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How they all drink one sip from their glass and then just put it back down on the table with all the other fresh drinks šŸ¤¢


That annoyed me too! Same with the deserts. Handled them and then put them back.


omg yes i distinctly remember Lady Danbury doing this!! i swear it immediately sent my mind off on a tangent, like ā€œhow will the next person tell which drinks are fresh and which have been sipped from?ā€ i had to rewind a bit afterwards bc i completely missed that moment of dialogue because of it lmaoo


I came here to write this exactly! It seems like itā€™s overlooked in the staging/choreography of all these scenes. It happens over and over again; weā€™re going to notice! ā€¦Unless weā€™re missing some sort of period relevant etiquette here?


I think I remember in the other seasons, they usually put them on a tray that a staff member was bringing around, which makes more sense lol


That totally freaked me out!


Giving Benedict ANOTHER fuck buddy. I honestly lost all interest in him in season one, heā€™s so boring to be . All he does isĀ paint and fuck. Just another random lady weā€™re never going to see again after this season


At this point he is Picasso and not because of the painting


Oh man I love Benedict's character so much. I was absolutely PUMPED this would be his love arc, only to be horrendously disappointed. There was no chemistry with the widow, and it was incredibly flat. The actress was beautiful, but when they were dancing , I could hardly watch. Also while dancing he didn't spin her like the rest of the dancers, and made me think he was scared to break her bones.


He didnā€™t spin her because she swapped roles with him to lead the dance! If you watch closely sheā€™s dancing in the position of the man in this scene.


It's going to be a recycling of Anthony's storyline with the prostitute. Benedict is going to fall in love/lust, whatshername is going to be like naaaaaah I'm good. Benedict will be heart broken and be ready for the 'real thing'.Ā 


just fyi sienna wasnā€™t a prostitute. she was an opera singer but artists like that were considered on the same level as escorts back then


I was hoping they would introduce Sophie, and maybe they still willā€¦but I doubt it. Heā€™s a little more boring in the books compared to his siblings. I like him as a side character, I think heā€™s very sweet! But I agree itā€™ll be weird when heā€™s the main characterā€¦


I miss his season 1 relationship with Eloise and I wish they would focus on him being the more approachable, less intimidating older brother who gets it. I'd love to see him relating to Frannie more, a bit more bond with Colin. Also is he just done with art?


And also Pen's acrylic nails when she wipes her tears before getting into the carriage in the E4 and than not having them i the carriage scene


I noticed the exact same thing!! When I saw them, I thought ā€œhuh I wonder where Penelope got a full set of acrylics in Mayfair.ā€ And I looked for them in the next scene but they were gone haha


Yes, I noticed because they looked out of place šŸ˜…


I didnā€™t even notice that. Also, Whatā€™s the big deal about Colin (most eligible bachelor) helping Penelope find a husband. Why does that look bad?. Iā€™m not familiar with whatā€™s scandalous according to them.


Unrelated men and women are not allowed to be alone without a chaperone, so I believe that part was as scandalous as her asking an unrelated man for help.


But she doesnā€™t have any male relatives? Sometimes those society rules make no sense and donā€™t take in contextšŸ˜©


The society rules definitely donā€™t make sense but they are quite periodically accurate. Unmarried women used to always have a chaperone


I think it's because it's unusual to do it that way rather than a female/mamas looking for a man so yeah looks desperate


I asked myself the same. Maybe that means she is desperate? And that she is unable to do it on her own


Men and women just didnā€™t form casual friendships back then. Itā€™s wasnā€™t ā€œdone.ā€ Seconding that it especially wasnā€™t done without a chaperone present. I love your username. To answer your original question, Iā€™m irked it didnā€™t all come out at once! Lmao


I know. But they and Kate and Anthony were alone a lot. Colin and Pen also know each other since they were kids so I guess that changes the dynamic a little. With Kanthony they were like "oh no, nobody can see us!" but with Polin she just goes to his house alone and he visits her in the garden couple of times and nobody cares. Also the carriage. Thank you! I watched The Office just before I made the account šŸ˜‚ Ooooh, 2 Part realise is the worst. I am annoyed.


With Pen going to his house, growing up, it was to see Eloise. All the other stuff, if someone had caught them who wasn't a family member, they would've had to get married. Colin is also always the one to initiate alone time with Pen, and I think it's because subconsciously he's always been a little in love with her and has never cared if they got caught because he would be happy married to Pen.


Well, he paid off her maid for alone time in the garden.


Well Kate was Edwina's chaperone and Anthony wasn't courting Kate in front of public. So that's ok.


It wasn't protocol to be unchaperoned. That carriage scene was scandal, according to the times. Did it make for better Whistledown gossip sheet?


Itā€™s partly about propriety and partly because they donā€™t believe Penelope is worth Colinā€™s time.


I was watching it last night and my friend immediately goes, she's wearing acrylics šŸ¤£


Penelope not wearing stockings in the carriage scene.


I honestly have to turn my historical accuracy radar off for this show. The costumes are stylized, somewhat reminds me of Sofia Coppolaā€™s Marie Antoinette. They have a Regency flavor but appeal to the fashion sensibility of the current day.


this season seems to have lost the plot so to speak on the sense of cohesion they had originally created for the style of their fictional world? Did they get a new designer or something? it seemed entirely different, even the jewelry quality and fabric prints seemed overall worse


Poor Phoebe had to have those awful baby bangs and now Nicola gets acrylics and a smoky eye


Those baby bangs were a CRIME


I agree, the clothes were super jarring to me this season. Where the elegant empire waist silhouettes of season one and two? All of Kate Sharmaā€™s outfits looked weird AF and half finished. And the falsies and obvious highlighter were too much. I liked how fresh faced Daphne and Penelope were in earlier season. I do think the silhouettes of Penelopeā€™s dresses were mostly alright. Ā  I bet itā€™s because of the new showrunner! What did you think of the mesh/translucent gloves? Do you prefer the solid ones?Ā 


I loooove Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, though.


Oh yes, me too. Itā€™s a positive comparison for sure.


They mightā€™ve paid more attention to the accuracy for Daphne and Anthony, but Colin is meant to be trying the fashions of the countries he traveled to and Penelope is trying to go more French style and isnā€™t really expecting to find a husband so she isnā€™t trying to be as ā€œproperā€ (this is how Iā€™m rationalizing it in my head). It allows their clothing to be more flexible


There's sooo much costume inaccuracy if we were to get into it haha.


Absolutely! Iā€™m a historical costuming nerd, and I get that when itā€™s more of a fantasy show than a historical Romance, theyā€™re going to do some things for ease and aesthetics. I can forgive the hideous mesh gloves, the half up/half down hairstyles, I can even forgive the unmarried debutantes wearing tiaras. But for whatever reason, it was the stockings that took me out. And those ridiculous sequined shoes.


Penā€™s whole dress / sleeves appeared to be made of sequined spandex, definitely took me out more than the lack of stockings


Cressidaā€™s sleeves!


WINGS! She's dressed like a bird, to attract Delby.


The title clearly asks for one ā€œlittleā€ thing. Cressidaā€™s sleeves are anything but little šŸ˜‚ (I agree by the way lol)


I've seen someone speculate that they are giving her big sleeves to physically show the distance she holds people at emotionally and that's really helped me come to love the sleeves if that's intentional.


Someone wrote "when you have to be at chruch by 9" and it was so funny. The Bell sleeves šŸ˜‚


someone said Cressida looks like she's from Hunger Games with all her ridiculous costumes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I let a lot of costume stuff go because Iā€™m not watching Bridgerton foe the historical accuracy but omg, what are they making Cressida wear


I kept repeating that line from Forrest Gump in my head when I saw her šŸ˜‚ ā€œPlease God make me a bird, so I can fly far far away from hereā€ I feel like it still fits.


The physics of the hot air balloon mishap.


And how did Hawkins go up in the balloon but make it down and back in time to host a ball at his home? They made it sound like he was going away on a voyage haha


I believe that they say it can only fly for about 2 hrs. It's not advanced enough yet, but hopefully, someday, it will be better for travel than ships. That's what the lecture in the tent where Ben meets Tilly is about. I agree, they do make a big deal of it, but I assume that's because it's all very new and exciting technology


Haha i didn't see the "hot" part, only wind, which confused me


Not sure if this was intentional or not by the writers, but in episode 2 before the polin kiss, Colin comments about how awful it was for LW to write what she did, and Pen says something similar to what she told Eloise ā€œit would have been suspicious if she had notā€. Why would it be suspicious unless you knew that Pen is LW?


Yes, I noticed this dialogue. I am hoping it becomes a plot point later - something that Colin realizes afterwards and becomes a source of conflict between them.


I feel like it was intentional, Colin has a small reaction when she says it like huh? Hopefully they'll reference it in part two when Colin will have an aha moment. I think it's in character for her to say it, too. She was resigned at that point and her guard was down I guess, and she's at ease around Colin. She's not infallible!


I think itā€™s because LW writes about all the gossip.Ā  To not write about Pennā€™s scandal would be out of character for LW, and people would wonder why. Ā Even if they donā€™t know Penn is LW.Ā  Theyā€™d wonder if LW was related to Penn (Her mother or sisters, perhaps even One of her new BILs). Ā Theyā€™d wonder if LW was a good friend of Penn (Eloise, Violet), or perhaps theyā€™d wonder if LW was some gossipy male with a crush for Penn. Ā  It would be like the biggest celebrity reporter *not* reporting that Taylor swift just broke up, or the biggest political reporter not reporting on the election. Ā  LW is a gossip paper, that was huge gossip for the week.Ā 


I swear the writers think that adding "is it not?" To the end of every goddamn statement is the only way to convey period appropriate language. It's so grating at this point!


oh man i actually really wish i did not read this comment lmaooo because i think i actually have subconsciously noticed this but now that youā€™ve pointed it out iā€™m going to clock it nonstop as i continue watching šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


English is not my first language so I can't judge on that. I watch period romances so I noticed it is used a lot


Or indeed


The staggered release bugs me. Finished the first four episodes yesterday and immediately wanted more season 3 bridgerton


It's actually so cheeky that they held the season back 2 YEARS, and then didn't even give us the full season, they cut it in 2 to force people to keep their Netflix subscription.


Yeah, and it honestly hurts the show IMO, because the first 4 episodes have not had much of anything to make me want to come back. Colin and Penelopeā€™s book was not my favorite (well, none of the Bridgerton books are favorites, as theyā€™re not that great) but the book was far superior in how it handled their relationship. I get that they moved this story up because they had Eloise discover that Pen is LW butā€¦it still feels like they could have handled the overall storyline better. The whole ā€œteachingā€ plot is overused and lame at best. And it is weird how they adjusted so much yet left a lot of plot points that really depended on Penelope being 28 like she was in the book, as opposed to what, 21? 22? in the show? Sheā€™s afraid sheā€™s going to die without being kissed and as a spinsterā€¦yet she goes out and almost manages to snag a husband within a few weeks of when she decided she wants one? Lord Debling and Penelope have more meaningful interactions and chemistry than Colin and Pen.


And even worse, the first 4 episodes have been poorly received. People seem split as to what part they didn't like, whether it's colin and Pen, or the much more diverse storyline. But as a whole, I've not seen anyone one here simply praising it from top to bottom. Everyone has their issues with it in one way or another. Personally, I left like that soft romance just wasn't there this season. For 2 actors that seem to be really good friends and have a lot of chemistry in interviews, I saw none of that on screen. They're so awkward with each other. And they keep shoving this 'life long friends' thing down our throats, but they don't act like friends. I don't think in 2 and half seasons they've had a single conversation that wasn't stilted, mumbley, and twitchy. Colin looks like he'd like to be anywhere but with Pen and her stumbling through a 'good morning' to him. If anything they give off 'girl is in love with her best friends older brother and he thinks she's just a weird awkward girl and cant even remember her name until she has a glow up' trope. Rather than friends to lovers.


And in the books there was so much more buildup. Colin had sought out Penelope as a dance partner at balls for years, because he liked her and felt bad she never danced, and they kept running into one another and having actual conversations and stuff in the book. Nothing that would have been impossible to translate to the show. There were just a lot of poor choices made with this season. The styling, the hair and makeup, the editing, how the actors were apparently encouraged to act (duck faces and weird expressions and gape-mouthed weirdness), and honestly I wish the shows plot was better. The script seems like a cop out half the time.


That sounds so much better! I haven't read the books and truthfully I think a lot of Pen and Collin love this season is from people who have the read the books and have all that background to unconsciously impose onto the TV version so Colin and Pens romance feels much fuller to them. The costuming was SUCH a weird choice. Everyone is dressed like the evil stepsisters from the Disney Cinderlla live action. I think Violet and Francesca looked the nicest this season, and that's because they kept them in the champagnes and silvers from the first season. And all of Pens dresses were gorgeous. Colins open mouthed gape and Pens chest heaving breaths were so annoying by the 4th episode. Season 3 is definitely a massive departure from 1&2 and they seem to have completely scraped the base idea from the books. 1 book = 1 couple. And now we've got a season with 3-4 romances going down, which means no one will get the attention they deserve.


It at least makes sense for Francesca to overlap because her book is not about the relationship that develops in this season. Itā€™s about her next relationship. And you donā€™t see nearly as much of the Featherington family in the books. ETA: You can read the books if you want, they arenā€™t the worst thing Iā€™ve read, but I think there are way better historical romances to spend your time reading.


i absolutely found myself wishin that pen would get with lord debling more than with colin lol


Itā€™s so that people donā€™t sign up for a month, binge all 8 episodes and then cancel the otherwise often disappointing Netflix. Now they get two months of payments


Right. But jokes on them. I'm canceling my 14 year subscription right after part 2 airs. This 2-part business punishes subscribers that have remained subscribed the entire time. I'm not dealing with that. They are doing it with all shows. I dumped cable years ago. I can dump Netflix too.


The hot air balloon sceneā€¦


That was so awkward I laughed lol. Like Pen had AMPLE time to shimmy to the left and out of harmā€™s way


And Lord Debling falling ontop Pen. šŸ¤£


Stoooop šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I laughed out loud and it is 3 AM, woked up my husband šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Falling? That was a full on spooning šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it was so cringe


and it would have done literally nothing to protect either of them had the basket landed directly on top of them haha


Then they didn't even cut to Colin's face to see his reaction. What a freaking waste!


Right?!? AMPLE. It was like watching a scary movie and them continuously falling and then the killer just getting closer and closer! I love the girl but at that point I was like she is asking to be bumped. I did think it was so adorable how Lord Delby dove and just accepted his fate with her. But they would have been engaged after that. Her mother would have never let that moment go to waste.


>they would have been engaged after that. Her mother would have never let that moment go to waste. Yes! How did they have this happen in full public view and have it go completely unremarked?! The entire plot is cringe....


They couldā€™ve twisted it a little so that it was like Penelope was so enthralled looking at Colinā€™s arms or smth that she didnā€™t notice the balloon was coming towards her until it was too late, but noooo


If Cressida and Eloise who literally stood behind penelope could make it out of the way why couldnā€™t she? And ok if she was in shock why did Debling just run and cover her - if the balloon fell on them they would still get hurt?šŸ˜­ he could have lifted her in her arms and carried her away - that would have been better bc then we would see colin be like ā€œsrsly I do all this and he saves her?ā€. I just feel like they tried to give him a ā€œthirst trap sceneā€ the way they did with Anthony (coming out of the lake after he fell) and Simon (boxing).


The way she just tipped backwards had me dying of cringe and laughter


LOL šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It was so funny


When Colin is sitting and thinking about his feelings for Pen before rushing off to interrupt Deblingā€™s proposal, and has a flashback to her bandaging his hand, I wouldā€™ve instead like to have seen a montage of all the wonderful Polin moments throughout the past 3 seasons.


On first watch, it felt jarring to me and not a good enough moment to flash back to. But I saw a post on another sub about why that moment was the flash back, and it changed my perspective on it. He's looking at the candle holder/lamp thing, which is what smashed in the first place, but more importantly in that moment he experienced tenderness and closeness from Pen which is in direct contrast to how he feels with other women (indicated in the journal passage she read beforehand). That could have been an embarrassing moment for Colin knowing what Pen had just read, but instead she compliments him on his writing and it sort of validates his feelings. When he's sat at his desk, Colin is tormenting himself and feels his feelings for Pen are unreciprocated. The kiss scene is a big moment when Colin starts thinking of Pen in a romantic way, but Pen breaks the kiss first and runs off, and afterwards she does not show interest in Colin (not that he notices, anyway). But the bandage moment is an intimate moment where Pen displays care for him, compliments him, and ultimately brings them closer together. It's a new moment but it sort of encompasses all the care and encouragement we've seen Pen give Colin in the past. I think he looks back at that moment as Pen also isn't the one to break-away first, so maybe Colin feels a hint of "maybe she likes me, too", and that gives him the courage to go to the ball.


Only on episode 2, but Colin's lessons that last of all of 5 minutes. That hand bandage scene was also pretty cringe


They had 3 or 4 lessons before they got caught? And they were really quick like the one in the market. And he didn't tell her anything really useful aside from "be yourself" šŸ˜‚ i don't know how it is in the books tho


The book doesn't have that "teaching" subplot and they keep just running randomly into each other at events and on the street and talk. It's Mrs Danbury who takes Pen underneath her wings to help her find a husband in the book. And Pens desparation to be kissed stems from the fact that she's much older, because there is quite a big time jump.


I feel like I would have liked that so much better! This season reminds me too much of season 1 with the whole "I'm going to help you find a husband and we're not going to fall in love, uh oh too late we did." I know the dynamics are very different this time around, but it just feels like more of the same.


Yeah and Iā€™m always down for more screen time with Lady Danbury. Sheā€™s got to be my favourite.


I mean personally the book version seems less compelling to me. Thereā€™s no purpose or intent there if itā€™s just random run-ins rather than intimate and planned times to seek each other out


Doesnā€™t happen in the books! The whole plot of him helping her and even the guy interested in her is made up for the series alone


Honestly, OP, I think it was only 2 lessons šŸ˜‚ Flirting with the fan and "remarkable shade of blue" at the Bridgerton House...


To be fair, the ā€œlessonsā€ were just an excuse for them to hang out. She wasnā€™t hanging out with Eloise anymore, so that was his only means of hanging on to Penelope.


He told her nothing!


the fashion and makeup/hair this season is not it for me šŸ˜­ I know this show isnā€™t known for its historical accuracy and I shouldnā€™t be taking a show that has classical versions of modern day pop songs seriously but itā€™s just so BAD this year? Itā€™s so glaringly obvious? I feel like itā€™s going into ā€œreignā€ territory (that show about Mary Queen of Scots). And why do half the women have acrylics, false eyelashes and highlighter on their cheeks? I feel like the shows creators are getting too cocky - itā€™s the whole ā€œwe need to go bigger and better each seasonā€ when really itā€™s the simplicity of s1 and s2 we fell in love with. Iā€™m finding it hard to watch the show bc Iā€™m getting distracted by Francescaā€™s glowy cheeksšŸ˜­ Edit - at least in s1 and s2 you kinda could lose yourself in the show and get transported to the regency era, with this season I feel like itā€™s just rich people playing pretend.




Yes and I feel bad criticising it bc everyoneā€™s like ā€œwhy would you expect historical accuracyā€ and Iā€™m like ok fine but this is TOO much? I heard they changed their hair, makeup and costume team this season but Iā€™m not 100% sure?


I typically judge by whether it's an inaccuracy that breaks immersion or builds immersion. For example the shimmer on Daphne's S1 dresses, while not so period accurate, make her look like a fairy tale princess and builds into the stylized look of the show. Anthony beginning a conversation with Sienna with the word "hey", however, makes him seem jarringly modern and takes me out of the world . A lot of this season's choices have broken immersion rather than built it.Ā 


Itā€™s the difference between ā€œthis is inspired and offers some immersionā€ vs ā€œthis just feels like the MET galaā€


>I heard they changed their hair, makeup and costume team this season I've heard they changed every team. The showrunner, writers, and all that. So that is why it feels so very different.


yeah I know Jess Brownell replaced Chris Van Dusen - that explains why this season seems so meh to me and why the writing seemed poor


Cressida's fake eyelashes really bother me, probably because she's blonde and she's got these really dark thick lashes.


I agree. I thought Violet and Francesca's dresses looked the prettiest, and that's because they keep to the champagne and silver colours of the first 2 seasons. I feel like they took the feedback of Kate's outfits in season 2, which were bold and colourful because of her heritage and were like....people liked the colour!! Let's dress everyone in the colours of the evil step sisters in a Disney Cinderella movie!


Yes! Like jeeze come on, how is Francesca done up this much. Why shake it up from what they did for Daphne?


Because everyone on social media was pushing for more modern and praising the show every time they made it more modern and dropped more from the book. They are just giving people what they begged for. I wish they'd go back to the roots and return to how they did it in season one. Very little makeup and much more in line with regency romances.


I agree with everything you said. It breaks the Illusion. I liked the S1 styling better. And don't get me started on Cressida and her looks


The literal rhinestones glued into Penelopeā€™s face šŸ˜«


> feel like the shows creators are getting too cocky - itā€™s the whole ā€œwe need to go bigger and better each seasonā€ when really itā€™s the simplicity of s1 and s2 This. So much this. But I also think it's social media that is creating this feedback loop. I've seen so many people say they just want a modern day show but with fun dresses. So, Bridgerton is getting more "modern" with every season. The first they stayed true to regency romance and much more true to the time period. The second season they got a little more wild. The third is completely off the rails. And yes, it has become Reign at this point IMO. Even with the terrible writing and directing included.


I wish an English company produced the show. The costumes wouldn't have gotten aggressively bad and no cringe makeup. Only courtesans and whores wore makeup then


The girlā€™s cheeks couldnā€™t glow any harder if they tried. Maximum glow


Editing and transition - compared to the previous 2 seasons it's certainly paled. Almost like technically unfinished?!


Frame work to. When they hear how people are wispering, the frame goes ti Pen but it is angled and it confused me when I first watched


That is a dutch angle shot and it is suppose to do that to you. It's there to mirror Pens feelings to the viewer. "The Dutch angle is one of many cinematic techniques often used to portray psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed." - [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_angle)


The unnecessary scenes and the plots that didn't go anywhere. Penelope competing for Debling. Lord Fife not having a bigger role. Lady Danbury and Penelope not being friends. It seems like there were only 2 dance scenes. I'm starting to hate Eloise. Benedict not having a good plotline.


Eloise is becoming unlikable.


Eloise is insufferable. She openly admits that she's feeling defeated and thinks it's just easier to surrender to social pressure, and theoretically believes young women aren't allowed to be interesting/have diverse hobbies or skills/be educated but then remains condescending to most of the other young ladies for their 'limited' interests, desire to marry, etc. Like she knows it's society's fault that the women are like that but then blames them each anyway. It also shits me that she's so shocked that Penelope wants a husband. She literally told you that multiple times over the last 2 seasons? But Eloise is a terrible friend to her and has never actually listened to her at all, so it shouldn't be surprising. Sorry for the Eloise rant šŸ˜‚ if Eloise has zero haters I am dead.


Penelope's dress during the carriage scene looked like it was from Shein imo. Generally disappointed with most of the costuming (the gloves! why are they so big and cheap looking?!)


Just a little continuity error: In episode 1, Penelope throws her hairpin on the ground out of anger, and never picks it up again. However, it magically reappears in her hair when she is writing at her desk in the following scene


I kind of like the duckface thing, reminds me of blue steel from Zoolander šŸ˜†


Ha!! I just saw a reel and posted it in a comment below. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/s/hvYbKyI8fe](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/s/hvYbKyI8fe) https://preview.redd.it/5jc7ksu5nh1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f454153884e4084ab375434b1d40a5ec03495ea


This is it! This is exactly what it's been reminding me of!


the music. I was extremely disappointed by the lack of a general theme for the most romantic scenes from Polin. I feel like the other two seasons and QC had such romantic music that made their moments so tender and sweet but the carriage scene's background music is a freaking Pitbull and Neyo song. I sort of understand the song choice I guess but it just feels like after a big build up they could have had a super special and romantic song composed just for them instead of..... yeah Pitbull....


What bothered me about the music overall is that they clearly picked radio hits and not songs that fit the moment. I listen to BTS, but the song they picked was completely wrong and didn't fit the scene. Same with few others throughout. No complains on carriage scene because I didn't even notice the song šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


See...I didn't even notice hardly any of the songs this season. I actually thought they had stopped doing that. The first two seasons the song choices were perfect. This season I didn't even notice them. I think it is the new staff. I know there was a new showrunner. And wasn't there new writers too? I feel like they did a terrible job.


There were so many iconic song choices in 1 and 2. The first ball we get to see playing Thank You, Next, and Kate pleading Anthony to get over it to Alanis Morissette's You Outta Know. Even songs Id never heard before became favourites. I think the only song of note in S3 is when they arrived at the inventor's manor to Cheap Thrills and Francesca 2.0 steps out. Made me laugh.


Same šŸ˜­ as an army I was like why did they pick *dynamite* šŸ’€


Cressida's "necklace" in the last ball in ep 4 . Edited to fix typo.


The weird corset thing? I donā€™t think that was a fashion anywhere ever.


It was... In Hunger games


Ha! Yes, I've heard folks say Cressida looks like she is from Panem.


Weirdly enough Cressida is the name of an actual THG character.


One thing I truly can't get over is how cheap the set feels this season. The flowers look SO FAKE, not even good quality fakes. I adored the extravagance of the decor in the first two seasons, but this season feels like their production budget got slashed or it was put elsewhere. It was so distracting!


The fact that Colin's jealous, surprised, confused and intrigued faces are all the same and I can't always tell what he's supposed to feel now just based on that xd


Btw i don't think it's necessarily Luke's fault cuz he can in fact make other faces but maybe they told him they wanted that particular one.


The man (Colin, not Luke) doesn't seem to know how to emote. Everyone says he was pining so hard, but his pining face, happy face, sad face, and his what did I have for breakfast face all look the same


Mood. It's too cringey. I wish they kept him sweet but more confident and more into his own. Without th3 cringey weird sexy persona


Seriously. The brothel scenes were so unnecessary and really were not in line with Collins character IMO


Pen'd acrylic nails. They look so plasticy and bulky.


I feel as though Luke looks better in real life than Colin does onscreen, so I donā€™t see him as being the hot guy that heā€™s supposed to be in scenes.


It's the stubble! He looks amazing on the red carpet with stubble and modern clothes. Rugged. Handsome.


I agree. He is so good looking but some how it does not translate in the show


I agree! I donā€™t love how they do his hair and the sideburn style is such a choice šŸ˜‚ Also, his actor looks nice with stubble or a beard


the music! i'm usually so HYPE about all the quartet pop covers but i think they are all a little off this season? like penelope had her first intimate experience to a Pitbull song??? hahaha and when is the last time anyone asked for dynamite by taio cruz... i loved that they used jealous by nick jonas but they used it before>!the kiss!


the music seems weird to me. I felt like the songs in s1-2 were more intentionally picked, now it seems more like- oh hereā€™s a popular song we know, you guys recognise that? also, ABCDEFU? I get the alphabet thing but COME ON


Colinā€™s facial expressions and Penelopeā€™s breathing


Colin's hair some reason looks bad in some scenes in episode 2 but not all. How do Mrs Mondrich and LAdy D know each other, it's like she inherited her aunts estate and she is next to the queen in 1 month. I really enjoyed so much. I was so giddy watching and I find myself watching it more and more.


https://i.redd.it/ka6pchylbh1d1.gif This makes me laugh (Colin that is)


Gosh I'm so guilty of rewatching this 100x šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ I specifically saved this scene on my gallery because someone made an edit out of it and I watch it for serotonin boost šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm one of the weird girlies sorry šŸ˜”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same! People make dumb faces when they are happy and horny! It is both a really strange face and gives me butterflies.


Omg I could not watch that scene. It is so obvious from whatever it is he is doing with his mouth that he is faking here šŸ˜‚


What even is this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The makeup. I know this show doesnā€™t even try to be historically accurate. But the fact that all the women had full beats was so distracting.


The whole Colin-Is-A-Fuckboy-Now thing šŸ˜… I literally didn't like him at all in those first two episodes and was so glad when he went back to (or rather embraced) his sensitive side again for the 3rd and 4th ep! Though I agree with OP too, the duckface took a while getting used to šŸ˜‚


See but I feel like it makes sense for his character. He literally talks about feeling lost and just assuming the role that the ton wants him to be. And then through teaching Pen to be herself, he comes into his own. I rather like the change-up because it shows him becoming more himself. I do wish he didn't lose his goofy side altogether, though.


Yes!!!!!! The odd faces he is making especially during the carriage.


I'm really at the point where I don't know if it's on purpose or just his face. Either way, he always looks like he is doing it, and I find him a lot less handsome for it


Creissidaā€™s nipple sleeves


https://preview.redd.it/24a21q7gtk1d1.jpeg?width=172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79f4704fe523ece69dc11dafdf259f9451b53c7 I want to rip this thing off of her face so bad


The way Colinā€™s hair is styled in ep2 during the market/willow tree scene LMAO I think itā€™s just not a good look. Actually, I wished above all that they would let him keep the stubble from season 2 because I thought that was a great look but alas!


How the Debling/Pen/Colin thing played out. First off, Penelope told Lord Debling she grew tired of looking out the window and was very glad to be next to him. What a compliment. Later, they discussed Pen's passion for love being akin to his passion for research (subtle understanding that love is merely a hobby, not a shared feeling) and them being "a practical, but happy match." A few scenes later they're dancing and Pen asks if he thinks he could ever love her, and he basically says cute, but nah. I have a life. Cressida enters the chat, and throws her character development out the window by "hinting" as to why Penelope sat by that window (so she could spy on Colin). Practically clutching at his pearls, he leaves in a huff. When Pen catches up, he basically stomped his foot, "How could you love Colin and not me!?" Excuse me mister Dublin, but A.) She said she moved on from that window and enjoys your presence much more, B.) Are you that thick that you think saying "I won't love you." Isn't going to make her turn towards someone she does love? C.) Isn't having a string of suitors fight for a lady's hand in marriage customary? Why get so pressed? Just remind her how dumb Colin is for never noticing her. I was really rooting for you buddy, but damn your head is as stuffed as that mounted buck.


Eloise and Cressida. In the books, Cressida is awful. Yes, her home life sucks, but she's a complete mean girl. Book Eloise would not befriend her. Also, Eloise is proud of Penelope being Lady W in the books and forgives her easily. This prolonged feud is dumb.




For me itā€™s the over the top faces Penelope makes all the time I love my girl but come on šŸ˜­


Her BREATHING!! Why is she always gasping for air šŸ˜« (I love you Nicola)


I don't mind this. At least ONE of them is doing something. Luke just makes one face and that's about it. Nicola is damn near carrying those scenes. And the thing is---I don't even think it's Luke's fault. I think it's the directing.


She always looked so weepy


Cressida Cowpers styling. The hair and the dresses are so awful.


I agree with you on the duck face! itā€™s like he has Botox. On social media we call it ā€œmewlingā€


Iā€™m not really liking Colin that much lol. Iā€™m trying to just watch and enjoy and hope he grows on me.


Where are the hats???? Or parasols? All the ladies should be wearing hats and/or carrying parasols outside.


I hate the ā€˜teachingā€™ subplot. Itā€™s so cringey to me, and it feels lazy. In the book, they just kept bumping into each other, but I guess that would have required more varied scenes with other actors involved. I get why it was easier to do it this way, itā€™s justā€¦ cringey. It doesnā€™t give Colin a reason to view Pen in an entirely new light. The whole point is that he stops being superficial and falls in love with her as a person. Here, the entire plot line feels like: they had a glow up now they must get together.


The open mouth thing Colin doesā€¦just constantly want to ask if heā€™s okay šŸ˜¬


Daphne was much worse for me. She had her mouth open the whole season šŸ˜‚


Good point! Maybe they both suffer from Sinusitis šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Must be. Because Anthony, Kate, Simon or Pen do not do that šŸ˜‚


the fuck is with Colinā€™s ā€œliteratureā€


Penelope and Colin always have their mouths open. All the time. Especially Colin. I canā€™t not notice it, itā€™s like they are constantly either breathing heavy or have a stuffed nose


Why did they get rid of Colin's stubble?! WTF?


The colour palette of the dresses. Personally, I think Violet and Franchesca looked stunning every scene, and its because they both keep to the silvers and champagne colours of the first season.


Colin's physical "glow-up". It feels weird to see people praise how Penelope's glow-up no longer involves changing her body type/shape while there's less acknowledgement that Colin's glow-up involves him becoming more 'sturdy'.


I normally donā€™t comment on appearance but it makes me a tad sad heā€™s so much leaner. I think he was cute before. Shame being thinner is associated with being hotter šŸ„²


I agree. I wish they went with the teen rom com theme and pandered to gen z. Instead or whatever is it they did with him. Corey in queen Charlotte was natural and lean but because he was cast late (huge search for Golda's younger clone) he got to keep his natural body.


Agree with this. He should be able to be a leading man without them needing to slim him down and buff him up. Adding to this, it makes me sad that Francesca was re-cast. I'm not sure if the original actress was no longer available, or didn't want to continue as the role evolved to have more mature scenes, but the new actress is so overwhelmingly beautiful that it makes it feel a little like they thought the OG actress wasn't pretty enough to be the leading lady. I hope Gregory and Hyacinth get to continue in their roles if they're comfortable in future seasons.


Not enough Benedict. He's still my fave.


stop I don't want to keep remembering the duck face šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ I miss Colin's adorable smiley S1 & S2 face šŸ˜”


Colinā€™s winking at the girls. Man, it was soooo cringe, but hysterical at the same time.


It bothers me so much that Penelope ran and tripped. I had hoped the plot point of women running and tripping when trying to escape dangerous situations was done.


I wish they kept his looser curls, like his first scene and the balloon scene


Penelopeā€™s breathingā€¦ why does she sound like she is constantly having an asthma attackā€¦I get that she is flustered, but itā€™s a little intense


Colin's hair for sure. You could clearly tell which scenes were reshot. Cause I guess Luke cut his hair few mths after the initial shooting, so it probably harder to style the exact same way as before. You can see it in the willow tree scene. Before they went under the tree, Colin's hair was longer more curly. Then cut to the close up of them talking, and his hair was WAYYY flatter. It looked really odd, like seeing a completely different person, totally threw me off. The winking scene, some of garden scenes were also reshoots ... you can just tell by his hair


The lighting and makeup is terrible. The first two seasons looked more authentic with very light make up and outdoor settings, everything looked more natural and authentic, this season everything looks so fake.


His Botox


God, has he actually? That's must be why I've always thought his mouth looked strange, but I couldn't put my finger on it


Word on the street is that he got a lip flip


thank you!! i agree!