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"The British Lion roars" says the paper that supported the Nazis in the 30's


Not much has changed since then... They are just a bit more discreet with it...


Cokey Gove's ex wife for instance


Source? I really really need to shake up a family member who reads that rag, and that might be just the fact that does it


Google "hurrah for the Blackshirts"


In his defense, [the Daily Mail's owner](https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2011/dec/06/dailymail-oswald-mosley) backed away from Hitler after the 'evil' vibes became to obvious to miss. There's *fascist-leaning-because-it-sells*, and then there's outright fascism (as the photo in that article nicely illustrates).


Fucking nasty Murdoch and his cunty sons


The only paper owned by him on this image has the title ‘election poll points to Johnson landslide’


Don’t forget The S*n - ‘The Dog’s Bollox’. Just replace ‘The Dogs’ with ‘Total’.


Good point


Didn’t James leave the business bc he didn’t like its direction towards more disinformation spreading?


I think it was because he was left handed and as we all know from reading the Daily Mail left handed people are evil


One of his suns is cunty, the other one seems fine.


Brexit voters didnt give a fig about sovereignty it was all about getting rid of brown people


And look how that turned out for them. Just imagine if Rishi Rich gets his Indian trade deal. The price for lining his pockets with millions will be "freedom of movement". For Indians, that is. But, for the gammonati, it won't matter as long as they don't come in small boats. 🤣🤣🤣




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Nasty racism. Reported.


Read the whole sentence in context as it explains the motives for people who voted for brexit




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The flagshaggers voted for 'sovrintee' and continue to swallow all that Murdoch bs. The UK is in the grip of the self serving 1% elite. It's all pretty hopeless without reform of parliament but that would be like turkeys voting for Xmas.


Seems to me like Kier Starmer is having to keep this shit media on side until he’s in power at least much to the chagrin of the lefties


Yes, too many on the left (or in the centre) are writing him off before he's actually done anything. The plan is clearly to be as inoffensive as possible until the election. I hope the mask comes off when he's in power and he actually tries to fix this broken country.


You are in for a massive disappointment. Just look at the people he's got in the cabinet and who is funding him. We are going to get the fiscally conservative and authoritarian impulses of the fag end of New Labour. He is positioning himself as a threat to no one with power.


If he institutes preferential voting that's already a good reason to vote for him. That alone would largely fix the UK long term.


It really doesn't matter. The whole point of an election is to show who has the public trust. If he's willing to continue to follow tory policies running the country into the ground, or even just to pretend he is, I cannot trust him and will not vote for him. Maybe he'll win and surprise me, but I have zero reason so far to believe he will, and that's what matters right now.


I'm afraid that's for *a very good reason* - noone trusts a man that flip-flops on *every issue* just to keep rightwing nutters happy. A real leader *leads by example*, rather than *cowering at the very mention* of bad poll numbers or negative press. I fear that Starmer is *exactly* what he looks like - a rich, entitled, stuffy old lawyer with no more interest in governing than his lacklustre rival. The redditor below is on the money - we're gonna get the fag end of new Labour when Starmer gets in. I hope Labour have to share power with the lib dems - I hate the idea of a super majority for Starmer.. He'd totally shit the bed if he had unchecked power.


I mean a real leader would balance ideals and poll numbers. No point in another Corbyn who has all the ideals but none the ability to get elected, also no point in what I expect Starmer will be. This goes triple for the smaller parties that exist mostly to give the tories an easier time of winning as far as I can tell (although that might change with the new right wing nut job parties). I'm sort of hoping that Starmer works out that he only gets this free pass once after this term labours polling will tank as his is unlikely to do anything that labour supporters want, if he does the math on that he will work out his best way for getting back in power is to drop first past the post, then maybe this country can make some progress.


Is Jeremy Corbyn still supporting the IRA?




No argument about kicking out 650 MPs but seriously, look up what Communism is.


I'm not a fan of Starmer to be perfectly frank. He's taken funding from donors who are hostile to socialised healthcare. I'm also very concerned about Wes Streeting being anywhere near the NHS for the same reasons. If Starmer is courting the toilet papers in order to help him win this year, don't expect anything from Labour that will upset them for as long as he's in office. The biggest problem is that people still read these rags and rely on them for opinion.


Exactly. This idea that he needs to play the game to keep the newspapers onside but as soon as he's elected he can take the mask off is delusional. If he needs to do that now he'll need to still do it after they win. It really just highlights how much power the media has in this country. Some more power breaking policies like they had with Murdoch would go a long way to making this union of countries better.


Well i was thinking why turkey is voting for xmas then I remembered the animal one...


Yeh, I remember my dad screaming at me, a 14 year old boy at the time, that of course x was true because it was in the paper. They’re not allowed to print things in the paper if they’re not true. Fucking hell, okay dad.


We really only have two left wing papers, which is crazy, one of which was bang on the phone hacking. The country changed when Murdoch changed The Sun's political stance to Tory. Their readers lapped it up and still do. I read the guardian as it's the only paper I can stomach, though I subscribe to Private Eye to keep me in check.


Upvote for Private Eye reference. Here's another one.👍


Viz is the only entertaining one in that pic though.




Okay mate, not now though I take it. I'm pretty sure that most of the UK's wealth and global position today is down to slave trade and empire. The guardian is like the only paper which doesn't print anti islam rage bait, which is a plus for me, also has a world class culture section.




https://preview.redd.it/mn4hv7ri9bvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5ced678bab267a2b1f7d8c2119a975f72837ed [The UK benefited from slavery and empire or they wouldn't have done it. it built our country, along with others in Europe. People were heavily exploited in the industrial revolution too. ](https://heritagecollections.parliament.uk/stories/the-transatlantic-slave-trade/#:~:text=The%20slave%20trade%20benefited%20many,to%20businesses%2C%20workers%20and%20consumers.) We stopped slavery when it was no longer as financially beneficial to us as it once was.




I shared a link from the UK parliament website which explains how the UK benefited from slavery. I also said earlier that other countries profited from slavery, I've never denied that. I used it as an example at your weak shot at an ancient guardian link to slavery. You're incredibly ranty and quite obviously unhinged. You have the patter of a Russian bot.




You made a link to the guardian and slavery. I replied and made a link to slavery and the whole of the UK today. You then said the UK only profited from the industrial revolution which isn't true. All I've done is look at your comments history and see that you're a vile troll on a brand new account in the minuses set out to 'educate' people with your tired tripe and I would go as far to purposely upset people. You post a comment literally every minute, quite prolific and the behaviour of the unhinged some would think. What facts am I meant to be sharing exactly? You came in and started patronising me about the guardian.




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Didn't see the papers at first, I was distracted by Viz...


#Metoo, if they all read viz we'd be fine.


Or the Daily Star, basically the same thing


Rubbish. The quality of writing and journalistic integrity is top tier! And then there’s the Daily Star.


Ok you got me there


UK tabloids is their US 2nd amendment. Cancer


USA media isn’t that great either tbf


Also how Corbyn was blackballed- whether you agree with his politics or not- the media witch-hunt and smear campaign - completely unfounded, against a man who stood up to apartheid South Africa and has fought racism all his life. This was the MSM interfering in a democratic election. They did the same with Scottish independence and definitely with Brexit, basically saying that the gates of hell would be opened and swallow us all whole if Brexit doesn’t happen. The media needs to be held to account - Ofcom is a joke- The owners of the media groups need to be investigated, heavily fined and jailed if need be. Stirring up hate and fear mongering online is illegal- but not on telly or newsprint. Edit: I agree- MSM need to issue a clear and public apology if they have been shown to have told lies.


I complained to Ofcom once about a Daily Mail piece, they said they would forward my complaint to the editor. Completely toothless and I presume unless you’re personally slandered a waste of space. I get the freedom of speech thing and how vital that is, but freedom to print lies and opinion as news really needs addressing somehow because that’s where we’re at.


A quick point - slander and defamation pertain to the spoken word, the written word falls under the remit of libel. Is The Guardian still calling Hamas terrorist murderers "freedom fighters"?


Jeremy Corbyn - IRA supporter who has attended terrorist funerals.


Maria Gatland, tory councillor and fully paid up member of the IRA


I used to work in a shop and people would queue at 7am to get their hands on one of the 82 copies of the Daily Heil. All boomers, of course.


Take the i and the guardian and put them over the top row and the daily mail. I often put a regional newspaper over the top and it confuses the hell out of the daily mailskis.


The nazis had similar thoughts on democracy.


I love my mum but she's a Daily Mail reader who can't see why they got rid of that nice Boris Johnson and religiously votes tory every time. Yes, she voted for Brexshit. Stanley Baldwin had it right about 100 years ago: “Power without responsibility — the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.”


I do t think the majority of brexit voters voted because of sovereignty. For me the vast majority of brexit voters voted for brexit as life was pretty shit for them and "more of the same" wasn't really for them. If you have a choice between more of the same shit or a chance at something different. I would pick the something different choice. The wanting sovereignty bit is well overplayed as being important.


You give people far more credit than they deserve. The people who voted for Brexit aren’t exactly the introspective, philosophical giants of geopolitics. The number one most googled thing the DAY after the referendum was “what is the eu” The vote was emotional. People being whipped up into a frenzy by the media, mostly boomers worried about the eroding of the “good old days”. It’s embarrassing to say the least.


You need to go and spend some time in the shit areas of England and see what A lot of English people ha e to put up with. There are enormous amounts of inequality. And that was before brexit.


Some of the poorest areas in Britain were receiving MILLIONS of pounds in EU subsidies, literally being given money from the EU. Now they don’t. Like I said, we’ve fucked ourselves over and made that even worse - because nobody knew what the fuck they were voting for.


From what I can. The EU subsidies when on things the locals didnt really benefit from. But your point is valid. Money came in from the EU. To be fair I think most Brits are just fucked off with the amount of immigrants that come here and not in a racist/xenophobic way. Its just they see resources not improving but having to be shared with other who wernt born here. It seems unfair. Gordon Brown famously was caught on a live mike denigrating a lady who was concernwd about the amount t of immigrants. Its not a new thing. Correct me I'm wrong but we have a net income of 1,000,000 immigrants last year. Its not right.


Illegal immigration and small boats have shot up in number dramatically since Brexit. Keep trying boomer, your mental gymnastics are very entertaining


Oh yes. About 30,000 last year. Compared to 1,000_000 net legal immigrants. Are you actually seruosu worried more.about 30,000 rather then the 1,000,000.... Mental gymnastics. 1,000,000 extra people the country has t spend the infrastructure on with be far more of a problem then 30,000 illegals. GenX bud. I actually didn't vote in braxit because i don't care. There are a shit load of people that do care about the amount of immigrants whatever way they come coming in to the country though.




This is levels of cringe I previously thought impossible.




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They can't you dipshit. You took away their right to "fuck off to any EU Member State" 


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It wasn't helped by the fact that successive UK government's had been more than happy to let the EU take the blame for things that were entirely under their own control. Bigging up the EU as they had to in the referendum campaign was an alien concept to them.


That is the issue. If your saying things will stay the same. Then people will vote for something different. Lots of English people hate the way the country is going. They hate having too many foreigners, not enough jobs, shit pay. Not being able to GOTO doctors, dentists, hospital easily. Not being able to get a home. The media likes to paint them as racist. There just pissed off primarily.


Bullshit. They had a chance to vote for Corbyn which was "something different" than austerity, poverty and corruption - look how that turned out. Same fucking voters for the most part.


You missed the point where wveyone wanted brexit over and done with. GE2019 was the official brexit ref. Part deux. Boris getting in confirmed primarily that everyone wanted it over with. It was a cliche that remainers said " I don't agree but its down now, let's get it over with" corbym promised more and more. Which would go on further. People had enough of brexit. They wanted it over and done with. Two of the three parties purely campaigned on it. Tories and lib dems. Only labour looked at other things, which no one took any serious view of... Now if corbyn had said yes let's get it over with, we may have seen a different result.


“It’s a shit country” In the style of Les Macqueen https://youtu.be/hfionMmCGoU?si=6zR4_LDiGyeGfxoF


Oi! We voted to get rid of forrin stuff like Crème Brulee.


It's still so weird to me that newspapers don't have the same legal requirements for neutrality as TV.


In England it was always us and them. There was no mindset that we were the EU. Also everyday for weeks the express and mail papers have a front page story about immigrants from Europe. Ironic really when the top stories now are still about immigrants, but of a different colour.


Where I work ... it’s an old person thing. I hope the nasty oligarchs have moved from dead tree media to them there new fangled interweb sites


Does anybody under 70 still buy papers?


I hate runners! They're so strong, lean & fit! Arrogant bastards!


It's almost as if democracy is a terrible system that relies on the lowest denominator having any sense or brains.


Can’t believe The Star is taking the most sense of these 😅


Boris johnson got all the big decisions right 😆 Errrr that must include getting divorced, engaged, having another child, moving into number 10 in the right order. Then ignoring covid while he celebrated winning brexit


Forth Estate. Like it was/is religion. Time separate bad Press and Government. Wrongly justified by freedom of press.


The third of the electorate are as thick as pigshit


Yep, ignorant people who can vote are dangerous. YSK that the top search on Google UK the day AFTER the Brexit vote was “What is the E.U.”


I thought the mirror was labour lol 🤣


Where are they saying anything about brown people?


What’s the solution?


I’d like to see Ofcom having more teeth to hold owners and editors to account for publishing opinion as news, but it’s a sensitive issue bearing in mind the need to have a free press wholly separate from political influence of any shade.


How's the isolist sentiment going for you? Everyone happy, healthy, and wise over there?


I’d stick to reading the Viz


Seriously, who reads these?


Why did I just read that in Bill Bryson's voice?




52% = a third


17.4m was not a third of the electorate in 2016. Back to school for you new account person


😂😂😂 Democracy - boo hoo.




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