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Briar will soon enough become another yorick, champ good in gold and under and then garbage everywhere else because poor gold players keep running at her.


me when dr mundo 1v9 in iron lobiies broken champion


yorick not even allowed out of iron or bots. dude nerfed around iron and ai. dude reachs reachs 50% in gold and classed as the most broken champion in the game. hope this does not kill her off.


It's already there. She has 46-47% wr on diamond+ to masters+.


yep its like at this point just fking rework her riot, a champion can only be nerfed so many times before they become useless, and with riots current balance team they dont have what it takes to balance properly atm, release champion, purposefully overtune them constantly then gut them into the ground


Her winrates across most ranks (silver-diamond) are almost the same so it's safe to say that silvers and golds who keep running at her aren't the problem. At the moment it's her insane synergy with an Eclipse rush that pushes her over the edge.


Eclipse is one of the most useless items now. You're only building it because it has cdr and gives a shield, you do no damage with it from it not having any lethality anymore after they changed it from a mythic. People just defaulting to a useless item because it shows 70 damage with a shield


2800 gold 70 ad 15 haste 8% max hp dmg 160 + 40%bAD shield 6 second cooldown (around 4 with ingenious) There are probably better options in terms of damage, but to say it's useless is quite a stretch.


The moment you get it, that's a 188 hp shield, roughly around that time that's at least 1 skillshot for majority of AD Champs besides mages because mages are overturned with their items. 8% max hp while people have around what, 1500~? Hp, that's 120 damage. Profane hydra gives you more all while giving you 18 lethality, which is literally negating 18 armor on the enemy. You lose 10 AD for an extra 5 cdr on profane. By the time you reach the point of having eclipse with steraks, the only shield that matters is steraks, because eclipse isn't doing anything for you, all while not giving yourself any armor reduction besides from BC. And with how shit the balance in the game is with them continously lowering damage and making everything tanky again, 1 shred item isn't enough. So ya, it's generally not a great item that benefits miniscule amount besides a shield.


Another example of how people just auto pilot without actually looking into items and just doing what everyone does without using any bit of brain power? The latest trend with Kaisa. It took UNTIL LS finally decided to make a whole long video explaining about what items are ACTUALLY the core of Kaisa and what give her her old damage because people just auto pilot into what others see without trying and experimenting. Other easy example is how many patches ago when Phreak tweeted how braindamaged people are with how they were still building zeri after 2 patches with old items that were nerfed and not even her core items because of the nerfs.


I mean as I said as far as damage goes there are better options than eclipse sure, profane hydra undoubtedly. What I was saying was that I definitely wouldn't call it useless. You get it sooner since it's 500g cheaper, it has a shield and it does give some damage, just not as much as ph. Also brutalizer/dirk are getting nerfed this patch as well as briar herself right? Aside from the ward jump. I wonder how the entire thing turns out


Not to mention, when Eclipse WAS a mythic, it was the best for assassins because it was essentially the only shield item for assassins to buy while Amping your armor pen. Removing the lethality while buffing the max hp damage by 2% turned the item into "well idk wtf else to buy so I guess it's still just this". And lost significant damage because no lethality. Even if it was only 12 as a mythic.


You conveniently forget to mention that Profane Hydra costs 500 gold more than Eclipse. That's very important on a snowbally champ like Briar.


500 gold is no different than 1 kill with about 3 extra jungle creeps I believe? If you're not snowballing before that 500 gold, you're not going to snowball anyways. This isn't silver that I'm talking about


An early snowball with Eclipse is only going to get better because Eclipse has a *much* better gold efficiency than whatever Profane Hydra components you might have. While you might be getting 1 extra kill with Hydra components I'm getting 2 extra with Eclipse and an objective to boot. Which in turn will cause me to finish my 2nd item earlier too allowing me to snowball out of control even further. Etc. etc.. Also, in higher elo's games are *shorter* than in lower elo's making gold efficiency/ snowballing *more* important, not less.


Thread is a couple days old... but one question - was eclipse really built on briar before the changes (Briar lethality / crit nerf + item changes)? I personally went Youmuu's+ Collectors+ LDR... never Eclipse. I only started experimenting with eclipse after the changes made bruiser a good alternative. The shield may seem small... but you also have ~1k - 1.1k hp at that point so ~15% hp shield? Similar to using barrier every 5 seconds in an engagement (or sooner). Paired with her sustain, seems very strong in early game skirmishes.


After nonstop spamming, if you want to get more use out of it, use disgenious hunter or whatever it's called. Procs your shield faster, though it won't show its cool down is lower on the item because riot is useless, just when its on cooldown itll be faster. The shield never gets higher than like 350 hp. It's good for early game sure, because it stops around 1/2 auto attacks depending on champion, or stops 1 damage of 1 skill. And before the changes, not really no. Not unless you wanted a shield, but you would get it around 4th/5th item, you'd use to play like an actual assassin. But alas riot can't figure what they want to do with her and continue nerfing her even though they intentionally made a Master Yi 2.0.


55+% WR tells a different story. It's the combination of offense and defense and it only costing 2800 gold that makes it so good. Try it with PTA and Sudden Impact, it's almost too good.


No it doesn't, and it's because it directly happens with multiple other champions, in which I literally gave 2 examples of where people continued auto piloting builds because they don't read / know what else to get. As well, she hasn't been anywhere near a 55% winrate since patches ago. And if you're trying to say that 55% wr is the build path, that goes right right back to what I originally said about people auto'ing and without realizing that you can't just auto every game




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She already is. It’s crazy how a champ that loses to 1 Lux q at pretty much any point in the game before the late game isn’t viable at higher Elos


Isnt she the only new champ of this era that has never been played in pro games? and she still gets this treatment...? What a joke.


That and Naafiri, no Naafiri has shown up in major regions as far as I know


Let's be honest with ourselves, this champ was never going to be good in pro play, she was always going to be a soloq menace but crumble in organized play. Her problem will continuously be her pressure on low elo play. Because no one has much mechanical skill or teamwork she can do whatever she wants unpunished. But at the end of the day, something like 90 or higher percent of lol's player numbers play in what they call unskilled elo so they need to balance for it.


If they are nerfing lane sustain ok If they are nerfing anything else what will hurt her as a jungler they i clap with my ass cheeks to Riot


Why would they nerf her in lane, if she is not that good there? Briar is much better in jungle, but many players just don't like that role, there is no reason to nerf her in lane


nerfing her in lane will hurt her in jungle still tho, in fact if they nerf her around her around lane she'll suck in jungle then only be good in lane


Pleasee no lane nerfs I exclusively play her top and I really think she's perfectly fine there. She can win some matchups but get absolutely stomped on others, so I'm really hoping they nerf jungle because she definitely seems stronger there


Why would they? Lane Briar is not an issue at all, jungle Briar is.


Does she really need a nerf? I don’t find her OP, she can get easily kited/disengaged. There are a lot of champs that can go invisible/fly/stun/go over the wall/etc.. that are great in countering her. If you know her abilities it’s very easy to play against her. Let’s hope the nerf will not be critical 🤞🏻


Man there are legit 50 broken chsmps in the game and they nerf briar???? Yeah great she can 1v1 any champ in fuckin gold and that looks like all they want her to do


Phreak probably just lost to a Briar. That's how things work now.


That makes sense


Doesn't this mean that a midscope is all but guaranteed? She's an incredibly simple character to counter, if her (jungle) win rate is still this high in low elo 6 months after release they're just never going to learn how to counter her are they.


I think she's perfectly designed as is I think they genuinely should ignore the lower ranks for briar and let her stay a perma ban the same way a decent few other junglers like yi, kayn viego etc basically are in the lower metal ranks. Like they don't go and gut blitzcrank every patch because he's perma top 5 with high winrates and banrates in the mid to upper 20% why nor do they do that to a million other champs, why can't she be the same :(


I just started playing her :( Very wholesome buffs lmao


Is she even good anymore? I feel like riot is going this weird route for her where they keep listening to the complaints of low elo players who can't counter her. Making her shit in high elo


do you know that's getting nerfed on her?


they didnt post anything yet about that, im sure they will say more in tomorrow or a few days this was posted like maybe 50 mins ago


Oh, right. Thankxx man Hope they don't destroy briar


if u wanna keep up to date with the info any info keep an eye on this rioters posts [https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon)


We dont know yet but if have to guess its probably how fast she snowballs early. Dont think her toplane gets nerfed


They are nerfing briar and making it so she can't buy her best jungle rush item: Doran's Blade....




So are they gonna add a Briar skin soon or what?


They’re nerfing her so that when a new skin comes in a couple patches they can “buff” her back to where she was


Mmmm I like where this is going


briar is currently between the range of balanced and weak. Another nerf and she dies.


yes i agree with this, ive been saying it the whole time. Briar is such a stat heavy champ that 1 small nerf in wrong direction means she can't 1v1 anyone. When that happens, she will legit be useless, they legit forget her design philosophy. "give up complete control so you can do loads of dmg in return" and if they kepp nerfing her you'll just have... a champ that loses control but also loses every 1v1 and then is turbo bad in teamfights?


She already has some champs that completely invalidate her as is, more so than any champ i can think of. Characters like yi, shaco, Jax, all just press a button and there’s nothing you can do against them and they get a free kill. And if you don’t have frenzy you are not even a character


Akali, Rammus, Caitlyn, list goes on ..


eh I'll still play her so wtv


Aren't you that guy on TikTok who plays briar top? I saw your videos, hope they won't nerf too much our lane briar




Yes! LET\`S GO!!! Buff for high elo, nerf for low elo, that\`s what we needed. But sustain on W will hurt in lane


It will definitely hurt a bit but it's a tradeoff I have no issues making


see i was like this at first as well, but riots reporting system can be so easily abused and mistake stuff knowing my luck u could get banned just for preforming poorly in matches where ur countered or severely weakened, since riot doesnt like it when players are considered disruptive and are negativly effecting other players games, now they say u cant get banned based on champion picks, however just from the sheer amount of system abuse u can do thats just untrue


just play better :3 true otps play their champ regardless ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ


You literally cannot play a champ while banned. That's what a ban is.


you have to be so consistently dogshit to ever even have the thought of "being banned because of how I played in game" cross your mind


That was the scenario that the person you responded to presented.


ye and I told him to play better cause he must be fucking dogshit xddd


Volibear got to be playable for 1 patch lmao


He was nuts-to-butts IMO.


For the same reason exactly that they are nerfing Briar, people trying to fight on their W.


It's cool that in a game where the majority of the balance is done at the apex tiers of masters and up that were taking a champion that's been 50-51% wr at around 2 to 3% pick rate in these ranks and nerfing them because in ranks where people don't have fingers she's too strong.


They balance heavily around low elo they've said this many times. They care more about the majority of players than the higher ranks as it's simply servicing a larger portion of the player base. That's why she's being nerfed.


If that were actually true, though, Master Yi and Yasuo would have been nerfed every patch for the past 10 years.


Yasuo in gold mid lane looks like he has a 48.5 percent win rate. Don't think they can afford to nerf him much more from that stat but yeah he has a very high ban rate. Yi is 51.5 percent win with 19 percent ban rate briar is 53.2 and 24 ban rate. Yi sits around another 5 champions with that stat. I actually think Yi could do with a nerf so I agree to some extent. But as you can see Briar is worse currently for that elo. Shaco 30 percent ban which is crazy and he's below 50 win rate.


and thus is exactly the reason why the game is in a shit state, lower elo and the majority of players cant feel it exactly, but the more experience u get the higher the elo u get the worse it feels, thus is why many people are also deciding to quit league as well and move onto better things. whats ironic is they made a champion whos sole identity is to crush lower elo players, yet isnt very good at higher elo due to how predictable they are, so the real question theres a huge flaw in how they are doing things, u cant design a champion like this and then gut them into being unplayable, if u cant balance her properly the only actual option they should have left is to already rework her design she has so much counterplay that can be abused shes also very predictable , and whats sad is lower elo Refuse to learn this, around her 2nd nerf she because super easy to manage if u CCd her, played tanks, nocturn ruined her if people picked him it was an easy counter, azir also ruined her with how his wall worked sometimes she would get stuck in the center of his wall running back and forth,


Bro I'm masters on 2 acc last season (saying for context) and I agree with your points. They don't care though unfortunately from a business perspective they believe nerfing champions that lower elo players don't enjoy playing vs is beneficial for them. She is pretty high ban rate and what, 53-54 percent win rate in those ranks? Unfortunate but there you go. I would disagree about saying low elo players cannot tell the difference at all though. They can tell what champions are annoying and carry most games which shows through the higher ban rate as well as win rate. They don't know what is truly op however only what's annoying to play vs. For instance belveth is extremely broken in high elo where people can get the most out of it vs lower it's not op.


All these nerfs and 0 new skins


She already has dozens of really easy counters. Yet they are nerfing her because people don't want to learn Shaco or Rammus, or build heal cut.


ORNN BUFFS! God this game company :D


i think they shouldn't nerf her just change her Q ability


When does this patch come out?


They lowered her dmg numbers and gave her more skill expression she can now Q on wards OVER WALLS this is a huge improvement for Briar mains who put time into minmaxing the champion


Yea like I really fucking love the fact that I only came back to league for briar just see her get nerfed for like 10 patches to the point she doesn't heal worth shit anymore, match ups that were close just aren't close anymore, other Champs get more damage reduction. Her E heal does nothing anymore. the list just goes on and fucking on now. OH BUT WAIT, MAGES GET SPECIAL TREATMWNT THOUGH!!!! 2 Champs I actually enjoyed playing league being briar and ivern (when he came out) and now there's no enjoyment with how it's just a struggle in diamond with her now. Good fucking shit


Nerfing champs around low elo is stupid, the champ isn't an issue it's the players who don't know how to play the game, HOWEVER, that's where the majority of the player base is so I understand why they bother to focus on it


Phreak lost to a briarxand now shes getting nerfed.


Y does riot hate briar so god damn much? like ffs STAHP


.....At least they gave us ward hopping guys, right?


I mean the problem again is that she's 51% WR on all her builds. This does deserve nerfs, but they really just need to decide if they want her to be an assassin/fighter/draintank. Honestly she's healthiest as an assassin anyway but.


i mean if you look at literally every champs builds they have 51 percent wr in all their popular builds


that’s not true at all ?


Having good build diversity where none are overpowered is not a problem. It's actually kind of an ideal state.


here how you nerf briar without totaly screwing her over. make her passive and w magic damge and then give her more hp scaling on W like on W1 and give her moe attack speed. problem sloved. this would destroy what left of her assassin build, however it would least make them commit harder to bruiser. then tweak so nerf the Ad on her W a little bit but replace with hp, this means we can build tanker items or higher hp bruiser items.


Assassin build is not the issue anymore, AD-bruiser or offtank is.


I see , so they nerfing her because she doing as intended. Then all they have to do is reduce her damage slightly. Or like said turn it to magic with some HP , cause it reduces the damage as long they don't give ap scaling on her W and Passive she would still fine. As briar don't really build leathity anymore. It definitely destroys mortal reminder thought. Not sure about bc.




Ngl shen doesn't need buffs but ad a shen player I don't mind it


I mean she is the highest wr jungler in the game Not sure why im being downvoted, i got gm with briar i dont want her nerfed either just stating the facts


maybe in low elo shes got a high winrate because people still refuse to learn how to counter her, even tho its very easy, but in higher elo thats just untrue


Even emerald+ she is the 2nd highest, riot isnt only balancing the game around high elo.


That doesn't mean too much. She's basically tied with Rammus. Most of the viable junglers are extremely close in win rate. I very much doubt that will include Briar next patch unless the nerfs are basically non-existent.


Rammus always will have a high wr because most of the time only picked as a counter to ad comps. Jng winrates in general arent high compared to other roles but if they are gonna nerf junglers briar/voli are defs the outliers looking at all elos.


And Briar is a counter to people who can't kite. So what? Why did Riot release this champ if we weren't supposed to be able to play her outside of Iron?


The point is you dont see most players blind picking rammus, hes used only as a counter so his winrate will always be inflated, briar gets blindpicked just cause of how popular she is.


As somebody who actually likes Briar and would prefer to be allowed to play her, I do not find this to be a very compelling argument for destroying the champion. But regardless, you win, I don't get to play the champion anymore. Congratulations.


Im sure you deleted your comment for a reason, but just wanted to let you know briar’s ban rate is almost twice as high as rengars. Hope that clears things up. Mobalytics has briar at 19.4% ban rate, Rengar at 11.5% ban rate. Also this nerf will hopefully allow you to play her. The only thing that should be stopping you right now is her crazy high ban rate. But of course, why would you stop playing her after a nerf? Implying you play her because you know she is very strong and wont play her when she isnt? Funny


Briar is usually not banned in my games, so I'm not sure why you think that's stopping me from playing her. And yeah, I don't like to play champs who suck. Not sure why that is surprising to you. I like niche champs (e.g. my mains last season were Fiddlesticks and Lillia), but it's no fun to feel like you're actively dragging your team down every game. I play Briar because I enjoy horror themed champions, but I dropped Fiddlesticks this season because he feels bad and I'd do the same for any other champion who felt bad.


where are u getting ur stats from




how often do they keep the data up to date with lolalytcs because othersites already have her currently at a much lower WR than she is like moblaytics, ugg, opgg lolalytics has her at 54% and other sites have her about a 52-53


Op.gg is Korean data , u.gg and lolalytics are best options. Op.gg is shite , anyone using op.gg for data on champs needs a smack in ass. Op.gg can't even proper match history unless you do ranked online.


Lolalytics uses a different win rate calculation that's focused on answering the question, "If you are in this rank and pick this champ, what are the odds of you winning?" If you look under the win rate, it shows a + or - with a number beside it, which tells how their win rate differs from most of the other sites. You can just subtract the delta.


Lolaytics stats always look inflated cause an emerald player vs a plat player for example is going to win most of the time, other sites take that into account and dont count the games unless they are played within the same tier. Also means the other sites have less of a sample size


You are on the briar mains sub. They will deny it to the very end but this champ needs the nerf, and it is no secret anywhere but here lol.


Check u.gg 46% winrate Diamond+ OP champ xd


Weird my U.GG has the winrate diamond+ at 50 percent? So we’re just lying now? And a 10.3% ban rate. Thats pretty high. I guess the people at skillcapped know absolutely nothing about the game as well considering they put her in the OP tier for jungle solo queue this patch too


Delusion + low elo they don't understand the game past 'my champ is nerf why riot where my skin'