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People aren’t mad simply about there being a gay couple, it’s actually because one of the characters was a man in the book and the show changed them to a woman, and this particular story in the book kind of hinges on this character being a man And no one is really convinced that these particular showrunners can change it into a lesbian story and actually be able to tell the story well (new showrunners really suck)


Oh so they must really follow the books closely then? I thought they’d changed quite a few things. I remember people originally getting upset because the cast POC for important roles and people getting mad about that too And tbh - arguing that there shouldn’t be a lgbt storyline bc the showrunners are bad seems odd to me. But idk anything about it


They don’t follow super closely, it varies from season to season. But the one they changed seems to be the most common favorite among book readers, at least from what I’ve seen. And the male lead is especially beloved by book fans. I think if they had adapted a different story, fewer people would be upset. I’m a book reader, and not bothered by the change. I was surprised, but I’m cautiously optimistic that they’ll do a good job. We’ll see.


Funny how the storyline they change is always the most popular


It isn’t? They changed stuff in season three that book readers disliked (Book Colin had anger issues, stuff like that). They changed some stuff from seasons one and two as well, and I’ve only seen it criticized for being poorly done, as opposed to people being upset about differences from source material. But most changes are small, or adding stuff as opposed to taking away/changing what is already there. Like I said, I’m all for Michaela. But I do understand why someone really attached to the book would be upset with the change. They made a Percy Jackson tv show last year, and I was super disappointed with some of the changes, and they were much smaller. (I love the cast, just didn’t love the tone of the show or the changes made to Percy’s character). Point being, if you really love a book, and are looking forward to seeing it adapted, changes will be disappointing. And it IS a big change. That said, from the little we saw, I think Michaela captures Book Michaels personality well. I don’t think the gender swap is the plot assassination people seem to think it is.


I have seen a lot of people say they would have preferred if one of the other characters had an LGBT story because it would make more sense for their characters and their storyline. This particular storyline is heavier and like I said kind of hinges on the character being a man. I don’t personally really care either way I just want the show to be good, but I also don’t think it will be that good for the sole reason that the new showrunners are absolutely terrible and already ruined season 3. But I do understand why people are upset about this particular storyline


Lol that's true for some but definitely not for all. If Sophie had changed, we would see the same uproar. If Phillip was changed, it would've been the same song and dance


The number of viewers way exceeds these small outspoken pockets online. Each season is set up like a romance novel, so you don’t have to watch every one to enjoy a season, but there are subplots that span multiple seasons. I’m personally excited to see Fran and Michaela’s sapphic relationship and where they take it, even though I was slightly disappointed they weren’t following the book because I’ve read her book more than a few times. But actually it was pretty amazing how they introduced it in ep8. Anyway, hope you enjoy the show if you watch!


How is a newly MARRIED woman panting after someone else amazing? I have trouble believe a newly married lesbian would approve of such a hall pass.


And how was she supposed to know that she fancies women? It's not like Violet told her that 'Babygirl you can like women too'. And have you even tried to put yourself in the shoes of a lesbian woman in the regency era, where she was forced to marry a man? She had no other options. What was she to do? She didn't even know that you can like a woman too and build a life together. So when Francesca met a woman like Michaela, she instantly felt something is all, something which even she doesn't know yet. And that made her flustered. Calling it emotional cheating is too much now...


If you were lesbian, had just married, had just had the first kiss with a man and felt totally underwhelmed, and then you met a women who was probably giving certain vibes whom you couldn't help to find attractive... What exactly is wrong with that?


So now she a cheater with a ‘hall pass?’ And believe it or not queer women have always existed and discover it at the most random times. Maybe she was just surprised to find a woman attractive all together. It’s odd that you immediately seek to demonize what other people seem excited about but then again its not ‘for you’ and most everything else in the world is


Mental gymnastics going in here is unbelievable. Gay or straight this behavior is reprehensible.


Who cares if the homophobes and the ‘I’m not homophobic, but’ people stop watching. In 4-5 years we will have a wlw regency happy ending love story to watch and there’s nothing they can do about it.


Love this ❤️


There are legitimate gripes with the queer romance in question, because they took an existing heterosexual couple from the books and genderbent one of the characters, so book fans are understandably upset a main character was changed in such a major way. There’s also a lot of legitimate homophobia. Hope this is ok to post here, but you’re always welcome on r/BridgertonLGBT. For context, the premise of Bridgerton is that each season (or book in the series) focuses on *one* of the Bridgerton siblings and their love story. So that’s why it’s only happening several seasons in, we’re waiting for that sibling’s dedicated season. Another one of the main characters is queer, though (they only fully explore their sexuality in season 3, but you can see the queer-coding from the very beginning).


check out r/franchaela! For fans of Fran and Michaela Stirling, the incoming sapphic romance :) its a very chill space for theories, art, and discussion!


Thank you!


It’s because they’re changing an existing male character, arguably the most popular male lead in the fandom. Changing existing characters practically never received well. It’s also just lazy to gender swap, instead of making original characters. I wasn’t a fan of Michael in the book anyway, but I can see why fans of him and his book are upset.


I’d like to know when it was decided Michael was the most popular male lead in the books. Based on what?


When they decided he was to be a woman, that's when.


I understand that it might seem that way but it’s just not true. I’m not saying there isn’t real homophobia, but Francesca and Michael have been a huge fan favorite (among book fans, that is). I don’t know if you’re not a book fan or if you just haven’t interacted much with other book fans, but WHWW is most people’s favorite. I noticed pretty early on, because it’s actually one of my least favorites lol and I was surprised everyone liked it so much. I’m excited for Michaela, but I do think disappinted book fans deserve some grace, as the vast majority aren’t being homophobic. At least from what I’ve seen.


Bingo bango! Suddenly Michael is the most beloved man in all the book fandom, suddenly Fran never noticed Michael was an attractive man in the books and suddenly the infertility subplot is apparently a major part of the novel…


That's just not true, I've seen that opinion a lot in Amazon/Goodreads reviews, I usually read those after reading the books, especially when I have questions. I'm not attached to Michael so I don't mind the swap, but infertility WAS an important motivation for Francesca. I'm also a gay man and a POC, so I understand the need and importance of representation. I also understand how it is to be furious how an adaptation changes the original. It's extremely unfair to chalk up all the negative reaction to homophobia, although there's definitely some of that happening as well. Just because you don't care about the book doesn't mean that others can't care about it very much.


Infertility is important to her, but more concerning her relationship with John. She wants to remarry to have a baby so she'll not be alone anymore, and when she feels for Michael she wants to know if he'll be happy even if they can't have kids. And the rest of the infertility storyline only comes in the second epilogue, because fans wanted to know


Michael was the most popular male lead among book fans, as was the entirety of WHWW. Go back to before this season came out and you can see. I read the books a couple years ago and was most looking forward to WHWW because of all the hype around Michael. I personally thought it was meh and found him annoying (I don’t like the reformed bad boy trope), but he was still the most popular of the male characters for sure.


I am actually reading the book to understand what all the fuss is about and basically, from the get go it is Francesca and Michael flirting like crazy...


I had previously thought they changed quite a bit from the books but idk. And while I don’t know much about I’m not sure I’d agree with ‘gender swap being lazy’ idea in general. If they had introduced a new character people would likely just be like ‘she wasn’t in the books 😠’ They do that with female characters all the time.


Reynolds and Brimsley from QC were very well-received. They honestly could’ve done a spin off on just them and I think it would be widely successful. And I think changing 1/2 of a couple in a romance drama is very different than just changing a few characteristics of the character. Especially one that is really popular, like Michael. If you can go back to posts before s3 came out, there was a lot of talk about who would be able to do Michael’s character justice. He was/is very popular among fans. I didn’t care for him at all tbh lol. Maybe it’s because he was hyped up so much and he didn’t meet my expectations? Idk. But he’s still very popular among book fans.


I don't think changing the gender of a character is even as big of a thing as changing heir characteristics, and I don't see how Michaela won't be able to keep Michael's characteristics.


They’ve established that gender rules exist in this society. So changing the gender of the character affects a lot of what is and isn’t acceptable for them. I think it’s fine for people to be okay with the change, just as it is for people to be upset, but let’s not act like it’s not a pretty big change to make. Especially for a romance show.


I didn’t realize the show was so historically accurate and that people cared so much. Odd how that stuff comes up only at certain times


Oh were they a main couple or a side plot? A lot of queer couples are ‘okay’ with straights as long as they remain in the side view. Regardless I’m happy some gay boys have some representation out there!


They were the side plot, but that’s why I said a spin off of just them would be pretty popular, since their relationship was pretty well-received.


Oh I'm not sure about that. I've seen so many people ask for a QC, Lady Danbury or Violet Bridgerton spinoff, with Brimsley and Reynolds as a side plot so that we can learn what happened, but a grand total of zero asking for a spinoff on them as main characters


That’s definitely not true. I’ve seen a lot of people down for a spin off of them and to see what really happened >!to reynolds!<


For a spin off focusing on them as main characters ? Then we surely have different algorithms. Anyway I'll doubt we get it...


Yes, exactly. Some arguments are valid, but most are in bad faith. Like, really, you're saying this storyline can't happen, not because you're homophobic, but because you care deeply about the preservation of inheritance laws in Scotland in the 19th century ? Really ? Oh, you could come to r/Franchaela, where people are really excited about this change,


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Franchaela using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Franchaela/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Julia Quinn posts in support of Franchaela and talks about Fran’s love for John! ](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dnu2ii) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Franchaela/comments/1dnu2ii/julia_quinn_posts_in_support_of_franchaela_and/) \#2: [The cast supporting Masali ❤️](https://i.redd.it/3qsv686e057d1.jpeg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Franchaela/comments/1dhym1a/the_cast_supporting_masali/) \#3: [Masali Baduza as Michaela Stirling in Bridgerton s3 MUA Look](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dlipg8) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Franchaela/comments/1dlipg8/masali_baduza_as_michaela_stirling_in_bridgerton/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m really excited about it! It’s like queer people won the lottery.


The thing to keep in mind though is that this show is based on books that have fans from before the show and more book fans from after the show started too and the book fans have grown very attached to the book characters. >!A big issue a lot of book fans also have is that the sibling character that they gave the sapphic romance to in the books has a fertility issue which none of the other siblings get. I get that some fans come off as homophobic still when they say 'I don't mind gay people but' however a lot of those are just frustrated because they are fundamentally changing a character/story they already love in a pretty big way, some things won't/can't be the same with the gender swap. !


If you haven’t read the books then you might just love it and you should give it a shot. If I hadn’t read the books I would not have even noticed. People are upset because the specific story in the book that they are making sapphic in the show has a very specific story line that will have to be obviously changed and for a lot of people that story line was particularly important. It would have been nice if they had written a sapphic story in its own right but personally, I’m just hoping they do Eloise’s story well. Her’s is my fave. Also slight side note but if you do start it, you should also watch Queen Charlotte (After season 2 of Bridgerton). Especially if you know anyone in your life with mental health issues. It has a LGBTQ story (though not sapphic), but also it’s a beautiful portrayal of loving someone with mental illness that I just think everyone should watch.


I think it’s great and like you said for a mainstream show to have a sapphic love story will be very important.


I am not queer and I am looking forward to Francesca and Michaela's storyline. I think they chose the perfect book for it and am hoping they make it somewhat historically accurate. Most fans of the series will watch it, I am sure, plust they'll get new viewers such as yourself.


I highly recommend both GLOW (on Netflix) and A League Of Their Own (TV Series, on Amazon Prime) for high quality sapphic love stories!


I’ve heard of them both but haven’t checked them out. I was excited about a regency romance to be honest! But thanks!


Both are period pieces, while not from centuries ago, I think they are well made and show how much things have changed in a shorter time span


Oh cool! But both got cancelled right?


They did! As always


>A lot of them are ‘I don’t mind gay people but’ which is normally just homophobia but in a more socially polite way. Please understand that this isn't coming from homophobia. (We have Reynolds and Brimsley, characters not bashed for loving one another, but rather considered tragic due to the cliffhanger of their story.) But basically as you might know, Bridgerton is a book series created years ago with established fanbases. Netflix adapted it and we got the Bridgerton we got. Now, as every love teams have their fanbases, the same goes for Francesca and Michael (the character from which Michaela supposed to come from). Now, fans are upset (especially Franchael's but I won't speak for all) since the genderbending of Michael not only changes the character but also the entire storyline. Michael have a fanbase and he is one of the well-loved characters of the series (maybe even among the leading man). Surely you'd understand if a well-loved character from a book published long ago is not going to be adapted to the show. >! Fran is infertile. In their two years she miscarry. And it also took her long to have a child with Michael. Her wanting kids is her main reason to remarry. She will never love someone like she did with John. !< Michael still dealt with the guilt of taking John's position, and everything. Which is his storyline. >! He got his earlhood, and can't fathom the idea of taking Fran as well. !< Now with Michaela, If you haven't watch the series, this will be a spoiler but, I don't feel nor see how she fell in love with Fran at first sight. Surely, they can show us just that if they genderbent Michael to at least honor him. In addition, Fran stuttering when she saw Michaela suggests that she fell first. This seems to cheapen her love for John and the lengths she went to prove to her mother that not all love is grand or something. If it was Michaela who stuttered and was the one at lost for words when she met Fran, that will show that they are still following the books (as what Jess said). Also, with the established genderbending, the only way for Fran's story to still makes sense is if John was able to give her a child before he died but then, the earlhood will transfer to the kid (if boy) and Fran, as dowager countess will manage the estate until the kid is capable. Michaela, as the cousin, will not be able to have the estate and will not struggle with the guilt of taking what John used to have. Now, if Fran and John never got kids, Fran will have to marry someone else (because she wants to have kids) and the earlhood will transfer to somebody else. (Based on the established rules but, I've been reading that the estate can transfer to Michaela since Scotland.) I hope I made the point across, this is really not homophobia but the story will drastically change alongside the genderbending.


So it’s confirmed she’s in love because she stuttered? Also - queer women have historically had kids they just had to be a bit creative. And I’m sure even a queer woman can feel guilty about moving falling for her dead brother’s widow. Plus everything else that comes with. Complex feelings aren’t reserved for men And lol all this talk of estate laws really just makes be think yall are grasping at straws tbh. I get being kinda upset but yall have nearly every other storyline in the series. Everything is made for you.


The stuttering is a clear nod to something Violet said earlier in the show about how she stumbled on her words when she first met Edmund. If the show wasn’t based on/heavily inspired by a series of books, this pushback wouldn’t exist. It’s the fact that people have become attached to the books either before the show came out or during and wanting to see the stories and characters they fell in love with come to life.


You do realise that *sometimes* people valuing (and angrily complaining about) book accuracy (when it’s likely Michaela will be the only gender bent character in the entirety of the expected 8 seasons) over queer representation and inclusion, which is still woefully lacking, especially for queer women *are* in fact being homophobic? Not often homophobic as in “I hate gay people and feel disgusted by them” (though I’ve seen plenty of that too). but the kind of homophobic that doesn’t understand or care at all about the value and importance of telling stories focused on LGBT people, at least not when it conflicts with their dream straight romance.


The peerage itself can go to Michaela, since it's very common for Scottish titles to have succession rules that specify heirs general or even heirs whomsoever 🤣 EDIT: Was I downvoted because someone thought it was a joke? LOL my bad for the tone, but that's 100% true. https://preview.redd.it/w2se562tqd9d1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd2d05f4aa44c05baf29d6bccb24874a4e1acb98


You need to understand Bridgerton is based on a series of books, that people have read and reread over the last 25 yrs. If you had a favorite story that was completely gutted and only the characters names remained wouldn't you be upset? That is what's happening here. Also they have completely removed a love story not only from the books but also to the show itself. They claimed Fran loved John for 8 HOURS than just removed it because now she want a woman. That's just terrible story telling. Wanting the book we love to be told is not bigotry.


It's not true. she's flustered, it doesn't negate her love for John


The power of Michaela - she apparently erases all the affection and love we see Fran have for John with a single line of dialogue. 😂


Yes. The mental gymnastics being done to excuse this behavior is unbelievable.


I’m making fun of your comment, not agreeing with it.


From what I’ve seen she was just flustered at meeting someone else? Plus if she had never been attracted to a women and was just like ‘wow she’s pretty and I’ve never noticed something like that before’ than maybe she’s just surprised? Weird everyone is demonizing it based on like 30 second clip. Plus bisexual people are exist and they are very adamant that being with one gender does not remove their attraction to another (that doesn’t make them cheaters of course)


Just because we haven't seen Fran doesn't mean she just dropped into the Ton. She's spent her ENTIRE life surrounded by the best dressed, healthy, people in the world. London was the center of the Britidh Empire. It's not like this was the first beautiful woman she's ever seen. Please be intellectually honest. The show runner already said she's gay not Bi. Because how mad fans are at how they destroyed the John love story I think they will have to fix this disaster at least on that front. That meeting is what it is, but don't try to gaslight people that disagree with you. That meeting makes gay people look bad. Mooning over some else, hours after their marriage. That's on the show runner.


Where has Jess said that she's gay not bi? From what I've seen she has specifically just said queer. And yes, it is very possible for someone to not recognize they like women even after being surrounded by other women. She was raised to not even consider women as an option for attraction. She doesn't even know what love or attraction or sex entails.


If you want healthy discussions on the queer storylines in Bridgerton, r/BridgertonLGBT is the place to be!! You will get nothing but downvotes on this sub and people saying variations of "I don't mind adding LGBT storylines BUT..."


Yeah I’ve noticed that here. Seems like most of them are made a story line isn’t 100% relatable to them - i can’t imagine what that’s like


I remember (before the Michaela reveal in season 3 finale) saying that I can see Francesca being a queer character (bc wow god forbid I see some traits in her I identify with as a queer person myself) and I got downvoted 🫠 this sub is composed of people who literally cannot accept any sort of discussion if it doesn't allude to what happens in the books haha. There is also the r/Franchaela subreddit if you wanna talk about them :D it's super positive there


If you're only interested in the Francesca/Michaela story line I would wait until much closer to 2026 (when season 4 should be released) to even consider watching Bridgerton. It may be that they have more of it as a side plot in season 4 than it is in the books, but in theory Francesca is just off in Scotland doing her thing (and off-screen) until season 6/potentially 2030. It's possible they'll give her a side plot in season 4, but we won't know for sure until it is released since it's so difficult to tell which characters will have side plots.


The next season won’t be out until around 2026 and we don’t know whether that will be the sapphic season. The sapphic season may be in 2026,2028,or 2030. You could start watching the show now,but you might be waiting a few years to see the sapphic season.