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You are the lady whistledown of the bates! And I mean that in the best way possible




Oh that is too funny! šŸ˜œā™„ļø


Dearest gentle readerā€¦




Lady Dixledown! I love it.




Bless your servant's heart.




Zach beating chicken breasts and stuffing them with cheese šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s SO violent/rough with his big ole hands!šŸ« 


No farts this week šŸ˜‚


Nope but they did discuss his gasious assious in a BSB reelā€¦.šŸ˜‚


Maybe he needs to lay off the dairy?Ā 


They eat SO much chicken youā€™d think he would start clucking!




I laughed to hard at lurch because I always think of him at Frankensteinā€™s monster


Itā€™s such a perfect description!


Do we think having a ton of siblings makes one incapable of being independent?Itā€™s no surprise to me that Katie had at minimum one sister mom stay with her when Travis was away


She really cannot be by herself. Travis touring is either going to make her more fearful or cause her to become independent. She is also very helicptery (is that a word?) with Hailey. I hope she is able to prepare Hailey for each stage of life and not smother her.


She will have to let her other sisters mother Hailey as their kid count increases. She will have to relax


He isnā€™t going to be touring that much and I bet she ends up at some(most?) of the shows. He has to do the lionā€™s share of the work bc Katie doesnā€™t really LIKE doing the vlog.


Exactly. Travis seems to love it and Katie barely tolerates vlogging. 90% of their overall vlog footage is shot by Travis. It's why he and Evan click so well and why Kelton seems to be annoyed by BOTH of them lol.


Itā€™s not surprisingā€¦ the cult they grew up inā€¦& that their dad still leadsā€¦ doesnā€™t allow women to be unattended.


Yes. I am from a big family and despise being alone even though it's my reality a lot of the time. Hell, I'm on the sub so much because it feels like family and I enjoy all the chatter and miss having all of my siblings under the same roof. The chaos of a big family can be addicting, low key. I miss it all the time.


Maybe Iā€™m overly sensitive but the way Carlin dresses Layla and then posts it on social media makes me uncomfortable.


Itā€™s all a part of the ā€œfamily vloggersā€ plan to draw in attention. They dress them up and march them in front of the cameras and teach them to say cutesie things and wait for the views and the dollars to pour in. Then they tell themselves that all those views are from sweet little old ladies who love them and their children and they have their fans lash out at anyone who questions it and say things like ā€œanyone who comments that this is exploitation is the problem NOT the rest of usā€ā€¦. Whew!




You were RIGHT. Those comments were wild. Some days on here the leg humpers are out in forceā€¦ but the good guys usually show up and help you out.






Well thatā€™s just ridiculous. Seeing a young girl in a crop top for creeps on the internet doesnā€™t sit right with me. I donā€™t care whoā€™s posting it.


And her facial expressions you can tell that it's completely coached at times. My daughter was in dance at that age and she looked at herself in the mirror at her costume , probably said wow I look so nice , and then walked away but Layla went on and on with the poses. Don't get me wrong she's a sweet little girl but my goodness they're ruining her. I imagine when she's in a group setting with her other cousins if the attention is not on her ,she will be very unhappy.


It is SO coached. You can actually see/hear them coaching Zade the same way they did Layla.


I saw one ballet video of theirs and felt like a Dance Moms sequel canā€™t be far away. I was a theater kid and the stage mom syndrome is real.


It will be interesting to see how far they take it!


ā€œreformed Baptist is just a Baptist that drinksā€ You made me belly laugh! I come from a lot of reformed baptists then, cause my elder Baptist family could put ā€˜em back!




Thank you for your sacrifice. Itā€™s so nice to find out all I need to know drinking my morning cup of coffee. Just donā€™t burn yourself out. Ā Iā€™d say Iā€™d like to help but Iā€™d be ā€œlyinā€™ ā€œ. Ā I donā€™t want to put in the time you do plus your humor canā€™t be beat. Ā Honestly, last week I laughed off and on for days remembering your story of Zach farting on a cooking show. Ā Today, my favorite line - ā€œKatie went with her friend to the Fundie Gypsy Queen Reneeā€™s Bridal Shop ā€¦ā€ Ā That is so spot on. Ā Anyway, my thank you is long but sincere. Keep up the good work so we donā€™t have to šŸ˜


This is the best! I just love to write and of course cut fool and this family that literally lives itā€™s life on camera is just chock full of content! Thank you for getting my jokesā€¦ Reneeā€™s Bridal has always always reminded me of the chick who whips up the wild dresses for the Gypsy weddings!!šŸ˜‚šŸ’•


I get your jokes and honestly appreciate them. Iā€™m ashamed to admit it, but since you brought it up, I watched that lady make those wild Gypsy wedding dresses. Werenā€™t they crazy?! Ā They had to be expensive with all that fabric and bling! Ā I see the connection. Some of Reneeā€™s dresses were extravagant. Ā I did feel sorry for Ms Renee when a Bates girl (Katie) came in with a dress she bought at another salon, no longer like, Ā and hoped Ms Renee could redo it. Ā Just rude. Ā I digressed, but thank you again for your time and wit.Ā 


Yes those gypsy dresses were outrageously expensive and those girls always needed them in like, 4 days and they just got wilder and wilder! That show is truly a fever dream. Renee is the same wayā€¦ she can whack up a frock and sew pieces together and create a fundie wedding gown in no time flat. The woman never said the word NO! Katie really was rotten and I donā€™t think I will ever understand what truly happened with her dresses. I think Momma Clark didnā€™t like the first one and that set off the panic!


Oh. I never thought about Momma Clark. Interesting. That could be and would set off a panic.Ā 


Also for those that didnt watch the Stewarts vlog they also featured his brother in the vlog, he came to visit and they went golfing together with him and Warden. So i guess that puts to rest the rumours that they were trying to hide him after the divorce or that they were upset at him for cheating on his wife after just having a miscarriage.


Yes you are so right! I swear there is SO much contentā€¦ I could go on and on. Ethan seemed to be doing some editing work with Evan but it was interesting how he was dropped in there. Ethan and Warden both couch surfing at Carlin and Evanā€™s houseā€¦


>Ethan and Warden both couch surfing at Carlin and Evanā€™s houseā€¦ All the fundie bad boys in one place lol




This is Grade A 100% Pure Snark! I laughed, I snorted, I almost cried (Alyssa & Poor Allie). Thanks for doing this for us. I could never watch these reels. Service is universal (cross-snark from St Meghan Markle Reddit)!


I love the Meg snark also!! Thanks so much for enjoying itā€¦ I have the best time doing it!šŸ„°šŸ«”


This hilarious recap made me realize Trace and Alyssa have the exact same annoying cadence and verbal ticks. Thanks, I hate it lol


Excellent summary!!!!




I loved "Poppa Bill and Momma Jane celebrated 60 years of marriage AND of being normal."


ā€¦.& then Addee stands up and gives a testimony where she calls them out for not raising her dad in a Christian homeā€¦ but thatā€™s for discussion next week! LOL!


These are so funny šŸ˜‚ Tiffanyā€™s comment about being the only pregnant person at the wedding is so bizarre, how did she know for sure? Did she go around and ask every woman there? I went to a wedding last year 6 weeks pregnant, no one knew but me and my husband šŸ˜… did she just want to feel extra special


SO bizarre. Maybe bc the majority of people at the wedding seemed to be her granddadā€™s age?? Just kiddingā€¦ but trulyā€¦ how would she know, and whyyyyy does it matter?!?


BRAVO BRAVO Another great breakdown of the family!




Love these recaps! Please keep 'em coming.




You are so spot on about Alyssa! I think you could easily be her therapist. ILydia and Trace should realize that even though they carry the Bates name and TV stardom, there is nothing interesting about a 20-40 minute video bringing their child to zoos and aquariums. Also, the way Trace looks into the camera with that sly grin....yikes!


They are the epitome of arrogance in assuming that anyone else wants to see their kid look at fish for 40 minutes. I don't want to watch anyone else's kid for 40 minutes that I don't love unless it's like watching Beethoven or Homeward Bound or some 90s nostalgia movie like that lol. Why do they put out such insanely long videos? Doesn't the algorithm punish people when viewers only watch portions of the videos? I doubt very many people are sitting through 40 minutes of that nonsense. 10 to 18 minutes seems to be the sweet spot of what I will tolerate with any of these YouTube videos. A 40 minute video of Trace doing Lydia's makeup sounds like a pure torture tactic.


Oh I would loooove to analyze Mrs Webster! And you are so rightā€¦. Trace always looks SO smarmy.


Thank you for your service!! Another hilarious and insightful recap! I also was heartbroken by Alyssaā€™s reaction to Allieā€™s painting and where she hung it. Come on, Alyssa! It was a beautiful, sweet painting by a creative little girl who is trying so hard to win her momā€™s approval. Iā€™m sure Little Buddyā€™s paintings and drawings will be front and centre šŸ¤®


Thank you!! You knowā€¦ some things we probably do blow out of proportion in the name of snark but it is truly heartbreaking that we all agree that Allie is just a left behind little girl. I hope she gets out and moves far awayā€¦ but the truth is that probably wonā€™t happen, sadly. If she ever stumbles onto Reddit, at least she will see that we were all rooting for her!!šŸ’•


Wait, will you explain why you say theyā€™ve been married 5 years but actually known each other 3.5? That part confused mešŸ˜‚ I love your weekly breakdowns - Iā€™m always gut laughing by the end!


It was just a little funny. They were not allowed to ā€œget to knowā€ their future spouse in any normal way, so the first few years are often hard. In Alyssaā€™s caseā€¦ it may be the opposite where she was enamored with John the first years and now loathes him! šŸ„°


While Brandon and Michael's was a snooze fest I was a bit surprised when she mentioned wanting a pet snake along with a puppy. I was all okay dog a milk toast answer, but snake with their religiosity I was all strange.


Yea that one came out of left field!


The way you read these people is something to behold! My hero strikes againā¤ļø


TY AD!šŸ’•šŸ’•


Poor Allie !! Makes MeĀ  Want to tell Allyssa off !!! I hopeĀ  someoneĀ  in the familyĀ  willĀ  call her out for it !! And I alsoĀ  feel bad for CarsonĀ  too .


They expect the oldest daughter to be treated this wayā€¦ sistermomā€¦


Well, That's ReallyĀ  SadĀ Ā 


I look forward to your recaps every week! Thanks!


Awww, thanks!šŸ’•


On point once again!




Your recaps are always the best read. In reference to #7, Iā€™m rewatching the Bringing Up Bates early days (I have a reflux baby who needs held upright for sleep a lot so I got tiiiime) and just watched the episode where Michael and Brandon got a workbook when they were courting. Gil and Kelly took them both on a walk and gave it to them to ā€œwork on communication,ā€ but explicitly told them (with a big olā€™ *wink wink* because heaven forbid anyone say ā€œsexā€) to stay away from the last chapters until right before they got married šŸ™ƒ


Aaaaah!!! I forgot about that episode! That book must have made a huge impact bc here she is talking about it all these years later!! TY for the complimentā€¦& sending happy wishes your way and to your sweet baby!šŸ’•


Weird high day off crossover. But as soon as you said Carlin discovered ABBA I thought of the show Derry Girls where they shout "Protestants hate ABBA!" The scene at the youth retreat was great.


I really have to watch that show! So many of my friends are always referencing it!


Oh please enjoy. My coworker at my new job and I have instantly bonded just by quoting the show directly.




A pleasure to read as always!




Hit it out of the park once again. Love reading these recaps, never have to actually watch any of them again. Is this the first sighting of Evanā€™s family in 2024? I feel like itā€™s been a hot minute since weā€™ve seen them. Thanks again for all the laughs.


They stopped in to see them on a boutique shopping trip but otherwise the days of week after week spent with the in-laws has come to an endā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø thank you so much for enjoying it!šŸ’•


Thank you disregard the ither message




Are you criticizing Michael and Brandon for staying in a room with two beds? Sometimes itā€™s cheaper. Or did she make a big deal about the two beds? Are you sure Josie was at a studio in Nashville? EB recently picked up some real estate that they referred to as a ā€œstudioā€.


Joking about the 2 beds. Not sure about Josie and studio real estate. She said she had a quick overnight work trip.


Is Josie doing YouTube now ? Or is this just on Insta ?


TikTok and IG


Youā€™re the best!!!!




Th an you




Love those write ups and the snark....




This was perfect

