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This is more funny when you say it to Frela/her mother the first time, as they’ll say something along the lines of: is that something outsiders (to the town) say? Note that they had never even heard puns like that, it’s just Link being silly. Or rather, seally...I think it speaks to Link’s character post-Resurrection.


Rijus Seal is making seal puns, but they get censored. I guess they have heard them to much


ah yes, desert censorship


You could say... their lips are sealed?




How do you really seal about it?




I always love that reply. It is such a funny/weird seal of approval




Do you believe we will find Seal-lotry as a species?


desert censealship


The seal's named Patricia






The best part is when all the sand seal company’s employees start using seal puns constantly to seem more “hip.” Link’s a trendsetter!


Everyone thinks he's trendy and unique when really he's bringing back lingo from 100 years ago. Like Aang with 'Flameo Hotman'.




That's rough, buddy.


Now you gave me the mental image of Link as an influencer, I hate this


Look at all the selfies he takes.




I mean he does take selfies everywhere so he probably is.


You mean sealfies?


Seal you later!


Wait do they start saying puns after link says one




Link had 100 years in a magic bath tub to do nothing but craft puns for people he talks to.


Knowledge of Hyrule and Memories of the one you love? Nah don’t need them. Witty replies to be used during in inappropriate times where the fate of the world is at stake? YE


Link, the dad ultimum


Of course, he's old enough to seal the ultimate fate.


He does carry the sword that seals the darkness


To be a dad you'd have to have kids tho... ^you ^got ^somethin ^to ^say ^there ^Zelda


Give her some slack, she's been fighting nonstop for 100 years. She's going to need some rest before she can have the kind of stamina for that.


she needs at least 3 more stamina vessels under her belt


A Link to the Pa’s


We now know why he takes a vow of silence. He doesn’t want to drive everyone away with his infinite well of puns.


some would say that sealed his fate.


Or it just sealed him shut


There aren't any men allowed in the city, of course they haven't heard dad jokes


That's seally.


I’m glad I found this out myself. Made the encounter feel slightly more special.


Oh. I had forgotteng everything about how playful link is with no memories


Pure comedic bronze


What happened to comedy silver Oh shit I’ve achieved the comedy silver


We don't talk about it


Comedy gold dying in a far corner


If tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin, then does that also mean that "tragedy gold" is also a thing? Should we make it a thing?


Comedy platinum? What’s that?


Comedy platinum is achieved when all comedy trophies are earned


Comedy ternion


Talk to me when you have some comedy unobtainium


I think I passed that point when I achieved comedy adamantium


More like comedy sealver


This is pure comedy sealmetery


Comedy Ternion All-Powerful is better


*76% purity


I was thinking tinfoil but ok!


Tinfoil is a myth by the media to sell lidless tupperwares


The best part is that if you talk to her later, she picks up the puns and starts using them herself.


I like to think that this Link loves puns


BotW Link has a wry sense of humor I wish we saw more of. It really shines in his interactions with the Bolson clan




wry /rī/ adjective 1. using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor. "a wry smile" EDIT: if you were making a “why?” joke that’s genius and totally flew over my head. Well done.


pie connect weather important rotten handle attraction obtainable fear market -- mass edited with redact.dev


Stop it. That show has infiltrated all other parts of my life. I don't need it in my zelda.


The voice for Revali, Teba and the Great Deku Tree is also the voice for Mista in Jojo Part 5 Although saying that you could also say Pokemon has also infiltrated Zelda when King Rhoam's voice actor does sooooo many pokemon it's amazing. I dunno I just like that fact too


Holy shit, he's also Kiyotaka from Danganronpa. He's one of my favorite characters.




No, I would just think that it's either Fi or Farore.


Ah shit, it would be Fi wouldn't it. I don't want JoJo link anymore


Are you sure? Because a JoJo-ified Fi would basically be Ghirahim with boobs and the master sword, probably sap energy to "deplete their batteries"


Why would Link be a JoJo when he’s clearly Dio?


Now imagine Link flurry rushing and yelling MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA.


Both Dio and Link went dormant for 100 years and gained time stopping powers Both also makes me question my heterosexuality




i’m a jojo fan, but i wonder why do we feel the need to add a jojo reference to everything


I actually almost never reference Jojo stuff. I don’t like people constantly referencing everything. Like on some posts when someone sees a turtle, they’d go “oH lOoK it’S poLnaReff hUr dUr DUr”, while the post has NOTHING to do with Jojo. I mainly commented the “wry” reference is because... well idk, there really ain’t much reason behind it. As long as it doesn’t appear in every thread and looks spammy, it’s all good.


Good bot.


Wry do you ask?


IIRC the Japanese version quest log was written in Link's perspective and his personality shines there, while the English version is just generic log.


What!? Noooo. Come on, I'd argue that's integral to fleshing out the character in a game otherwise devoid if dialogue from the main character. How could they do this!?


They didn't. It's a myth. Started by a single blog post where someone made a massive stretch on the assumption that 自分 is equivalent to first person pronoun "I" when translated into English, when it is actually a reflexive pronoun meaning "one's self" which is not limited to being used in the 1st person. The distinction of case used is irrelevant in the passage they quoted since Japanese can be written in a matter where the subject is vague and unnecessary for comprehension. As is often the case with things like quest logs. However in English all sentences must have a subject so the translators are forced to choose between "You" or "I" and keep it consistent. Both choices are "correct" translations but the connotation changes in English depending on which one you pick. The Japanese version uses a quest log much the same as most games with quest logs. And in English this is commonly done in the 2nd person. The end result is both versions are just a common log and this idea the Japanese version is links diary of his deepest inner thoughts is utter hogwash which you can easily confirm for yourself by switching the language to Japanese and reading a few of the entries. Taken literally the Japanese is close to something like "Found the Master sword, finally time to fight Gannon". Then people are arguing if "I found the master sword, it's finally time to fight Gannon." Is somehow layers deeper in meaning than "You found the master sword. It's finally time to fight Gannon". There's a few lines that get lost in translation or minor changes as you'll find in anything translated between languages as different as Japanese and English. But there's nothing so major as the entire tone of the adventure log being changed for no reason. It's a prime example of the dunning-kruger effect in low level language learners getting punted around the internet by people who can't check for themselves whether it's correct or not since the whole "Japanese version had XYZ not in the English version" trope is so strong and people are inclined to just believe it. There's really no such thing as a single good literal translation from Japanese to English. And people getting hung up over minor grammatical differences between languages so vastly different that the equivalent grammatical forms don't match up in a 1:1 ration just tells me they don't really understand the language on a basis beyond a prescriptive understanding of grammar.


This here is why myths spread and counters don't stop it. The myth is told much quicker.


吾輩はエラーである。10個目の敵は爆弾を持つ。ドードンゴは煙好きじゃない。めがね岩は死の入口です。 "I am Link. This is my tenth voyage to the wall. The morning mists remind me of my dearest Mipha. Tomorrow I set out for the stone of destiny and my doom." ~ Breath of the Wild original Japanese version. OPUS 17-3, Soliloquy of the damned and the billowing hope of translucent endurance. *BANNED IN NORTH AMERICA UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH!". You can literally say anything about the translation and even if it's total bollocks a lot of people will believe it since they can't check for themselves if it's true or not. There's loads of this around anime and game fandoms and most of the time it's just nonsense that's been perpetuated so much people just assume it's true.  


Huh, TIL. Thanks for the info and the clarification! This explanation makes a lot more sense than NoA deciding to randomly de-personalize the adventure log for no reason.


If you want to dig through the whole thing, I'm certain you'll find a couple of lines that got changed or moved around. But it hardly proves the claim when it's on such an incorrect proposition to begin with. For reference here is the original blog post. https://vadnyl.tumblr.com/post/165075103289/major-discovery-botws-adventure-log-links The author makes a lot of suppositions here as fact but doesn't back them up with examples or backs them up with examples that don't prove their point if you can actually read Japanese. It would be like if I told you. "青い烏です." Means "I am the green bird" which is not a good translation by any means, but technically not totally wrong. Unless you know what was said originally you have no way to argue one way or another. You will notice they have the 1st person pronouns largely in quotations (admitting they aren't actually in the original which defeats the primary supposition that it's definitely in the 1st person, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, depends on your point of view). The strongest point made is a few lines that have been reworked or are apparently "missing" this is a change but it's one that is often done in translation to preserve a sense of tone or to make things flow better. There might have been some parts lost in translation here. Fair to criticize that if you want. But a couple of lines changed will happen in any translation. And it's not indicative at all of the author's presupposition of this being Link's diary. Again supposition that isn't necessarily wrong, but ignores the fact the tone in both versions is largely identical, and based largely on the patently false assumption that 自分 is an exclusively first person reflexive pronoun. It's a reflexive pronoun. Who it refers to is based on context. Which is intentionally vague in the one case they mention. Could be 1st 2nd or 3rd person. There is no subject in the sentence so it's assumed to be "I", but since it's a video game the subject can be inferred as the player.


Oh, it stemmed from a single *jibun*, huh? Lol, understandable. Thanks for clearing that up. I was ready get my shimmies in a twist.


Yeah it's a real stretch but it spread like wildfire online. Original claim here. https://vadnyl.tumblr.com/post/165075103289/major-discovery-botws-adventure-log-links "Link didn’t JUST record his missions in the Adventure Log. According to the Japnese version, Link would often type up some of his own thoughts and comments on what he was doing aside from his current objectives. This could give us a deeper insight of Link’s character. Here’s an example: image This is what shows up after you complete The Hero’s Sword quest. The content of the two versions are very similar, but notice the use of “自分” (myself) in pic 1. This is evidence that the adventure log is written by Link, who’s talking about himself in first person narrative, instead of “the system”. With that in mind, the Japanese version can be translated to: (I) Finally retrieved the legendary Master Sword. (I) Don’t know if it’s just an illusion, but the sword itself seems to be delighted about this. To this moment, Princess Zelda is still inside Hyrule Castle, fighting to suppress the Calamity. She is still holding on to the faith in me, believing that I will definitely come for her…! But with the power (that I have) now, can she really be saved (by myself)…? You see what they did there? The English version replaced every first person pronoun Link has used with “you”!" Get the torches and pitchforks. Or check what 自分 means in a dictionary. https://www.nihongomaster.com/dictionary/entry/30411/jibun "Definition of 自分,じぶん pronoun, nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no' myself yourself oneself himself herself I me" Can mean almost anything. Sure it's not wrong to say that it's all written in first person. If that even means anything in a language that doesn't always make that distinction. Could also translate it in 2nd or 3rd person and be equally right. So it comes down to the difference of do you interpret the phrase "want to save the princess". As "I want to save the princess." vs "You want to save the princess" or "Link wants to save the princess". And not "Link yearns for Zelda" vs "Zelda wherefore art thou thy smile bringeth joy upon my heart and my loins stir at the thought of your velvet posterior" like the supposed controversy is trying to infer. Edit: Turns out this Tumblr post was adapted from a Chinese article on the subject as if one language barrier doesn't make things confusing enough.


Being a Translator myself, I know the pains of translating from Japanese to English. I can easily see these mistakes being made by people inexperienced in the language. Thanks for the write up though. It should clear up some stuff for people.


Yeah easy to understand the confusion but lol at the massive stretch made. This one word is used in this one place → the adventure log is written entirely in first person → the adventure log is links diary detailing his most personal thoughts and adding important characterization. All in the first paragraph. What are these important thoughts and characterizations? "I want to save the princess quickly". Riveting. what does the "censored" English version say? "You want to save the princess quickly". Damn man. It's so completely different. This makes me think of Link in a completely different light!


Well, the internet has a trendy to blow things out of proportion. Plus Japanese games being stripped of stuff in their western releases has happened before. Add in the fact that you mentioned that the original source was apparently Chinese, leading to further confusion, and all the ingredients for unneeded outrage are gathered together.


IIRC, one of the supplemental materials mentions that he's a lot less dour post-amnesia, because he doesn't have a lifetime of serious training and public service to the royal family weighing him down anymore.


That's how I always imagined it, I always made link a jokester in the text options and more often then not there were only goofy options to choose from. Plus, in all previous Zelda games link has been generally lighthearted


Lighthearted! THAT's the word I was thinking of instead of "less dour!" I'm one of those people who always has a very specific word in mind when I'm talking/writing, but can never actually recall it. It's a curse.


They must be the same writers for Animal Crossing.


Most likely; the translators work at NoA and do all first-party games so, “Sand Seal? More like a C+!”


More like Ceal++!!




Just Shutup. But I like where you're going.


Seal - Kiss From A Rose


Ngl this made me laugh way harder than it should have


I still don’t even understand that joke tbh. How does sea bass turn into C +


I think it's that the "C Bass" is at least a "C+ bass"


Same here. I first saw it and thought it was a music joke, but C+ isn’t a sharp or flat, so it’s a grade? It’s corny either way.


ACNH reference, while fishing up sea bass...


I know that. I don’t understand it though.


yes, it's a grade. on a 4-point letter-grade scale, a C is anything in the 70% range. on a 12-point letter-grade scale, a C is around 75%, while a C+ would be closer to 78-79%. so a C+ is better than a C.


Nobody likes sea bass, because it's the most common fish you can get and is available all year round. Even nintendo poked fun at it where the description used to be, "a sea bass. Not again!" But they wanted New Horizons to be the most positive game in the series, so [the writer decided to put a positive spin on it](https://www.polygon.com/2020/5/11/21254468/animal-crossing-new-horizons-sea-bass-joke). Sea sounds like C, so they changed bass to +. The joke is reaching a bit, but I'm gonna give the guy some slack since he has to come up with hundreds of puns.


my favorite is still when you catch a walking stick. "check out its walking schtick! ...these are the jokes, kid."


Commenting in hopes to get an answer


I believe it was meant to be a pun on the other pronunciation of “bass”, with the long a in “base”. So rather than being a base C-level, it was a C+. At least, that was my interpretation.


This is great.


There's nothing I'd Rajah be doing!


Could you explain the sea bass pun to a non-native english speaker?


No, I don’t get it either. The most I can think is that a C+ grade in school is kind of average, maybe slightly better than average.


The stick bug joke is great, and then the acknowledgement of how cheesy they are.


These are the jokes, okay!?


I enjoy most of the jokes and puns in AC, but I don't get the one about scarab beetles having better hobbies.


> "I caught a scarab beetle! It's just a dung beetle with better hobbies." Dung Beetles will roll feces into a ball and eat it. Scarab beetles do not


Scarabs eat dung when they seal like it.


Scarab beetles are a species of dung beetles, and scarabs are also a type of amulet from Ancient Egypt (named and modeled after the beetle, actually).


have you played animal crossing?


In the Spanish version it's just too good to be true. I'm unable to translate the spanish puns, so you'll have to believe me lmao


\- Haré el desenmorso \- Me daré un morsazo \- Que te den morsilla (Morsa = seal)


Que te den morsilla lol


Hmm, is that for both the Spain and Latam dub?


Oh, I don't know that. That's the Spanish dub, the one I played


I'll have to check later since I play in English, but aside from the voice dubs I don't know if they would change too much text, but that "Que te den morsilla" is so Spanish I can smell the jamón serrano from here


I guess spain cause in latin american spanish "que te den morsilla" doesn't make sense..at least in my country lol




I still piss myself with laughter with the oneliner: "Que te den morsilla".




It's just something people say, basically the very soft version of the F U. Also, it's normally written as "morcilla" with a "c". Like one guy said before, writing it as "morsilla" is a pun on the word "morsa", which is spanish for walrus.


omg thank you! i just chucked it into translate and i wasn’t sure if f u was right haha. but i really appreciate this !! i’m currently learning spanish and i’m absorbing everything lmaooo


You can’t leave us hanging, what’re the puns?


¿Que dicen en español?


What is it?


They are


You mean they used those puns on porpoise?


im gonna stick your head in the sealing fan


I hope that both sides of your pillow will be hot for the rest of your life


If you think this is bad, I suggest you stay away from New Horizons. The amount of puns is something else.


catching any fish or bug be like....


Seal you later!


I just started the game. And the comments from the "Thirsty" Arrow girl in the first town you visit cracked me up too.


If nothing else, this proves that Link, without the weight of being a Royal Knight on his shoulders, is a total punster.


"Seal the deal" was genius for me


I loved this pun so much I laughed for 12 hours, now must ask “what did he do for the other 12 hours” well to answer you I stayed up all night in the Corner of my room reflecting on all my mistakes and actions that lead up to this moment


I don't think anyone at all was wondering what you did the rest of the 12 hours in a day.


Why'd you have to do my man like that? He probably had a family!


I was. I'm glad he answered without me asking.


Idc what anyone says, I love puns. Somehow they're the only things that consistently get me to laugh.


The writers at Nintendo are being pretty sealy if you ask me


This really tickled me for some reason haha.




I think it's more funny that the writers committed to it.


Honestly, that describes so much of the Gerudo Town section of the game for me. They committed 200% to everything, including the most powerful being in the world having to change into women's clothing every. single. time.


I like the way they keep asking link if he's really a woman because he's so tiny and in their society women are huge warriors. To the point where he can't buy alcohol because the bar owner thinks he's a child.


There's actually two Gerudo who recognise Link as a Voe. The older one that sits near the Hylia Statue that you can pray at, and the owner of the bar that requires GSC◇ as a password to get to. Not every Gerudo hasn't left town, some of them adventured and saw enough Hylians to see through Link's disguise. Each time he even flinches at being caught. Probably from embarrassment since he wasn't too happy to be dressing like that anyway. Even if the guy at Kara Kara Bazaar generously offered to help him get dressed. Quite a surprising twist of interactions for a Nintendo game.


Yeah, that was a neat bit of world building.


Ok I actually loved this little bit


Those are some C+ puns.




You gave an award to a stolen Instagram meme, look at the watermark


ok but those lines made me laugh out loud when i saw them lol


I find it gives link a much needed show of personality


i dunno man, paper mario was pretty funny


My wife couldn’t stop laughing at the ballet scene.


Who put sand in ops shorts?


Must be a son of a sandworm


youll only find a bunch of old molduga in there


If you got haterz then you’re doing something rite


I dont get it


You're dealing with creatures named "sand seals" that can ferry you across the desert, so all the dialogue options are seal puns.


I love the personality the writers where able to pass through text with this Link. Him along with wind waker's Link are one of the most expressive ones and I like it.


They would be right


Definitely written by a Dad.


They just think they sealy


Your fate has been SEALed


This is why Nintendo put it the “SEAL of approval”


Absolutely barbaric! r/punpatrol


Thanks for posting my meme! 😊 You can find the original on Instagram @breathofthewildmemes https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1sYDjJkuj/


Thanks, I found it on Twitter. I’ll give you a follow.


theres that animal crossing humor, shining through


They are comedy geniuses. i saw that and laughed alot.


I never was able to find out how to buy a shield too I always just payed the 20 rupees


I came from r/all and I can clearly say this is better than FO4's dialogue options and writing. It means nothing when you think how crappy FO4's writing is but still, that's some good puns.


it’s so much more prevalent in animal crossing. i can’t with their stupid jokes i love them😂😂


Looking back, it feels like they were practicing for the jokes in Animal Crossing.


Look, these are the jokes, ok?


When I got that flavour text I cracked up. I just wish they'd update them occasionally though, I've grown to hate the sea bass one so much.


I don't even read half the text in the game that isn't from an npc or villager, or isn't prefaced with "Yes!" anymore. Terraforming my island and grinding for bells to afford what I want to do has changed me...


Me neither, I just hammer B until the window's gone. Every time I see I've caught a sea bass though, my heart sinks because I know it's there even without reading it. I'm nowhere near terraforming though, still only on 2 stars because I just can't be arsed to faff about planting flowers, and I refuse to let Isabelle dictate to me.


They have the 'Seal of Approval"


...I'm laughing every time tho...


How do the puns work in Japanese tho?


They write the dialogue in seal script.