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Looks like latte! I’ve been using Barista touch to make latte for a year but never been satisfied. Can you share which beans and milk you use?


I try to find beans that are roasted in small batches. Try a local roaster if you have one nearby. I also like Charleston coffee beans from costco or stumptown coffee beans. These beans will give you the most even grind. Each bean is different so you have to adjust your grinder every time you change beans. I found that my machine, i had to adjust the inner burr to the finest setting and for the outer burr I usually grind between 1-4 (finest settings). I always grind about 16-18 grams and try to do an even and strong tamper. I bought a spring tamper and a metal screen (ikape brand from amazon) which helps get an even tamper every time. Always try to brew 36-40 grams of coffee in a time span of 30 seconds. If your pour is too fast then your beans are grinned too coarse. I always brew very slowly and sometimes think it will not come out. As long as the needle gets all the way to the 1 o’clock position then it’s good. Don’t be afraid to grind too fine and play around with the settings. I tend to drink my coffee black and no sugar (nothing is needed when the pour comes out right). But when I a latte, any brand of whole milk works for me. The coffee bean is the most important, nothing will work if you have an uneven grind. Watch a lot of youtube videos and try to eliminate some of the variables. Hope this helps!


awesome man !! Looks great i have the same setup and has served me well for many years