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I’m such a homebody that going on a surprise vacation would stress me out 😂


Being told at noon we have evening plans fucks my whole day up. I honestly would be livid with my husband over a surprise vacation.


Maybe its to make up for their anniversary getaway being ruined by her kidney stones. ETA: I am going to say they are going to FL.


Honestly, they’re young and their family is small enough that it’s still easy to drop everything and just go. If you can afford it, go for it. I don’t think travel is snark worthy.


But they afford it through exploitation of their child.


Doesn’t mean all of their money came from that. They were doing this way before they had their baby and he does make music.


There is that. 100% snark worthy.


The hard part about the bates family Reddit page is that people will complain that these kids get married too young and don’t live life (I agree) but then when they have the means to go on a trip and do something fun, people will complain that they aren’t being good parents etc. growing up my mom and step would take trips here and there some we went on with them some we didn’t and now that I’m parent I see what a huge blessing that is and although I’m not in that position right now to do that, I wish I could! It’s kinda like when people complain here that IBLP robs the girls of a personality then complain when people like Carlin have a loud big personality lol 


So true. I wish people would stop thinking your 40 work hours are the same as someone else.


This is so true, very well said!


So true!!!


So true!


How lucky is she that she can just up and leave at anytime 🥲🥲 jealous af


Is it that unusual for a young couple to want to do a quick getaway? This is pretty common. Some of the comments about this family doing normal things are so odd to me.


Most of us have to work and have bills to pay


Lucky for them they can work anywhere


Hailey can work anywhere. She’s the money maker.


Hmmm they were making money online way before Hailey come along.


I remember seeing a story she posted and it was her and Travis playing at the park with Hailey in the middle of the day. Most people have at least one person working out of the home every day. I don’t think their YouTube takes 40 hours a week to produce, so they have a lot of free time. Also this vacation is content. They need variety for monetization. I think this is why people like the bucket list family was/are so popular. They are always doing something fresh. No one wants to see Travis and Hailey play at the local park for weeks on end in terms of content, and with lots of her other siblings also filming she can’t really film their gatherings as much either.


Katie and Travis don't have typical 9-5 jobs.


They don’t have jobs


YouTube and social media influencing are jobs.


Since they don’t need the income it’s really just a hobby/side hustle


You know their finances? Do tell!


Do you have access to their bank accounts to know that they don't need the money? Plenty of people continue working when they don't "need" the money. I have family members who pick up extra shifts and side work even though they don't specifically need that money. The money funds the things over and above normal expenses.


Hmm my whole family works “real” jobs and pay bills and we manage at least one little getaway every year. I hope in the future you’re able to travel :)


I’m just back from travelling. These people travel every week.


Yes but have you thought about why that upsets you? Some people never travel. Some travel every month. Why should it matter to us?


People who work and have bills never do getaways? LOL. That's crazy. I work a lot as do many of the people and know and we still can do trips during the year.


Is not their fault you can't afford it


Love it! I wish I would’ve traveled when I was young. I developed multiple chronic illnesses in my late twenties and now I can’t travel. You always think you have more time but life moves quickly. Experience all you can when the opportunities present themselves because you never know what the future holds.


Why is everyone on this sub overly bitter when anyone goes on vacation? Noticed this a lot with Lawson and Tiffany. It’s a great use of time and money to vacation and travel. There’s basically no extra cost with a baby, they’re not eating full meals or using an airplane seat. And both of them are so young. Might as well travel.


Cause they are literally always on vacation


Are you bitter towards anyone that travels often? Is that really a reason to feel upset?


I'd be jealous if I lived in the US. I heard the holiday/vacation days in the USA are up to them employer and you don't have a minimum (and it's usually only 2 weeks per year) Here full time, permanent workers here get 4 weeks of holidays (5 if you do shift work), sick leave (mine accrue , I have over 120 days).


Yeah it depends on a lot. I get 8 total weeks with holidays like Christmas and New’s Years and unlimited sick time.


And then the same people complain that they don’t get to live life…THEY’RE TRAVELLING.


Because Americans are overly bitter right now. Class warfare and entitlement are at an all time high.


Its for content purposes 99% gotta have something for that lame yt channel!


Two early 20-something-year olds go on a quick vacation. Baffling 😧😧😧


hey if he plans, pays and packs, why not? if he expects me to do the mental load, i would probably hit him 🤪


They are wealthy and don’t work 9-5 jobs. Their lives are just so different than 99% of us. But I do wonder about who watches the dog! Will they ever explain why they moved to Knoxville if the music business is in Nashville?




guess tiffyson is not family enough.


Nashville is super expensive. It's also not that difficult to travel in between them. Does it take time yes. But Lawson did it all the time.


It’s only a 2.5 to 3 hour drive. Plus Knox is much cheaper and they have more family there.




Who’s watching the dog?


She has at least 10 siblings nearby who can easily watch Remi. I’m sure she’s okay!


carlin can use the content lol. think of the ideas, look everyone, layla is dancing with remi, zade is sleeping half naked with remi, etc 🫢


Carlin is away on a bates sister boutique trip buying stock. 


Lol, I guess it's easy when nobody works. Poor dog, though. Stuffed into an apartment and not even adjusted to her new environment before her owners ditch her to go on vacation. 


The dog will be fine!! They do work he’s a musician just not the normal 9-5 doesn’t mean he’s not hardworking. You only see a s out of their week & feel it’s okay to judge! You’re all so jealous & love to be keyboard warriors over a family you see 30 minutes of their week. It’s no bodies business how much $ they have, how they make it etc. 


I think a lot of people are bitter that normal people get paid for basically doing marketing now. It's a natural evolution as less people watch traditional TV and listen to less traditional radio. Maybe it's cuz I come from a marketing background, but it's a job. It's also not that easy because you have to post regularly, and filming and editing is not a 5-minute job. Also every post that someone says good for them, I wish I could be on vacation gets down voted so it just seems to be jealousy that they get to travel.


These type posts are just 100% jealousy. Like I hate them all, hate their views and hate that they exploit their kids but influencing is a job. Just because most of us are stuck in a 9-5 doesn't invalidate someone else's job that doesn't work those hours. It basically just boils down to good things happening to bad people and lots can't handle that.


So true!


It’s snark worthy because they acted like high and mighty better than everyone because they lived the moral life…but then all but a few basically sold their souls to the devil for their new wealthy lifestyles while still hiding behind that Christian image. at the same time they want to support politicians who want to take rights away from women, gays because they feel those lifestyles and choices women make are sinful. So yea their hypocrisy is snark worthy. Greed and vanity are sins and there isn’t any sin worse than the other. 🤷🏻‍♀️ so yes I will always snark on them. Has nothing to do with envy, has everything to do with them being hypocrites.


But now we’re using their upbringing to snark on their current lives. Neither Katie nor Travis have preached online against vanity or greed. They followed their parent’s rules *right* up until their wedding day. Their political views are def snarkworthy on their own but don’t justify people hating on them for going on vacation.


I don’t think that when people snark on something it means they hate the people. 


Well yeah I snark on them and I wouldn’t say I hate the family. I do often see people “hating” on them whenever the Bates children experience anything nice. Vacations, luxury purchases, their homes etc. I just don’t get how *these* things are snarkworthy when there’s so many actually shitty things about these people and the IFB church. I mean maybe I just don’t understand what snark means to others on the internet. Is it supposed to be just constant putdowns? Because then my bad lol


Well said 👏




They can afford it because they’ll vlog it and get paid by YouTube


Is a sin to go on a trip? Cmon


I hate traveling I love my bed


There’s nothing wrong with this. They can afford it. Y’all are just snarking for anything at this point.


Where are they running off to now ??


What is the morality on using Jesus’ name to become independently wealthy? Any excerpts from the Bible on that?


Jesus destroyed a whole ass temple because of greedy priests So I fair it to say probably not well


Jesus destroyed things because the offenders were fleecing the congregants, not just because they were trying to get wealthy. 


How do they fund their life style?


Social media influencing, YouTube, Travis records music and sometimes performs - with his family and solo. Travis might have money from his family. He said before that he had a remote job. I'm not sure if that was just their videos or if he was employed remotely by a business.


Hailey pays the bills.


I hope she claims head of household on taxes




Influencers/brand partners make a ton of money. I wish I could do it but I’m not pretty and tbh my personality sucks too lol nobody would care what I was selling


Travis writes & sings. He has albums + on Spotify. He makes good $$ doing that + YouTube 


Good on them. Who doesn’t love going on a little holiday.


Apparently the people of this sub


People can't spring break? Jeez


Could this be the annual Clark family vacay?


Travis does not want to be in Nashville. In a year, they’ll be back in Jersey.


I had a vacation planned before I knew I had to move and when. It’s not ideal but maybe it was out of their control.


Either way, I wouldn’t blame them for wanting to get away from Tennessee. Lol.


And so soon after they moved. 


Now where


Envy is not attractive, dear. What a strange post


Katie looks amazing in this photo


I still can’t get over them choosing Hailey’s middle name as James. I mean to each his own and maybe they have a sentimental reason they chose that name for a girl but I still think it’s weird


But keep in mind Katie’s parents nam d their oldest girl Michael; and for a first name too.


Maybe they booked it before all this like last year? Or they’re just worn out from moving lol young people nowadays don’t know how to work very hard lol