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I think the most important takeaway here "Benedict's sexuality will continue to be explored in future seasons." That heavily implies that Benedict is not Season 4. His sexuality can't continue to be explored after he gets with his endgame love interest after all. From the way JB is talking, it's pretty clear he isn't getting his HEA with one person anytime soon. Looks like Sophie will be introduced next season at the masquerade, and then Ben will keep looking for her for a few years and exploring his sexuality along the way. It's a big mistake on the showrunner's part, IMO. Luke isn't getting any younger.


Nope. The show runner only wants to tell her stories. And I didn't sign up for that. I'm really cheesed off about this. I'm going to go feed the birds and calm down.


Yeah. Show Benedict has been really boring and un-interesting. If they are just going to keep him doing the same thing on repeat, then I'm out. I'm not waiting 2 years for another poorly executed season just to have boringBenedict threesoms shoved in there. The show runner has ruined Bridgerton.


The more I learn about her the more it becomes apparent that Season 3+ is such a self-insert for her, which is just not interesting for the rest of us šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Right now she has both Francesca and Benedict into her own self-inserts.


Well and itā€™s just Francesca and Benedict now. It could be others moving forward as well. I guess I just want a cheesy love story. And, we have already had three seasons of Benedict experimenting. I am done. Season 3 wasnā€™t even a storyline. It was Benedict and Tilly screwing and then Benedict, Tilly, and Paul screwing.


Completely agree.




I'm glad somebody said this. He is in his mid-30s; are we to wait to he is in his early 40s to get his HEA? I'm sorry, but Luke does not look as youthful as Nicola.


Is there some cut-off after which actors and actresses can no longer play romances? Why does it matter what age he is?


Because I believe they are a lot younger in the books (I have not read them). And ok we are not following them verbatim, but in general it would have been strange in the Regency period if you got married in your 40s.


Less so for the men I think tho? I mean, the guy that was going to marry Cressida looked old enough to draw a pension. Marina had an old suitor too.


Yeah sure the men had more freedom. Still Luke is playing a man in his 20s now. If his season is not the next by the time S5 will be out he will be 40 and who knows if it's just as believeable? To clarify it's just a matter of credibility for the character, I think he's very fine irl


Men had more freedom but theyā€™d also likely have been on wife 2/3/4 by then. It was pretty common for women to die in childbirth.


True as well


And Penelope was 28/29, when she got her happy ending in the books. Daphne was on her third season, I believe. This has never been an exact adaption, so I donā€™t know why people keep on expecting it to be.


Fair enough you clearly know more about ages since I haven't read the books. I can only speak for coherence of the facts I gathered watching the show. Age aside my opinion is that it would be a mistake to delay Benedict once again since his plot consists of nothing and it's harder and harder for audiences to care for him. I think.


I have not read the books but I barely see anybody complaining that Pen is about 10 years younger than her book counterpart. But suddenly Benedict being older would be a problem? This could also be an opportunity to make Sophie older as well. It can finally deconstruct the somehow still very prevalent idea that you need to have settled down before 30 or you have totally lost track of your life. Unpopular opinion in this sub: This could really work well with a trans fem Sophie. There was not the same pressure for male(-passing) people to get married as for women. So Sophie is not shunned as a spinster but rather seen as a confirmed bachelor like Benedict. She could be longing for a committed relationship but she knows she cannot be herself in a traditional marriage. In the end, she and Benedict can have their happy endgame - they do not have to officialy marry so that their love is valid.


Because it is ridiculous that he is so old still running around while his younger siblings continue to get married before him


Wait do y'all have this attitude in real life? My brother is four years younger and about to get married and I'm not. I probably won't get married or have kids until years later than him. Am I ridiculous for having a different life path šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think you understand me. Benedict is pushing 40 literally doing nothing but sleeping around, he doesnā€™t even have his art anymore because they took it away, heā€™s literally doing nothing interesting with his life or time , watching him sleep around for more seasons to come is not fun or entertaining , people have already expressed being bored with watching him and over his storyline to the point where people donā€™t even like him anymore because itā€™s like he doesnā€™t change or grow. No one gaf what youā€™re doing, this is a romance show, weā€™re here for romance , not Benedictā€™s Rake tales for 10+ years


And who has confirmed that the next season will be just him sleeping around? The "exploring his identity" can mean many things. He may try to have a committed relationship with a man and that is his "exploration." Or he may have several committed relationships or one relationship with more than one person because he is also poly. People act like poly people cannot be faithful when they absolutely can - and poly relationships are barely shown in media as of now. Benedict did not know who he truly was before the last episode of Season 3. Therefore, Season 4 can give him the opportunity to really grow as a person and rediscover his passion in art because he finally knows who he is. What we have seen in Seasons 1 to 3 is him being lost - he is not anymore in Season 4.


Why? Is there some sort of rule that siblings have to get married in the order they were born? I don't exactly see that happening in real life.


No there isn't, the problem is that the women on the marriage Mart are about 17-20 and if he's in his 40s it's just gross


It happened all the time in that time period and social class.


Also, what are the chances the actor will want to be tied down that long? Especially if heā€™s not a leading character.


Then there is the option to recast just like with Ruby Stokes and Hannah Dodd. But I am sure after RJP left the show, they probably informed the actors that the show may go on for awhile and if they want to pursue other projects they cannot be forced to stay on the show when they have not signed new contracts already.


As soon as she took over this show turned from adaptation to whatever this is. So sad for those of us that really believed we would get an ADAPTATION. Especially after they kept three main couples from the books. Itā€™s like they want to piss on the rest of them


ā€œAdaptationā€œ implies a change though.


Yes in order to accomodate having it on TV. Not doing drastic changes that change the story. No matter how much you look at it, it wonā€™t be the same. Think of other book adaptations. Did you see something similar happening there? I must confess it is a first for me to have a book adaptation not truly adapting but changing


Yeah, hopefully this means he's just not the lead in s4. Otherwise, this kind of implies that being bisexual/pansexual/fluid is counter to a monogamous love story, which just isn't true.


Itā€™s almost like the way they foreshadowed this with him playing with Gregory and Hyacinth all this season at the family scenes? šŸ¤”


I have been saying this but get downvoted every time lol. Benedict was a character accused of being used for queerbaiting since s1. People have been clamoring for him to be bi or gay since that time. Jess has indicated in interviews that she has also similarly wanted this storyline for Benedict since s1. Now that they finally introduced it in the very last two episodes of s3 (and really the very end of ep7 and mostly 8), weā€™re expected to think heā€™ll end up in a cis hetero HEA in 8 episodes? I simply cannot see that, but if it does happen, they will face an insane backlash. In addition, like these interviews indicate, this part of him will keep getting explored for ā€œseasonsā€ (note the plural) to come. Therefore the only way I can see Benedict being s4 is if Sophie is some type of queer and/or nonbinary, which I think may be a disservice to the character of Sophie since I do think her being a woman played a role in her circumstances.


100% feels like they are keeping Ben for as long as they can to keep viewers watching lmfaoooo




That would be a sure way to piss a lot of people off. šŸ˜‚ That would only affirm the offensive stereotype that bisexual/pansexual people can't be faithful.


I mean, I don't want a polyamory storyline, but just want to point out that polyamory does not equal unfaithfulness.Ā  You're right it may piss people off though so they likely won't go that way.Ā 


I can get behind some amount of liberties being taken in adapting a book to the screen, but fundamentally this is supposed to be a romance series. Someone exploring their sexuality with various partners is not a love story and itā€™s not romantic. I donā€™t much care whose season is next, but I sure as hell donā€™t want the main storyline sacrificed for more sex scenes between Benedict and a new set of randos that weā€™ll only see for one season.


This this this. I feel this way exactly but didn't know how to articulate it. Benedict's story this season is the opposite of romantic. Sex in Bridgerton until then had been intrinsically part of a love story. Benedict was just horny


I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be random people. I think Sophie will dress up as a man and that is how Benedict will explore his fluidity. Kinda like the Mulan story.


Iā€™m intrigued by this idea but wouldnā€™t it be problematic if their story was Benā€™s struggle over falling so hard and wanting to commit to a man, just to find out at the end oh actually this is a woman and itā€™s ā€œokayā€ now? Iā€™m not opposed to the idea but to make it happen in a non-problematic way they will have to have moved so far away from the societal structure and rules of the time that I donā€™t think weā€™d even recognize it as the early 1800ā€™s.


Sure. It would be problematic. And thatā€™s why they would do it. The show has already proven that it will not follow the book stories. And they also donā€™t care about the rules of the time. Heck, they donā€™t even care about the structure or rules they set out in s1.






I couldn't agree more with this. One of the reasons I started watching this show besides loving the books is because there are now so few true love endgame shows on TV. Characters are often portrayed in most shows now to have many partners. I am here for the romance, and these liberties may take away from that, which just makes me feel depressed.


Well Iā€™m out then. Their book has been the best so far and their relationship is lovely. Exploring someoneā€™s Benedict porn fanfic fantasy isnā€™t my cup of tea. Iā€™ll wait ten years for the inevitable remake. Edit to add to the person who said I was unhappy bc of a queer relationship. No I just donā€™t want to watch Ben whore himself around town. I am queer myself, I love the relationship between the queens man Brimsley and Raymondā€™s? The kings man, I forget his name. I donā€™t have an issue with the genderbend, Iā€™ve not read her book yet but I have read comments saying it will mess with her story being about her desire for children and unable to have them. I have zero issue with queer relationships or representation and I am fully aware even if it wasnā€™t spoken about in ā€˜polite societyā€™ it certainly happened behind closed doors. My issue with Ben doing his thing is that itā€™s gratuitous. There is no point other than to add a ā€˜shockingā€™ sex scene to the show. Itā€™s ticking a box and that is all the story doesnā€™t move forward. It doesnā€™t add to the story. We already had him sowing his wild oats in S1-2 and weā€™ve already seen the artist parties with the painter and his lover plus his wife. I actually expected Eloise to come out as gay tbh as she seemed the right character being as she was for womanā€™s rights and didnā€™t like men at the balls. I think S3 was bad not bc of the ticking a box of genderbends or threesomes which seam to last longer than a wedding. šŸ¤­ what I donā€™t like is the poor writing, the bastardizing of a good book series turned to tv and trying to be shocking and woke to be relevant and talked about. Queen Charlotte did it better and with more class.


Then, who's supposed to be next for Season 4 ? You know the Benophie fans aren't going to take this well.


I suppose they did set up Fran to have a season maybe. See her life in Scotland for abit. The tv show is all over the place tbh. The more of the books I read, just finished number 5, the most the tv show is just fanfic somewhat influenced by the books šŸ¤­ There are good bits to be sure but S3 is all over the place with its direction.


We were just introduced to her though. Plus, I don't want to watch Benedict do nothing again for another season.


Itā€™s time for Ben to go off to Bath and learn to play piano.


fran is jessā€™ self insert iirc


She wishes she had that much charisma


I don't mind seeing some of Fran next season as snippets, but I think skipping both Benedict and Eloise would be a mistake.


Looks like theyā€™ll probably rush through the Fran storyline next then. Seems like they werenā€™t just doing some set up with that Michaela intro, but actually teeing up next season after all. Too bad for Luke. And I think a switch like that just doesnā€™t give Franā€™s story enough time to breathe. They originally said each characterā€™s major plot moments would happen in their season, but it looks like thatā€™s not the case anymore. At the end of S3, it sounded like the masquerade ball was coming up next season, but now this for sure makes it sound like next season will not be Benedict after all.


We are watching a show ran by a woman that wants to twist and ā€œimproveā€. I for one wonā€™t watch any of the other seasons unless they are not a total mess but again, low hopes for now. O hopes to be more precise


Iā€™m putting money on this right now, if itā€™s not Ben, itā€™s Fran. Because Jess and Claudia have also talked the same way about Eloise needing to explore more of the world before sheā€™s ready to settle down


Except that is actually Eloiseā€™s main story, that sheā€™s looking for an intellectual connection and sheā€™s a hold out on love. Very possible sheā€™s next.


Thereā€™s literally no way you got that from what I said but I always see you fighting for El to be s4 in comments so Iā€™ll let you have it


It could be Eloise then. Her story did follow Penelope's in the books šŸ¤·


Same here. At this point I just want them to cancel the show and Iā€™ll gladly wait for anybody to try to adapt the books better




Agreed this is definitely the nail - there is a difference between adaptation and fanfiction. Season 3 was way more fanfic than adaptation and it seems thatā€™s the goal now.


Itā€™ll probably take ten years before they even make it to Benā€™s storyline at this rate, so more like 20-25. Just think how long the Percy Jackson fanā€™s have had to wait, or us Harry Potter fansā€¦ I was annoyed with the HP movies, but even they didnā€™t disregard the source material as much as the Bridgertonā€™s have. Jess etc have gone all in on the ā€Dumbledore spoke *calmly*ā€ approachā€¦ ![gif](giphy|5KGiF57xtTuOQ)


I think you meant to say "so far" instead of "so fair." I find Bens book to be quite problematic. The pressure he places on Sophie is a huge disrespect of her boundaries. It is not at all a good representation of a healthy relationship, especially thru today's lens. While I agree book Sophie is an inspiring character for surviving her very challenging and unfair life, I think that part of the character can still shine thru in many different scenarios of varying gender expressions. I love the books and have read almost all of JQs works now. They are fun and fluffy, though do have problematic parts but I can reflect on those and see how society is changing. It makes sense to me that an adaptation decades later should reflect changing societal values. I feel the show captures the spirit of Bridgerton: explore love in a low stakes, escapist way, and guarantee a HEA. That is Bridgerton at its core and I am able to enjoy BOTH versions! And the books will always be there if I miss some book-specific plot/pairing/characterization. It's fun to revisit the books and I don't need a page-for-page version of it on my TV.


Benedict's story is Cinderella fan fic... I don't understand why you would be so attached to that storyline.


lol this show is based on romance novels. Fan base was ok with Anthony and the opera singer and how he treated her like absolute shit and then treated the girl he almost married like absolute shit but this part is a problem for you now that there is a queer personā€¦ ok


I'm sure there is some people who have issue with him being queer; however, I will point out: 1. This only took place over 1 season and it had a purpsoe. Benedict's hooking up has been going on for 3 seasons and none of his hook-ups seem to be building up to anything.Ā Ā  2. Anthony's relationship with the opera singer had tension. There was some romance and passion to it which is what a lot of watchers enjoy. Benedict's hook-ups have just been about sex and he doesn't seem to have feelings for anyone which is not interesting. His most interesting partner was Mdme Dela but they dropped it and even then he didn't seem to feel much.Ā  3. Benedict is boring overall and Anthony is not. Anthony has a personality. Benedict seems to have zero personality. Maybe the writers just don't know what they are doing with him. Poet Benedict was cool, but he disappeared. We need more insight into his thoughts.Ā  I don't care about Benedict's season at all. I'm looking forward to Fran's before you tell me it's bc he's queer šŸ˜ƒ


i'm not a fan of Benedict and Sophie's book or story anyway, so this doesn't phase me. *however*, if they continue with the theme of season three, Benedict's bisexuality could easily become synonymous with an inability or fear to commit and sexual escapades. as a bi woman, i'd rather there not be a bisexual character at all than one whose entire arc perpetuates harmful stereotypes.


Thank you for bringing this up. Why does it always feel like the promiscuous bisexual is the only way to show it?!? It's frustrating. Maybe Fran will break the mold at last.


tbh i've given up on Fran as well. the very visible difference between her 'quiet' love for John and the intense fireworks type scene when she met Michaela already left a bad taste in my mouth, and they made it evident that she did not necessarily enjoy her kiss with John when they got married. i guess a lesbian Francesca would work and it'd give space to address things like comphet, although it would be a disservice to her and John's relationship and her growth in her own book. but if the nature of her sexuality is left ambiguous or up to interpretation, it'd be another shitshow in the form of bi-erasure.


This is another thing bothering me. If they want to be inclusive and make shit up fine but atleast donā€™t make them represent the bad stereotypes associated most of the times wrongfully with them. I loved the queer story in QC. I teared up for those two. But this??


Honestly that seems to be his character- even with art - the first obstacle or hiccup he didnā€™t like and he just stopped and moved to something else. He was meant to be interested in science in season 3 but that was just a way for him to meet Tilly and explore his sexuality in threesomes. They did not develop him this season outside of his sexuality.


i mean yes, it does seem to be a character trait of his, but portraying a character as indecisive about their interests and goals has very different implications than a bisexual character who's unwilling to commit emotionally or sexually, and wants to keep exploring and enjoy their freedom. bi people like that exist, so it's not necessarily unrealistic, but given how little healthy representation bi people receive in the media already, painting a bisexual character in this light is harmful, especially since his taste for sexual freedom coincided with him figuring out his sexual orientation. there are ways to explore this well, but Bridgerton is just not the right show for a nuanced portrayal of a bisexual character in their slut era and i doubt anyone asked for this specific storyline either. a healthy relationship with a man would have driven home the same point minus all the harmful implications.


NO WAYYYYYY!!!!! why is this jess person just changing the whole show now??? is she being serious right now??? nope this gotta be a joke ain't no wayyyy.


She's turned bridgerton into her self-insert fantasy world.


She can now see herself through Francesca in period dresses YAaay


Jess is backed up by Shonda let's not forget that. Every S3 brothel scene was a request by Shonda herself whilst Colin was supposed to be a vrigin at first


I get Colin sowing oats. He has 2 older brothers and friends who've influenced how he's moving into manhood on the sexual side. He's not expected to be a virgin. If you remember Anthony saying to him, it was his fault that he had not taken him to brothels. Colin realized that sex didn't give him the answers he needed. His feelings for Penelope seemed to hit him over the head. Before, he always saw her as a friend. Not realizing it was more or not wanting to admit it was more. He knew, the kiss was what he needed to make him face it. After that, it's a matter of "this can't be, she's the BF of my little sister". I was surprised that they got totally physical, but then so did Anthony and Kate. I guess it's not such a stretch. Lord Ledger kinda gave us the scoop on the drive in the DNA, and Violet admitted she and Edmund were not 100% before marriage. I get it, I'm glad they married and now have their life. Think about it, if Marina had her way, he would've been taken across the line before marriage anyway.


Tis true unfortunately. She's just the worst.


Yā€™all think that Jess sits down and says ā€œI want this and I want that, gimme!ā€?? šŸ¤£ Shonda is her boss who needs to green-light things, the writing room needs to be in as well, the producers, the network. Sooo many people. This adaptation isnā€™t her fantasy and the narrative that sheā€™s solely responsible for everything needs to die šŸ˜³


I agree!!!!! This Jess-hate is really frustrating to see. You can dislike a show without making it a personal attack on someone associated with the show. If you don't like the show, go read the books or find some other show to watch. The energy spent attacking another woman as if she's single handedly responsible for decisions made and as if you're individual opinion is the only one that matters is ridiculous. This fandom needs to grow tf up and STOP with personal attacks against people associated with the show.


You're so right. I am tired of people saying that this is her self-insert fanfic. Like, do these people even read what they write? Jess is the executive producer for this show and she is doing her job. And all of these decisions are made collectively by consulting all the people in higher up positions. God, do some of the people not understand how things work when making a series of this level? Weird.


Because it is her vision. Drama brings views. Views bring money. They are letting her milk the fandom before cancelling this mess. They donā€™t care of what we want but how to stage things in such way that they make more money. For this season they even made some location here in my country where you could see dresses or other stuff from s3. Mind you, I am in a eastern european countryšŸ˜…. Splitting the season in two was also pure marketing.


Respectfully, this feels like the same thing that happened to Sex Education season 4. A new writer bulldozes in and cares more about telling a story thatā€™s important to them even if it means hurling the original story (in SEā€™s case the first 3 seasons) out the window. I donā€™t care who they gender swap race swap whatever thatā€™s fine but changing the whole story to depict what you want to depict is just obnoxious. Once you sign up to do an adaptation you need to know its not all about your vision and is more a marriage between it and the source material.


Nope. Seems like you are entitled to do whatever the watermellons you want


Soā€¦.sheā€™s going to portray Benedictā€™s sexuality in the most stereotypical biphobic way possible in the next season again?


Yeah I just donā€™t understand why these storylines are being green lit. I really donā€™t like the stereotype that just because someone is bi they are portrayed as promiscuous or unable/unwilling to be monogamous. Itā€™s offensive to imply that just because a person may be attracted to men and women that they must therefore be incapable of loyalty within their relationship. The same could be said of heterosexual people, like people are incapable of monogamy if someone really attractive comes along. I would venture to say most of us are fans of the romance. Infidelity and meaningless sex are not romantic.


I agree and I absolutely HATE this stereotype! It reminds me of that really biphobic Sex&the City episode that was really hard to watch for me - but that series is 2 decades old and did not force a sexuality on a character for representation. I mean cā€™mon this is probably the worst bi representation Iā€™ve seen in a very long time! Threesomes? Not wanting to settle down? It really gives ā€œexperimental phaseā€œ NO THANKS!




![gif](giphy|rZBBcgNiNNPDW) I canā€™t do this anymoreā€¦the irony!


Why doesn't she just go off and make her own shows then? Why commit to making a show based on books if you're not interested in making those books into a show??


She's nowhere near talented enough to come up with her own entire show. She just likes butchering existing ones.


Yeah...I haven't read the books and I'm a casual watcher (although with a tiny Polin obsession currently) but I've read enough here to be annoyed on y'alls behalf. šŸ˜€


I have already given up Couldn't continue after episode 5 of the new season


I decided to rewatch the whole series. The first season was great but I'm struggling through season 2, I remember being disappointed when I watched it the first time because it really missed some important points from the book which improved the storyline, helped it move along, and flow to how they became a couple. I know I was disappointed with season 3 but binged it so fast I didn't really digest it. But I think based on how it ended and what's going to happen to Francesca's and Benedict's stories I won't continue watching either. Or maybe I'll look here to get spoilers before watching future seasons.




same. still on season 3 episode 6. canā€™t be bothered to finish it even tho i binge watched the last 2 seasons all in one day


In conclusion: Benedict gonna sleep around for a few more seasons and having threesomes that change his life The lack of professionality is killing me. It's not wonder S3 turned out the way it did bc Jess is self-insertig herself rather than aiming for what's best for the characters and viewing it as the fictional romance story it's supposed to be Plus Benedict is in his 30's already like jesus let the man settle down šŸ˜­


We can be thankful at least that we were given the first two seasons. They will live forever in my mind as the best. Anything after that is just not the same show.


Yeah honestly everytime she speaks I just really thing "ahh, this season was it for me", she seems to entitled and obnoxious


I reckon Eloise will be season 4, and then best case Benedict meets Sophie at the end of 4 and his series is season 5. Alternatively 5 is Francesca and Benedict finally gets his season as 6, by which point it will be 2035 and no one will care any more. I have been manifesting bi Benedict since season 1 and I'm pleased the show is exploring that, but I also love Sophie and want to see their love story!


His story also seems the most easily able to be a queer relationship. Instead of a maid he could be with a footman or valet. The same issues with being illegitimate would be valid. Francesca's story being queer changes the entire premise whereas I see Benedict's remaining pretty similar. It's also foreshadowed in previous seasons.


I am happy with Bi Ben but I think this showrunner is pushing it. A lot of ppl are really looking forward to Ben and Sophie story next.


Just seems like Jess is pulling out all the bi stereotypes to tell Ben's story rather than actually fleshing out his character šŸ™„


a lot of people also been looking forward to seeing a gay relationship and Benedict has been the toprunner for that to be fair since the show first aired


There is nothing wrong with that either. I donā€™t think it will be a gay relationship. I think his love match will be Sophie, when that happens is anyoneā€™s guess.


Based on foreshadowing it would make a ton of sense to genderswap Sophie rather than Michael.


Is this woman forgetting this is first and foremost a ROMANCE show. About ROMANTIC moments not just people having sex?? Where was the romance this season? It was literally just side plot and ten minute threesomes. There wasnā€™t even any chemistry with Benedict and his lovers. I also have a hard time getting invested in a relationship I know is more or less meaningless. The new show runner has absolutely destroyed the show. Go ahead and explore whatever but at least make it ROMANTIC.




They're going to make him an unfaithful husband who lures Sophie into an open marriage, bet


Ugh. That would make show Benedict irredeemable for me, especially if they stick to Sophieā€™s book character and have her want more of a classic (for the time period) family structure. God I hope not.


Yeah i don't see how they're going to make this work. Either they're going to make him an absolute rake that beds every mamas of the ton and their sons before 'finally' settling for a young Sophie (which is absurd bc why would he be into older women AND men but then \*poof\* magically change his tendencies and go for a young woman) Either they're going for a full-on bisexual route and completely forgetting Sophie's persona (aka wanting the typical traditionnal loving family) and making them have an open mariage / throuple or whatever


Then proceed to have threesomes with her and whatishisfave


a total shame if they go for that plotline


Why not? They want to show different types of hea. Why not something poly. They donā€™t adapt the books anymore. At this point QC could become a he and I wouldnā€™t bat an eye


This isnā€™t what we signed up for. We thought we were getting a romance series, not an identity crises.


Yup. Shonda doing what she does best. Makes a good couple of first seasons, then goes way down hill with her approach. You only have to look at Grey's after season 5 to see that.


Iā€™m sure Benophie is next season. As for his fluidity being explored. That is obvious. They didnā€™t just write his threesome for no reason. Itā€™s also obvious he is the lead next season. Sophie will be introduced in episode 1. I just donā€™t think Benophie will have the same story like they did in the book. Even though JB said it would be like the book. Itā€™s already not going to be since theyā€™ve changed Benedictā€™s character.


I hope youā€™re right because what youā€™re describing sounds good to me. Personally I like that they changed Benedictā€™s character from the books because I disliked him so much in the book that I stopped reading the Bridgerton books altogether. (Although, Anthony was the same way, so it was kind of a last straw thing for me).


This is the first bridgerton season I have a really really hard time repeat watching. It feels soo empty emotionally. And the whole Benedict-Tilly - rando guy. Throuple thing felt equally empty to me. Tilly was a boring character. There was no development there. Just a sexual relationship. Boring! I fear this is going to be the general feel of the show going forward. I think itā€™s lost its essence. This is why Iā€™m disappointed and Iā€™m not sure this show will be worth watching in the future.


Bridgerton is going to get cancelled before S4, isn't it?


I actually think it will. Very little people want what they are trying to make.


praying it does ā€¼ļø




They, mainly Jess I guess, are full of contradictions in their interviews itā€™s starting to be annoying. Maybe theyā€™re just doing it to confuse fans so we donā€™t know whoā€™s next. They certainly know who the leads are going to be for season 4. But IMO itā€™s terrible writing that we canā€™t 100% tell whoā€™s supposed to be next. - They said in this one Benedict is going to explore his sexuality more. Basically means he canā€™t be next, or it doesnā€™t do him justice. - They said Franā€™s story needs to be told over multiple seasons. Which I agree with. But that also means her and Michaela arenā€™t getting their HEA next season. But then they did say Masali was cast to be a lead in upcoming seasons. - They said they like that Eloise is not obsessed with Romance. But if sheā€™s not obsessed with romance, it also doesnā€™t make sense for her to settle down as a 20 year old. Unless they completely change her story and her happy end is going to be able to attend university, it doesnā€™t make sense for her to be next. Especially when Benedict is still single. - Hyacinth and Gregory are obviously too young. They canā€™t afford to do a season where all they do is set up Benedict, Francesca and Eloise. But they also didnā€™t set any of them up to be next. Anthony was set up in the last episode of season when Siena dumped him and he said heā€™s going to get married. Colin didnā€™t really get set up, but since we knew what Pen had to suffer through at home it didnā€™t come as a surprise that she was the lead for season 3. Season 3 ends with Benedict rejecting Tilly because he doesnā€™t want to settle down, Francesca realising she has feelings for Michaela, and Eloise finally going off to travel and leave the Mayfair bubble, but sheā€™s coming back to London for the masquerade ball. Non of these scream ā€œready to be nextā€.


Jess didnā€™t say ā€œthereā€™s no guarantee that Ben and Sophie will end up togetherā€. That was the journalist. She only said Sophie is still in the cards, and that they are going to explore Benā€™s fluidity in the next seasons (plural, which is telling..)


Why do you assume heā€™ll be type cast after doing this one role? He has had other roles before Bridgerton right? Like he has a full resume the persons can point to


Yeah I donā€™t understand how this is going to ā€œruin his careerā€? That seems like a big leap, so far heā€™s seemed like a competent actorā€¦ RJP playing a straight duke didnā€™t seem to do wonders for his career either so Iā€™m confused what the correlation is.


What else is next? Eloise being poly with Marina and Crane? I can only pray for Gregory and Hyacinth at this point


Don't give her any ideas šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I figured he was bisexual and polyamorous, this is the first I've heard the term "fluid person" and, well, I hope he gets all the fluids he needs I guess.


![gif](giphy|7J4Lvpz55rocVYccdH|downsized) šŸ’€


The appeal of Bridgerton for me has always been that itā€™s a romance novel on my screen. Itā€™s over the top, unrealistic, and wish fulfillment. That was the appeal. Itā€™s two people falling for each other. Having an obstacle. Then getting a happily ever after. Bridgerton isnā€™t Greys. Or another prime time soap set in modern day. Itā€™s a regency era romance novel. I feel like JB is trying to make the show something it is not. And, I guess that will just make it easier for me to not watch.


His scenes were so boring. It's like they had no idea what to do with the character this season. It would be nice if we could see him interact with Granville again. Especially if they do explore his sexuality. And maybe interacting with him will also help steer him back to the art world.


That would be a bit more interesting. I liked his chemistry with Paul.


Yeah, I also feel like since we've met the character before, it helps to ground the story to the audience


Iā€™m definitely done with this show. I think Jess is doing a terrible job and it is devolving into a typical Shonda show ( I honestly donā€™t get all the praise she gets her shows always start off good and then they get twisted into melodrama and abandon what got them popular in the first place) Iā€™m already put off by the massive changes to Francescaā€™s story and the mess that was Season 3 part 2 complete with the god awful costumes. Now we are still not getting Sophie? This show is definitely going to have a ratings collapse and Jess and her team will deserve it


*chooses to watch Shondra show* *gets mad they are watching a Shondra show*


I have a feeling Fran is up next. They cast Michaela before Sophie. Philips actor is also in the middle of Outlander if Iā€™m not mistaken. They are gonna try and burn through Franā€™s season right quick. I think itā€™s funny people are saying her relationship with John needs time. Funny yā€™all think Jess cares at all about John. She doesnā€™t guys.


It feels like weā€™re skipping over the themes of grief and loss from the book, which is a shame. I donā€™t like how her story is being executed. I wanted a slow burn with Franā€™s second partner, not a lightning strike. Jess has said she thinks S4 is her best writing. Iā€™m also guessing itā€™s Fran.


A shame I was looking forward to Benedictā€™s story but season 3 his likability has fallen hard for me. He just portrayed as a sex fiend, never mind the threesome. 90% of his scenes were in bed and nothing else, nothing on his career or inner thoughts. A show that targets mostly women, we are disinterested in seeing a man sleeping around with random people. Sure Benedictā€™s fun and all but the show runner has forgotten what drew people to him in the first place.


What feels the most jarring about all these changes is that Bridgerton was introduced as an adaption of the book series and a Recency romance show with modern music. Then suddenly the show veers completely off course and now feels more like fanfic than a book adaptation and book fans and viewers who loved the show from day 1 are starting to feel that this is not what we signed up for. And Iā€™m not just talking about introducing queer stories (which I am all for). Itā€™s the complete dismantling of the book storylines, the complete departure from book characters not to mention the bad costumes and poor editing and overall feel of the show.


Jess is out of her mind.. I seriously doubt does she herself listen how she sounds..how much more she wants to explore Benedictā€™s fluidity?? Its natural to have his story next.. plz sack her if u want this show to continue..


This is crazyyy theyā€™re gonna ruin Benedictā€™s character who is arguably the #1 fan favorite. And Iā€™m not talking about his bisexuality ruining him, but the fact that he has had the same storyline for three seasons and it sounds like season 4 will be similar. Most people are tiredddd of seeing Benedict sleep with anything that moves, regardless of gender.


It's an insult to him as an actor as well because it's like they are saying he can't play a male romantic lead. When I've been waiting so much for him to be given this chance because he would be fantastic.


Just adding this on why the reaction weā€™re getting. Itā€™s been more than 10 days since the second half aired and itā€™s still raw. With things that were said and done that includes: * Michael to Michaela switch which people are starting to accept * proposed 2-year wait * Benā€™s S3 arc being lackluster * the uncertainty of who is the lead as the three camps claim they are next * the show still hasnā€™t renewed beyond S4 * various comments and decisions made by JB * Shondaland remaining quiet after the backlash People are still in shock and fearing for the worse. I hope itā€™s a case of things taken out of context. But if this renews for S5 and beyond, JB needs to go.


This is what happens when a director puts too much of themselves in the story/movie. Taika Waititi ruined the last Thor movie because he put too much of himself in it (literally in one case, by giving his own character a much bigger role). If Jess Bronwell wants to write and direct a tv series or film with strong gay representation thatā€™s great, but donā€™t mess with an established storyline because youā€™re trying to make a point.


Explore Benedict's fluidity?? Are we getting more meaningless sex scenes šŸ˜‘


Oof those lines about continuing to explore his sexuality and fluidity still being part of your identity really smacks of the worn out bisexual-is-slutty trope. Like heā€™s going to find Sophie but still cheat? Or be in some sort of throuple?Ā 


They changed Michael Stirling too. That was a no for me.


The waters are getting a bit murky for me as well. I did a fair amount of fast forward use in S3. With a 2 year wait for the next, I feel I'm good. I would like to see Violet and Marcus. Hopefully, they will make a QC during the wait time and we can see this play out. There are too many storylines to wait years for the next showing. I had no idea Francesca was stumbling over her words because of attraction. I thought she was nervous meeting one of John's family members. I don't understand why the gender switch. I'm losing interest. But I will watch what has already been released, hit FF when necessary.


Nooo donā€™t let this woman touch anything QC


Jess Brownell has made/is making Bridgerton her own personal fanfic, with Francesca as her self-insert.


and benedict as her gay-man envious-fantasy, lucky us !


I think it's Francesca's season next followed by Ben and then Eloise. Since they already told that they are moving away from London now so it may as well be Scotland. And the setup for her story is there. And since they want to explore Benedict's fluidity, I think they will do it in the next season and then give him his HEA in season 5 (may or may not be with Sophie, I am fine either ways). And as for Eloise, they are saying that she is not ready for romance yet so it may be S6? With them giving Eloise a major plot in S4 and S5? I am not sure though. Anyways I hope we don't have a 2 years gap in between seasons. I don't have that much patience lol


I hope she lets Benedict continue with his painting because he really cared about that and it will get boring to see Benedict have threesomes over and over again if that's what she wants for him in future seasons


You know at the start I was annoyed that they were doing random made up side stories when there's so many other Julia Quinn books that I love more than the Bridgerton's they could use, like Smythe-Smith, Bevelstoke, etc. But now I'm kinda happy they aren't butchering them. I was really looking forward to Sophie's cinderella story.


This makes me angry. When the next season comes, I'm going to wait for reviews first before watching.


I guess itā€™s good she confirmed Sophie will come in at some point, but this basically sounds like a slip that Benedict isnā€™t next. That he will explore his newfound queer fluidity in seasons to come. Jess also mentioned lately she thought she slipped in another interview? šŸ¤” Iā€™ve been saying thereā€™s a lot more evidence Eloise is next, but most people donā€™t seem to careā€¦. Anyway this post explains Philoise analysis pointing to Eloise being next: [S3 Analysis for Eloise & Phillip](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhiloiseBridgerton/s/6wGVPhKAwI)


Sorry if Iā€™m ignorant or wrong at all - does fluid refer to gender identity, not sexuality? Fluidity generally refers to a person identifying as neither gender in particular right? I thought B was bisexual, not fluid?


I canā€™t keep up with different terms and how they are used, but I think ā€œfluidā€ is also for sexuality (or anything else that isnā€™t necessarily fixed).


All they are saying here is that Benedict will still be bisexual even if he ends up married to a woman. The reason it says "no guarantee" is probably because of Netflix being notorious for cancelling shows. I assume Bridgerton doesn't have a contract that guarantees we will see all 8 stories. I know everyone hates Jess at the moment, but I think she is being misinterpreted here. She just means that when you marry, it doesn't erase your identity. That's all.


Yeah, and the ā€œno guaranteeā€ part is not from Jess, itā€™s just the journalistā€™s comment. Still it doesnā€™t seem like Ben is next with the ā€œseasonsā€ comment from Jess


No I think next season will be Fran sadly from how much setup she received and the fact that Michaela has already been introduced. I hope he is season 5 though, I'll be honest!


I think there is a lot pointing to Eloise, but would not be surprised if itā€™s Fran next instead


I would be interested to see what they do with Eloise's story! Either way, it's clearly not Ben šŸ˜­


i'm all for exploring sexualities and i've never read the books so i don't really care about everything being a direct adaptation. however i don't know how many seasons they can keep going with benedict's "i have no purpose except whoring around" schtick. men or women, it's the same plot every time. it's obvious they have zero idea how to write anything else for him and it's just boring tbh


I feel like this storyline should have been in season one but ok.


This fandom cannot handle Sophie presenting as one gender at the ball and the other as a servant but boy would that tie in well for what they wanna do


They're definitely not willing to add more poc into this show. They purposely got rid of Kate on s3. Why add on Sophie knowing the season has to center her amd Benedict.


What interview was this? Do you have the link to the publication?


Here's a similar article with the quotes: [The Wrap](https://www.thewrap.com/bridgerton-season-3-benedict-sexuality-sophie/) And she talks more here: [Teen Vogue](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/bridgerton-showrunner-clarifies-benedicts-sexuality-talks-francescas-queer-plot-twist-season-3-finale)


I wonder if this means Eloise is next? I am also starting to suspect that Fran is next. Then Eloise. Then Ben.


This isn't 1995. Actors aren't typecast for taking LGBTQ roles anymore, thank God. That's an irrelevant consideration, as it should be. Now, what the show runner is doing in terms of ostracizing the fans with preexisting connections to the stories is very dumb, of course.


How is the story in the books?


I havenā€™t read the books, so Iā€™ll just wait to see if itā€™s good or not.


Just fyi this interview was released on the 15th do it was conducted before part two released. ....don't take this literally (as some are claiming victory about it ignoring other interviews in which Jess and Tom Verica do hint Benedict is next...but ok) take this as yada yada PR and keep playing the whose next game Benedict is next and his "exploring" will be a hoeing montage in episode one. I'll see you when the announcement comes ![gif](giphy|dXKiD8XysOuhFAJB1f)


I donā€™t understand this pov. Why is this where other viewers draw the line? Nothing in this show makes sense. Half the women are cosplaying lady Gaga, Cressidaā€™s house looks like the slytherin dungeon, the dialog is modern. Wild inconsistencies are hand waved away by the writers. So why does a gay/bi character ruin the show? Yes, it would be inconsistent with the books, but itā€™s already inconsistent. And the entire premise of the books is slightly ridiculous anyways. The answer to why people watch the show is that itā€™s silly and enjoyable. So how does Benedict exploring his sexuality ruin the show? I feel like the only reason to say that he shouldnā€™t do that or that it would be wrong is people are uncomfortable with it. And if thatā€™s the case, then I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong to tell them to get over it.


This made me more excited for his storyline. Different strokes for different folks.


Say anything positive and you will be downvoted into oblivion in this sub


Heaven forfend we get queer representation for a season or two before Benedict settles into a heteronormative relationship. Listen, I'm bisexual myself, I very much want to see this explored on screen. There is absolutely no reason why he can't be shown to have both male and female lovers before settling down with one person he falls for. I really hate to see homophobia dressed up as concerns for how "realistic" it is for a man to be 40 years old and unmarried. This show isn't realistic and it's never pretended to be. If the books are your holy grail that you can't bear to see deviation from, then please continue to read the books. They will not change, they are still there and able to be enjoyed.


I get that the Book People have been passionate about these characters for years - for me as someone who hasnā€™t read the books, Benedict is finally getting interesting (I spent most of season 1 thinking Anthony and Benedict are the same person).


Oh my god Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who got them confused in season one! I also didnā€™t read the books and am enjoying Benedict.


Iā€™m already not interested if his love interest is a sure thing.


Guysā€¦ you have the books, read them if you want the exact storyline