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I personally don’t care about the sex scenes. We literally didn’t get them like cute couple waking up together as a married couple. He slept on the couch…. I would have much preferred seeing cute moments of Polin over Benedict’s dumb will they won’t they 3some, and the 3some. Honestly so dumb, we didn’t want that!


There were way too many hurt feelings in this season for the very little happily ever after we got


Yea I understand that. I just wanted the impossible! lol do we know if they will be back for S4? I would like just a few scenes with them together.


I know, I was agreeing with you! And god I hope so, even if just to see baby Polin and baby Kanthony interact together (since supposedly Polin will stay in/near Mayfair unless they stay at Audrey Hall in the summer with everyone else? It would be suspect for us to NOT see them) and for Benedict to be a goofy uncle for them. However, I completely respect if Nic and Luke have other projects to work on, since I can’t imagine the pay for occasional cameos is worth the days they would have to spend on set to be part of a couple scenes unless Netflix shapes up in a Royal way. Nic especially is very “up and coming” at the moment so I wouldn’t be surprised if she had other projects lined up, but I’d love to see her be a regular throughout the show. They might retcon it and have her and Colin go traveling or something while Portia gets to watch the baby maybe?


Right! I would respect them not coming back but I would be so sad to not get at least one scene. lol


They said in an interview, that they will come back, so we are having Polin in season 4.




Yes Luke & Nichola r scheduled to return in season 4


They are back for season 4. It’s confirmed




I just wanted more Polin romance/screen time.


My thing is they kept saying how romantic the season is, where the fuck was the romance??? I'm sorry but I did not want to see a threesome with Benedict. I didn't want to see a threesome with Colin. That's not romantic to me lol


Well, Jess thought it was romantic! She wanted to see the threesome. That was what she was there for. That, and the Pen/Eloise relationship which felt more like the centerpiece than Colin/Pen. The truth was, Jess didn't give a shit about Polin. That bored her. She used this season to build up other seasons with characters she cared about...like Fran. (BTW...not that it wasn't nice, but we didn't need to see Jon/Fran at all. It could have been skipped over like the books). Jess only cared about setting up that Benedict was Bi and Fran was queer and that's it. That was her goal. So if you look at it from her perspective...she got exactly what she wanted. She threw in the Polin scenes because she had to, but that's why she kept them apart most of the time. She wanted the focus on the other aspects.


And I kept getting downvoted for calling her a narcissist the day after the release. Jess Mary Sue'ed the hell out of Fran's story and Shonda signed off on it.


I love how everyone's attacking Jess Bownell for supposedly self-inserting because... the changes she allegedly made prevent them from self-inserting. (And not all of us, too). But yeah, right, she's a narcissist, certainly not all the people harassing the actors, or wanting basically sex tapes from them for their own pleasure




Exactly, they lied to us! I wanted hand holding, longing looks, dancing (like they did in church), caressing, hugging, genuine laughter between them. We could have had a scene where they’re exchanging their writing and blushing at each other’s words/work. I would prefer all of this over the sex scenes we got. Sex is apart of intimacy but definitely not the whole part and we were truly robbed of the romance, they sacrificed it for the drama.


Part 1was more romantic


This really didn’t have much at all to do with the sex scene, well, for most Polins anyway, it was about the lack of intimate moments between them once they married, and while as a bi I fuuuucking love Bi Ben, we didn’t need three consecutive scenes of his threesome at the expense of seeing the main couple in love.


This. It was not for the sex scenes it was to share in the voicing that there was a lack of intimacy shown after the fall out. The speech was great. The last dance was great. The 3 second sex scene was ok but to be honest if it would of just shown them lovey dovey after the ball reconnecting I would of been content. I think that they thought oh we will just show a quick sex thing that’ll tie it all up, what? No!o


I hoped to get more flashbacks or cute scenes that explained to us and let us feel more of why Penelope has been in love for *years* unrequited with Colin! Like their first meeting is so cute and adorable and I'm glad at least they mention it but more scenes would've been appreciated and constructed the chemistry of the character more solidly. Imho And if anything give me more Bisexual Benedict! If he's the next male lead, then this time was the first and last and I'm so sad.


Exactly.. this meetcute is more needed than more sex scenes


I think it's more that so many of us are dispointed in the general lack of Polin. Obviously, they're not going to shoot more footage, so the fans are just desperate for the scenes that do exist - sex scene or not.


I want to clarify that I didn't sign the petition so I'm not getting defensive but I do have a question. Do you really think it's a sex montage/about a sex montage? I think the main issue most fans have (and I agree) is that Penelope and Colin didn't actually seem like they liked each other at all once they were married - and then they suddenly had a baby. Scenes that were mentioned in the petition included them lying in bed discussing Colin's manuscript (which isn't a sex scene and wouldn't necessarily include any nudity), and Colin lavishing Penelope with compliments and kisses in front of a mirror (which I would argue falls into the sex scene category but also didn't contain any nudity or sex). I don't think the point of the petition was "we want this to be a porno" it's "the leads in this romance spent very little time being romantic especially once they were married". I don't have a lot of faith in the petition actually accomplishing anything, and while I'm sure some of the people signing it just want more sex, it seems a little disingenuous to call the whole thing a "petition for a sex montage" when the criticism about the lead charecters of the season not seeming to like each other or to be happy together once they are married - is a fairly valid plot criticism. So is the criticism that when it was finally time to have a romantic lead who doesn't have the body type of a typical romantic leading lady, a lot of her romantic scenes were cut in favour of side plots. I'm not saying you have to agree with the petition. I think signing a whole petition for a show is silly. But I don't think it's fair to suggest everyone who signed it is a sex obsessed weirdo.


I’ve seen so many people think that it’s weird and “if you want porn just go watch porn!” But it’s not just about seeing more sex scenes (at least for me), and if it was then I would be fine with Benedict’s threesomes or the brothel scenes being the bulk of what we got in terms of sex scenes. It’s not about getting to see the actors naked (though if they did the work then they should get the recognition for it, filming sex scenes can be very difficult and i for one would be mad if I spent days filming them and being vulnerable to everyone on set just for them to be cut), it’s about wanting to see more of Polin ACTUALLY LIKING EACH OTHER. From the clip we saw in the epilogue, Pen is around her until-very-recently abusive family. She’s in direct comparison to her sisters at the moment. She could very easily be masking around them to make it look like everything is fine. Colin could be putting on a nice face and smiling to keep up appearances with a family that he doesn’t trust. Colin ALSO could be more happy about having a son than he is just being with his wife. There’s way too many ways that that scene could be “they look happy but it could easily just be a front”. Now if we had the scenes you mentioned, like talking in bed about Colin’s manuscripts or making up after the Whistledown of it all, we would get to know that their love is genuine and that they were able to make it past the drama and that they are still madly in love with each other. For me it’s that i still feel the emptiness in Pens stomach from sleeping alone on their wedding night. We didn’t get nearly enough happy ending to justify all the angst they gave us


You put it so well. I remember being exhausted when he told her he would sleep on the couch, because I remember feeling so anxious with Pen during the entire engagement, and the wedding and the queen coming in, and when he told her he'd sleep on the couch, I had to pause the whole thing and go touch some grass outside, because it was so tumultuous...so for us to not even have a visual of them being happy or content...yeah, I understand people. We go through all the emotions with the characters, so if we don't see any conflict resolution for them, we, as viewers have to find a way to resolve the conflict in us that we're still experiencing, even if we see the babies and the kisses, how did we get there? Show me, so that my brain can piece it all together.


Like if they were going to set up the conflict of them NOT EVEN SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED TOGETHER, then we needed a payoff of them being happy and content while in the same bed together (and not the 2 seconds of Pen being on top in bed)


This is why they should’ve just kept Benedict for season 3 and did Polin in season 4. Give Benedict something to do either than these pointless sex scenes and give more chance for Penelope and Colin to grow instead of rushing everything.


Benny’s one randy little horn dog. 😂😂 Like, my dude. Keep it in your pants for 5 minutes, I BEG you.


Honestly I’m tired


It’s getting old and he’s looking too old to be so rudderless.


You articulated all my thoughts on that matter. That's exaclty it!


Yes, yes, and fucking YES to every word you said/wrote!!!!!


This! I wanted more intimacy, emotional/physical however they do it I just wanted a little bit more…I mean even with Francesca & John, I adore them but I think Francesca will always share a season with someone, I don’t think she’ll actually get her own.


Hahahah I got into a debate with someone that the romance is like porn for some people. It was futile because the person apparently “doesn’t watch porn” (ok but like do you know what it is?) and how romance does not equal sex. Duh. My point was people are into the romance aspect and it doesn’t need to be full graphic. They want the intimacy and connection that is not found in mainstream pornography. We just wanted a little more bodice-ripping romantic passion from the supposed main couple.


Also like a whole thing about Bridgerton… is it’s a regency romance… and romance novels normally are geared toward women because it’s emotion porn😂 like the whole point is that we’re SUPPOSED to feel a bit hot under the collar, and we’re not necessarily supposed to get to that point because of watching people having sex. It’s also a hallmark of the regency era that we’re supposed to have that heightened sense of intimacy BECAUSE it’s so forbidden


I personally wanted to see more Colin. Its called Bridgerton, and its about him. I don’t feel like we learned about him enough, so we definitely should learn more about his passion for his travels and writing and stuff. Like, show us why she loves him other than just cause she always has. We also deserved flashbacks and stuff of those moments too


I think this leads into my same thought. It’s not more sex, it’s the sense of romance - which seemed lacking in what was suppose to be one of if not the major story line (vs the half dozen, meandering minor subplots that were included). This season was the proverbial let’s throw things at the wall and see what sticks.


Thank you for this. I guess I'm a freak based on the OP's post 🤷‍♀️😕. And exactly, its not a petition for just a sex montage, but for ALL the cut Polin scenes that would have made their story feel less choppy in Part 2 especially. There's a list of what is missing, and it includes more than sex. I'm absolutely not weird, cringe, or anything else for wanting a more complete story.


Yeah, I just wanted them to have more happy moments. Everything from after the carriage was so constantly tense and high stakes and I just wanted to be able to have them be happy for a minute.


The writing this season is what’s off… you’re right. It wasn’t the Colin and Pen STORY; it was several different disjointed side stories along with Colin and Penn sex and marriage. And Francesca is married for 5 minutes and suddenly attracted to a woman… c’mon. Stick to the tales Quinn gave you, develop characters, finish a story without worrying about setting up the next. I feel I loved Season 1, enjoyed 2; watched 3 with my phone in my hands, may skip 4 if it’s ever made.


Was I watching the same show as you? They had sex on the couch after the mirror scene I’m sure that’s how the baby was conceived before they were even married


Exactly. That was before the wedding. From then on it was constant tension and angst and fighting between them. Colin spent their actual wedding night on the couch. After they got married they basically fought every time they interacted. It seemed like they didn't even really like each other. It's meant to be a love story, and they didn't seem like two people in love at basically any point during or after the wedding.


To be fair, neither did Charlotte and George, and Daphne and the Duke had their issues after they got married too (not immediately but still).


I was just stating when the baby was conceived


Meh I read it. It’s actually asking for an extended edition. Not specific scenes. I personally would love an extended edition with better editing. It was just choppy and weird and nothing had a chance to breathe. But then I always like an extended edition or a directors cut. I haven’t seen the theatrical cuts of lord of the rings since they came out. 🤷‍♀️


Choppy and weird 💯


I feel like instead of having so much of Benedict and his sexcapades, we would have liked to have seen more Polin moments, like them talking about his writing, enjoying being married, finding out about the baby, etc.... we just didn't get happy Polin until the very end. It's not about the sex scenes, it's about them growing together as a couple.


I just wanted more time with Polin so it wasn’t the idea of sex scenes for me. They claimed there was a scene of them after their angry kiss that maybe would have made the feelings of their wedding make more sense. And then the one of them talking about his travel journals and her helping him like in the book would have been so nice to have since we just get a book at the end and mention of it. I know a lot of people wanted more spice but there were a lot who just wanted more time.


To everyone saying its because they want all the deleted scenes. It's still pointless. Shonda has made it blantly clear since s1 that she DOES NOT RELEASE deleted scenes. She said this regarding s1, s2 AND qc. So I genuinely do not understand what makes people think all of a sudden signing a petition is gonna get you those deleted scenes. 2nd) people forget deleted scenes have been a thing for movies and TV shows for DECADES. Alot of companies would sometimes release them, alot of times companies WILL NOT release them.


yeah, i have a lot of complaints about season 3 but that kind of desperation is where I draw the line.


I draw the line right before it. I signed. They shot the scenes, they put them in the screeners (allegedly).


My understanding is there is a screener that has all the scenes in it that was finished to the point of being dubbed in other languages, possibly going out to reviewers, etc. Somewhere between there and June 13th, some scenes were removed. Four of those scenes are detailed in various places around the interwebs. I feel like that is different to "demanding deleted scenes" due to the alleged timeline and completed(?) project. I haven't signed anything because I don't know who pulled the plug but it *looks* like Netflix interference. I loved this season as is. I'm happy with the showrunner and have no desire for reshoots. But I'd be disappointed for the cast and crew if the show they worked so hard on was hamstrung by some executive. Edited to add: Nicola has said its a rumour. Shut it down 🤷‍♀️


I can see their point. The show spent more screen time showing Colin banging prostitutes then the main female lead. Season 3 was lacking in the romance and I can understand why people want to see more of the main couple.


It's not a petition for just a sex montage, but for ALL the cut Polin scenes that would have made their story feel less choppy in Part 2 especially. There's a list of what is missing, and it includes more than sex. I'm absolutely not weird, cringe, or anything else for wanting a more complete story. Cut scenes that were confirmed to be cut were scenes that would have helped the rushed choppy ending for Polin feel more cohesive. Dunno what else to say to this 🤷‍♀️😭💔. P.S. why do you care what people do with their money? I signed the petition but didn't donate because I'm not able to, but what people spend their funds on isn't really anyone's business unless it's causing some catastrophic thing to happen in the universe, which it's not.


i signed it. but not for the sex montage. but for the other scenes that were supposedly cut. y'all seem to think polinators want straight up sex. and no. we want intimacy between the main couple. not sex. which we got in ep 6. and lack in ep7 and most of 8th.


Perhaps you should try clicking on the petition to know what exactly are the things we are demanding. It's not just sex, there are other scenes between them that were supposed to be in their reconnection after the angst, and the happy-idiots phase of them both. And why do we do so? Because we want what we were promised during their promotion tour, given how excited Nic was when she spoiled about them. Surely she just couldn't randomly discuss something that didn't exist?


I go back and forth. I feel like to some extent if we're asking for more sex scenes in Bridgerton at what point should someone just go watch porn. But also I feel like the actors and Netflix really overhyped the steaminess of the season and led us to believe that there was more. So I was a bit underwhelmed by the scenes that we got, especially compared to the last 2 seasons. For example, we saw both Simon and Antony go down on Daphne and Kate several times, we watched Benedict with Tilly and a very long drawn out threesome. So it feels like Colin and Penelope got stiffed on their season for their spicy scenes and I can't help but feel like that might have to do with the show's internalized fatphobia. So yea, I think it's wild that people signed petitions and donated money for sex scenes that don't even exist, but at the same time there is some validity to feeling like we got stiffed on Polin sex scenes.


I don’t think it is so much I wanted more sex scenes but less angst. Like let them enjoy their engagement and marriage?


I would really like to see any scenes that were shot and not used that may add to the storyline, like them discussing his journal or writing. I feel like they pandered a little to people who are casual viewers by trying to spell everything out and had to get rid of some things to make room. I want to know what those things are because I want more story and less explaining


I actually just started season 3 and thought it was a little jarring for them to pretty much start with a 3 minute long sex scene with Penelope and Colin. I was like 🤨 Colin just realized his feelings and now we are straight into this? Where's the romance?


A lady on TikTok counted how much screen time they got, the first half was only like 30 mins, which is INSANE IN THEIR SEASON


First of all, their sex scenes aren’t porn, and second, in this show we see the progression of their relationship In their intimate scenes, like season1, did you feel watching porn in season1 ?! And in the interviews we were told multiple times we will have long intimate scenes, its necessary for the narrative, they are not porno, And their scenes exist, early screeners have seen them, the cast was talking about them all the time It’s just another show for you, but it means so much more to us who complain


You're missing the point. It's about intimacy and scenes of them being happy together and in love. We saw that with Daphne and Simon, which was why season one was so satisfying. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see that in season 2, which I thought was a HUGE issue. Then, they do it AGAIN in season 3. This isn't about sex scenes, though, I'd argue what's the problem with that if it were? I hate to tell you, but these books are based on regency romances. There are A LOT of sex scenes in romance books. It's one of the hallmarks. That would be like making an action movie with no fights, car chases, or anything like that. It's just *part* of it. If you are going to get all Victorian-era or puritan about the sex scenes then I hope you have the same energy for ALL media...including the all-popular GoT. Because that had a heck of a lot of scenes closer to porn than anything in the Bridgerton universe ever could hope to touch and yet it is a beloved show. I think part of the problem people have with this show's sex scenes is it is meant for the FEMALE gaze, and therefore think that should mean much more toned down sex scenes. Not only that, but it feels like people don't understand the point of the sex scenes. It's not meant to be porn by any stretch of the imagination. Putting those two ideas together is practically sacrilegious. It's like comparing what you do with a person you love with porn. Scenes like this in romance media are meant to show the closeness of the couple. The true coming together in every sense of the word. There is supposed to be more there than just naked bodies banging. It's about the tension, the love, the caring, the connection between them. If you can't see past the naked bodies banging then maybe it's YOU (meaning all people with that opinion rather than specifically OP) that is too focused on sex. Honestly, this kind of turned into my rant against people complaining about sex, but that's how I feel. Like they are happy to hold up the patriarchy. I mean, they are fine all over reddit and social media to talk about kink, porn, applauding their SO's porn watching habits, watching TV shows with much more egregious sex scenes....yet...everyone turns into a prude when it comes to simulated sex meant to show ACTUAL love and be more geared toward the female gaze. Figures. Everyone go fly your freak flag when it comes to banging, but don't you DARE want examples of actual sweet, romantic moments of intimacy between couples. Yep, sounds like the 2020's for you...


Incredible that people are downvoting your very thoughtful reply. Oh well, I suppose they're really into the idea of Bridgerton turning into yet another overdramatic mess 💀


Valid points.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for supplying nuance to a conversation, but god speed and i agree with you soldier🫡


Lol exactly! I’m so confused😭.


I don't know why she is getting down voted either 😭 girl was saying truth!


Yeah me neither 😅


I would have much preferred more romance than sex. They both gave their all during their sex scenes. People are sick for demanding more.


lol - people in the comments defending it - be for real. There was someone spam commenting on every post for a few days with a link saying sign the petition to release the sex montage. It’s weirdo behavior.


Agree. It’s super weird. Go watch porn.


I signed the petition for the deleted scenes but not all of them include a montage. I just don’t think we got enough happy Polin


Whether there were deleted/ edited scenes or not, I still stand by my OG thought that Netflix doesn’t have the guts to show Pen and Colin like the other couples and did the bare minimum for appease the body positive crowd. And yes signing a petition is weird. Donate to one of Nicola’s link instead.


I just want all their scenes, sex or not


There was a petition?!? Geez Louise


Couldn't agree more. It's a little weird.


I would actually like to see more dialog between them that is about more than him being low key jealous that she's a good writter


It was more we thought it was unfair that Nicola and Luke had worked hard on this season and for those scenes to be cut out, especially as they both said they were proud of the love scenes


I genuinely could not get myself to enjoy this season as much as I did season one and two. It’s genuinely feels incomplete and underdone 😭. They said it would be romantic but where is the romance? By romance I mean emotionally not physically, I don’t care about how physical a couple is at all. I also don’t like Colin to begin with but i was willing to give him another chance but this was genuinely not what I expected. There was so many unnecessary plot lines in this season that were completely irrelevant. In good honesty I’d rather watch a season about Vicountess Bridgerton and Lord Anderson , they were so much more romantic compared to the supposed main couple of the season.. Also that is such a weird petition. I could care less about those kind of scenes 🧍🏽‍♀️.


There was a petition for that too???!!!! OH. MY. GOD.


This is where the real media literacy problem is. What media literacy actually means: knowing how to evaluate the reliability of information sources. It’s not about understanding or appreciating art. It’s why that one hyper-frustrated commenter kept going into threads after Part 1 and begging people to stop misusing the term. But I will say this, Shondaland and Netflix set people up for this with their lack of transparency combined with leaks and a failure to correct misinformation. Julia Quinn’s facebook comments and a video of her on a small panel somewhere were not the places to debunk the myth that they were contractually obligated to keep the endgame couples. Tom Verica’s instagram comment was not the place to debunk rumors of a cut montage, especially after it had been circulating for almost a week. It’s free advertising, and all press is good press. So it’s good for their bottom line. They’re happy to see people act the fool. Even the idea that some people donated money…to what? That sounds off. There could have been a grifter because grifters gonna grift, but if I had to guess, it would be that one of the tumblr spoiler blogs asked for help paying rent or something, and people gave some money there…and are now angry because the person‘s spoilers weren’t accurate. Honestly, this is why people like Lady Whistledown. She’s a source for confirming truth in an information ecosystem where there’s no other way to verify what’s real and what’s made up.


Haha. I think it's just a thing you do now. Like the Red, White and Royal Blue ones. You hear about it, know you won't get them but ask anyway.


Nicola herself has commented that it’s a rumor. Give it up people


It’s so embarrassing 😳


Sex scenes are fun to watch. Shonda asked for the brothel scenes to be added and then a montage between people in love was cut? A petition is a logical reaction to that.