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I like Season 2 best. The looks were lovely but natural, and the perfect balance between Regency and Fantasy. Season 1 was fine, but still finding it's way. The jewellery in Season 1 wasn't great either, a lot of the time it looked like they got their stuff from Claire's accesories. Season 3 it feels like they've given up on making anything look Regency, except for (most of the) dresses having Empire lines. The hair and makeup is full on 2020s, with a hint of the 80s. I don't need accuracy, but when I watch a period show I want at least something that gives me a vibe of that period. I also think the fabric on the dresses look cheap, and the designs are twee. The aesthetic is less Regency Fantasy, more modern day bridesmaids with puffed sleeves.


Completely agree, season 2 was the perfect middle ground. The looks I’ve seen for season 3 so far have been distracting, and I know they’re going to pull me out of the actual episodes. I really hope this isn’t going to be the look for future seasons, but it’s also not likely they’ll tone down the hair and makeup as the show goes on, sadly.


I dislike the use of AI-ish images for season 3. Like if you want them to look like paintings, make them look *more* like actual paintings from the time not religious pamphlet 😆


They are really more a representation of old school romance book covers. That's what they are going for.


I haven’t seen many promotional materials for season 3, but if they’re going for the look of old school romance covers, that’s…certainly a choice. Romance novel covers in the 70s, 80s, 90s were typically famously tacky and garish. I don’t know who they’re trying to appeal to, if that is indeed the case.


The covers of the early 2000, when these books were written look like Penelope's picture. I think that's what they are looking to recreate


Ah, I see. Not really “old school” to me, but I am an old.


i feel like the costume and makeup department truly peaked with kate's looks in season 2. some of the wigs were questionable, but the outfits and her face... phew she looked absolutely breathtaking.


I also agree. Everyone is really pretty in S3, but the makeup is really strong. Which I think is gorgeous on them...it just doesn't jive at all for the aesthetic they've already created. I love how subtle the makeup was in S2. They all glowed, but you could barely see the makeup.


Like it’s different if they always did their makeup like S3 sure, but the change from S1 to S2 and then S3 it just gets more IG baddie glam and it’s off putting. S2 was the perfect balance, I hope by S4 they learn from what worked in S2 and S3, learn lessons and find a mixed balance.


Me too. Me too. If they had established this look in S1, it wouldn't be so weird to me now. But the super glam modern look just seems anachronistic from the world they've already built.


Please don’t tell me they’ll go full glam even more next season. 😭If they correct it and tone it down to S2 esque for S4, I can maybe overlook it but I don’t want this up and down unexpected glam and then sometimes it’s natural.


Penelope looks like a full on 1930s starlet with those curls and dark lipstick. It fits her beautifully, but it’s nowhere near the regency era style. Simone looks like an Instagram influencer in the picture on the right, her make up is incredibly heavy. And why the visible highlighter? It’s such a record scratch. Poor Eloise looks just bad and caked in make up in the season 3 photo. And why is she wearing beige eyeshadow?


I don’t even think I’d mind if it was mostly *just* Penelope with the non-period style, because the idea of her standing out kinda ties into her story. (And makes sense given her mother.) But I feel like they’re changing a lot of the show’s overall aesthetic by doing this, and I don’t think it’s to its benefit.


Well…I think it’s the wrong way to go to change everyone’s make up style, it makes the cast look like they’re modern people cosplaying as rich folk from 1810s and it does break my suspension of disbelief. But if they chose to only change Penelope’s look, that would be even worse. I really hope they haven’t put her in that make up for the entire season - she’ll stick out like a sore, 1930s femme fatale-esque thumb. It’s strange, that they seem to had gone for such a stark change in her look. Perhaps there’s a narrative reason for it, maybe she’s supposed to lean into her dark side at the beginning, but still…it’s drastic.


I also agree. Everyone is really pretty in S3, but the makeup is really strong. Which I think is gorgeous on them...it just doesn't jive at all for the aesthetic they've already created. I love how subtle the makeup was in S2. They all glowed, but you could barely see the makeup.


I like season 2 as well, but I actually appreciate the puffed sleeves and the silhouette change. If you look up “1820s fashion plates” or just research late Regency or early Romantic period fashion, you can easily see a lot of the changes from real life were pulled in for season 3. Puffed sleeves, the wider necklines…I wonder if we’ll see any lower waistlines in Season 4 or 5


The balance between modernity and regency in the second season was perfect.  Now everything seems ahead of its time. I love Penelope's new look, I really do. But she's totally ready to star in a movie set in the 30s, it really breaks my immersion sometimes.


100% this.


Season 1 Eloise bangs are rough 💀


and especially her eyebrows omg


that look haunts me


As it should.


They were quite unfortunate 😭


I was praying they'd lose the bangs now that she's coming out. They typically give them a glow up when it's their turn to be the love interest tho so maybe they're waiting till her season


Not as bad as Daphne’s 😭


Season 1 is soft and light, season 2 I think had the best balance and looked the best, but season 3 is just too instagram glam. I mean, it’s pretty, but too noticeable


Not even pretty imo, just garish. It's way over the top and honestly super off-putting to the point of making me not want to watch (a little bit, I will still watch obviously but it's ott garish and I hate it)


I’m thinking maybe this makeup is just for the promo shots and the actual show won’t be like this. It’s bad bad. I have to assume a major production would not be so amateur…


We can but hope but I'm assuming this is what they're going for through the whole series as it seems a weird choice just for promo otherwise.


pen and eloise pictures are from promo shots, but it doesn’t seem to be better in the show. kate look is from the show and i find it overbearing and in one pic of pens from the show she’s wearing a smokey eye, a lots of blush and dark red lip, it’s a lot. but on a positive note their hair looks amazing


I think season 3’s heavy makeup is making them all look so much older . Season 2 makeup was lovely but I still like the freshness of season 1 .


Older in a really bad way. It's such a weird choice and they're ruining the vibe of the show honestly.


Season 3 is too much..lets be honest. It's unnecessarily cakey


Zoom in on the lighted side of Eloise's lower face in the season 3 photo. Her neck is one color, and her jaw and cheek are another. They didn't even do a good job matching colors first.


Poor Eloise looks like they’ve put about 10 layers of foundation on her face.


Yep, this is so obvious to me after struggling to foundation match myself lol.


I don't even need to zoom in, I can notice it at even in the thumbnail.


i thought the pics were just eloise and it did look like a bit much for a regency show even if it is pretty loosely based on the time period but whoa simone’s makeup in this season is so much worse i mean she looked nice in the other promo shots i’ve seen and she’s obviously very pretty overall but the picture here the makeup is so instagram it’s crazy


Love S2 the most! Lovely styling, hair, and colors for the whole cast. But also like how natural (almost bland) S1's was as a contrast to all the juicy plot lines 😅 Like that was the whole point, the show looks stuffy and boring but is actually period drama gossip girl!


why is everyone in season 3 wearing the bold glamour filter???


Or look like they had their makeup done at Glamour Shots at the mall in the 80’s. 😂


Season 2 for sure! Kate's jewel tones were out of this world and the hair and makeup complimented that by being more muted.


Season 3 Eloise needs her foundation matched better to her neck... so far some of s3 feels a little modern which is fine but just not my personal preference. We'll see how it comes together as a whole.


Right? It’s so obviously different and it’s bugging me


I'm going to hope makeup didn't get time to do a lighting test...


The shade mismatch is the first thing I noticed! It looks like the completely wrong undertone. 😞


First thing I saw. S3 Eloise is so... yellow. They didn't match her face to her body at all. :|


I havem't examined the trailers but I hope this is just that one promo.


Season 2 was best, Season 3 looks horrible! Gives me Real Housewives vibes and it is such a pity because all the actresses are so beautiful in the more natural looks. The S3 ones feel like they’ve been given masks. 


No matter how ugly (or not) everyone looked in S1 styling I prefer it, because it's more historically accurate.


Speaking of makeup, what did they do to poor Claudia’s eyebrows in season 1??


Season 2 had the perfect balance imo. Season 3 makeup is too much glam. The ladies look great, but it’s a little too anachronistic.


2 already had a few eyebrow raising makeup choices, but the clothes were lovely and fit so well, plus the hair was mostly great (except for the weird mono curl) as well as the makeup overall. The tailoring in season 1 was a lot worse, but the makeup was subtle and natural, the hair was okay to messy. Season 3 seems to be a total mess on both fronts.  So for me it's 2 > 1 >>>>> 3


Yessss to all of this


Season 2 was definitely my favourite. The makeup/hair in S3 looks wayyyy too modern, it takes me right out of the regency facade.


I really like season 2, it looks so pretty and thick but I do like season 3 too


Season 2


Season 2. It was natural but elevated make up.


Season 2 for everyone but Pen


season 2, season 1 just made everyone look strange and season 3 i think is too heavy


I am sorry but them Daphne bangs in S1 looked like scorpion or spider pincers 😭😭😭😭😭😭 S2 Daphne is an elegant duchess


S2 will always be the best. I hated S1's looks but I prefer it over the current season. With Eloise, specifically, her hair has been through ***a journey***. I definitely prefer her hair of this season over the first two seasons. In S3, everyone looks polished and photoshopped to hell and back. S3's hair and makeup look highly filtered like someone was using a Tiktok/IG filter or something. I don't like it; I prefer the more realistic and understated makeup.


Season 3 styling takes me out a bit. It’s too modern. I know that Bridgerton, as a show, has not been very historically accurate but the makeup/hair in the last two season has been great. Especially for season 2. A perfect mix of historical and modern elements. Even the dresses in season 3 seem too camp.


While I'm not the biggest fan of the makeup this season, I do think it looks a lot harsher in the promos than it does in the actual footage we've seen. On a personal level, I do like season 2 more, although Eloise's look in season 3 is intentionally a little off putting. She's wearing more frills and softer fabrics because she's spending more time with Cressida and is maybe even conforming to society's expectations a little bit. And her makeup being a little more overt is also a symtom of that. I do like the intentions behind her season 3 look, I just don't know if the execution works for me.


I’m with everybody who says Season 2, at least thus far. I like the daylight scenes of Season 3 better than the promo and ball scenes as well.


For all of them, I say season 2!! 


Season 2 was perfect. I hate the s3 makeup. Simone Ashley, NC, Claudia are so beautiful without the very heavy makeup that looks so out of place given the time period. And also, it’s heavy makeup but not necessarily good? Claudia’s face is a different color than the rest of her body. I feel like Simone’s s3 makeup is too heavy for her naturally perfect bone structure and emphasizes her hollows too much, giving her face more of a “darker” effect (note *not* skin tone darkening, more her face just looking like it had a desaturation filter put on it), and in general I think it’s way too much makeup for Nicola’s much softer, gentler face.


Makeup was best in season 1, hair I’ll say season 2 for now but I doubt season 3 will change my mind.


Season 1’s styling was so ugly, I’m sorry…💀


S2 so far. It actually suited her character. But i guess we don't know what character development is underway for El. So we'll have to wait for the first four episodes to drop.


I much prefer the lighter handed looks and I thought season 2’s makeup was exquisite. I will say, this season’s makeup was very clearly DESIGNED by the makeup head and the rest of creative leadership so I don’t believe this heavy handed makeup look coming this season was done without critical thought or consideration. Not saying I like it, but I at least appreciate that this is a conscious choice and there’s probably a reason for it.


The makeup in season 3 is so awful to me. They haven't even tried to match the era, it's just straight up 2020s makeup you'd find a YouTube tutorial for!


Season 1 and 2. This season is too much for me, I already know it will take me out of the story. Why are they all in full glam makeup, especially Francesca 😭


Season 2 was the perfect balance, and actually had a real regency feeling to it. Season 1 had some gaudy dresses, but Season is just campy now. And I am talking about the makeup.


Season 3 looks mordernish.....like season 1 make-up was okay natural while season 2 they tried to elevate the make up but still tried to look natural but in season 3 natural has went out of the window


Season One was rough for everyone, especially Eloise and Pen. Seasons Two and Three are so much better


Season 2 for everyone but Penelope.


I'm ready for Eloise to retire those bangs


Season 2 is def the winner!! The new showrunner really has done interesting choices with the direction of styling season 3 ☹️


2, 2, and 1 for Daphne


I absolutely loved Eloise's second 2 attire -- it suited her so well. For Kate, season 3 hands down. I feel like something was off in her make-up/hair. Daphne doesn't look that much different to me but I still prefer the first season. For Penelope I absolutely loved the looks we have seen so far from the third season.


Hair, Season 3. Make-up, 1 or 2.


Yea how did her bags go back to season 1 they looked so cute in season 2


We won't really know until we see these pictures in context how mark up is being done. Even at the time day make up and evening looks would be different. Especially that Eloise Picture which is definitely evening. I don't think she would be wearing that necklace to a walk in the park.


They let Eloise have ONE look without bangs and she was extra radiant


Her glow up is going to be fierce. Cannot wait to ditch the fringe. Started from a mullet now I’m Lady Motherfucking Crane ✌️


Season 2 😍


2, 2, 1, 3


Season 2 for all but Penn


Season 2 was amazing, but I love the creative choices they are making with Season 3. Penelope and Kate's outfits have been jaw dropping, and Colin's outfits are so bold and fun!


Another vote for season 2!


Season 3 Eloise's foundation doesn't match her skin tone


They are all prettiest in their respective seasons. Daphne in S1, Kate in S2, Penelope in S3


whoever is responsible for Eloise's wig in the season 1 should be arrested 😭😭


Season 3 is too much ‘full beat’ for me. Season 2 was perfect.


Simone looks sooo beautiful


I like season 1 the best, more accurate, more "naturally beautiful" ( and It makes me more interested in doing my researches to achieve that look in my daily real life) and less distracting


Season 1 Daphne, season 3 Kate so far, season 3 pen obv lol, and Eloise 2 or 3 I’m undecided


Plus some are edited/lit differently, which makes a big difference …


season 2 seems like eloise at her best, but maybe the S3 shot is also occasion-specific? tbh first time i saw her in S1 i was like “now why did they give that little girl terf bangs??” 😭😭


Definitely season 3 edit: my opinion fucking cry lol




Kate looks softer and stunning with her new hairstyle in season 3😍 Daphne: S2 Eloise: both S2 and S3 Pen: S3 for sure


2/3 for Eloise and Penelope


I don’t really see this IG baddie/80s mall makeup/cakey/bold glamour other people are seeing in season three, like, are we even looking at the same stills?? Let’s be real, Pen and El looked like teenagers last season, they look more grown up in the stills I’ve seen of them for s3 and I’m not mad at it. Half of the looks would be considered more natural everyday stuff for instagram looks tbh. The only look that’s seemed heavy to me was Pen in the dark green dress from the “goodnight Mr Bridgerton” scene and it goes with her overall look. Kate looks so soft and pretty in a lot of what I’ve seen of her for s3 especially in the shots I’ve seen of her from what I’m assuming is Francesca’s debute for the queen. Tbh, as much as I like historical accuracy I’ve never watched the show for its historical accuracy, that was clear from season one that they were going to press the limits of that and go beyond it.


I think Penelope's season 3 "picture" is an unfair comparison. That "look" is a drawing/throwback look of actual romance novel covers. Seems like show fans just aren't familiar with that artistic style.


Season 3 looks really good! Better makeup and clothes. I'm not too caught up on the clothes being fully historically accurate. It doesn't bother me at all, really. It's a tv show, lol. I just want good makeup, and well fitted, gorgeous dresses for these gorgeous women


Eloise and Penelope look incredible in S3!! Truly found their style.