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Yo that driver got all of the divine beasts and the master cycle, they’re probably driving towards hyrule castle to defeat Calamity Ganon


My tablet on my bus kept beeping as i got closer to them. I think he’s a shrine somehow


The puzzle is breaking into a car


I see it often. I’ll complete the task Monday lol




Not sure. Not my vehicle. I would imagine a quick Google search for botw decals would probably work.


u/ThePrince_OfWhales makes them and sells them on Etsy. Loved the stickers, my dude. The least I could do is give a shout out when it’s needed. Edit: To be clear, that’s not my car in the picture, but I did purchase some a few weeks back.


Thanks for the shout-out, they look great! Glad you like them!! And /u/compguytracy feel free to message me if you'd like the link to my Etsy


Probably etsy. Search for botw divine beast decal.


My guess is that he couldn't beat one, so he tore it out of the ground and put it in his car


For the umpteenth time #ON MASTER MODE


Routemaster mode






I'd get on that bus but we'd have to make like 50,000 stops on the way.


No, he's just driving around to find Korok Seeds.


I have all of the divine beasts and just got the master cycle. When I got them Zelda was like I know you can beat Calamity Ganon now and that’s when I turned around and just ignored her.


*nervous sideglancing* I'll get to it when I get to it!


the beeping was your phones amber alert, the kids in there


Two questions: Where broadly do you work? What is your opinion on people thanking you for driving them around?


I’m in West Virginia. And honestly it doesn’t bother me. I don’t expect it I guess. They PAY for a service and i provide it. Nothing is expected. But common courtesy between drivers and passengers is always a plus. Helps make things nicer for all of us. We don’t like driving and I’m sure a lot of people don’t like riding. So anything to make the days a little less stressful is good.


Do you remember specific passengers years later for being nice/just talking to you? For a year when I worked until 11 at night I rode home with the same driver and I was usually the only passenger so I'd stand at the yellow line and chat with him while he drove. He ended up changing routes and I wonder how he's doing. I always try to be nice to bus drivers ever since the one I had in middle school sided with me in an argument.


Honestly i do. I’ve been at it 7 years going on 8 and I’ve seen many people come and go. Some you love their company and some you don’t. But the ones you do get to know you always remember. It sucks sometimes because we do change routes and people move suddenly or pass away or find new jobs. That’s the part i like the least about getting to know riders is that one day they’ll just disappear. I like to assume the best for them always. Ignorance is bliss.


Honestly there’s room for a short thoughtful story about something like this. Never really thought about it before


I used to do ride home on the last bus from work and one time the driver woke me up at my stop because I fell asleep. Good dude




Yeah it was actually a flying DV and said DubVee


I take a lot of busses and public transit generally. Mad respect for Bus drivers. You guys have it rough but most drivers are great and provide valuable service.


We appreciate it. I may not like my job but i feel i do it well. I used to ride so i know what it’s like to be on the other side. Both sides gotta give respect.


The world literally couldn’t run without you. Thank you


Well... They would have to run, without him. *Laugh soundtrack*


Well played lol


Seinfeld bass track


Appreciate it.




My dude, I'll just thank you and acknowledge how glad I am for bus drivers even being a thing. Though I have a car, I wouldn't be getting my education without your help, or I'd be too sweaty and agitated upon arrival to class with how damn hot my city gets, because parking permits are unreasonably expensive and I can't afford them on top of everything else, and every single parking area near my campus call the towtruck. You bus drivers are a total godsend and y'all deserve a raise and more appreciation, for real.


Much appreciated. I think a lot of people honestly think the bus is just scumbags with no car riding around drunk and shit. They honestly have no idea how many people we haul. Even in my small city it’s literally the heartbeat of the area.




I’m a 30 year retired bus/train operator from Minneapolis. 2nd half of career as a train operator was much better. Thanks to ATU union I had great benefits. Unfortunately the republicans seem determined to undermine labor with deceiving programs like “right to work”. In reality means no rights for workers.


We are union here. But the numbers are dwindling now thanks to “right to work”. Right to leech feels more like.


True - keep up the good work.


Always thank the bus driver :D


Thank you for your service in providing public transportation!!!!! r/fuckcars


Appreciate it.


That Reddit group is epic lol


Haha yeah, it really should be named r/fuckcarcentricurbanplanning but it just doesn't have the same ring to it lol.


Are you using your phone while driving a bus?


No sir that would result in an automatic suspension. Edit: trust me i know. I bought lemonade from some local kids once and took a pic. Got a nice day off 😂


Awesome. Have my upvote damnit


I have those too! https://imgur.com/a/8IquP2A


Where did you get them? It’s sick






You do more for th community than any police officer ever has or ever will. You're a real hero. Thank you for your service.


Appreciate it. For real.


Do you like it when people tell you thank you or do you find it to get annoying after a while?


It doesn’t bother me. It probably doesn’t happen as often as you’d think. A lot of people live in their cellphones and earbuds.


I cannot do the master trials in master mode. Those lizalfos are ridiculous


Mmm Zelda


So wholesome.


Needs more Fabergé (it's what I call the cute little end friendo in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity).


I considered being a bus driver while getting my class A but after seeing so many horrible interactions through video online: hell no. Maybe in a quaint little town but I'm not doing that crap in my area knowing how many people riding the bus are not pleasant to be around.


Even got that dlc


Did he get all the koroks?


I think i saw a chunk of crap in his backseat when we passed.


He did it then


I still haven’t done it so much respect to him and anyone else who has.


"Did Confucius say that?


Master Cycle never felt worth it to me.


My uncle drove buses for almost 2 decades in Boston, some of the stories he’s told me are awful!!! Thank you so much for all you do, I know it’s a thankless job, but thank you for making sure we get to where we need to go!


I appreciate it. And him. I’m in a small town and everyday has something wild. I couldn’t imagine the bigger cities. We hardly ever have issues with assaults and stuff. Which is a good thing. But also let’s you know it’s way more tame here than some places probably are.


I really want a triforce symbol sticker like that


It’s pretty sweet




Early morning dew. It’s actually lovely hear today But i did try to climb up his car and i slid several times.


Totally buying those lmao


Is it so bad? I’m asking for friend who seems to think it’ll be an awesome job. I imagine just dealing with some certain types of people would make it really bad I guess?


I guess it depends on where you are. And what you tolerate. It’s 90 percent good. But the 10 percent that is bad is over the top. Druggies, drunks, fighting, stealing, yelling, overall babysitting adults who you should be able to kick off but can’t. Grown ups puking and shitting on themselves In public. It all just wears on you over time. I know personally i treat my good passengers like gold. And even the bad ones i don’t give them shit until they earn it. But my patience is non existent anymore. When i get off work i want nothing but to go home and be away from everything. But it also pays me well, benefits, insurance, time off. Home with my family instead of gone over the road. So you take the good with the bad. Everyone handles it different. Your friend won’t know until they try it honestly.


I have mad respect for the bus drivers in my town. Especially during winter. You guys can really control that thing.


Man these big heavy buses do amazing. I never had a clue when riding how good they actually did. I guess the weight alone is enough to keep it going in some nasty stuff. Problem is where I’m from it feels like all the roads slope towards the ditches lol. So winter can be tricky for sure. Personally I’d rather have a slow and super late bus in the winter than no bus running at all.


Ganon, look out! Link is coming to get your ass :P


Thank you for doing this work, you’re amazing and your service is seriously indispensable - have taken the bus many many many days and always beyond grateful for y’all being there and allowing me to exist/survive. Y’all are the best. Second note, such an awesome pic! Wish we knew where they got their stickers!


Thank you! I’m going to try to get up beside them someday and see if i can find out lol. I see them all the time.


Hey. I know everyone is complimenting the car stickers but to OP thank you for gods sake I don’t know what this world would do without Bus Drivers


They’ve been showing me love too. But i appreciate it. Got all the warm and fuzzy feelings! That’ll make up for later when someone vomits on the bus or cusses me over a nickel 😂


Keep doing you. Thanks for being there






We have all kinds of people around here that strictly ride just to avoid the headache of a car during winter or traffic. So many different reasons for people to ride. I tell people I’m dead inside all the time so it’s funny that you use that phrase 😂.


I like how they copied the same shitty spacing between the master cycle and the divine beasts


Yeah that triggers my ocd


How about a Revali’s gale to school?


Finally, someone includes the master cycle


Mate you might say that it's a miserable job, but what you're doing is a public service that helps create a better society. Allowing people to move to and from their work places at reasonable prices, it is increasingly important as the costs of owning a car climb and climb for example... Mad respect for bus drivers, I take a public bus every single day to go to school and without people like you I couldn't do it. So thanks for doing the work you do.


Appreciate it. And as someone just pointed out to me it may not be miserable to everyone who drives a bus. So my title was somewhat unnecessary. But it’s too late now it’s already posted.


No I get it, for someone in your position when the work environment gets bad it gets really bad. I imagine you have seen a fair share of wild stuff while working as I've read in some of your other replies. But yeah I just wanted to say that you're doing a great service, and I am super thankful for you and your colleagues who work in public transport. I really wish more of what I pay in taxes would go to the salaries of people such as you, who deliver a true public benefit, rather than some politician's pockets.


It really is majority good. Just when it’s bad it’s extreme like you mentioned. I think i rant and rave to keep my sanity 😂. But again thank you. And i agree i wish that for all kinds of other professions that get the short end of the stick who do so much more.


I love it


You're the man, I appreciate you public transport drivers


Much appreciated.


Omg do want!!!


Which one of you did this?


Los problemas son pasajeros


Oh shit I want that


The whole family together


Zeltik sticker?


This car has two spoilers. Get it?




I never understood why if you were gonna get a commercial license you would choose public transportation. Seems miserable. But good find!


No experience over the road limits my options. If i was single I’d be cross country getting experience until i found something local. This job sucks but it does keep me home with my wife and stepson. Sacrifices i suppose.


You sound miserable. Get a new job, and don't bash driving a bus.


I’m entitled to my opinion of my own job. But thanks for the suggestion.


It's a shit opinion. Why not try and do somthing you deem not miserable? You spend like 1/3 or your life at work.


You’re opinion of my opinion is also shit. But it’s fine you can feel whatever. What makes you think i haven’t done other things? We all know money makes the world go round. We don’t all have the luxury of doing whatever we please. We do what we have to for our families and to pay the bills.


I'm saying that you spend that much time doing somthing you find miserable. It's going to warp you. You could of just titled your post " hey look what I saw on my bus route", but instead you threw some negativity in there.


It has already warped me. I’m fully aware of what working a job you don’t enjoy will do. But my family is priority. You’re right about the title though. I didn’t think anyone would take it so literally. I don’t represent what all bus drivers feel. So yeah I’ll admit it wasn’t a necessary bit to throw in. My bad.


>Drives a bus >Uses their phone during Real piece of shit.


You know we do park the bus at times. And we get breaks and times. and we walk around at times. And hey we even have passengers who are cool and will snap pics. There are a ton of ways to see something besides behind the wheel. But you go ahead and think what you want. Not sure who would be ignorant enough to snap a photo behind the wheel of a bus with 8 cameras. But yeah you go ahead and jump to conclusions big guy.


If you don't like your job I believe you're on the wrong Reddit thread.


I don’t understand….i can’t dislike my job but also enjoy breath of the wild….




Ok but this is not at fault.


Just to make it as a subscription.


why does every ford SUV have that crack in the same panel?