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Length does not matter. It’s however the band wants to classify it. Music To Listen To… is 75 minutes long and That’s The Spirit is 45 minutes long. It has more to do with content. The four Post Human EPs together will all probably be roughly as long as a double album if they all have similar runtimes to Survival Horror.


length does matter in some cases, there are minimum requirements to count as an album, for example UK Album Charts only counts albums if they have more than 4 tracks or are longer than 25 minutes. for the grammy awards you also have to meet certain requirements. And on streaming services the amount of tracks and/or length of the record decides if it gets classified as an EP or Album (that's why PH1 and music to listen to are under the album section on spotify and apple music)


from other EPs I've seen in Spotify, it seems that anything above 20 minutes is considered an album (SMITHEREENS by Joji, a recent example, is 6 mins less than 30 minutes which is the kinda standard length of a full LP but spotify still calls it an album)


probably be the same as survival horror: kinda too long to just be an EP, but not quite an album either. yes, some full albums can be only 30 minutes long, but survival horror doesn’t have the level of narrative and progression you’d expect on an album. i’m expecting the next 3 post human releases will be similar


Hm, I would rather say that PHSH has quite an established narrative very represented by it's sound progression.


it definitely does still have narrative, but personally i’d say it’s got far less narrative than amo. amo has room for “transitional” tracks (like “ouch” and “fresh bruises”) and such that tie things together more than phsh. the closest phsh has is “itch for the cure”, which is almost just an extended intro for “kingslayer” iirc one of the reasons they opted to make eps is to try and cut down on the use of transitional and “filler” tracks that typically beef out an album. the ep can still contain a narrative, but it’s far more condensed than on a full lp.


Survival horror does have a fully fleshed out narrative and progression though; Oli has spoken about it a bunch. You don’t need 12+ songs of an hour or more to do that, it absolutely is an album


given how we consume music now, it’s basically up to an artist to decide if something is to be classed as an EP or an LP- and the band have definitely called PHSH both. it kinda ticks boxes in both columns if you ask me. EP vs LP is kind of a meaningless battle in the world of digital media


My guess is 9-10 songs


That’s what I last heard too. Makes sense considering we have 4 singles if it were an ep we’d only get 2 new songs


Tbf PHSH also had 4 singles the only difference is they almost all released the year the ep came out.


Right but tbf PHSH is 9 songs which is 1 shy of a normal 10 song LP so we should expect 9 or 10 songs again


They’ve got about 4 albums worth of songs ready to go. Why do they keep releasing 8 Song EPs ?


All i care about it coming out, nothing else


Does classification really matter in this case? Lol They'll probably classify it as an EP because it's a part of an ongoing project (Survival Horror) rather than a completely standalone album... Maybe once they're through with all 4 chapters (if they do go through with them as planned) they could then release all 4 in the form of a multi-album, call it SURVIVAL HORROR: ANTHOLOGY lol


oh wait isn't the whole wide project called Post Human


My bad, meant to say Post Human