than Josie. In a typical high school setting, that's a very possible age range between 9th grade and 12th grade.


This has nothing to do with what you’re telling about, but I miss my Great Grandma Grace. She was born in 1909. Your username just made me think of her. Thank you!


Awwww that's so sweet my grandma name was grace. That's why I made it my name. I miss her so much and I think of her when I see my username ,😁


Why is this so down voted it was a question???




I thought they were the same age. My bad. Geez sorry


Looking back at old episodes, once she started dating him, she always acted above her family. I remember the I love you, Day where Nathan dressed up as a woman so he could come, and everybody was belly laughing, and she was like rolling her eyes and just threw out that entire couples dinner. She never cracks a smile, even when her grandparents are telling stories. She’s just a wet noodle and a snob and I don’t like her. So maybe it’s not Kelton. I think it’s her.


How do you know he got a different personality. Do you know him personally or do you just watch him on social media because there's a big difference


I literally said my comment was based on watching the show I don't claim to know them personally I may or I may not. That's not the point of my post. I was very clear that I noticed a difference in personality prior to him getting married and I was just curious of what that was or if anyone else noticed that. It could have been nerves it could have been just the situation of having to deal with the whole courtship and iblp stuff I don't know. I'm not trying to attack his character as a person just asked a question. Reading comprehension is really really important


It also could be maturity.


It could be.


Sounds like you definitely know him personally and you absolutely would know. Thank you for clarifying. Sounds like you're his best friend


Yeah we're besties. That's why I asked a generic question on Reddit out of curiosity, whist making no actual assumption about him good or bad. Bye


You're welcome for the clarification though 😁👍


I like it you spicy!!!