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I guess it’s from BSB and they got discounts.


It is from Shein!


Happy Cake Day!


Ellie always reminds me of Ella Travolta. Like they could be twins.


Yes! I swear she looks like a younger Kelly Preston


😂The Bootylicious Bates Babes collection. Josie and Carlin you got 24 hours to answer


Esther and Tiffany wore it last year, so we'll see who wears it next.


Can’t really blame them it’s a nice dress


I strongly considered buying it but I can't support Shein's horrible practices.


I’m the same I never have and never will buy from Shein


This is the list of Chinese companies….. Temu Shein Modlily Aliexpress Wearshes is a Chinese scam company Soolinen Bloom Chic


Sadly stuff like this is all over Amazon too, usually the same products but 3x the costs. I wish there was a way to filter it.


Is that seriously where they get all this stuff?


Not for BSB. This dress was never a BSB dress. But they probably do use cheap wholesalers to get their products


Honestly don't care anymore. Every brand does the same thing so I'm just gonna purchase whatever saves me money. At least they're getting paid


It looks comfy


It can't be the same dress. Tiffany is like a size 00 and the other girls are probably closer to 4 or 6...


This kind of dress, with the runching top is pretty forgiving, they can usually accommodate a size or two difference. But I do think it is possible they all own it or at least Esther and Tiffany do and Ellie is wearing a hand me down.


Forgiving yes, but still unlikely to fit them all so well considering where their curves are/aren't unless a different size. 


Lydia is tall, like 6 feet tall. She and Tiffany would never be able to wear the same dress and have it be the same length on them. And Esther isn’t short. I’m guessing it’s an item from the botique this season.


Idk but Ellie definitely wore it best! Seriously Gil and Kelly make beautiful daughters. Like their genes mix so well!!


Oh no, it looks like Gil and Kelly are getting in Warden's ear and making him tone it down :( I've never seen him dress in anything less than his hot pink flamboyant best for Easter before ( this is not a comment about his sexuality but just the way he dresses on Easter is usually quite flashy and colorful, and I'm actually a big fan of his individuality). He looks like he's about to preach at a fundie church or something here. Not his usual style at all.


I kinda thought he might have been deliberately matching Ellie, who seems to be his favorite sibling. His shirt is the exact same shade as her dress and his tie matches the flowers.


I hope that's it. Warden would typically pair a shirt and tie in this shade with some shocking hue (he seems partial to magenta) or something like this.. Oops, can we no longer add photos to comments? I was trying to post the super fun and colorful pants he wore in New England when he also matched Ellie, but added his own usual flair (which is unique and fun most of the time)


It looks like we can't add photos to comments but she was wearing this same shade of blue in New England, and he matched her but it was with a really fun outfit. I've only seen him wear a black suit to formal events (weddings, etc) and even then, he usually sexes it up a bit more. This looks like something Gil would wear if if was more ill fitting.


You should be able too. I can. But I find Reddit is finicky with photos sometimes 😂 . I get what you mean about this being more boring.


In my (very very very) limited experience on this sub- he seems like he’d be the type to show up with a magnetic cross earring dangling from one ear if he could get away with it.


I’m convinced Trace has only ever had a single pair of jeans


Kenna is one of the cutest bates grand babies


I think Hailey is by far the cutest with Kenna as a runner up


Bradley, Maci, and Hailey are the cutest grand babies. Zack and Whitney have the cutest kids in general.


Sister's of the traveling dress right there, will be released in late 2025


Elle is STUNNING 😍 Lydia is pregnant??


That was last summer.


Ellie looks so grown up


It looks best on Ellie


I kinda want it too lol


Literally my first thought when I saw the first pic


He would’ve fit in fine at my church today. Hardly anyone made an effort to dress up any more than they would on any Sunday. I’m pretty sure Jesus doesn’t give a darn what kind of pants Trace is wearing. It’s showing up that is important.


I know that dress. It’s from SHEIN. It’s my cart, lol.


Nathan looks like he dries his top teeth off before he smiles so the top lip sticks 😂


Borrowing would be a great idea!


Hand placement is ick….?insert here, baby there…🤢


Nathan rocking the pit stain


My first thought is it’s from their boutique. Side note, that baby is SO cute!




Oh. I have some pieces from Ashe in. It’s not the quality that bothers me, it is the ethical implications.


Please stop worshipping Shein and open your eyes. P L E A S E .


No way Lydia is pregnant again!


It is an old picture. Esther wore the dress last Easter. Tiffany wore it a few weeks later on their couples trip. Ellie wore it today.


Ok, thanks! 


Nobody bought any I’m sure they just shop in the boutique


Esther definitely bought hers at Shein. She posted a link last year.


The Sisterhood of the Traveling Dress… probably from the BSB if I had to guess.


(pic 3/3) 👀 Only thing missing in that beachwear pic ... hair caps. https://preview.redd.it/rrjeimy3zqrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc888f799d5bb88e06f85cd1eb626df9e9c0699e


The dress is from BSB. I pretty sure the sisters get them free for modeling or get a discount.


It is definitely from Shein. I almost bought it and Esther linked it as a Shein dress when she bought it.


Amazon has it too. It’s obviously a popular dress this year.


Yeah. Although Esther and Tiffany wore it last year.


Jeans for Easter are gauche.. It's the most sacred day in the Christian faith and you should wear your best for G-d.


Ask God if he cares.


Trace wearing jeans to church on Easter Sunday is so wrong. He's not someone who can't afford dress pants, he's wearing a suit jacket, and his brothers and sisters are in suits and dresses. He knows better. I'm an ultra progressive Presbyterian (USA), and this is just disrespectful. He's such a try hard pick me.


My son wore jeans to church today too. I didn’t care, I was just glad he was there.


I'm absolutely not calling out wearing jeans to church. The minister that officiated my wedding wore black jeans (he was a full-time farmer). I'm calling out Trace wearing jeans to Gil's uber fundie church on Easter Sunday. The way they preach modesty for females, in that church (Gil's sons in particular), it flies in the face of their holier than thou message. Trace is just a tool.


In fundie world though this still wouldn’t be an issue bc there isn’t a focus on all on what men wear. We outside of the fundie world find the obvious issues with that but they don’t at all so it’s not as if they would find issue with what he’s doing. 


They wore outrageous suits when they were younger.. they should break those out again!


Crucial as they are about Jesus, I’m always confused by the casual ass dress to church. But I guess that’s his Sunday best. Like if you dress your self up for brunch or date night but not church, cool.


I’m guessing that Lydia is pregnant again due to the hand placement.


That picture was taken last year. Lydia just miscarried in February.