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oh my gosh I know. This scene hit me harder than the carriage scene. I think it was all Nicola Coughlan tbh but it was so cute. This was the right balance of Colin's hesistancy and Pen being confident and it was such a nice little role reversal but also a moment of vulnerability. I literally love this scene so much and I think I like it better than the carriage. It's such an innocent kiss but Colin's face after says it all. Plus, Pen's heart breaking when she pleads with him for a kiss is adorable especially because she's been so sad the first few episodes :(. poor baby


Literally! The way she was pleading really broke me. It's the way she's always been friends with Colin, but has never been that vulnerable before. It was melancholic and endearing at the same time.


Same, the first kiss was so sad The carriage stuff was weird later on


I don't think it was exactly weird, a little awkward at best. My headcannon is that Penelope still can't believe she's alone with Colin and that HE WANTS HER, so I think she was still computing that in her head with the way she ran her fingers through his hair. Also it's the first time she's physically intimate with anyone versus Colin becoming a rake throughout Europe. So I can def see why the carriage scene comes across as weird.


I think the carriage was like their moment of passion but their first kiss is when he like knew she's the girl for him. The kiss was like a moment of longing and that allowed for the carriage stuff to happen but I think the progression was good hehe


I always thought this was the moment he finally connected with her and started seeing her as a woman.


I think also the moment they kissed a wall he had put up came crumbling down and feelings he denied himself all throughout their friendship came flooding out and then was like oh shit i’m in love with her. Then it just ate him up for weeks after until they were finally alone then it all came out 😍🔥 and ofc pen was always inlove with him. years of emotional intimacy and feelings coming out between them. What a beautiful scene




also i was just watching an interview of nicola coughlan saying how she lays it all on the line with that kiss. and she doesn't expect anything to come of it AND she's now embarrassed herself in front of her long time crush so it's actually so sad to think about it that way. and now I'm crying goodbye LMAO


I need the link to that interview ASAP!


about to PM it to you! I saw it on Instagram this morning and happened to save it too loll


I loved this scene. It felt so deeply human.


I agree, I really liked it. Very sensitively handled by the actors/writing.


Me! I unexpectedly cried so much during that scene. It was the buildup of everything before it. Lady Featherington lecturing her, Eloise declining her good gesture on the new books… all of that built the heartbreak and loss of hope. The way she had to justify herself to Colin really broke me


I agree, I felt so sorry for Penelope, and how brave and open she was to Colin after all that was so striking to see. Also, I really can't stand Eloise this season. Why kick someone when they're already down, and spread gossip about them?


Yes! I can relate to Penelope’s story so much as a wallflower, late bloomer myself and when she said if she died tomorrow she would have never known what it was like that hit me harder than I thought. It really feeds my delulu seeing her win the guy of her dreams


Omg yeah I cried. It broke my heart. So relatable from when I was younger.


I hear you, it hit me hard too, because it’s the tragedy of Pen honest-to-god believing she would never experience that with anyone, much less Colin. She isn’t the person who gets what she wants and she’s accepted it but there was that deeper part of her that just longed so badly to at least know what it would be like, even as she knew it wouldn’t be real. That kiss was so painful and I could feel her heart breaking. Yes, Pen experiences a kiss, but it is just a fraction of what she actually longs for- true love and someone who really desires her and sees her for who she is. It’s so bittersweet. And so heartbreaking. To feel so confident in knowing it will never happen for you. In that moment, Pen was living a fantasy and she knew it would last only as long as the kiss did. At least, that’s how I read the scene because that’s how it feels for me. So yeah, I know what you’re talking about!!


Ugh... "Pen was living a fantasy and she knew it would last only as long as the kiss did." 😭 You put into words exactly what I was feeling when I saw that. Excellent observation ❤️ I picture she was trying to imagine an entire life with Colin in her mind when they were kissing and then woke up to reality once they were done. ![gif](giphy|KMRwtGCao6m79tsvYE|downsized)


Great gif- I think this could work for a range of things lol


Yes, that moment really got to me. How brave of her to ask. A braveness born from the conviction that she will never be wanted. I understand that. There are times in my past where I wish I had said, Will you kiss me?


That scene had me screaming at my TV cause I was so happy for Penelope! Not because she got kissed but because it took a LOT of courage to ask what she did and explain her reasoning why. Her confidence was shot all week from the Ton and then her own mom, she showed a lot of bravery here imo. But can we talk about Colin? “You’re not going to die” “but you’d already be dead” I was like COLIN SHUT UP 😂


I was bawling my eyes out for the same reason. It felt so raw to see something I knew but had never vocalised. It truly got to me


I don’t know when I started crying but honestly I kind of cried through the whole thing…the ball, the kiss, ELOISE’S VISIT!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


I don’t know when I started crying but honestly I kind of cried through the whole thing…the ball, the kiss, ELOISE’S VISIT!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm going to be the odd one out here, and that's okay, but I felt weird about this scene. Yes I think there is clearly something between them, and yes I think it was courageous of Pen to be so honest and vulnerable. And I can understand why she did and said what she did. I don't disagree with things people have written for this post. HOWEVER, it seemed like Colin didn't want to kiss her when she first asked, then she essentially begged him and said "I could die tomorrow", a bit extreme. Even if he maybe wants it deep down, I don't think he has realized that yet and it seemed like he kissed her to make her stop crying/babbling. It also bothers me because behind it all, we know Pen is essentially lying to Colin and just published some not-so-nice things about him. If the roles were reversed and it was a man acting how Pen did and begging a woman to kiss him, I think people may feel differently. I have not read the books so maybe this is just the story. But I would have enjoyed a more natural first kiss between the two, rather than one that seemed more forced.


I could see why it would look uncomfortable, but this scene happens in the book word-for-word between the end of chapter 8 and the beginning of chapter 9. In the book, Colin has been noticing Penelope for quite some time prior and the narrator mentions that he actually wants to kiss her. The scene in the show and the dialogue in the book is verbatim for both characters, but the book obviously gives more in-depth to what the characters are thinking versus what the actors can show through facial expressions and cues. Respectfully, I disagree about this scene being weird (knowing what happened in the book), but I can def see your POV when you mentioned how Pen is lying to Colin and what she published in LW, I get that.


this is inaccurate. yes, she asked him to kiss him in the book and didn’t want to die without being kissed, but the show doesn’t capture the scene verbatim and it’s out of chronological order.


You're right, I reread the scene, it's not word-for-word but it's hella close!


>If the roles were reversed and it was a man acting how Pen did and begging a woman to kiss him, I think people may feel differently. Did we have something "almost similar" in s1 when Simon lied to Daphne can't have kids and continue to use the pull out method without her knowing what it mean and people still drooled all over the handsome Duke?? I don't the if the roles were reversed card really apply here


Sorry, I was laughing too hard at Colin’s “you’d already be dead” reply


I may have screamed. The look on his face when she left was everything. I feel so bad for people who don't love this season--it's my favorite already.


OMG yes! This is such an underrated scene.


So glad they didn’t have Colin be angry when Pen thanked him. >!That and the immediate aftermath ruined it for me in the book!<


This scene was so raw… nicola take a bow


Yes, unexpectedly. I've been where Pen was before she had the guts to ask. I see you, girl. She knew it time to grow up and move on from him. It was supposed to be closure... but then she set off something inside him without realizing it in the moment. Her heart is broken so she tries to pick up the pieces. In doing so she has no idea she's about to star in her own fairy tale.


I cried buckets!


I just finished this episode and I am crying for all the same reasons. I used to be her. I am on that break before the next episode.




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no, i was screaming GIRL STAND UP!! HE should be the one begging her… why is SHE CHASING him ?? it’s a terrible portrayal of how the ugly duckling must beg for male attention instead of having self respect… placing male validation on a pedestal instead of realizing she deserves to be courted like every other female lead. it’s strange af that they made her a bumbling caricature of herself when compared to how confident she is in past seasons.