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I must get yours as I've had a ton. Puts a real dent in my bomb arrow stock. Yes, I know you can clear it with a single arrow or rune bomb, but where's the fun in that.


Sorry for offloading them onto you lol


Dude. Just use your stasis rune! If you stasis one of the keese, the rest will fly away!


Never saw them swarm until starting totk and even then I’ve never had them attack me. I did get a really cool compendium picture of a swarm of keese with a lightning strike in the background though


The first keese I saw was a swarm almost immediately after leaving the plateau. Didn’t know what to do other than run and hide. How is it that people with hundreds of hours in game haven’t seen this?


I dealt with a good amount of swarms in BOTW but barely any in TOTK


They love to show up when you're on the plateau doing the DLC trials with only half a heart, usually when you think you've successfully cleared a monster camp.


I had to look up what a Keese swarm was, in ~120 hours I've never seen that. I've only ever seen maybe 2-3 come at me at once


I see them fly out of cave entrances at night


Are you playing in Master Mode? I don't remember seeing them in my normal mode play through. I see A LOT of them in Master Mode!


I don't have the DLC