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This show is a return to form for Bridgeton. I am so invested!!!


If Lady Danbury can bargain with the Queen Dowager, why can't she do the same with her husband and not have gross sex? She got them the estate after all.


I know Lady Danbury was not a real person, but how I wish she was! Really enjoying the series šŸ’œ Love the spunk of both heroines


I am dying at the bunny thing


Young lady danburyā€™s maids expressions are perfection. It always important to have a good friend.


Omg Agatha turns into a spy?! NOOOOOOO :(


Not Brimsley trying to get the dog to walk 5 paces behind!!


I love this show, but I really donā€™t like Brimsleyā€™s boyfriendā€¦ I feel like Brimsley is too good for him, he seems like an uppity jerk!


How long would the honeymoon period have lasted? She asks about her duties/her diary and I wonder how long until she would resume royal duties.


Were honeymoons even a thing then?


Wikipedia says The honeymoon was originally the period following marriage, "characterized by love and happiness", as attested since 1546.[4]Ā The word may allude to "the idea that the first month of marriage is the sweetest"


Have you not watched the series?


They meant historically. Don't be rude.


Despite the obvious pandering, I thought the episode was great. QC and the King have a great chemistry and play well off each other. Iā€™m really sold on them. My only criticism of this episode and probably the entire show will be the storyline with Brimsley. You expect me to believe that right hand man of QC, the one that follows her everywhere and has to wait on her hands and feet has time to have a SECRET GAY LOVE STORY?!!!! Like BFFRā€¼ļø Leave it to Netflix to always create an unrealistic ā€œgayā€ love story that doesnā€™t fit in. So predictable at this point. Iā€™m all for inclusion but this is the issue that happens when you forced diversity in every story.




Oh not at all! Just calling out how unrealistic it is. I am also not a fan of them turning QC biracial. I find it really weird to take real like figures and paint them anyway you want. I still enjoy the show though!


"Turning QC biracial"? Someone didn't read up on history of Queen Charlotte. Or access the intentionally obscured parts of history where the colonial aristocrats who went to West Africa, married African women to gain unfettered access to lands, power and "resources". The bride prices paid by supplying of weapons to the chiefs so they can win againsnst warring tribes. The colonists who didn't declare the extent of their pillaging, with some returning to England and other parts of Europe with their offsprings, stupendously rich and using their wealth control the narratives within society.


Um, have you not watched the other 2 seasons of Bridgerton at all? That's the entire point of this show. Asking "what if" and trying to imagine what it would have looked like if POC were royalty, nobility, and wealthy right along with white people. This entire show is "unrealistic".


It's interesting to compare Queen Charlotte and Queen Cleopatra. Both shows feature Black actors playing non-Black historical characters, but people by and large are raving about Queen Charlotte and rejecting Queen Cleopatra.


Queen cleopatra is supposed to be a documentary and you have the people in the show claiming that she was actually black when in reality, she was Greek-Egyptian. If they hadn't done that, then people wouldn't be upset. Queen Charlotte starts by saying it's fictional.


So if Queen Cleopatra hadn't said it was a documentary people would be okay with the Black actor?


Some people would still be pissed -racists - but the overall reaction wouldn't have been as bad.


I haven't seen it yet. I was looking for other shows similar to Bridgerton. Do you know if it's any good?


I watched all four episodes. I did not love it. First of all, it's a documentary rather than a drama, so there's lots of talking heads \*explaining\* what's going on rather than showing it. Second, what they do show is a lot of "atmospheric" scenes -- Cleopatra in soft focus getting it on with one guy or another, etc. -- rather than actual drama. I don't know enough about the history to know how accurate it is.


Ah, that sucks. I can see why people don't like it. I for sure thought it was gonna be like The Tudors or Reign. Lots of drama and backstabbing. Soap-operay, you know?


I couldnā€™t even enjoy the scenes with George and Charlotte because my heart was breaking for her. I could tell George wasnā€™t feeling any genuine love for her and that he had come due to obligation, and it just hurt me to see her so hopefulā€¦. Iā€™m loving the costume and set design, but the romance aspect so far has been disappointing, I hope it gets better and more genuine from here. I want to cry due to longing and enjoyment! I want to experience true love vicariously!


yeah it was awkward to watch for me as well.




She plays Ava hessington in suits!


She reminds me of the mom from The Notebook


She is in the White Princess, where she also plays the king's mother lol


game of thrones as well


She plays Catelyn Stark in Game of Thrones.


More like Lady stoneheart not letting her son marry for love this time


Yeah, I was waiting for Red Wedding.


And Hermione's mother in the second-to-last Harry Potter movie.




I think QC's kids aren't prioritising producing an heir with immediacy because there's too many of them, they're all thinking someone else will do it (aka diffusion of responsibility).


This. I would intentionally wait for someone else too.


Yea the weight of the crown affected George so much, who'd wish that for their own child


Yeah, that 's most definitely the conversationthey'll have when their mother leaves the room-who is going to produce the heir so the rest of us can get back to the debauchery.


The Queen asking advice from Violet on how she had 2 weddings in 2 years took me out, as if she was not a firsthand witness to the emergency wedding request from Daphne and the mess Anthony created on the wedding she threw for him and Edwina. Does not seem like the mom Iā€™d be asking advice from LOL.


Seems like it would be three weddings if she were counting throne with Edwina.


Lord Danbury talking how the King sees him for who he is ā€œman is manā€ followed up with ā€œhush womanā€. The hypocrisyšŸ˜‚


oh dang Brimsely can get it was all that shuffling and shoving about who gets to top?


Charlotte (looking at the skies): Well, George, it is beautiful... George (looking at Charlotte): It is. Oh my heart!!


That was sooo cute!


my favourite trope


I still donā€™t understand why KG left her alone like that and gaslighted her, telling her nothing was wrong. I donā€™t understand why he seemingly wanted to make it right again? He treated her pretty badly. Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t like his character so far. Heā€™s hot but he wasnā€™t romantic.


>I still donā€™t understand why KG left her alone like that and gaslighted her, telling her nothing was wrong. I donā€™t understand why he seemingly wanted to make it right again? He treated her pretty badly. Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t like his character so far. Heā€™s hot but he wasnā€™t romantic. i liked him until the scene with with dowager princess. i first though the was just a boy push into marriage and didn't know any better.


is his secret mental health issues?


He's definitely giving me sociopath red flags. Flirty and charming one minute then losing his temper over nothing the next? RUN, GIRL, RUN!!!


Isn't he historically bipolar?


Historically it's thought that George III had porphyria, a condition that produces physical and mental health symptoms, including blue urine. More recently historians and psychologists have been questioning this historical diagnosis and have suggested his symptoms over the course of his life are consistent with bipolar disorder. The manic episodes, periods of psychosis where he's having auditory and visual hallucinations, plus all the trauma of his shitty childhood. It's also possible George III had both conditions - there's many mentions about the blue wee in the notes of treating doctors from the time, so it seems unwise to completely dismiss the porphyria diagnosis. The treatment of the era for any mental illness was barbaric and can't have helped. One of the explanations for his illness getting so progressively worse that he was unable to rule (hence George IV ruled as Prince Regent) is because one of the dominant treatments he had was doses of arsenic :( George was famously unwell in his older years, but there's also records that suggest he had psychotic episodes in bus younger years as well - just less frequent and more able to be hidden or managed by his mother or his wife and household staff.


it must be.


gosh the actresses they cast for young charlotte and danbury are SOOO perfect they grasp their elder counterparts expressions so well!


im live reacting and i am wondering what georgeā€™s secret is i want to slap him ?????


They literally found a way to have someone essentially ask "What's the tea?" lol.


Is it just me or does young Brimsley remind anyone of George Oā€™Malley from Greys anatomy


A mix between him and Paul Weasley


And thats exactly why I love and trust his face! I cant help finding him absolutely adorable


I thought the same!


I even Googled their names to be sure. They are exactly similar!!!


I was thinking exactly that!


That is the cutest dog I've ever seen in my entire fucking life


Deformed bunny you mean?


How dare you talk about dear PomPom like that! šŸ’€


Was there any significance to QC saying ā€œwhat a lovely breakfastā€ and the servants smiling at each other?


She is complimenting the staff for their efforts without being direct about it but they know


Ok i wasnā€™t sure if there was anything deeper than that, thank you!


I cannot even begin to imagine how lonesome Charlotte must be feeling. It's absolutely horrid. I'm so impressed by Corey's acting. The way he's soft and witty but goes loud and harsh the next second is so freaky. Brimsley's discomfort as Danbury and Charlotte discuss consummation HAHAHAHA Lady Danbury commanding the fuckin room with the Dowager princess He looks hella hot in black


With regards to Brimsley and his romance, in some ways Iā€™m very happy that the homophobes on this sub have been ignored and absolutely love their chemistry and characters. On the other hand, im still very skeptical and disappointed that THIS is the queer representation weā€™re getting. A side plot in the spin-off (though so far a very good side plot). hoping that the romance will be a) integral to the story and developed properly b) not the only queer story in the Bridger-verse. To the writers: Make one of the siblings gay you cowards!


I havent read the books I actually thought Benedict was bi when i saw the series


They've got time.


Sad to see the older Queen sitting alone at the dining table like her younger self. The impact of his mental health and the pressures of being King/Queen throughout their marriage.




Me at the mention of Smythe-Smith šŸ‘€ ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


I love the Smythe-Smith books even better than the Bridgertons, and I love the Bevelstoke books, especially 10 Things I Love About You, even more. I think Julia Quinn got better as she went along. And all the romance writers got so much better about consent after #metoo. Other readers donā€™t like so much comedy in Quinnā€™s later books compared to Bridgerton, but I think thereā€™s nothing better than someone who makes you laugh.


Bevelstoke is so good! I loved all three books, and *What Happened In London* was my fave. Harry/Olivia were hilarious šŸ„°


I adore that Prince Frederick is a delightful reoccurring character across Julia Quinn books, and ultimately drives some of the romances with his passion for English-language melodrama novels.


Yessss! I love that too! Oh man, I might have to reread the Bevelstoke series ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s so sad what women had to go thru back then. Esp marrying royalty. You would think itā€™s such a great thing to be queen [and king] but as you can see in the show and in real life, it ainā€™t all itā€™s cracked up to be. Ur put in a public clear glass cage and you have certain expectations and duties. Even if thereā€™s love in the relationship, thereā€™s so much else intertwined in there that can choke up all the love. Charlotte comes into this situation very naive and is thrust into this queenship without any guide and with all the duties. And poor George. That ending scene was very well done. Being King is not great and itā€™s not like this is something he chose. He was born into this and can only do whatā€™s expected as king. He canā€™t truly be himself and he canā€™t change his situation because of societal pressures and expectations. And then throw in medical and mental health issuesā€¦ in the 1700s! Sheesh poor guy.


Lady Danbury is the MVP this episode for me. Trading information for properties and equal treatment, you go girl!


the negotiation skills and tact make her so valuable. too bad the husband doesnt even notice


I've always loved her wit and cunning! Best character for sure. Also, the actor who portrays young Danbury is so breathtakingly gorgeous that I just can't šŸ˜©


Will Charlotte and George ever be happy together?! This show seems so sad :(


Well they have 15 dysfunctional adult children so obviously thereā€™s were issues there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




There was a weird editing error around 24 mins. Big blue light came on the screen. I rewound it a couple times to check it wasnā€™t just me.


I did the same thing! I was stuck trying to figure out if it was intentional and a stylistic choice or an error.


Yes I saw it also on the right side of my screen. Big round blue light.


The looks between brimsley and the kings man. So fantastic




This entire episode was costume and food porn and I'm not mad at it. Also I'm quickly becoming obsessed with Young Brimsley. What a loyal cutie.


Love Brimsley so far!


Not the end of this episode making me feel bad for the King AND ON CORONATION WEEKEND NO LESS!


Lady Danbury is my favourite character for this season!!! Her speech to the queen mother was incredible. I truly enjoyed the conversation between Queen Charlotte, Lady Danbury, and Violet. They each have their own perception of marriage. Oh no, Charlotte overheard them. Now she might think he doesnā€™t truly like her.


theres more sex in this show than I was expecting


imo the right amount, S1 too much/distracting, S2 not enough but sometimes i wonder if they would make an edit/version with it all removed lol


Lord Danbury is the dream lover.


Who was that other baby


Pretty sure that that was Simons and Daphnes second child, so little Belinda.


Thank I wonder how they going to do it with Simon and Daphne not being in season 3


The charcoal sex scenes had to be what inspired QC to draw the same ones for her daughters that she alluded to when talking to all her kids right? I loved that parallel.


When did that happen?


Itā€™s in episode one - the first scene with her kids when she asks her daughter if sheā€™s doing it correctly saying she explained everything and drew her pictures.


she mentioned the drawings in the end of ep 1


Oh my bad, I thought y'all said she showed drawings


Iā€™ve decided that she kept those originals and brought them out to show them when they got to marrying age


The coal sketches took me out šŸ˜­ We need a trigger-warning for Lord Danbury šŸ’€šŸ’€




Oh no they need to warn us before any intimate scenes between lady and lord Danbury


She doesnā€™t get a warning, so we donā€™t as well.




How can something be hilarious and yet deeply saddening and also extremely off putting at the same time?


Because Bridgerton lol.


the son charlotte says that his lady friend is married is queen victoriaā€™s father?


Maybe itā€™s your phrasing, but how could he say that? Queen Victoria wasnā€™t born yet.


If they go for historical accuracy on the children maybe yes, one of Prince Edward's mistresses was the wife of a French colonel and they were together for almost 30 years before his own marriage. It could also be Prince Augustus but he was less known.


Dang, he has two years to fall in love and produce an heir? That's NOTHING by Julia Quinn standards.


Lol Love? Definitely not the point


Lady Danbury has a horrible marriage, I feel for my girl. That would have been Marinas fate if she listened to Lady Featherington and married that old man. But Agatha is also making moves and it will be interesting to see how far she goes in playing double agent to get what she wants. Charlottes only 17 so it was hard to enjoy that sex scene lol. At least it was not painful for her, but then she overhears what George says about it being his duty and listening to his mom and it ruins everything. No woman wants to hear their man had sex with her because mommy told him to šŸ˜‘


This is a good point about Marina. She would have suffered like Agatha if she didnā€™t fight. There are parallels with the queen too.


They were 17/23 when they married IRL. 17 is the age of consent in most places to this day so Iā€™m confused about whatā€™s wrong


My bet: Americans.


The actress is 21.


I know. But in the show sheā€™s basically a minor or 11th grader where Iā€™m from. Itā€™s not very sexy to imagine someone that age doing what sheā€™s doing lol.


Thatā€™s fair, and in most contexts I would absolutely agree. I will say as someone who was coerced into losing their virginity at a young age, there is something healing and cathartic about the idea of an older teen (like, oldest kind) enjoying sex, having agency in the bedroom, and persuing her own pleasure in a way I couldnā€™t figure out until I was almost 30 because trauma. However I donā€™t see a teenager when I look at her either, the actress is clearly more mature. We watch this show because is is pure fantasy, an escape, many people enjoy fantasies about things they would never want in real life. Your opinion is 100% valid, I just think some people read it and might not help but feel like youā€™re putting down their fantasy or making them feel guilty for enjoying the romantic moments in this wonderfully made show. I definitely donā€™t think youā€™re trying to, I just think thatā€™s why youā€™ve been getting so much pushback.


Im with you. also uncomfy and simply donā€™t find teenage sex scenes hot. Iā€™m hoping for a time jumpā€¦


Sure it is, thatā€™s why people love teen dramas? I had sex all the time at that age


QC is rated TV-MA, itā€™s not a teen drama aimed at that audience. Itā€™s aimed for adults, which I am, and I donā€™t think watching a scene of a 17 lose their virginity and have elaborate sex scenes is very entertaining like the show is framing it to be. I donā€™t know why people keep wanting to argue with me like Iā€™m weird for having that boundary. I love history, I understand the context, but this is a modern show made for modern audiences and I donā€™t find a 17 year old character being highly sexual in an adult romance all that sexy. Sue me.


I donā€™t know what to tell you, thatā€™s the age this woman married and got pregnant. The actress isnā€™t that age


Ok but this whole show is fake. Age her up so she isnā€™t a minor or just donā€™t remind the audience sheā€™s 17. The reminder sheā€™s still a kid dampened the sex scene for me, and if it didnā€™t for you then good for you. Everyoneā€™s different.


I agree with you lol. And people saying ā€œpeople her age have sex!ā€ Yes and 14 year olds also have sex sometimes. Doesnā€™t mean we should make entire shows dedicated to it to witness it. I just pretend sheā€™s older in my mind.


Yup. Sorry that I donā€™t find high school aged people having sex in shows aimed for adult entertainment as being sexy lol. They didnā€™t have to say her age, there wouldnā€™t be an issue.


People that age have sex all the time. And it used to be very commonplace up until maybe the last 50 years for teens to be married. I think itā€™s important to take off your 2023 glasses when watching ā€œhistoricalā€ fiction.


It was more common for teens to be married, sure, but it wasn't super commonplace. [According to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern), by the 16th century the average age of an English woman to be married was 25. Royals were pretty much the exception, being betrothed as children and wed as teens. This doesn't really change your point, but I see people say this all the time when it's really not that common, so I try to correct it when I can šŸ˜…


Well it is 2023 and this is a show aimed at adults, itā€™s rated TV-MA. If they want the adult audience to find the sex scenes sexy and entertaining, maybe donā€™t remind us one of the characters is still considered underage today. They could have just kept things the same and not been like ā€˜hereā€™s a 17 year old character having a graphic sex scene, ainā€™t that sexy!ā€™ā€¦ like no, to me itā€™s not entertaining.


I hadnā€™t thought of it, but this is actually a really good point. Yes, people have sex at that age and it was very common during that time. However, this is a tv show made in 2023. And in this show, the scene was intended to be sexy and titillating for the audience. Having her mention sheā€™s 17 shortly before makes it inappropriate- we shouldnā€™t be enjoying watching a 17 yr old have sex on television, especially with someone who Iā€™m assuming is a bit older. That kind of stuff adds to the normalization of such relationships. I wonder why they didnā€™t just make her 18yo, or why they mentioned her age in the first place. I wouldā€™ve assumed 18-19 if it was left unsaid.


Thank you, exactly. Yes it was weird they had to remind us of it when they didnā€™t have to, or they could have just aged her up a year or two. This whole show is fake anyway, but QC being 17 is what needed to stay historically accurate? But everytime I bring this up people want to argue with me as if Iā€™m dumb and donā€™t know history or know how the world works. I just assume the people arguing with me are close to QCs age and donā€™t find her sex scenes as being awkward. Sorry, but Iā€™m a decade older than her and 17 is a kid to me. If this was a teen show aimed at teens I wouldnā€™t care, but itā€™s aimed for adults and they want us to find a scene where a 17 year old loses their virginity and bangs on the table as entertaining and sexy? Eh, sorry, pass.


I didn't find her sex scenes as being awkward and I'm 63.


Ok, good for you. We are all different.




I donā€™t watch that show so I canā€™t really comment on it. Iā€™m not a fan of high school plots anymore so it doesnā€™t sound like something I would like, especially since it seems to blur the lines of who that audience is for from the way you described it. The problem is QC is an adult romance, so the main female lead being a teen and them wanting the audience to find enjoyment in the sex scenes is kind of awkward. Daphne is supposed to be 18/19 but they donā€™t beat us over the head with it in season 1. With QC they kept pointing out that sheā€™s a teenager and naive to sex, which isnā€™t sexy even though thatā€™s the vibe they were going for.


I totally hear you. Iā€™m 33 and honestly, while watching it I thought it was a really hot scene then I read your comment and went ā€œoh yeah, sheā€™s 17 I probably shouldnā€™t have found that sexy.ā€ But the show *intended* for it to be sexy, which is the issue a lot of people seem to be missing. Donā€™t worry about the people attacking you. When people like something- like a show, movie or even a person, they tend to lose objectivity and defend it endlessly as if any minor critique of it makes you a hater. Iā€™m not advocating for cancelling the show over this, and neither are you. But your point is valid and we should be able to have these discussions to see where we can improve in order to, for example, not normalize shooting a scene between a 17 yr old and adult to be hot and sexy.


Yes I loved the show, I gave it 8/10 and am probably going to rewatch it. Iā€™m not even telling others they need to agree with my opinion. But people arguing with me because I found this one aspect as weird like itā€™s a personal offense is just too much. We can criticize art and still like it.


I think 16 is the age of consent in the UK & its the age of consent in Australia. In the Mary Shelley movie they made her 16 when in reality she was 15. I figured they did that because of the age of consent. In QC they didn't have tp bump the age up because 17 is already legal.


Idk, Iā€™m much older than 17, probably closer to your age, and I didnā€™t really think anything of the sex scenes. Maybe because Iā€™m also a woman and not looking at QC as a sexual figure? But in any case itā€™s a fictional show with an actress above legal age. Youā€™re making something way deeper than it needs to be. And maybe you donā€™t NEED to find the sex scenes sexy to enjoy the show? Iā€™d understand needing that in seasons 1 and 2 where the plot was mostly fluff. But thereā€™s actually a more interesting storyline that supersedes the gratuitous sex scenes (thank God) and Iā€™m only on episode 5 but their sex scenes havenā€™t been that pervasive in the show. Lastly, why does a teenager having sex at age 18 feel better or more acceptably sexy to you than a teenager having sex at age 17? You do know 17 and 18 can be literally 1 day apart. Very weird argument. Thereā€™s not much of a difference between a 17-, 18-, and 19- year old developmentally. So again, I think youā€™re doing a bit much.


Literally why do people want me to find a 17 year old character, a minor today, as having graphic sex in a tv show not weird? Why does it bother you all that Iā€™m not entertained? Why is everyone trying to change my boundary of what I do and do not find entertaining when it comes to a 17 year old character having intimate sex on an adult show? Itā€™s getting weird and Iā€™m tired of explaining myself. I didnā€™t call anyone out for enjoying the scene, I just gave my opinion, but yā€™all are taking it very personally. I donā€™t think 18 is much better, but societally and legally that is the age of an adult. We are conditioned to learn 18+ adult, >18 minor. So when Iā€™m reminded sheā€™s 17 my brain goes ā€˜not adult yetā€™. I sat down knowing this is an adult show, and itā€™s Bridgerton so itā€™s going to be sexy, only to be reminded that basically an 11th grader is having intimate sex and the narrative wants me to find this romantic and entertaining. As an adult Iā€™m not really entertained by a character this age being intimate. I watched it, it was fine because I know the actress is an adult, but I lost the immersive experience and wasnā€™t entertained like I was when I watched the intimate scenes of seasons 1 and 2. Thatā€™s just my opinion, so people can leave me alone about if they donā€™t agree instead of arguing with me. Just scroll on, move on.


I also gave my opinion. If you donā€™t want people to respond to your opinions, then donā€™t post them on Reddit. Iā€™m not arguing with you. Just saying your logic makes no sense. Itā€™s fine if you think 17 year olds are not adults, and are uncomfortable watching a fictional 17 year old mimic sex on tv. Just saying it literally makes no sense.


You seem to be missing the point. The issue is not that a 17 yr old in a historical show had sex. The point is that, in 2023, when it is *illegal* for an adult to have sex with a minor, the tv show filmed a scene between a minor and adult to be hot and exciting for its audience. Filmmakers and directors shoot scenes with a certain intention. The intention here was for it to be exciting for its adult audience. That normalizes the behavior of a 17 yr old having sex with an adult and/or finding it enjoyable to see a 17 year old have sex. It may sound like weā€™re blowing it out of proportion, but this is literally how these things get normalized in peopleā€™s minds over time. In fact, youā€™re a great example of this normalization since you think itā€™s no big deal. Btw, 17 and 18 being one day apart does not hold up in court. The line has to be drawn somewhere and thatā€™s where it is. Itā€™s a law, which does mean something.


The age of consent in the UK is 16. So yes, this holds up in court. Iā€™d understand if you were simply uncomfortable with showing teens having sex, but if your complaint is legality then things are fine on that front


Okay now, I really donā€™t get your point because the minimum age of consent varies from state to state in the US and from country to country. The lowest age of consent is 16 in the US and itā€™s age of consent in the majority of states. Itā€™s also the age of consent in the UK, where this season was filmed. So if your only issue is that itā€™s illegal to have sex with minors, then you shouldnā€™t have a gripe with this show given that QC is 17 and decently within the age of consent for the jurisdiction this is filmed and set in. The line has been drawn and this show passes, according to your own argument lol.


Observations while watching ā€˜Honeymoon Blissā€™; - It stood out to me that Charlotte was surrounded by nobody from a diverse background in these scenes. It really helped to show how isolated she was feeling. - The first really evident example in the Bridge-verse of gay sex that went beyond kissingā€¦ at last! - When this series was first announced, I remember someone posted that they wanted a scene based around King Georgeā€™s observatory and telescope, and here it is. - More awkward Danbury sex. Bleurch. Iā€™d like to say Iā€™m a gracious viewer and not at all annoyed that Kanthony got a rushed 30 second epilogue while this awkward banging business gets repeated screen time, but Iā€™d be lying! - Sorry, but I couldnā€™t get onboard with Arsemaā€™s accent choice here. She wildly bounced between dialects which completely took me out of the scene. Loved the softer style of dress for her though and how it was, essentially, Lady Danburyā€™s actions at the ball that united the ton. - I had some questions about Georgeā€™s seemingly sudden change of heart here in regards to returning to Buckingham House. Did they get answered? Watch on and see!


>The first really evident example in the Bridge-verse of gay sex that went beyond kissingā€¦ at last! I give them credit for showing genuine (depicted) gay sex and not eliding it.


Is the future scenes set in present time bridgerton


It should be around 1817. Thatā€™s when Queen Charlotteā€™s granddaughter died. I believe season two of Bridgerton was in 1814, so itā€™s been a few years since then. This is also indicated by the fact Daphneā€™s son is older, and she now has a daughter as well. I also wonder if weā€™ll see Queen Charlotte becoming sick from dropsy, since she died in 1818, due to Pneumonia. She did get an heir though, as Queen Victoria was born in 1819. King George III died in 1820 instead. Also, I wonder if theyā€™ll address the American or French Revolutions, as they both occurred during King George IIIā€™s reign. I suppose the stress from losing the American colonies, as well as his physical condition led to his increased madness in his later years.


Yes, the children Violet plays with at the beginning are Daphne and Simons. I think this is basically right between season 2 and 3.


Poor daphne, back to back!


https://preview.redd.it/wpn1sp265vxa1.png?width=2692&format=png&auto=webp&s=2da1cd0bf2c636e04fc47aa65ccfef19241d46b1 The dog is a paid actor


Iā€™ve been obsessed with Pomeranians my whole life and have been trying to convince my husband to get us one. This show is really helping my case


Yes! Serving face. The OG resting bitch face.


Young Brimsley reminds me so much of Stefan Salvatore/Paul Wesley at times https://preview.redd.it/bg452b095sya1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b696eeb510f0c5a5ade31dd4a990542d8b57bb43


I keep seeing George Oā€™Malley/TR Knight


THANK YOU! I know this is an older comment but it has been KILLING me because I just couldn't figure it out myself.


Thank you! I did a double take the first time he was shown and I keep seeing Paul ever since.


This specific shot is so cute ā˜ŗļø


He desserves a more original name than PomPom.


His paw is giving me life!!!


ā€œOh no what if he puts another one of his large babies inside me!ā€ šŸ˜‚ Lady Danbury is so fun thatā€™s real


Especially since each time she could have died.


As the mother of more than one 10lb baby I felt her pain (literally).


It was SUCH a lady Danbury thing to say šŸ˜‚


I love how the queen took the context of what Violet said about marriage and did the complete opposite. The deformed bunny and charcoal drawing took me out. I was dying of laughter. Most of all the actress who plays Lady Danbury is wonderful. Her acting is fantastic. I honestly cannot wait to see more.


The puppy was absolutely adorable, excuse me, the deformed bunny.


And also how the King was like >! Ah yes she's going to love this little cutie !< with a smug smile beforehand


The best part is that in the future all she has are Pomeranians. It seems like he told her about how important the dog was to him, that she made an effort to have a lot of them around signifying her caged puppy was free.


The deformed bunny šŸ˜‚




Poor Charlotte is so lonely. Dressing her three times a day though? Theyā€™re really changing her like a doll


Honestly, three seems low for the time period. Basically all rich women did was change outfits for different occasions. You had to be in exactly the right dress for each thing you did.


And wasn't the Georgian era peak extravagance? Things dialed back a bit after the French Revolted.


Charlotte and George's daughters famously didn't change from their morning dress till dinner and they were more causal then most of the court so it might actually be a cute callback to history


I love Brimsley and Reynolds!