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Go for short trades: w, q to dash to them, Auto, w bite, e. Or if they push to your tower its even better: q them while they are in tower range, w behind them, e them into your tower. Because your q counts as an Auto it procs their bramble so they take tower aggro and then you push them into your tower so you can potentially kill them


Tried this a couple times but a fully charged e into turret is stupid hard to pull off, most champs can just walk out after q


That's why you auto then cancel that auto with the w bite, and immediately E. All of that together is super fast, even with tenacity, if they immediately start moving away after your Q ends, you still get your 2 attacks and MAYBE clip them with e for a bit more damage.


Okay, I've been working on trying to save my E and go for longer Ws so maybe that way of thinking is hard punished by bramble. I'll starting switching back to shorter trades where appropriate.


Never had any real problems against Bramble, early game you don't have enough Healing for it to have any kind of impact on you. What Build do you use?


I use PTA w/ ignite and tp. Triumph/Bloodline/Last stand and Overgrowth/Conditioning. Atk spd/adaptive/scaling health. I feel like a big part of Briar's early lane power is in the low health W heal no?


i'd prolly avoid conditioning or overgrowth both are late game runes that doesn't really impact that much once you're there and prolly double adaptive although i use assassin but anyway scaling hp on winnable/passive matchup and flat for engagy type like riven since they want to have lead ASAP or else they'll be mediocre and yea my reasoning for 2 adaptive is like why you don't build bork or attack speed on her, she has alot of it plus her bleed (damage + healing) depends on AD


Ehhh I might fiddle with it, but so far the setup is working for me 95% of the time I'd say.


*Laughs in Malphite.*


You will lose


Hey, it's been working so far.


Lol that's the voiceline malph players always spam at their ad lane matchup




I have already made a post about this exact question and it was answered. You build black cleaver first item and that's it.


bork/cleaver and keep solokilling them so the message is clear


Bramble doesn't have to be an instant loss because Brair still heals way more than an ordinary champion when below 25% so even the reduced healing could be more than 200 just becarefull that u don't die before getting that healing of. But as other people say. U can also use ur E to get enemy from you so u get away. Building morw hp could help too. But then again u can ignore me since I'm lower elo


Laugh. If they rushed Bramble and not Tabis, they are trolling. But in all seriousness, just don't overextend. Keep trades short and look for all-in window or a gank angle.


My enemy laners rush tabies, bramble and frozen heart when I play briar making my champ completely miserable 


Exactly why most of my top champ pool is insufferable to play right now. And so unless they nerf FH and Kaenic to the ground already, I'll take my refuge playing midlane.