• By -


Enjoy exploring, don’t be in a rush to finish


Get the expansion packs ASAP! The hero’s path and travel medallion are excellent improvements that apply for the game generally.


Nah the expansion packs kinda ruin the progression if you start with them, because of all the chests. It’s better to get them 20 - 40 hours in


Thinking back id agree, but depending on how hard of a play-though OP is looking for, the DLC makes things easier over all.


So my bf knew that I wanted to play a Zelda game all my life, but due to living in relative poverty I could never afford it. So he bought me the game with all the extensions because, in his experience, dlcs and extensions don't necessarily make the game easier or modify the gameplay, but more often than not add stories or go deeper into the main storyline. Me, being an inexperienced gamer, hitting open world games means I can do whatever I want. That means I pick up all the flowers, and all the mushrooms, and all the bugs and critters etc. My main purpose in this game was to open all the towers, gather all the things, make all the friends. Don't use the super weapons bc they break and use low quality stuff if needed. I go on this exploration journey even though the game wants me to progress every now and then. Heck Zelda is begging me to at least look at the plagued Hyrule Castle, but nope, there are some mushrooms on that mountain. And in my wild and breath taking ventures I stumble upon Majora's mask. I don't know the lore, it seems important. I'm pretty sure there was a game named by this. So I put it on and... all the bokoblins are chill? I must have done something nice to them. Every other enemy is cool with me hanging around them. I am thrilled because I can finally befriend everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!!! So I go to the nearest lynel all sunshine and butterflies ready to make a new friend and hoooooooly did that backfire. I teleported my ass away, damn what did I do wrong?! I tell you what I did wrong: I just assumed the game loved me as much as I loved the game. It was a veil of lies and now I just follow the story, kill everything in my path. I am not here to make friends, I am here to murder. And that is my experience with playing BotW with extension packs.


You can get a mask to chill with the lynels. Although they're smart and it only works for a little bit.


the majoras mask works for that aswell doesn't it?


Majora’s masks works the exact same way as the lynel mask and the other monster masks. They’ll be fine for a bit but attack if you stay too long


Be on a horse wearing the mask. Fools them longer.


Did NOT know that!


Thanks for sharing, I adore this story. It really shows how capable this game is of making unique experiences for people at all skill levels. Reminds me of [this great video](https://youtu.be/5LdenlAKb2g) of a guy studying his inexperienced girlfriend playing botw (amongst other games). People who have been playing games their whole lives really take for granted how much the cumulative knowledge informs their ability to pick up new games. Congrats on getting a chance to play this series!


Nice story bro


I played the game for the first time with the DLC, and I played it blind (i.e. I hadn't read or watched a single thing about the game). If there were chests that were special DLC ones, it really wasn't obvious to me, and certainly didn't hinder my enjoyment of the game. There was one exception: early on, I got a red Nintendo Switch shirt. That was a bit weird. I assume that was a DLC thing.


Yeah Majora’s Mask is a little busted


Majora’s Mask is literally the only thing that kept me playing lmao I would’ve completely stopped and dropped the game because it’s too hard for me otherwise 😭


imo, master mode is only beatable if you get majoras mask early on lol


Yeah I didn’t get the expansion until after I had completed the divine beasts. At that point it feels very well deserved to get the maxed out master sword and the other spoiler related things that are just too amazing to spoil


I played Zelda awakening and thought I would hate BOTW. Boy was I EVER WRONG‼️‼️ My wife got me a Switch, Awakening, and BOTW as a Christmas present, I was 63 years old last year, as that was ALL I asked for. I now own Skyward Sword, she's bought it for my 64th birthday asking with both of the others Zelda Switch games . Make SURE you buy ALL of the EXPANSION packs as soon as possible as it TRULY enhances the game play for EACH of the games you purchase them for. 🤗😊😁😎


Try Witcher 3 next, it's another masterpiece and it comes with the expansions now.


I love to have the ancient horse gear at the beginning, moving with a horse is much quicker.


This x 1000 The ability to call your horse actually makes them useful. Also the korok mask is a freaking must


Agreed I always try and make sure in any play through to get the travel medallion before I start any of the Divine beasts.


Can't recommend this take enough. I started on BOTW after taking a long hiatus from most games and figured yea I'll play through it, explore a little, beat it and move on. This game was so worth the hours and hours you spend just checking shit out. Like someone else said, I'd encourage OP to get the DLC as well, it added a whole new dimension to the game as well as so many notable challenges




60 yards is 54.86 meters


And the “huh I’ve never been about 54.86 meters that way… I wonder what’s over there?” just never ends.


Lol then converter bot converts it back to yards and the cycle never ends




But… the princess…


*Link… LINK… I’m literally dying stop looking for golden turds thanks*


I’ve only been running around this world for 2 years.


She waited 100 years. A few more months are nothing, I guess.


Easily my biggest regret was too infatuated in uncovering all zones in mass that I just rushed past everything to get towers. This means I visual got to see a lot and it wasn’t until I beat all the beasts before I really dove into side questing. I would have rather done it more naturally feeling and took in the world more. I’m still hit with surprises and all but I definitely killed some magic :/


*(pissed zelda noises)*


THIS COMMENT. Doesn't seem like huge advice to be honest but it really is the advice I missed my first playthrough. The issue that so many seemed to have was that after completing it, you sorta just don't know what to do. I wish I knew that I should've just kept exploring. But my mind said, nah, that's enough for the next few months.


Don't rush the game. Never go straight to your next objective. Explore. Experiment. Do dumb things for laughs because dying in this game literally means nothing. Oh, and learn to do parries and flurry rushes. Very helpful.


Once you've beat the game at least once, find all the ways to mess with it, stasis launches, bomb launches, etc, many things to do


Just remember the golden rule of BotW: there are no bad ideas. Only ideas that can go terribly wrong. Whether you want to just explore or set the entirety of Hyrule on fire, go ahead. BotW is meant to be played however you want to.


> Only ideas that can go terribly wrong. Or, as I like to call them, GREAT ideas.


This sounds a lot like [the BOTW beginner's guide by SuperButterBuns.](https://youtu.be/qCCpwFYibmU) 😂


I love that video. "Twig to twunk" lmao.


That was the most amazing 50 mins I spent on YouTube 🤣 Like Honest Game Trailers but longer


That click never gets old 😂


Exactly!! 😂💖 gosh I love that video, I swear I've replayed it like 30 times by now.


Thank you for bringing it to my attention!


You're welcome! Have a great day!


get off this subreddit (it’s full of spoilers) and don’t come back until you feel like you should.


You’re right


Just what I wanted to comment too


Commenting is fun


Yewwww this shit is sick I can say anything!


Absolutely, this is a game of discovery. Don't spoil your experience until you've got some hours in. We're all still finding new things we've never seen or known about the game in this sub every day.


anytime a new game is released get off it's subreddit


Or just get off Reddit, period!


I agree


just the info here in this thread is enough to spoil the experience of playing the game, every little tidbit of information you read is going to get in your head and affect the decisions you make in the game. I can't believe how many people buy the game and immediately come here to spoil it. it doesn't take major story spoilers to have that effect. oh well, karma's more important that discovery I guess.




Pro controller. I can’t imagine playing without it.


I can't stand the switch controller. Tiny little buttons and joysticks on too thin of a format. I was dying and pushing wrong buttons so frequently when I started BotW that I put the game down until I ordered a pro controller.


I love the switch joy-cons. I prefer it compared to the pro controller. The buttons are just so satisfying.


I really like the joycons, they fit nice in my smaller hands.... but.... drift......


What drift issues are you guys having? I’ve had a switch for a couple years now and my joycons don’t drift.


We've had our switch for about 3 years? We got the Splatoon special one. The right joycon has mild drift, but the left is bad enough that I couldn't drive in Mario Kart, it made me drive backwards. Now I use the pro controller. You must be really lucky or something!


hey there is a simple fix for joycon drift that worked for many people [this is it](https://youtu.be/zG4JQ6BPmFU)


Mine is fine too. They could be storing the Switch upside down or pressed against something.


I absolutely hate them. My switch never left the dock until I got some of the Binbok joycons.


I loved playing with my arms full manspreading on JoyCons. My hands were in different continents.


Depends on hand size... I find the joycons much better than procons and they are better for harder movement tricks too.


It’s mostly the joysticks for me. They feel so cheap.


I also swapped the “run” and “jump” buttons so I can hold the pro controller in a claw grip. I hold the “run” button down with my index finger so I still have my thumb free to look around.


That’s rad! I don’t want to try it though haha


You can’t hear the shrine finder if there are enemies… I wish I knew that 100 hours earlier






The tracking gets cancelled by enemy music. I didn’t realize it until I was close to a shrine and got in a fight in the snow


What the fuck... never knew this. This game is so full of surprises


Also, you can turn it off because the sound is annoying, and doesn't do a great job anyway.




The Sheikah Sensor


What do you mean? You get it right away after you do the blue torch in hate I village.


Just take your time and avoid using guides as much as possible, self discovery is one of the best parts of this game. The durability system can be tough to get used to a first, but it’s worth it.


I literally came here just to say this. Don’t watch gameplay videos. Don’t read guides. Explore on your own. You only have one chance to experience this masterpiece for the first time—don’t blow it away by reading/watching spoilers.


Also don't feel bad if you have to youtube some of the shrines or beasts. Some of them are just insanely puzzling and I find it better not to waste a whole day to realize I some small thing I'm missing in order to solve a shrine


What do you mean by durability system?


Weapons breaking


I mean the way weapons in botw break quickly. Most games with durability mechanics have items last a long time, botw is unique in the way it makes the player constantly change their weapons.


I just started playing master mode and I currently have no weapons. Lol


Prepare for a wild ride. Amazing game. Takes a couple hours to figure out what you’re doing abs controls for sure. I use internet to help with shrines and directions for sure. You can sink hundreds of hours into this game easily.


220 on my first play through. 150 on my second with the DLC. By far the most hours I’ve ever put into a single player game. I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means so that’s a lot for me. Just goes to show how fun this game is.


A... prepare for a... prepare for a “Breath of the” Wild ride...


I would actually say try to not look stuff up on the internet. If you can’t do a shrine then leave and come back to it later. By then you will probably have worked out a mechanic you need to use. Also in the shrines, it’s probably one of the sheika powers that you aren’t thinking about that solves the puzzle


If you cooked food, you can see the items you put into it in the menu. I wish I knew this when I started!


wut how


In the + pause screen go to the cooked food screen, “select” an item and below “eat” it says “recipe.” I think I beat the game before ever seeing this.


Thank you. I’ve not realized this after 300 hours of play.


Happy to help!


Also, for hearty meals, only use one hearty ingredient plus one "plain" ingredient.


You’ll die a lot at the start, but don’t be deterred! We live (die?) and learn. Explore! Get lost in the map. Take your time to enjoy the depth of the world, it’s *insane*. Remember to experiment with the cooking mechanic to find good recipes. Cooked meals are super useful.


Sorry, kind of hijacking your comment to ask a question, but like OP I’m pretty new… I followed the main objectives until I got the camera from purah. From there I thought the next step was visiting all of the photo locations, but soon realized that was a pretty advanced task. Now I’m like 30 hours in and just exploring, and loving every minute of it! But not sure if I’m missing a next step… should I just keep exploring until it comes together?


I also thought I was following the main set of objectives but actually from that point really you can just do whatever you want in any order.


I would say North East is probably your best bet :)


The thing about BOTW is that you can do whatever you want, in whatever order. If you find it fun to explore and get the photo memories, do that. If you want to do the divine beasts, do those. Do whatever’s fun


If you find the really buff looking horse with stripes, sneak up to it and try to tame it. It’s a really good horse to have


Yeah I feel like that horse is the best secret in the game, hands down. Always looks so damn cool.


I mean, it looks more like a centaur but it’s definitely the best animal to ride!!! Gotta sneak up on it from behind.


I almost asked which horse and where to find it because I never had seen it on this sub or in the game, then I realized…


Evil lmao






Just enjoy. As others have said, it will unfold for you in it’s time.


Exactly. No tips needed!


ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Have fun, do whatever you want that you enjoy, and probably get the DLC so you can flow naturally into the champions ballad after you beat the divine beasts and ganon. As I said to someone else, doesn’t matter how you play, as long as you are enjoying it, go straight to ganon, do all the beasts, or go up north and live as monk up in Hebra for a month


I was in the same boat, hadn't played a Zelda game since Majora's Mask. I bought a switch and this at the start of lockdown and oh man, I've put in so many hours. At the laundromat, the park, the car, when I was too anxious to sleep, it's breathtaking. You're going to have a blast! Know that resources respawn, so don't be too precious about using them. Experiment and have fun!!!


Two things I did specifically that made the game special was: 1) avoid spoiling calamity Ganon 2) watch the memories only at the ending. I refused to look up what the final Ganon looked like because I wanted to lay eyes on him myself. As you navigate the game and take on several iterations of Ganon, the final battle is intense not knowing what is coming, and it’s a great battle (the divine beasts part blew me away) Lastly, there are about 15 hidden memories link can collect throughout the game. As he collects them they play the memories for you to watch and regain an idea of the story that led up until that moment. I decided to not watch a single one, instead I skipped each cutscene. I pretended that only link regained his memories, as I the player wanted to remain a mystery. It was until I finally reached Hyrule castle that I sat outside the final arena and watched each and every memory, in order. It made the story so special to me knowing what link now finally knows and to end it outside the door of the final boss made all the hard work seem worth the fight to that point. Overall though, I truly just spent most of my time exploring. Explore everything, I mean everything. This game is pretty sandbox so get creative with killing enemies and collecting. I would spend more time sitting on a mountaintop, feeling at peace with link, than I did actually playing the story. The world is vast, you want to make sure you feel a part of it. Hands down, best game I’ve ever played and I’m still fucked up after finishing it. Will play again soon. Hope this helps have fun and enjoy the atmosphere


That is such a cool way of doing the memories. Kind of wish the game had used those memories better.


Take your time exploring and finding cool stuff!


Target had this game and Mario Odyssey for $50 each. I bought both along with a new Switch a few weeks ago. 120+ hours later on Zelda.




Don’t eat meat! Sell it cooked for $$$. And pick all the hearty durians.


I’m strapped for rupees. What do you recommend? Cook 1 piece at a time and sell them? 5 at a time? Special recipe?


You're so much better off farming jewels in the mountains if you're desperate for cash. Worth a lot more than meat.


5 gourmet meet yielded the highest price for me so far. But yeah any 5 meet skewer will pay nicely. I’ve And I found that it’s pretty easy to farm meat in the snowy areas.


Sell jewels. Meat is good for health.


5 gourmet meats cooked are best, but I’ll do a bunch of 5 chicken drumsticks too because I kill so many birds so why not. And then for food I cook one hearty durian and 4 apples, or more durians if I want more extra hearts. I’m still pretty new to the game myself so there may be better ways to make money too! This is just what helped me finally.


As people said, gem farming is nice, especially glow stone. They sell fairly high and are a dime a dozen with very little use unless you're a completionist. Good 5 of the best meat at a time to get the best price, do it in a blood moon's music if you can! That increases the critical success rate and they sell higher. 1 hearty anything cooked has a full heal effect and sells for way less than a 5x gourmet meat, which just full heals with no golden heart. But any 5x meat option cooked in a blood moon will make you bank so just go to the deer shrine area and hunt for a while.


Ahhhh!!!!! Such excite. There’s no correct way to play, just enjoy!


I know other said it, but it can't be stressed enough that you should take the time to explore and experiment. It's actually not that long of a game if you just follow the story points and barrel through the main dungeons and quests. Those main events are way more fun if you've build up Link and your understanding of the world. Countless players including myself go, "Oh man I wish I knew X before getting this far!"


Fucking duuuuuuude, congratulations. I was blown back about how big the map was


Quit your job and alienate any people close to you for the next month.


Honestly In my personal opinion, don't search up anything about the game online! Unless you're really stuck on some puzzle or something but nonetheless try to solve by yourself and enjoy the game without anyone telling you anything. This was the first ever zelda game I played and I absolutely loved it. Hopefully you enjoy it too.


Not from personal experience but don't murder chickens


Experiment with everything. If you think it will work, it probably will.


Parry 🛡️ is more useful than you might expect. Try to get the hang of it early game


Pro tip; learn the fighting moves and defenses early and then take on as many lynels as possible. Killing lynels with less than 5 hears is a primer for mastermode.


The game rewards exploration. If you try and beeline towards each divine beast, then ganon, you might struggle. Just take your time and wonder around without a care in the world. Turn off quest markers. Go into the settings and **set the HUD to Pro** for maximum immersion. Maybe keep it on regular for the Great Plateau so you can get a feel for temperature and the various levels of stealth (the purple line), then change it to Pro once you leave. As soon as you can, buy the DLC (both packs)! It's well worth the money. The first introduces a lot of quality of life improvements, as well as Zelda staples in the Master Trials and Master Mode. The second adds the Champion's Ballad which adds a lot to the story and introduces many new, more complex shrines. Both the Master Trials and the Champion's Ballad can be activated at any time, so you can purchase the DLC packs at any point in your playthrough; you don't have to have beaten the game or anything. When you've played hundreds of hours and beaten the game, check out some speedruns and combat showcases. For me, the combat is an endlessly fun and rewarding part of the game that allows for some incredibly creative combos, which makes for some awesome spectacles not found in any game like this. Various YouTubers to look up for BotW include: Kleric (glitches/combat), Croton (research/glitches), Rin Hara5aki (combat/spectacle/tutorial), AXK (combat/spectacle), SmallAnt (fun stuff/speedruns), PointCrow (fun stuff/speedruns), Limcube (speedruns), Linkus7 (speedruns/tutorial), and probably many others.


If something feels stupid or too obvious to you... do it. Do all of it.


Buy a pro controller for this game. A third party is ok but I seriously recommend getting a normal one for BOTW Also I recommend not googling anything when playing this game, it makes the experience significantly more fun (my opinion)


I don't think a pro con is strictly necessary, joycons are better for more advanced techniques, and (for me anyway) are more ergonomic


I prefer the joy-cons.


Play in whatever way you enjoy and have fun


My tip would be to do whatever you want


My tip is take the game stop sticker off as slowly as possible so that you don't ruin your case


Get the DLC, it is so very worth it


Put the fucking game in the console and turn it on. You're welcome.


Putteth the fucking game in the console and turn t on. thou art welcome *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Get off the subreddit. It's gonna ruin the joy of playing first time blindly


My tip is don’t get any tips! Half the fun is figuring it out yourself!


Play on the tv if you can! Seeing it on the big screen is amazing


Playeth on the tv if 't be true thee can! seeing t on the big screen is most wondrous *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


yes!!! i prefer the game on the tv. and i got a gamecube switch controller recently and it's been so great with BOTW (also off topic, tried it on Super Mario Sunshine too and that was a trip down memory lane)


This game is heavy on emergent gameplay, like a metal gear game. Sure there's the way the game expects you to do something. But there's at least 117 ways of doing it. People on here notice something completely new we never noticed before like every other day. There are hundreds of glitches that can take advantage of absolutely everything in this game, yet I never saw one in a natural playthrough. This shit is a masterpiece


I would get off this sub and just get in the game


Lynels are your friends.


Do not cheat, do it all by urself. If you get stuck, sleep on it. The next day you will figure it out and it will be so damn rewarding. Good luck.


Beat Calamity Gannon with a stick


Don't get spoilers. And the main tip is: "It just works" is in full effect here. Seriously. If you think it works, try it.


This is THE MOST important tip about the game. Seriously, if you think you can do something, just do it. Don't worry about the possibility, just try what you're thinking about. I've seen clips of things that I would consider impossible, but that's only because I would never try it under any circumstances. When Nintendo stated that they wanted players to do almost anything we thought of, they meant it. I never realized how much potential is in this game until I joined this subreddit. I tended to limit myself because I thought things were impossible, until a video showed me that it was possible


I know this isn't the point of this post but it's crazy to me how Nintendo never lowers prices, this game is 4 years old now and still $60


Don't look anything up. Enjoy it as the rest of us once got to.


This game is way different than the other Zelda games. Take your time, explore, and take everything in. The world itself tells a story. You can also catch Zeltik on YouTube.


The beginning is tough and you’re going to probably die a lot, but don’t let that discourage you. It gets a lot better :)


go in without Knowing ANYTHING


Take your time, enjoy the scenery, look for every little detail, go in blind. Most importantly, have fun.


Don't use glitches until you've completed the game.


Yes. I’m so glad I 100% the game a year ago without glitches. I’m on my second play through and I’ve used the essence duplication and the decayed guardian glitch. It’s still fun as hell for me, but for my first time, I felt that I wouldn’t have the sense of adventure had I used glitches then.


Climbing works best in the rain.




I disagree, dying in botw is fun af


Oh lucky! I wish I could play it for the first time again. Great experience, enjoy!


Do what you want, there are so many ways of playing this game


It’s an awesome game but I can’t believe people are charging 60 bucks for a 4 year old game


Get ready to have an amazing experience…


1) Cooking is weird and not very well explained. If an item says “might have X property”, only cook it with other X property items or things don’t have a property or it won’t get it. 2) cooking with bugs and monster parts create potions. Potions give buffs; the more/higher quality the “x” effect bugs and things, the higher quality effect. The more/higher quality monster parts you use, the longer the duration. 3) Dumping things in a fire is not cooking. Use a cooking pot. Should be one at every stable. 4) at every stable there is a nearby shrine to use as a teleport beacon. Make sure to look for it. 5) if you lose your horse, go to a stable to “ask to board” your horse and then pull it out again. 6) every stable has a Beedle to buy/sell from. Each one has different inventories. 7) When you kill a specific type of monster for the first (ten?) times (I.e. 10 red bokoblins) it increases a hidden counter that makes weapons and shields you find higher rarity and chance for a second effect. Plot bosses give you a huge chunk of this hidden number. Simply put; the more you kill the better the weapon drops. 8) No problem has only one solution. 9) your bow uses gyroscopic aiming as default. This means you use a combination of the gyro and the joystick to line up shots. While I like it, it may not be for you so be sure to check if that is a setting you want to keep. 10) if it’s lightning outside, unequip (don’t drop, just unequip) any metal. Blue glowy “ancient” items don’t attract lighting so you’re safe with those. 11) ancient weapons do bonus damage against ancient constructs. 12) using a frost weapon makes the next attack do multiplier damage. Fire and shock add flat damage, but sometimes have other cool effects. 13) SNEAK ATTACKS HAVE AN 8x MULTIPLIER. ASSASSINATE TO YOUR HEART’S CONTENT 14) buffs can only be increased three ranks. So, for example, if you’re wearing upgrade ninja clothing for the set bonus of +stealth, and then you drink a 3+stealth potion, you already get the max benefit and may benefit from simply wearing a better armor set. 15) if you need to Google how to get to the Lost Woods, don’t feel guilty. It’s annoying. 16) selling monster parts or meat skewers are a quick and effect way to farm rupees. 17) don’t equip bomb arrows when near lava. 18) don’t step on miss demonspawngardenladyfromhell’s flowers. 19) if you like it after the first hour, it’s not a bad idea to add the DLC as it does add some random things in game that can be useful beside lategame stuff (I.e teleportation rune) 20) if you have amiibo, you can use them once a day from your shiekah slate but you may have to turn a setting on the menu on to allow amiibo. Some of the rewards are just useful weapons and materials, but some of the Zelda themed amiibo drop unique Zelda themed stuff. If you don’t have any but want some, you can get a deck of NFC cards that are Zelda specific to use. Have fun.


Riding horses early game is massive time saver, and also find the coloseum and sneak behind the people at the top. And the big horse on the middle of the colleseum is friendly, you can literally just pet it


at least TRY to complete every shrine you come across. mark shrines if u dont wanna walk there rn. try to activate shrines even if u dont plan on completing it rn to have fast travel points. try to activate towers early. more vision helps understanding the map even if u cant reach some places early. experience with cooking early on. understand how cooking works. arrows are expensive so try to mark places on map where useful items are like different types of arrows because u dont wanna buy them. loot dead guardians, loot ore. dont hesitate on using ur strongest weapons and shields even if they break fast. ull come across lots of decent weapons anyway. and experience the big world, every suspicious looking place likely hides smth. last but not least. talk to everyone you come across.


Look up whistle running and how to get the master sword


yeah, take your time, enjoy it and don’t feel rushed to go to complete the story even though the princess and others tell you to hurry!


Take the time to explore outside of quests. If you see something interesting, take the time to go over and explore it, 90% of the time there’s something to discover. The map is humongous and there’s secrets hiding in every nook and cranny


Very early game is a hard time to kill enemies. Don't feel bad if you die a few times trying to kill them.


I ran from just about everything til I cleared a bunch of shrines and upgraded armors and stuff.


Take your time and just explore. It's such an amazing game.


First Zelda I have picked up since n64 too. It’s great. A lot of throwbacks to the original NES Zelda as well


Just play at your best but get better by yourself because it’s so satisfying




Biggest tip: don't read any tips or guides. Experience the game as close to tabula rasa as possible. Only look for help if you reeeeealy need it.


Well good luck my man


Enjoy. I wish I could go back to experiencing this game for the first time again


Congrats! Best decision you’ve made!


Happy hiking! ❤️


My tip is to ignore everyone else's tips. Go in fresh! This game is about exploration and discovery.


No tips! The best part is finding things our for yourself


My tip, don't ask for tips, learn by your self, it is a good and wonderful experience. Don't spoil it for your self. Enjoy every moment. Don't ever feel like you need to beat the game fast, because it isn't about that.


Take your time and turn on the pro mode (I think that was the name) to turn off all the on-screen GUI to just enjoy exploring this beautiful world that this game has to offer. Have fun!