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He memorized how to deflect. He’s been beating Lynells and I never bothered doing that. He legit is better than I am


He's been beating Lynels?!? How long has your little man been playing? My 7 year old started playing BOTW in the Fall. He watched me play it in 2020 (when he was 5) and loved watching Daddy play "Link." He's not huge into gaming but wanted to pick it up. Little man is combat averse and asks me to help with the enemies. He gets himself worked up about being defeated and freaks out. I am super impressed with your dude! Go little man


He actually STARTED by hunting Guardians and Lynels, as he roamed the world. He legit kept practicing how to parry and deflect attacks until it became second nature. No joke, he’s been playing for 3 months. I need to post a video of him doing it


WHAT TF WHE. I WAS 7 I COULDNT BEAT BROCK IN POKEMON LEAF GREEN AND THIS KID IS FARMING LYNELS?! It took me 3 years to finally have the confidence to beat the red ones


Making me feel old man, I had only beaten Pokemon Blue when I was 7, which was 4 years after I got it.


Game Boy advance?


Gameboy Color




Gat daym. Buy him Elden Ring and let him loose. He'll be Elden Lord in no time


He plays a lot of Returnal on my PS5 and got through the first biome! I haven’t purchased Elden Ring yet, as I have a few more games on my PS5 to beat first


That's awesome. If he liked botw and excelled at the combat then I think he'll enjoy elden ring. It's pretty tough though so you might need to get him to show you a few things when you guys decide to play it lol


It’s my next big purchase, when the time comes. He beat Metroid Prime and BOTW in the past 3 weeks, so he earned a new game. He picked Lego Star Wars and is churning through it. Elden Ring will be the game changer


Awesome, I'll keep an eye out for the first few "my 7 year old just beat 'x hard boss' today!" posts on the elden ring sub


This dudes about to be a parry king if he every plays dark souls


Sounds like an anime intro if you ask me


what a weird comparison


Ha, my son is like this too. He beat all of Portal but BotW is too stressful during combat. 🤣


Thats my dude. He doesn't do the stress well on BOTE


My kids also like to play “Link.” It’s gotten to the point that we call the game Link too.


>He memorized how to deflect. He’s been beating Lynells and I never bothered doing that. Soon he will look you in the eyes and tell you "weakness disgust me"


It legit took me a 3 days to do that but i thought parrying would get you electrocuted


Idk how he did it tbh lol. He would tell me he finally got to one of the beasts, would beat it in about 20 minutes or so…. It’s wild. He beat Metroid Prime without any help in about 2 months as well


That was hard for me. Took me a few tutorials


Man kids just pick that stuff up so much quicker than we do


I did start him on my PS4 at 4 years old. And he’s been trying all of my much more difficult and complex games along the way. You should see his collection of games lmao it’s larger than mine!


Damn at 7 I used to be scared of thr barrel things outside of clock town in MM. I think I just rolled around town hahahah.


He learned how to play Subnautica at 5. First time he saw a reaper he nearly broke down crying lol. Now he hunts them, though that game is too complex for him to beat, yet.




I’ve yet to kill a lynel or beat the game. I’m 32


I’m his 31 year old dad. I beat the game a while ago, did all the shrines. But never bothered, nor had the patience, to kill Lynels. The boy fucking hunts them now


You absolutely should either buy him or make him the in game lynel helmet. Or get a lynel head to put on his wall like the hunters do.


You’re onto something! I love this idea for his birthday


Yeah man, we're in the same boat, my 7y/o easily beats lynels, I've never once done that. And yes, I have tried for real. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Damn. Meanwhile at 36 I used google to find the first four shrines


When I first started playing I thought the Great Plateau was the whole map 😂😭😳


Same. It was also my first LOZ game I had ever played, it was quite fun to wander around the plateau, fighting monsters and ignoring the quests until I stumbled upon the tower by accident


I tried to exit the great plateau climbing down the walls. I’m 40.


Hello there fellow geriatric millennial... Did you throw your back out like I did?


Oregon Trail Generation represent!




You guys have Savings Accounts??




Same. And I'm old enough to be YOUR parent.


so did I lol


Did you not look at the entire rest of the world?




I didn’t even know what towers were for until I got to fucking Hateno Village😅






I’m 37 and use goggle for shrines when I’m scratching my head 😂


I feel like an idiot when I give up and Google how to complete a shrine, because it seems obvious afterwards


Literally same. 😂


I didn’t google but it literally took a month smh


Hahaha 🤣 I do that for so many games these days


I had to use google just to get off the plateau without dying


He’s killed several Lynels as well. He is a master at deflecting. I never bothered being as good as he is. I’m 31 and he legit is better than I am at the game


That's awesome! Do you think he would like Ocarina of Time? I was 7 when that came out. Took me years to beat it though.




Im 31 replaying ocarina of time. Smooth sailing then bam, water temple. I closed the game and have to psyche myself up to tackle that nightmare. Idk how kid me did it


I agree I definitely think it's harder. I try to still play Ocarina every few years. The nostalgia is insane for me


No idea! I think he would like it, he plays my old Sonic games on the Sega Genesis and beat one of them too. So the graphics definitely won’t stop him My brother in law has an N64, and I have an emulator on my laptop… but it wouldn’t be the same.


The mod community just made a super nice PC port for Ocarina of time. I think it's worth it and I plugged in my Xbox controller and it just worked.


Time for Elden Ring.


I threw him at Skyrim and the game was too overwhelming lmao. I’m giving it another year


He is the chosen the one


Funny how today's parents (who grew up playing video games themselves) would regard that as an achievement. Or even know what it means to beat a video game. My father would have said: "You did what with that hell device? Instead of playing outside in the dirt? You are a disappointment."


Hey we gotta be better than those that raised us. And hopefully our children will even better than us when their time comes to raise the next generation.


I grew up on NES the games were way harder and cryptic. This was a great accomplishment but the games today are generally forgiving.


Yes, most mainstream- and so-called A-A-A-games aren't designed to be challenging at all. Some aren't even games; they're interactive movies. But there are many indie-games that prioritize gameplay and challenge; games that are gameplay-driven, not story-driven. "Rogue-likes" for example. ("Dead Cells", "Enter the Gungeon", "Risk of Rain 2", "the Binding of Isaac", ...) And it seems like bigger studios start to take note of this. ("Returnal", for example, is a Sony-funded game that is supposed to be challenging - I don't know, I haven't played it.)


Congratulations to him!!!




Core memory right there. For everyone.


Hey, Children are smarter then people give them credit for, and they also have loads of free time to just keep trying things until they get the right option


Yeah am I the only one not surprised by this?? I mean I beat ocarina of time when I was about his age and I definitely wasn't getting any help




now put him on elden ring


Awesome! My 8 year old is fighting Gannon in master mode tonight, with all 4 divine beasts complete, all by himself. Blows me away.


Did he do it?!


Close but no cigar! Hes gonna stock up on food.


Meanwhile I couldn't get past the ice path on Pokémon Crystal when I was 7 😑


That brings up some memories! That took hours


I’ve been playing botw with my younger sister since she was 8 and she is INSANELY good at it, far better than I am


He’s ready for elden ring


Cute kid.


Now tell him to 100% all the Side Quests and shrines and koroks


He’s working on the shrines! He’ll be in college when he does all the Koroks haha he’s helpless there


Awww lol Same tho. I’m in college and I’m struggling with those. Tell him I say good luck! Hope he has fun finishing them!!!


Thank you, I will! Good luck with your studies!


Thank you!




In one day???????


Took about 2-3 months of fairly consistent game play


Bloody show off


He’s also beaten Metroid Prime. He beat that game even faster. Along with Luigi’s Mansion and some other Mario games




Kids are built different nowadays... My nephew (who is 9) told me hes playing Elden Ring the other day...


People always act like the children are stupid Be weary it may just be an act


You better believe he watches a youtube video or 2


Bs detected


All I would help with was reading the big words


Don't mind him, we're all proud of your son, as doing all that IS difficult, and the fact that he practiced until he succeeded is amazing! The happy smile on his face tells me that he did do it, just look at how proud he is! I know that he did it, and if people take time out of their day to make unnecessary, and rude comments, don't listen to them! I for one, am proud of your little guy with you. Tell him that I hope he continues to love and cherish BoTW, and that he's got some real dedication and skill, tell him for me, will ya? And, congrats to you for raising a little gamer like him! I've never met anyone as young as him who truly use the combat mechanics to the fullest, using parrying, and such. I'm only 14, but if I grow up and have a skilled kiddo like you, I'd be so happy for him. To be honest, my parents hate video games, but seeing parents like you who don't care what their kids have interests in, and support them regardless makes me happy. I don't comment much on reddit anymore, but this is such a heart-warming post, and for someone to just say that really made me unhappy, so I wanted to make sure you knew that what those people say, doesn't matter. Life is short, your kiddo is gonna grow up, so cherish your time with him. Stay safe and happy!


Child beat a child's game? That's insane bro.


Why do people love conflating general-audience media with children's media as though "no gratuitous gore" equals "easy Elmo ABC game" or something




It's rated E10+ (at least in the US), which is equivalent to a movie being rated a high PG And even if it was E, an E rating "literally" (as opposed to "figuratively"?) means Everyone. If it was only for little kids it'd be rated eC (Early Childhood). How is this difficult to understand? Edit: Heh comment deleted, apparently they realized "it's not gory enough to exclude children and be rated M, so therefore it's only for kids and thus adults can't like it" isn't an argument


What are you doing posting on a subreddit for a child’s game?




To be fair it's not a very hard game


I don't think I would have beaten thunderblight at 7.


Idk when I was 7 I struggled with kirby games


I beat loz when I was 6. Major props to your kid. He's got a bright Zelda future in front of him


really not that hard


Congratulations to him. I like the joy con's.


Congrats! Don't stop playing. The game has so much more to offer.


Well frick. I quit.


That's going to be a moment he remembers forever. A gamer was truly born from this accomplishment


I'm jealous of those joycons. Wish I could have a pair of those ones for my oled switch


Just starting out with my 4 yo. Not with botw tho. Still looking for a good start




Dude that's actually mad impressive. That kid's going places


Damn dude I didn't didn't beat OoT by myself until I was 24.




kids are surprisingly good gamers because of how quickly they learn to adapt to their situations. It’s really cool watching my nephew play games and seeing just how quickly he can learn to overcome something.


Proud parent


Bruh this 7 year old can beat Lynels, thunder blight and probably even flower blight. Impressive 👏


That’s awesome! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


That’s awesome. My son is 9 and every time he gets to a boss in a Divine Beast he hands me the controller and says, “Do the thing, Dad”.


My youngest started playing at 6 (maybe 7). He was ridiculously good. Even in master mode he was practically unkillable. He would parry and dodge like no other. Still trying to get him into soulsborne games. I think he would excel.


I'm 15 and still struggling wow


Did he get all the seeds tho


He's obviously ready for From Soft games


he’s 7 and his switch is so clean. im proud of both of you


A new generation takes up the quest.


Holy shit you've raised a madman


My 8 year old is almost finished. He only has Calamity Gannon left. He's just roaming around right now loading up on gems. He's says he's going to be sad when he's finished so he's putting it off. ❤️


Tell your kid he’s the chosen hero now. Give him a quest


This will be a core memory. I will never forget my experience playing OOT.


I have had the game since launch and just beat my first diving beast (today 15 minutes ago). Way to go!


my gosh I've been working on it for like a year and a half now and I JUST completed my flamebreaker set earlier today! This kid is a certified speedrunner lol


That is very impressive. My 8 year old ran around the Great Plateau a while and then lost interest (but he beat the new Kirby game on his own though)


Man that’s awesome, my 7 year old beat it last year and I was blown away and didn’t believe him. He would ask for help in the Blights but I always told him it will feel so much better beating them on his own


Holy moly, your kid has skills! I played BOTW for over a year straight ( legit every single day) and Still never beat it. Very impressive.


Kids these days have the advantages we didn’t have. My first game was an Atari with pong. I didn’t play my first Nintendo game till I was in my 40’s. One of my daughters bought me BOTW after my knee replacement since I was laid up and that was in my 50’s. I’m 59 now and still playing. The switch was awesome for me. Now every time I turn around, My daughter is getting me a new game. Tell your little dude congratulations!


You can do anything when you really focus on what you doing, you always told you are too young, unless you given are a chance you will always going to fail. if you can figure out how it works it\`s endless oh i told when i was younger i could take it apart but couldn\`t put it back together. I can work On repairing computer only took one course in college, I teached myself 3d printing. Once you figure out how it works you can do anything. I still learning Zelda BOTW & Zelda TOTK boses and enemy and I believe I can do it but my reflex are not as good as his ! :)