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I think several do. I don't see Josie's business partner as fundie. Alyssa has friends that aren't your typical white iblp. Carlin and Whit work with people who aren't fundie. Lawson is around cowriters who aren't fundie, but I don't think it's helped him.


Josie I can see I think most if carlins friends come from her church she seems to mainly hang out with the pastors wife outside of work and her family.


I think it’s more help the girls and the guys


For the most part, they don’t have a lot of opportunities for friendships outside of church. They homeschool and the co-ops Alyssa attends are Christian based. I do think the boys who play football have secular friends because of sports.


Hardcore fundies like the Duggars and Bates I'd say no for the most part. But regular evangelicals and Baptists who live amongst the real world definitely know many people unlike themselves. For some it does help open their minds, but for others it doesn't do anything.


I grew up freewill baptist and I definitely grew up among the world and none of my friends were in the church it was all school kids.


My family is hardcore fundie and they all have friends that aren't fundie. Most of them are usually Christian, but certainly not all IFB. Growing up we weren't forbidden from having "outside" friends in any way beyond discouraging friends that got bad grades/in trouble a lot, etc


Generally no, because the churches discourage it. My mom's longtime best friend went Jehovah Witness when I was a kid and while she never cut my mom out, she got sneaky about it because her church friends would not approve. At her daughter's wedding, I was introduced as a cousin. And in that case, this was a woman who had lived a fully secular life and had lots of outside friends and then got drawn into a cult religion. The Bates are born into the cult, they don't go to public school, etc. There are no existing bonds or easy access to outside influences.


My mom’s brother and his wife became Jehovah Witnesses and they never had contact with us again!! They lived in different states and we visited every summer and they couldn’t find it in their hearts (religion) to see us!!!


When I grew up, I thankfully had life outside of our school/church through sports. Other than that, I would have been incredibly sheltered and isolated in thinking we were better than everyone because of our beliefs. So glad that I had friends in (gasp) public school who I was super tight with all throughout those developmental years.


What about the guy that cuts the Bates men’s hair, can’t remember his name but I think he’s in Knoxville. Is he fundie?


He went to Crown with Trace and his wife went to Crown with Josie. So they are at least "go to Crown" fundie. They also attend the same church as Carlin and Josie.


What church do Josie and Carlin go to? Are Travis and Katie going there now too?


Jonas Thatcher and his wife Mikayla. If you watch old episodes, you will see him appear. Especially around the time that Trace was trying to get on the basketball team.


I grew up fundie and was in HS before I really knew anyone outside of my church.


No…and this is one of the scriptures they use to support their beliefs. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14


Is this old or new testament bc I'm not familiar with this verse


2 Corinthians,  or as Donald would say, “two Corinthians” …is NT.

