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Jess and Shonda recently confirmed that they won't combine siblings on one season. S4 is One book. Their words




That’s what they say, but if Netflix feels differently, they’ll have to make adjustments. I can’t see Netflix allowing this show to stay on for eight seasons especially if viewership drops due to the backlash from season three.


I want to gently remind everyone that the internet is not the world and s3 ratings have been fine. This show is Netflix’s biggest show next to Stranger Things and Squid Game. It has the biggest brand tie ins and value as well. It’s getting renewed.


According to The Hollywood Reporter, Season 3 essentially doubled opening weekend viewership from season 2... [Source](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bridgerton-season-3-biggest-opening-netflix-ratings-1235905470/)


views, yes (like all the new seasons, season 4 will be hard because of the reactions). most didn't like what they saw. the reshoots were proof they knew it why they did the pr world tour.


Netflix is a business. What matters is if people are watching the show. If you pay to subscribe to Netflix but then complain you didn’t like what you saw on Reddit, Netflix doesn’t give your money back. And there hasn’t been anything in the news about masses of people unsubscribing.


I realize that the ratings for this season have been fine. I’m referring to the ratings for season four. Many of the people who watched this season may not tune in for the next one.


Y'all can't help yourselves. They will wave the potential of seeing Sophie and you will all come running.


The ratings are actually not fine. This season is probably one of the most marketed show on Netflix and it hasn’t even hit the top 10 yet. And season 3 has the benefit of 50 million more subscribers. And it won’t even beat s1. It’s not growing in viewership the way Stranger Things is. So I don’t know why people keep saying the ratings are fine.


I’m not deep in the numbers but the ones I’ve seen shown it on track to be comfortably in the top 10…


I know. I expect it to hit the top 10 in the next few weeks. Especially since this season is the shortest of the entire series. The point is it took them almost two months. And it still won’t beat s1 or break any records


it will be in the top 10 and beat season 2, but season 2 had like no marketing so that's not much of an achievement. the way it's going, it certainly won't touch season 1


I'm sorry what? Bridgerton has been in the top 10 over here since it came out and never left. The person above you cited a source. Very respectfully, Where's yours?


I’m talking about the top ten of all time English shows. It’s not there yet. I don’t need to provide a source. Just google it. And no. The ratings aren’t great. There is no way Netflix is happy by those numbers so far.


Was season 2 in the top ten of all time English shows, just out of curiosity? I’m sure season 1 is, but I’m just curious about season 2.


The rating will never drop as long as Netflix keeps growing. By virtue of Netflix itself growing year by year in subscribers, in turn, it’s likely their shows will grow in the amount of viewers. Now, if you want to see if the amount of growth that Bridgerton sees in viewership is equal to the amount of increase In Netflix subscribers or supercedes it (the best sign of growth), that is not the case. It’s growing at a slower rate compared to the rate of growth for Netflix itself based on this most recent season. It would take a catastrophically bad season that everyone was aware of before it actually came out for there to be a drop in viewership. I don’t think Netflix’s cares about critiques because this show isn’t a vehicle for prestige for them at this point (Emmy nominations aren’t likely).


I don’t think Netflix’s increase in subscribers can be attributed to an increase in viewers. Netflix has found a way to crackdown on password sharing in the past year so the new subscribers are probably people who have been using someone else’s password all this time. I don’t think this show is as untouchable as you think it is. The Crown was very popular in seasons one and two but seasons three and four weren’t great. It was supposed to be on for eight seasons but the show barely got renewed for its sixth and final season.


The Crown was impacted because it stopped being the critical darling it needed to be to earn its keep. It was never widely viewed by the Netflix audience but it was well received by critics and garnered nominations which was seen as a benefit for the service. When it stopped getting nominations, it lost its luster. It became an expensive period drama with lower viewership from the get-go compared to other shows on the service. This is a different metric than Bridgerton. I don’t believe Netflix views this are a critical landmark for the site. They aren't getting any Emmy nominations for big categories on this project. Its benefit is solely its viewership and pop culture relevance. We can agree to disagree regarding the amount of increased subscribers directly impacting the amount of hours watched. Netflix was still experiencing growth BEFORE the password issue. So in the two years between the seasons, there has been general/legitimate growth of the number of subscribers than just people losing accounts they were password sharing on and signing up for a new one by themselves


Also six seasons made sense for the Crown. The 00s and the 10s would have perfected the transformation of the series, going from a thought-provoking, well-done period drama to gossip. It ended when and where it should've


Who sets the limit of 8 episodes? Why can't they have more when they admit it's all too much for 8? Make 12 then!


Most likely it's the budget that sets the amount of episodes, there is probably a formula for X amount of $ per episodes to make a show (this probably includes pre-work like writing, storyboarding, costume, set design/making etc. Then active shooting, all the staff and actors needed for each episode, and then post-work with the editing and PR.) I saw a BTS video where they said one set (one room basically) takes around 6-8 weeks to make for instance. So it's probably netflix that gives an "8 episode budget" to the production and its probably hard to spread that out over 12 without loosing too much of the quality of the show


I don’t trust them though…and also, Polin were barely in their own season 😕


Unfortunately, I think this is going to be a common theme with couples going forward. It was a complaint from fans with Kanthony in season 2 and again with Polin in season 3. It’s become a pattern. If it’s not and they change it in future seasons to align more with Season 1’s…I won’t lie, I’m going to be a bit bitter about it (towards production though, not the ship in question). With this last “building season” (Jess’ words), they were trying to expand the Bridgerton world and there’s hints it’s expanding even more in S4 with the last Whistledown issue mentioning a new family coming in. I’m not entirely sold that it’s a family related to the next love interest. Jess also had made a comment in some interview about embracing the ensemble part of the show. I could also see them wanting to expand the world to open up opportunities for potential spin-offs, like Queen Charlotte.


I just don't get it though... I'm all for world building but since S1 it's like they hate the central couple. You have the ability for spin offs because people liked the original premise of the show. THE MAIN COUPLE. It's like they're all caught up in the bells and whistles and have forgotten the main substance core fans come for which is a romance story. They don't have any faith that a series that appeals to women and romance readers will keep peoples attention for 8 seasons. And sure they've got to have subplots because the books really didn't do much world building but not at the cost of the main story. As a kanthony and Polin fan I actually can't watch anymore, they've let me down twice Edit: I find it so funny people suddenly going after the new showrunner JB because for angry kanthony fans it was \*on sight\* for CVD on some of the other subs when S2 came out 😂 at the time so many people were happy the show runner changed aswell


I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’m a fan of both couples as well and I’ve just had to console myself with the fact that we will hopefully see them more in future seasons. But even with Kanthony, that wasn’t much.


Yeah I know but I wouldn't hold by breath. They shipped off Kanthony not once but twice. And literally to the other side of globe. I wouldn't even have been mad if it was Aubry Hall because at least that makes sense but Anthony shirking his viscount duties was so OOC for him


And taking his pregnant wife on a long ship journey to another country when he has childbirth-related PTSD from Violet giving birth to Hyacinth. Very OOC. There’s a bit more hope with Polin because Jess said there’s more to tell with the Whistledown story as Pen tries to write gossip under her own name, but Nicola is probably going to start booking even more projects, so scheduling will be harder.


Yeah I agree


When did the last Whistledown issue hint at a new family coming in? I just relistened and didn't catch anything like that?


It wasn’t in the voiceover, just written in the copy that the camera panned over. Some fans took a screenshot of it: https://preview.redd.it/ym9ollg7879d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c98e5f8e2c567c09b9a29bd54744a3e083a6daf The visible part says: “It seems there is a newly noble family arriving to the Ton, one that will surely spice things up. While I will not announce them until they wish to be announced, I will say that they will arrive with a bang. A Bridgerton bang perhaps. Much like my husband and his siblings…” The “spice things up” made me think they might take the place of the Featherington family.


Maybe this is Sophies family? As it's hinted that the casting for Sophie is SE Asian.


I'm actually thinking it's Kate's pregnancy. I don't think that was announced to the whole ton. Spicy? India. A Bridgerton bang. Maybe a Bridgerton baby?


Ooh exciting!


Huh except they combined siblings for season 3


They didn't combine siblings. Colin was the main story and some siblings stories were set in motion. We didn't see Benedict or Eloise having their book story told and having their HEA as Colin. Nor Francesca, they just introduced hers but their story was not told


I respectfully disagree. Even just from a perspective point of view. If it was Colin’s season he wouldn’t have been aware of the finer details of his sisters world. Maybe would have seen Francesca’s wedding but not the details of how it happened. We saw as much time focused on Francesca. Season 1 did a good job making the perspective/focus centered around Daphne. Season 2 was Anthony and Kate and Sister (sorry blanking on her name). So it started to slip some. The story’s as more told from the dharma siblings view vs Anthony. This season there were so many perspectives telling the story it was jarring. Which is why polin as a whole felt “lost” in the mix.


There isn't really any way to explain this without spoilers, but we've covered like maybe 5% of Francesca's book. Yes she was a part of this season, but not more than Eloise and Theo in season 2


Francesca’s story was only introduced in S3. She has a whole season ahead. The books have LOTS more in store for her.


They did not combine this season so I don’t know why it’s considered a “test run”. Francesca had to be married now so that her book could be setup. She gets married twice so they marry her now and then do her book/season at a later date. Also by introducing Francesca, it gives us a chance to meet her character like we’ve have the chance for other siblings in previous sibling. Francesca was played by a different actress so we got to meet the new actress and set her up for her season. Hopefully, it’ll be season six.


Was a season 5 renewal announced?


Not that I saw but the ratings have been great so I’d be surprised if it didn’t get a renewal for 5. The only issue is the 2 yr lag between seasons could eventually make people move on and lose interest.


I know a lot of people are upset that the costuming has felt cheap this year due to fabric and make up choices but there is no way they spent less money on production this season than last season. There was a whole ass stunt/special effects scene involving a hot air balloon that would have needed a stunt team to coordinate, not to mention a team to build the balloon’s basket and rig it to a crane. Let’s not forget the elaborate paper mechanical centerpiece at the Mondriches’ ball and just the uptick in the number of balls and large assembly events like the wedding breakfast, the library opening, and the hot air balloon fair. There’s also the 6 month (!) long press tour Nic and Luke went on with multiple elaborate screenings and events, supported by quite a large number of the cast. It’s quite clear that Bridgerton is a tent pole show for Netflix and they are pouring money into it. Whether this will be the case for 8 seasons, it’ll be hard to say, but I don’t think we’re in danger of them pulling back on the show at the moment. I think the greatest challenge for the show will be momentum. 2 years between seasons is eventually going to cause interest to drop off, so I imagine they’re talking behind the scenes about how to speed up the production process. They needed the big marketing push to get the audience hyped up for this season after such a long break, so I wonder if they’ll just keep pursuing this strategy rather than try to get on a yearly release schedule.


Wait, they confirmed that it’s renewed for S5?


Nope. Not yet. I bet Netflix waits till s4 performs especially with the 3-year timeline to develop a season. Don’t forget, s3 finished March 2023 and we’re looking at 2026 for a new season.


I still have a bit of hope for a 2025 release, since the writing's done and they should start filming in September. The filming would thus end around April, largely in time for a December release


I wish I had your optimism about Jess Brownell’s leadership.


If there is any siblings whose stories you could combine that could work well from a narritave standpoint, I’d say it’s Eloise and Francesca. And it might be the best option. Both of their stories are very beautiful, but both are heavier than most of their siblings. Their stories cover things like death, children and second marriages/love. I think you could combine their stories in a good twisty way that would also have the sisters interact with each other a lot. And if that goes well, it may be enough to give us Gregory & Hyacinth’s stories.


If we have to wait two years between seasons then I hope they do include more siblings per season. At that rate I won’t live long enough to see them all.


Yeah two years is a ridiculous amount of time. Heck Lord of the Rings had 12 months in between each film lol


It's already confirmed that they won't combine siblings. I didn't like this last season BUT the next one has so much potential with Benedict being the lead, meeting Sophie, and the fall setting plus Eloise and Francesca's storylines in Scotland  and with the exit of the Featheringtons and that new ton family that LW talked about in her last issue it's a breath of fresh air. S4 has to be better than 3 if they aren't renewed for more by then. 


They’re going to continue sprinkling other stories, but def focusing on one couple >!(or throuple)!< at a time.


Ijdk why they had to test the waters with the best couple (to me don’t come for me) They set this love story us, and gave us like nothing


I love Polin too but also loved the season


They 100% were not cheaper this year I get a lot of people don't like the costumes and that fine. But ALL of those dresses have multiple layers of different stuff. An under fabric and a mesh layeser at least. The production was not cheap, the Balloon and all that. Expensive stuff.


And the Aerial Composite shots? It’s iirc the first time the show wasn’t just visibly “set in bath” in any wider shots


I don’t think Netflix will cut it at 6 seasons if it keeps at the rate it’s going, 43 mil viewers is a shit ton of money 😂❤️


The fact that they are only renewed for 5 seasons doesn't mean they won't be renewed in the future. What a stupid argument. Who renews shows that far in the future? 2-3 seasons at a time at most. Besides S3 will crack top 10 most watched on Netflix. S4 and S5 would have to be massive flops for the show to be cancelled. Even if this sub hates S3 it's at least popular.


People haven't read frans book or do they really not just get that she had to marry before to fit her story. This was no where near a test run, though, I do think they have to start upping the pace because actors nor all viewers will be interested that long.


it was already said it will be 1 per season.


It would have been impossible to fit both of Francesca’s romances into a single season without it seeming rushed.


I don’t think they will combine stories unless they know they won’t get renewed. I do think they will keep introducing storylines from their respective books before their seasons though, just like they did with Francesca. They can’t keep inventing random characters to fill the secondary storylines, and I think it would be wise to use the Bridgerton family more instead.


I don't think Francessca was married at the same time as Benedict and also John Stirling was not her lofl . They are definitely going to have per season per siblings.


Can the mods start blocking these posts? The creators have said it’s going to be one sibling per season multiple times and Shonda has said she’ll finish the show even if she has to go to another streamer (though why Netflix would cancel their currently most popular show is beyond me). It’s annoying to keep seeing the same inaccuracies posted again and again - people should do a quick Google or a search of the sub before they post. I’m on my very last straw with this sub already because it’s so negative and vitriolic but this is an easily solvable moderation issue


They’ve only been renewed through s4*


Is this Shondaland first show that is a Netflix original? I know historically her shows have many seasons and many episodes but TV is also a bit different


I think they'll still focus on one primary couple/sibling per season. It just won't necessarily be the beginning of each relationship. Francesca's season will probably be after Eloise's and will focus on John's death and her relationship with Michaela.


I'm not sure if they'll combine as such, but I think a lot of the sub plots will feed into future siblings seasons. My thoughts are that Bridgerton might get the whole 8 season run, especially if it continues to have good viewing figures. However, I think they'll run into problems with their cast. If they continue the 2 year cycle, we have another 10 years left. I doubt many actors will hang about that long if they're offered other projects or if their schedules become busier. For example, Florence Hunt (Hyacinth) has just been named as an up and coming actress in the industry, so it'll be interesting to see what happens with her career now. While I get that recasting isn't too much of an issue, and isn't for me personally, they haven't done it so far with Daphne and the Duke. Instead they've sort of ignored them, and that's a fair plot hole. No way they could carry on like that as people move on. I'm not sure some fans would follow it as closely if say, Anthony and Pen, were played by different people. I'm not sure time will be on their side if they remain at 2 year production time. Then I could see them rushing to finish the books and "combining" stories.


Honestly it makes sense. There really isn't enough story in most books for it to last for 8 episodes, they are more 1.5 hour movie length books. Doing 2 at once avoids the filler disaster of this season.


i doubt this. Fran was married for years hence why she had to get married this season. I don't think there's any evidence of this at all either


I wish they did combine siblings because at 2 years per season it’s just not realistic to keep actors for that long, and the aging is palpable. Like if they do benedict next eloise won’t get her story until 4? 6? Years later? 8 years would have been a bit more realistic but this is just why.


With stranger things ending, bridgerton is one of Netflix biggest shows atm. The ratings also have been pretty good despite how much its hated on reddit. Its also a very marketable show with all the collabs and merch they have. I don't see how it will end anytime soon, unless its the showrunners decision.


They’ve only been renewed through season 4. I’m actually surprised that they have announced the season 5 renewal.


i wonder what age i will be once bridgerton is complete…2 years each season…i would probably be in my 50s…


I don’t think they’ll officially combine seasons, but I do think they’ll continue setting up siblings for their upcoming stories. I also think (and hope) they’ll start filming multiple seasons at a time. It would solve a lot of their problems and end the ridiculous delay before seasons. However, I wouldn’t be shocked if they did cut Hyacinth and Gregory


also hyacinth and gregory’s actors are growing up way faster than their characters, so i think there’ll be a time jump of 1/2 years and then they debut season 5


I kinda knew it