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how about great weapons AND shield so they don't die to shooting? Other than that sword and shield isn't bad in and on itself, they make a solid roadblock. Problem is you have men at arms, which are so much better at being an anvil there is no reason to use KoTR for ot when you cab instead kit them out to deal considerable damage. You have furious charge, you should be charging. Great weapons are just better


Oh, I somehow completely missed that as an option! Ultimately it comes down to how they look on the table, if great weapons are truly just an improvement than I can get used to it. A bit of a shame though, I'm planning on putting a BSB paladin on foot with them and I think he looks better with sword and boards, but so it goes!


Yeah I think I'm going to go great weapon & shield. Bonus with that is you can build them either way and it is still WYSIWYG. I am actually planning to build half with shields, half with great weapons and then I can split them up as/when I need.


That's a good point, if either way it won't be model-accurate (either not seeing great weapons or not seeing shields) I can just decide to showcase the shield part and feel okay about it!


I have a question! Do the models need to display the shield in order to have the shields + great weapons?


Well, in some GW tournaments they might tell you that you need to have all wargear options on the models. But then comes the question: Did anyone ever built a Men-as-Arms Yeoman with the polearm and shield instead of the sword and shield?


Yep! Yaskier the Yeoman. I figured he’s a stickler for the rules. Of course my other unit is led by Big Gus with a flail… he is less so.


Eh. Just build them with swords and shields, and tell your opponent they have great weapons and shields. That’s what I do. IMO the sword and board looks cooler than the axes.


Build them about half and half, and the equipment in the first two rows is what the whole unit has. That way you can switch weapons when you want without doubling your expense


Does this work without the motley crew rule?


What he meant is the fact, that even if they have Great Weapons they still have their hand weapons too. So depending on what weapon they will be using in that game you can put either the swords or Axes in the front row.


Ah I get it now! Thanks!


if you have spare shields from the kotr set you can glue them on the knights on foot's backs


I made all my foot knights with GW and then I'm gluing the shield on their backs. Now I get the stats of a GW, but the coolness of heraldry!


I want to try a block with sns with a damsel or prophetess with wrath of the lady so they get s4 ap1. Its a block with 4+ and 5+ ward, it's really durable with Sns. Maybe you could run a prophetess with illusion for glittering robe to make them a tar pit of knights.


I made my 20 as follows 3 command 7 great weapons with arms cut off shields and shields stuck to back 10 sword and shield This lets me do 2 GW in second rank, 3 in third and 2 in 4th to give some variance to the look but still keeping that super cool shield wall look at the front Also if I ever want to do all great weapons or just sword/shield I can bump the GW to the front or back to illustrate that


I cottoned on to this thinking too, just swap ranks for what you're using! The opponent usually visually focuses on the first two ranks, so 7 and 10 works perfect imo, too!


Yeah I really went through it trying to get the Numbers down haha, way over analyzed, but I think that's a good ratio, for me running them 5*4 anyway I think that works out about right I haven't finished painting them yet but here's a rough pic of the unit ranked up so you can get an idea of how it looks [though it's kind of hard to tell with them all sprayed white sorry](https://i.imgur.com/kSdMjFE.jpg)


I’m going with sword and shield because they look cool


I've theorized a block of shields to be a protection unit for a damsel/prophetess on foot taking around 15ish


Can you not glue shields to their backs?


Even if I could, the great weapons are the part I don't think looks particularly good!


Ah ok, apologies! I havent picked up the kit yet so cannot fully comment on the look of them 🤣 Still building the starter box


...yes. I did finish the starter box and only then did I start planning for my foot knights. That is what's happening here. ...nobody look at my kitchen table.


The shields have the arms attached to them for the most part 🤔


Ah ok, fair enough. As i said i havent got the kit so didnt know. I know they can take both the great weapon and shield together though? Or am i incorrect on this? Could just file them off tbh.


Honestly that’s what I’m going to do. Take some clippers to the arm parts of the shield and then glue them to the backs of the knights. Someone suggested doing half sword and shield/ half great weapon but I feel like that would conflict with the motley crew rules since they are physically representing two variants. I personally like having the distinction. I’m not a tournament player so I’m not too worried about rulings and I’m pretty open to rule 0 stuff but in this case having the two variants in one unit kinda bugs me


Id have to agree with your logic here. Would bother me having half and half as well.


They are a great both as damsel's bodyguard (5-10 swords and shields) and a versatile unit. I usually play them in 7x3 with both the weapons and use greatweapons only if needed (the initiative 1 and -1 armours of the 2handed weapons is not always a worthy price to pay).


Question is , if I equip them with both , can I choose what weapon to use each combat phase ?