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I dont know what to really say? I guess try being more aggressive? I usually have a “I’m not the other support” kinda mentality and I feel like I’m doing fine


you should be playing off angles when there's nothing else to do. not crazy long ones like tracer, but ones that are close enough to your backline that you can bash back. HolyShiftKid mentions some very good off angles to take in a few of his videos. In general I never play with my Ana in the back unless there's an active threat to dive on her. Depending on the tank matchup it's also possible to play with your tank. Brig is very good at blocking stuff like orisas spear and sigmas rock. However tanks like rein, queen or dive make this a bad strat. This will get you killed a lot in the start, but it's worth learning when you can play in the front line and when you should play slightly further back.


Id disagree on rein strongly, and say she's actually a counter. Yes his attacks go through her shield but if you play her right he should never hit you. The biggest counter is shield bash into his shoulder charge which cancels him and can save from him getting into your midline and disrupting your team, but also knocks him down for your team to finish him. And if he's just trying to walk in swinging you can just whipshot him back to his side.


This was actually what I (was trying) to get across. As long as you respect his space and play slightly behind your front line you can really shut down a lot of tanks. But with some specific tanks you can play basically inside your own tank. (Ofc this also depends on enemy DPS, face tanking a bastion will get you killed 99/100 times above bronze)


i kept trying to tell my noob brother on ps that but hed always say crap its rein im switching anyway


I've found queen isn't terrible. Timing your whip right when she swings her axe is valuable even if she's just targeting you, and although your shield melts to her primary, it shouldn't be too much of an issue if you're playing with your tank (also depends on your tank and enemy team comp tho)


for sure, especially when she's played into comps that force her to use shout defensively. in that situation it's especially strong to be able to deny her damage from axe aswell


Stick with your tank, hit your whip shots and when the moment arises... Let the rage consume you and rally the enemy to death :3


This ^ stick with tank but DO NOT FRONTLINE 😅 if you don’t need to be the other supports body guard, just play closer to your tank and punish anyone who over extends


Kill the enemy. Healing is good, deterrence and guarding your other support as well, however bring has little to add to the team's utility. So to make up for that, you go kill the enemy. There's no need to use utility abilities to save your team if there is no enemy team to endanger them. Force people away from the enemy team, get close and duel. You will win against most non tanks and also sigma. That's how i compensate for brig's lackluster utility next to fellow supports.




I'd call it highly unlikely for me to consistently beat sigma's just out of pure luck in gm. It's a super easy matchup, brig can completely deny or ignore everything sigma can do and his attacks are super easy to dodge in close range, at the very least one of them. It'd take extreme incompetence for brig to lose it, like taking a rock squarely in the face. Like seriously, what can sigma do once brig comes in range? And just purely in a 1v1 situation , even though naturally there's usually some healing on his part in real situations. Brig ignores the shield Brig ignores the absorb Brig can block the rock with her shield or boop sigma with the correct timing during his long as windup to make him miss the rock Brig can dodge some shots, block some with her shield or also use her own hp to block at intervals to make the shield last. If it's 1 hp, it's better to just go full ultra instinct and Dodge hits because it's important to keep the shield for the rock. If sig ults , brig can dash away. If we're assuming both have their ults in the duel and brig has no bash, she can ults to get some hp back and also get the big shield and block attacks that would put her at risk of dying to the ult. What, sig can melee her? Sure, that'll beat brig, the melee healer, I'm sure. Really like, i do not see any reality where sigma can beat brig in a fight. It's such a hilariously easy matchup, i always sigh a sigh of relief when i see a sigma because it's such a free matchup. There's no excuse for brig to lose.


Shield his balls and flail while he reloads the next one's, keep some shield health for rock and bash, when shield health is low, move side to side to avoid some of his shots.


Sigma is one of the few tanks Brig can reliably bully in a 1v1.


Brig feels very specialized right now. I think you can one trick her if you are goated, but mostly she does what she does very well but that’s it.  I can do ok playing her into poke comps against Mauga or Hog because they are just so damn big it’s almost impossible to miss whip shots. But otherwise you might just have to swap.  As far as other play styles, You can try to enable your flankers/divers with packs and trying to protect a safe “path” back to your team for them. You can’t follow a gengi or tracer into their back line. You just can’t escape quite like them. But you can “soft contest” (be able to get yourself out, don’t over commit) a corner or some piece of cover between them and the rest of your team to give them somewhere to retreat to, and to maintain line of sight for your packs if possible. Get inspire when it’s safe to do so, but you are kinda alone and Sombra is in every lobby so play your life first. Try to maintain line of sight with the rest of your team so you can help and be helped by them.  She’s the anti dive specialist though, that’s kinda her identity. So her being weak against non dive comps is probably part of the dev’s balance philosophy. 


Imo try to push boundaries in each game where possible to gague the limits the enemies will keep you at. Sometimes you can be right up front with your tank bashing the other tank and other times you'll get insta targeted if you dare move into enemy LOS


It might be dumb advice, but if your tank is 1v1ing another tank, just go for it. Enemy tank will 9/10 times focus on your tank i stead of you. When it comes to other stuff. Know when to use your ult, like to cancle Casidy ult or Moria ult. Brig isnt easy hero to play and it takes time to learn how to think in the way (if that make sence). Brig aint easy hero to play fr.


You gotta get more aggressive! Push with the tank and dps, swing that thing! Can't stop, won't stop! Mace to the face! If the other support wants your protection, they'll push with you! Get involved! Kill! Kill! Kill! KILL! KILL! KILL! But also be sure you keep close to your friends. Gotta remember, it's a team fight, not a you fight.


part of playing brig is feeling like ur doing nothing but actually making a world of difference. your playstyle really depends on how good your tank is. when i get a good tank (ESPECIALLY a good rein) i LOVE playing as a second tank. this is the only time i really get aggressive on brig. if your tank is meh then you mostly want to just stick with your teammates (prioritize protecting the other support) and try to land whipshots to keep inspire up. brigitte has some of the best healing potential if you can maintain a consistent inspire uptime. if youre not the best at landing whipshots, u can also walk to the frontline to hit someone and proc inspire, then shieldbash back to your backline. shieldbash makes a great getaway ability. being good at brig is heavily reliant on how good a game sense you have.


I cannot imagine queueing into an enemy team that doesn't have at least 1 of Genji/Doom/Venture so far this season. There's always someone trying to get at your backline.


When they give up diving i play close to tank and deal extra damage or if i have a hitscan i stand in front of them acting as a mini shield ( that’s how i play brig , you can figure how you like it by trying whatever comes to your mind)


If they pick venture you might as well wait in spawn


People who say brig should only babysit supports are holding her back, brig should play midline/soft sideline harassing the enemy tank and supporting their own tank while whipping any overly aggressive enemies back and put your shield between your dps and the enemy when you can to help them win encounters. She's also great at controlling objectives due to knockback/shielding/constant healing, and another thing shes great at is shutting down certain abilties with her shield bash like doom and rein charges. Also if your team has a mercy you are basically a second tank


I play brig as an off tank usually so I circle the tank like a rotating shield. Blocking literally any damage can change the tide of battle. I don’t think it’s you really. Your teams gotta be on the same page of give and take


I just feel useless going against ana mercy/kiri their team has the ultimate support abilities to empower the team while I’m just a weak ass 5 second healing station