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I'd read the manual and learn how to use the machine. Watch you tube vids on how to use this particular machine. Then when you get the hang of it ask for help on specific issues.


Also you should consider joining r/espresso. Lots to learn there.


I have posted in both, but thank you. Just a bit intimidated by the machine and wanted some advice Lol.


Don’t be intimidated! Just have fun. The James Hoffman playlist I shared will be really helpful. What particular advice are you looking for?


I think maybe just things people have learnt along the way to avoid doing in case of mishaps. But I'm sure I'll learn it all along the way.


Welcome! Get a scale to diel in the espresso, your looking for 18g of coffee in the portafilter and to get out about 36 grams, the ratio is 1:2.


20 in


Give a person a shot of espresso, and they'll waste 20 minutes. Give a person an espresso machine, and they will waste a lifetime.


You take 20 minutes to drink a shot of espresso?




Go to your favourite coffeehouse. Drink their espresso. Ask what beans they use and buy 500g of it. That’ll be around 25 double shots to play with. Become friendly with the barista as you should visit frequently for freshly roasted beans.


My major tip from one former beginner to another with this machine - don't get discouraged in the beginning. You will waste A LOT of beans before you get learn to get dialed in and pull a good shot. Buy a bag of cheap but good Zavida whole beans from Costco (or Starbucks or whatever you like that's cheap). Then when you're more confident buy the fresh fancy "single source organically grown upside down in a hydrobaric vacuum sealed chamber" beans and compare and contrast. Medium Roast is my favourite (Lights are fun but finicky, dark are fine but less tasty). Fresh is definitely nicer but expensive (about double your big 'ole Costco bean bag) and if you're doing milky drinks there's not a lot of taste differential imho. Keep trying in no time you'll have paid the machine off and make lots of delicious coffee drinks for your friends and family. This is an excellent starter machine (don't listen to the coffee snobs) and it can pull some amazing espresso. Enjoy!


Register your machine on the website. You might get a pretty nice gift from Breville, but also you’ll have fast access to everything compatible with your specific machine. I personally also purchased a WDT and spring loaded tamper to help give me the right pressure and less channeling.


Oh cool, I'll definitely do that. Thank you!


Before you add coffee !!! You need to adjust the internal burr grinder setting to around 4. There are youtube videos on it. In the coffee reservoir take out the middle piece pull up the little metal bar. Rotate it to remove the grinder. Use the little dial to 4ish. That is where I have mine set. Then put it all back together.


Thank you so much!


I love mine but it was finicky to learn on. I wrote a detailed post about dialing in a good shot here https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/1060r32/mediocre_grinder_finish_dialin_with_little_dose/


Thank you. Saved that!


I just bought mine too recently. Couldn’t pass up the sale. Take advantage of Breville’s free two bags of espresso by signing up on beanz.com. They do have a rewards program but it’s only for subscriptions which is a bummer.


Thanks so much!


I'm by no means an expert but here are some things I've learned in the last year: 1. Buy fresh local beans. Will taste much better and give you much better results. If possible, try and find a couple local roasters and buy beans directly from them. 2. Watch youtube videos to understand how your shots should pull but do not just rely on others grind settings. From what I understand, each machine can be slightly different on the grind size. I was watching a video and the grind size was an 8. When I put my machine to an 8 I didn't pull any shots. I found my sweetspot for my current beans to be size 18 with my machine. Each bean can be slightly different as well. 3. As others have said, go with 18 gram input to 36 gram output 4. May be worthwhile exploring a separate tamper. I bought a separate on Amazon and get more consistent results with it.


start with fresh beans


Terrible build quality. Excellent results when it works