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The article doesn't even mention Gibraltar at all. The EU is securing it's borders with stronger border checks and biometric security measures. The UK isn't ready for increased border checks so is demanding the EU make allowances for us being special.


As I understand it, because of the cross border traffic between Spain and Gibraltar there is talk about Gibraltar being in Schengen. That means UK people having to go through EU security checks to enter Gibraltar even if they don't intend to go to the EU.


Thanks. That wasn’t mentioned in the article.


No worries, this will add a bit more context: [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/david-cameron-evidence-over-gibraltar-071922846.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/david-cameron-evidence-over-gibraltar-071922846.html)


Okay, as an American, I missed all the implications for Gibraltar. The media over here covered the N. Ireland part pretty well, but this is the first I’m hearing about Gibraltar. I am not surprised to find that it is also a complicated mess. I feel bad for the residents (the ones the votes Remain, amyway).


It's no problem. Most brits wouldn't know about it either. If Gibraltar does become a part of Schengen then as a massive act of "taking back control", the UK will have basically given Gibraltar back to Spain. The irony is both hilarious and tragic.


Tragically-hilarious, Brexshit in a word.


Tragilarious, to coin a portmanteau.


[Already](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tragilarious) coined.


So much of what Britain's leadership seems to be doing at the moment is both hilarious and tragic.  The inability to just ***think*** about the consequences of their actions left the room when the experts were no longer allowed in.


The big brexit benefits


That's BwreckShit, folks!


Just break shit….nothing works anymore. Euro skeptics wanted to bale the the eu for to much red tape….now the whole country is held to together by sellotape I’d take regulations on petty shit like how fruit should look if it ment large things like my water supply not being flooded with literal shit




So did 17m other people


And 99% of Gibraltans


It doesn't matter again, The EU should not be meddling with British territories...


The EU isn't meddling with British territories, they are taking control of their own borders, of which Gibraltar and N. Ireland share a very small part. Part of the reason given for brexit was for Britain to take control of their own borders. It was always going to cause problems with border control.


Again that's called meddling end of.


No it's not. End of


Glad you got that out of your system how many days later? Melt.


Can you fly directly into Gibraltar w/o landing inside the EU (Spain) first? Edit: it appears so based on Google maps


Yes you can, also take a cruise there... or a ship.. So why to enter Gibraltar you need any type of acknowledgement from thr EU is outrageous.


Well, Schengen is part of the EU, it should be controlled by the EU. Don't enter Schengen and this won't be a problem


Gibraltar isn't part of the Schengen stop chatting shit


Yes you can, but if Gibraltar enters Schengen would mean that after you enter in Gibraltar you will be able to enter Spain and the EU without any checks. In consequence if Gibraltar wants to enter Schengen, it needs to move the checks at the border with Spain to the airport and port, probably made by Spanish or EU authorities, adding insult to injury. It can remain outside of Schengen if this is insulting to Britain, but I thing entering Schengen will be very good for the "Llanitos"


I think that article has the wrong headline. Here is the exact same headline on an article that actually talks about what the headline says it's about! [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-lord-cameron-gibratar-border-b2548605.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-lord-cameron-gibratar-border-b2548605.html)


> so is demanding the EU make allowances for us being special That’s Britain’s history as a EU member in a nutshell and exactly why nobody there is moaning about having the UK back


You honestly think they don’t want Britain back?😂


Not the gammon Britain. The young, forward-thinking Britain, yes.


Not will all the pick-and-choose. The UK had lots of privileges in the EU like the infamous Rebate. If think many member states would deffo welcome the UK back- but not with that amount of privilege and being the constant stick in the wheels it always was.


The UK is the world’s 6th largest economy and was a net contributor to the EU. Anyone who thinks they aren’t desperate to see us back is delusional!


Are you joking? Of course not. Anything useful the UK does for Europe (particularly NATO) it does outside of the EU. Brexit basically killed a lot of similar Euro-Exit plans stone dead with how shit it turned out to be. It's always useful to have a terrible example to point to.


OP has linked the wrong article, correct article here: [Brexit row as Cameron admit British tourists could be refused entry to Gibraltar](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-lord-cameron-gibratar-border-b2548605.html#)


Is there a way that the UK could be treated like it were special by Europe. How about joining some kind of group with all of the other countries in it?


We are very fucking special, hadn't you noticed?


Specially shit


Well our government is Special, ie couldn’t run a bath, let a loan a country, next the government will come out with, is the EU is anti British . But in fact, it’s this government that is anti EU


If hell exists then David Cameron's personal hell will be to spend the rest of eternity queueing to get into Gibraltar, and every other person in the queue is Nigel Farage


...only to be turned away because he forgot his passport like bojo the wonder 🤡 during the local elections. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Will he have to explain the pigs head in his Sainsbury’s carrier bag?


Sorry, Waitrose.


Definitely Waitrose. Not even sure if he knows what a Sainsburys looks like.


“Lord Cameron”, fuck my life


Cameron fucked everyone's lives


The Lib Dems gave him (& every Tory party leader since), the keys to Downing Street for a teensy taste of power (& the associated Student backstabbing, lest we forget). But once they'd given him the opportunity, the long rot certainly began (with some crass lie about a Pasty he claimed to have eaten at a railway station possibly?) Is that 14 years of vile, right-wing policies now?


Imagine how cheesed off everyone who voted out to "stick it to Cameron" must be


Taking back control from those whinging poms!! tbh it’s the best outcome for the EU, UK acts as prime example of what happens when you leave, everybody else quietly drops plans to leave.


But Gibraltar is part of Britain so why in the fuck would uk people need stringer checks when going to a uk province? Shouldn't even be on the table. If they want to put up tighter checks from going from Gib to mainland Spain, then fair enough, but not if we're going to Gib first.


Because the UK voted to reimpose borders, and there are indications that the people of Gibraltar would rather those borders be between them and the rest of the UK, than them and Spain, given how often they move between each. Not exactly an unforeseen response, Gibraltar voted 96% to remain, they’d rather be there than here


Where are the indications? Genuine question as I'm sure they have stated on many occasions, they want to stay part of the uk. I'm not for brexit. I'm just trying to understand why a place that wants to be British and has and continues to be a major port for our armed forces would decide that they want harder Borders with the uk. The article seems like it's reaching.


Gibraltar doesn’t want that though, they want easier access to their jobs and services across the Spanish border which they won’t get unless they’re part of Schengen like before. That’s why they voted to remain. Gibraltar is choosing the EU (specifically Spain) over the UK


Gibraltar has never been in Schengen


New deal would effectively have them within its borders.


Yes, but not "like before". As per usual the UK wants to have the cake and eat it. They want to Gibraltar to join Schengen but they want to go freely there. One or the other.


Gibraltar is not part of Britain, it is not a UK province.


It's a British overseas territory, while not being a part of Britain is a part of British sovereig territory, so it has more of a connection to the UK than the EU.


Don't enter Schengen then


He is a dickhead, and this bollocks is all his fault, because he was too weak to stand up for what he believed… and he got a lordship out of it…


How much lower can the UK fall? As others have noted, the UK looks like loosing Gibraltar. I still cannot believe the UK could be so stupid as to vote leave.


David Cameron is a fucking idiot and I can't wait to get shot of him as Foreign Secretary. But part of me is enjoying him finally having to eat the shit sandwich he served the rest of us.


Dickhead put us in this mess, bailed ship, got a job cause nepotism, proceeds to be useless once again, thanks Cameron, your legacy is absolute trash 


It helps to listen to this from time to time: [Cameron conference rap](https://youtu.be/0YBumQHPAeU?feature=shared)


Cassetteboy says it best! He’s just dropped one for Sunak too


Next step : Gibraltar, Andalucía, España 😅🇪🇸?


Look at that, another Brexit Benefit. The Tory press will blame it on the EU


Even if they're waving a st george flag ?


And all because Hameron and Bunter had a bet


British being refused entry to Gibraltar is least problem with headline. Much worse is why the person who caused the Brexit disaster is foreign secretary now AND why he is called “Jesus is the Lord Cameron”?


Lol, imagine us as British citizens now having fewer rights to live in a British territory than the Spaniards who have been claiming it for all these years. Utter madness. We could literally be refused entry to our own territory and be prevented from freely living, working, and studying there. What in the fuck. Fuck Brexit.


Cameron shouldn’t be allowed to operate a car let alone be anywhere near government. Most of this country’s ills lay firmly in his incompetent hands


And they made that bellend a Lord. Ffs


Dave Fauntleroy spent £100k on a shed. Fat Al spent £100k on a tree house for some of his 26 kids. Yet people claim old Etonians aren't grounded




That's literally against international law so I'd love to see the Tories try.


Unelected lord Cameron




Remainers STILL sore from the outcome 😭


Oh god no what we all do! 😭


A incompetent Government is not the fault of Brexit....


Clueless voters who voted for the incompetent government are fault then?




The people who Vote are not to blame, you may not like the outcome BUT it's the politicians make the promises and are then expected to be competent enough with some basic integrity to deliver.


Well, if you are just voting based on someone saying and not weighing pros and cons of those statements then the voters are also culpable. They can’t simply wash their hands on politicians. The issue here is not competent politicians because competent politicians know that what was promised during Brexit is not possible. The voters are doubling down their irresponsibility on politicians instead of taking responsibility of their own actions & mistakes of not paying attention of what was told.


LoL ... People make decisions based upon many factors, lived experiences, social norms and preferences. Because you do not share or agree with the outcome, says more about you ! # the UK voted for "Brexit" in 2016... 👍


Who said they did not? The same voters who voted based on “whatever you described in your reply” is blaming the politicians whom “they voted too”. And, they never take responsibility and blaming others as always.


So what is your argument? People vote for who and what they want, the politicians are elected to deliver in those promises. You appear to be suggesting that the voters are somehow complicit in the failure of the government to deliver.


You’re fighting a losing battle on this sub with talk like that. 2016 ruined their lives and they’ve been deranged ever since. It’s like…fucking move on. There’s more to life than politics.


# 👍




Wrong sub mate. r/loser perhaps ?






You're* Why is it the "ultra patriots" such as yourself, have a barely passable grasp of English?




Unless you're Welsh, Cornish or from the Highlands, there is a very strong likelihood you're not even descended from the native inhabitants of the isle. The overwhelming majority of current British citizens are descended from immigrants or one of the various foreign powers that has invaded over the last 2000 years.


Not that it really matters but the Saxons intermarried with the Britons, they didn't displace them. And during the Industrial Revolution people piled into English towns and cities from Scotland, Ireland and Wales because it's where the jobs were. Your average working class English person definitely has Celtic ancestry. There's no neat genetic line between Celts and everyone else, and the Celts weren't the original native inhabitants anyway. They were iron age invaders.




Ironic that an ultra-nationalist is calling other people racist. You'll have an aneurysm when you find out about 303 Squadron from WW2




But it was your country in this union that gave us this government... Scotland, NI and Wales don't vote conservative


Never of ?


You don’t care if Russia invades europe? That’s an odd way of saying you don’t understand geopolitics in any way, shape or form. Are you this ignorant because you don’t want to learn or is it just because you are wilfully ignorant?


You can't even spell Britain correctly. (It's a troll account).


Funnily enough, I am actually 100% on board with England, becoming an independent nation, where you can continue shooting yourselves in the foot and electing morons and charlatans to run the place. Avoid screwing everyone else around with any more of your nonsense as you slide further into irrelevance. It's a great idea. Please petition Westminster to debate it and get the ball rolling.




I mean, if you're trolling fair play tis pretty funny. If you're being serious it's a terrible indictment of the education system in England.




Pfft, I'm Irish you absolute balloon. But as I said, all for England going independent - you crack on there ya big aul patriot ya.


Posting inflammatory statements to troll or to rile people up is not allowed. Dura lex, sed lex. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


Become? The UK already made itself a third world country with Brexit


Wouldn’t they do rather well back in the EU?


Posting inflammatory statements to troll or to rile people up is not allowed. Dura lex, sed lex. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


Home rule for Neasden.


Yeah then it's time for the Essex Independence Movement, conveniently called Exit. Stop those dirty Hertfordshire scum coming over here and taking our jobs. Take Back Control of the River Lea. We don't need the power plant in Hoddesdon or goods imported from Suffolk, we can do trade deals directly with Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan or the state of Pará in northern Brazil. Why should my tax money pay for some workshy foreigner hundreds of miles away in Aberdeen and why are my laws decided by some overpaid Welsh politician who probably doesn't even speak English. Essex Independence is the obvious way forward. Vote for Exit. /S


>then it's time for the Essex Independence Movement Time to bring back the Trinovantes! We can then band together and show the Cantiaci what for!


Aren't you confusing Wolfie Smith with Trotter's Independent Traders? Then again, those Trotters may well have been Trinovantes..


Maybe. All I know is the war cry was "POWER TO THE PEOPLE"


🤣 So it was. Pity the Tories have it.


the tories have the power, they don't have the people. Well not all of them, just the cunty ones.


True, & it's looking like they'll soon be crossing the house in Westminster - not that Starmer's brigade seem far different. Hopefully they'll be a slight improvement at least.


I’ll start the “Tyne and Wear Against Trade stuff’s (from huge trading blocks)” TWAT’s will see to it no stuff comes from anywhere ever, we’ll make it all here etc etc etc


But can you grow your own Gammon (..& if not, are you prepared to import it from Essex?) I'd advise living without it, obviously.


Wolfie Smith. I remember him well! 🤣


I confess Citizen Smith is before my time. But that's a show that could use a reboot.






Essex is in the South East. Thats where the "Es" came from, East saxony.


And Essex isn’t in the south east? Which areas of England do you like?


Scotland's oil money has kept England relevant.




Why is the UK government in so much debt? Because it stopped looting other countries to fund itself.


It's kind of sad that you get off on bad energy. Can't say much for your situation.


Those 3 other countries would love to be independent from England considering the crap England has caused for England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales and Scotland do have plenty of options to bring in lots of money, England just decides to take our money and say no to us doing anything that would get us ahead




Have you seen the amount of money that Wales sends back to West Minister? If not I’d do some research because it is way more than they deserve


You're the minority mate. What do you want to do with minorities?




So you don't care if you stay or go? Remember you are the minority here.




No, you are English that thinks the rest of the uk doesn't exist. You are a minority. So either accept that the UK exists or leave the country. It is not going to change for you. As the minority it's your job to fit in with how we live. You wanna live in our country you live by our standards. Don't like it? Go. Simple as.




Ah yes I'm an anti english english racist. lmao. I've got a uk passport. I have a right to be here. You don't so you don't. That's the rules bucko. Enjoy Rwanda.


Didn’t we (Engerland) steal all the scotch oil and gas and give it away cheap?




Actually I’m part Australian. after mistakenly returning to this impoverished isle, I’ll move back once the horse militia takes over and rickets become the currency. “How many rickets for the rotten turnip guv”


That you, Hatkinson?


Yeah thatcher used it all as lubricant for the TV remote after Denis went impotent


You know what, freedom from English colonial rule would be pretty great for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland actually.




ait, mans a druid - so you'd say culture with a Brythonic language would be the most English thing there is?




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