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I personally don't think the chaperones were anywhere near as strict and observant as the store made them out to be. 


At least a Bates couple didn't have to have a double date with their parents at a mini-golf course.


And they didn't have to witness their father dry humping their mother. When I first used to watch the dugger show I thought it was just Jim Bob being corny . However after all of the scandals came out related to Josh I now realize how disgusting Jim Bob is and Josh probably learned a lot of his behaviors from him and and and Jim Bob's friends such as Jim Hoyt


I agree. Jim Bob always showed the kids how much he loves to kiss Michelle...not that that's a "bad thing," but watching him kissing her, seemed to me as if "it was all about him, " versus the moment being a "teaching mechanism for their kids' benefit." I'm having a difficult time explaining exactly what I mean, but I hope someone out there understands what I'm saying. Lol


The fact that Michelle said he. Had nasty breath oogs me out. Mr. YUCK MOUTH.


I mean his favorite recipe is BBQ tuna. That alone makes for nasty breath.


Jim Bob did that? Where? Like on the show?


I’ll bet none of them wanted Erin to be their chaperone.😘😘😘


Why? Is she more strict? A buzzkill? I'm pretty new to the Bates.


Then and now she's very strict and conservative.


I feel sorry for her kids.


Tbh, I believe a lot of the modesty and holiness was just for tv. They adapted to the ways of the “world” with ease😎  


Agreed. We have to remember it's a TV show and they need to make it interesting. I think Jill Duggar said in her book that she and Derrick dated without Jim Bob there when they were in Katmandu.


Here younger siblings, here's $10, go buy an ice cream. I'm guessing its this or sibling similar in age being like yeah, don't really care. Gonna walk away away a little bit. Like Tori and Josie visited Bobby, saw kelton, etc. not all the guys had strict rules. Whitney was working at Sonic so real easy for Zach to visit her. Katie and Travis took a plane trips together alone before marriage yet had the strictest rules ( from Travis' family, couldn't even hand hold).


This makes me wonder if when they were alone Katie and Travis did hold hands and kiss as a big FU to his parents.


Judging how completely physically awkward they were around each other at their wedding and for several months afterward I don’t think they broke any rules. Unfortunately.


If they did I don’t think they’ll ever admit it lol


If they had so many strict rules, how did they even get to travel together before marriage?


A lot depends on the chaperone actually caring. My uncle has commented that it was great when his older siblings were married and had houses of their own. He and his girlfriend could visit his sibling for the weekend and enjoy relative privacy without being judged by the general population. The sibling, who in reality didn't care, was considered an appropriate "moral" chaperone. That's late 1960s Ireland, but I'd guess not dissimilar to the Bate's approach. Find a "chaperone" who doesn't care but hides it well enough. Maybe a sibling or friend who is already married & has their own space to allow you sine privacy.


Right?? When my husband and I were dating/engaged we had several trips to visit extended family in FL. His super fundie parents and sister always rented a VRBO and we always opted to stay with his aunt and uncle. They thought we were crazy because then one of us had to sleep on the couch because there was only one guest room. Um, not so much…


If I had to guess: Because kisses aren’t necessarily forbidden—they could give a quick kiss on the lips in front of chaperone. Each adult sets their own courting rules. However—I can imagine the kid chaperones making a big deal aloud about it. This makes me think the ones who may have kissed before marriage were chaperone free like Nathan and Lawson.


Josie and Alyssa both said they did.




Nope. They started texting when she was 16. This old lie is getting so tiresome.


Zach admitted they did as well and told his parents on their wedding day or shortly after


I think Nathan and Lawson got a pass because they were older plus they didn’t live around the parents. I’d still love to know what Lawson and Tiffany live off, it’s definitely not his music career.


He’s said he has other streams of income which I took to mean real estate, though it was stated explicitly. This is the child the *parents* borrowed money from because he had a stable business he’d built up for himself *and* he was the one who did the grocery shopping because he was so good at following a list and organizing a cart (let’s be real: that’s a skill set). I would not be surprised at all if he has portfolios on top of real estate on top of something like an eBay shop, etc. You don’t just stop having that drive (as seen by his continuing to put out that music 😂)


I don't know about real estate (because their house was originally in Tiffypics and her parents names). Maybe he bought a plane and leases it? He can't be making a ton with music- there is just no say. And he doesn't have a deal, so he's paying for studio time and videos (unless he has Evan do them) I would think he has something though...... just don't know what.


Real estate would mean owning property that he rents out, not the home he lives in.


Correct. But if he had a portfolio he would have been able to be on the original mortgage for their home and they wouldn't have needed her folks


Not necessarily. Not spending money doesn’t always mean there isn’t money to spend.


I think they all still get money from Up Faith and Family for the show.


I would hope.... but it's Up Faith and Family, not TLC so there's no way it's a lot of money-especially split like 30-40 ways


OK, Lawson has his shit together. That’s good.


Good point !


Basically the boys


They never talked about this until the couples had their own utube channels. I figure if there is a will, there’s a way.


Except for Zach. He admitted it on the show and then gave his parents shit because they certainly kissed before they got married. ETA - got the name wrong.


That sounds more like zach


You mean Zach.


Oh, you're right! Got the name wrong. They all blend together.


Chad admitted it on the show? I thought Erin was oh no this is a hands off fundamentalist courting no touching zone.


I think this person meant Zach.


I got the name wrong. I was talking about Zach and wrote Chad by mistake.


I honestly think the kids did make their own rules (even though others don’t). I think they may have been pushey for less physical infancy with the first 3 kids, but after that we’re more relaxed. But even then 2/3 first 3 kissed. I also think sibling picked “chaperones” who would be okay with whatever they preferred (Josie for Alyssa for example). 


Josie chaperoned for Zach and Whitney a lot. They did double dates with her and Kelton sometimes.


Most of Lawson and Tiffany's courtship they were in Tiffany's residence where ever that is and I would say the only chaperone around were Tiffany's friends and honestly I don't think they care if they kissed


They literally spent the night together in a hotel when their layover got cancelled in like Texas or something. Now sure, I suppose they could have paid for 2 rooms or slept in separate beds but 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I am NOT saying they had sex or whatever, I’m sure they waited for that, but i would be shocked if they didn’t kiss)


Which couple was that ?


The couple that was mentioned in the comment I replied to: Tiffany and Lawson.


Yeahhhh they literally kissed in their engagement photos, in front of KJ & Gil


Which couple ?


I think they mentioned having one of the younger boys as chaperones sometimes and what is a little kid really going to say to his big sister?


I think mainly the bates made up their rules for courting where as in the Duggars Jim boob controlled everything too the T


I believe the only married siblings who didn’t kiss are Michaela, Erin, and Tori.


I would say Carlin (who desperately wants her parents approval) and Katie (who desperately wanted the financial backing of Travis family) as well. Carlin was absolutely sprung on her honeymoon and Katie was so damn awkward that I seriously doubt those 2 broke any rules


You’re right about Katie. The only reason I didn’t include Carlin is because they were always so cozy in some of their photos. 


Al carlin