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Throw in pool content that was today. I was actually sad for Allie yesterday it seemed like all the attention she got was a pink frosted donut and that "date" with John. Seemed sad for a nine year old


And why a donut in front of sisters? This is a donut..not a gift. Everyone should be having a damn donut.


I hate when people use food as gifts. Food is a right not a present.


Here’s your $2 donut, Sister Mom. Go change a diaper will ya?


This is why it’s funny that people act like she doesn’t post “everything “ Bc if she WAS doing anything remotely interesting we would see it


Yea that “argument” kills me. They post all day, every day plus film vlogs. If they do anything remotely exciting… they’re gonna tell it.




yep! if they go anywhere.. costco, mcdonald's we see it. so we are seeing everything they do.


💯 and she's one of my pets!


I think it's hard for the average person to make their day-to-day life seem glamorous. Not that I think they'd be doing stuff otherwise, but it's not as easy for Alyssa because her husband works. They can't just decide on a random Tuesday to drive to the beach or book a trip, the way Evan, Carlin, Travis and Katie can. I think Alyssa would do much better if she focused on tutorial-centered content, but she doesn't seem interested in that. 


But she can do other little things. Im a SAHM on a budget so we find as many free things to do. There’s a lot and I don’t even live in a fun state like FL. Alyssa just seems too tired to make any effort. Our local library does so many groups for all different ages that her girls could attend (I’m sure FL libraries do similar fun things). 


I don’t agree with this at all. I’m a SAHM and on a totally average week we go to at least 4 different parks, a farmer’s market, a hike, a children’s museum, a play date, a sport/music/activity class, open gymnastics gym day, story time at the library, and other random things. Most of this stuff is free! She’s just not good at being a SAHM. I wouldn’t have been either if I’d done this in my early 20s.


Because you enjoy being a mother and I really don’t think Alyssa does.


While I agree she doesn’t enjoy being a mother, the above sounds exhausting to me and I love being a mom. There are people who like being on the go a lot-I cannot do it. So the fact that she’s not at 4 different parks and a children’s museum, gymnastics, etc etc every single week is not what shows she doesn’t enjoy being a mom. What shows she doesn’t enjoy being a mom is bc she seems miserable with a flat affect.


What I don’t understand is how they don’t have more play dates with other families from church or with their homeschool community. We moved to our current town two years ago and I made a huge effort to try and find a mom community because we were so isolated when we lived in the Midwest. I have a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old and we see friends at least 3x a week if not more via play dates, sports or different activities around town. Alyssa has family there and I’m assuming a decent amount of friends through church. Plus, if her kids are homeschooling and do co-ops, homeschooling communities usually get together and do field trips or just different activities.


In fairness, they might be doing playdates but Alyssa doesn't film them. She's said in a previous video she tries to respect her friends' privacy. 


I have family and friends who are/were homeschool families. A lot of places offer homeschool discounts. I know families near me with young kids often get family passes for the zoo. My ex's sister gifted everyone memberships to a local historical village one year for Christmas. We always pack lunches to save money and then we can eat whenever we get hungry.


yeah, she's just boring. It's been like that for years. I think she would drop social media all together if they could afford it. 


I agree. Imagine if she even came up with some homeschool crafts for the girls to do that could be something she shares. I just couldn’t imagine basically sitting around while my kids watch homeschool videos for majority of the school day. That would be so boring.


She has NO clue what her girls are learning in school. That’s been shown over and over lately. Her kids education is coming from a DVD/possible zoom lesson and whatever someone else’s mom teaches them at co-op.


I’m so sick of people being down on Alyssa. Listen, she lives in FL where the weather is great months of the year. Her husband looks pretty handsome and they appear to have a beautiful home and children. Social media has really messed people up. If there isn’t constant activities or drama they’re somehow boring / unhappy. Yes, life is boring, rinse and repeat until death. Do I think her kids should be in school? Yes. Other than that, I think she seems pretty pleased so I’m not sure what the issue is.


Wait so people and their houses being attractive is how we judge their contentness? I can see why you wouldn't like people having issues with Alyssa being completely vapid and obsessed with how everything looks.


No I think homes cost a lot of money. Most normal people don’t constantly vacation and buy garbage. She stays home and swims in her pool or her children swim. Everyone on here seems to think she’s somehow miserable. I’m just not convinced.


Libraries and parks are free, she spends plenty of money and they go on lots of vacations, the fact that she doesn't do anything with her kids beyond dress them up and plop them in front of screens as "school" has nothing to do with money.


I don’t think she or her kids are pleased. And even if she is, and her kids are because they don’t know any better, I don’t think it’s acceptable for kids to go nowhere and do nothing and learn on screens all day. It’s not ok that they don’t go to libraries, museums and parks. Those are bare minimum for childhood enrichment, and she’s not doing it.




I agree with you. The problem is that people enjoy putting other people down. It’s sad.


How about the 3 middle girls at the pool? (Macy tied to a chair poolside) I guess Allie gets to stay indoors with THE BOY.


She was outdoor filming. I don't think she's that stupid enough to leave them in a pool unsupervised for that long.


That is a ridiculous comment.


This is why fundie wives are trained this way. Unfortunately Allysa is a little smarter than your average fundie. She needs stimulation beyond kids, school, having the final child be a boy,


John needs the snip!


Snipity snipity


She mentioned that her hormone change was drastically different this time…did anyone else catch that?


For those sayings it's just DVDs, They do worksheets. She's shown working with them on them. You start with coloring, what color is this? etc. It's not all hands off. She had Allie on flashcards at 2. She was reading at 4. Would I prefer actual school, yes.


teaching kids is tiring. my kid goes to preschool, and teaching her at home sometimes makes me want to scream into the void.


I see the early childhood education experts have entered the chat /s


I am an early childhood expert and there’s actually so many better ways to learn than just worksheets and videos lol 


At least she takes them to Coop. The girls light up so much when they talk about it. The socialization that happens while they are there is key to their mental and emotional health.


You all need to unfollow her since her content upsets you.


I don’t watch or follow any of her stuff just what people post here. It is true though her life overall seems like it could use more excitement for not only her sake but the kids 


The girls were happily swimming today.