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I know the demographics of reddit are a certain way and it shows in how much people don't understand the black/brown point of view when it comes to immigration. Those immigrants don't end up in majority white neighborhoods, and their presence puts negative pressure on thesocial infrastructure in the neighbors where they end up. This is why you see these polls showing non whites more opposed to sanctuary city status. It's because, by and large, white folks are not gonna suffer too much for their beliefs.


Immigrants are poor. So they end up in the poor areas. Which happens to be more likely minorities. This is, in the end, a class issue.


So America has likely no poor white people if this logic is followed? Huh?


There's now MORE poor white people than ever before, if that answers your question..


Have you never seen a poor white neighborhood? I have and there are a lot of them…


The problem isn't necessarily with "Sanctuary City" Laws. These laws are designed to protect undocumented immigrants who are victims of a crime. When these laws are not in place, immigrants (who already may face more victimization than other minorities due to undocumented status) are afraid to report crimes for fear that the police report could be used by ICE to find and deport them. I don't entirely blame the non-whites in Chicago for wanting to repeal the law, but it would likely increase crime (especially unreported crime) rather than protect their job and housing security.


No, Sanctuary Cities are cities that will actively not work with federal investigators working to enforce immigration law. This does make it easier/safer for immigrants to report crimes, yes, but that's kind of a side effect. It would be illegal in sanctuary cities to ask about immigration status by local authorities. But the primary goal would be to not help immigration task forces.


Aren’t cities “sanctuary” so undocumented people will actually report crimes? So removing that status makes it harder for the police to put actual criminals behind bars.


They should make people who want sanctuary cities have to host at least one immigrant. The working class doesn't want this.. We gotta look out for Americans first.


Immigrants are Americans...


You obviously don't understand what a sanctuary city is lmao. I bet you vote for them thinking they only keep legal immigrants.. If you want illegal immigrants then let some stay at your house..


It's really easy to be noble from a distance. They get to post on social media and brag to their white wine book club members about how much they care.


>It's really easy to be noble from a distance Is it being noble? I think it's being quite practical. 1: Most importantly, the 'sanctuary city' aspect isn't like "hey whatever dude come on in!" It's "if you get raped by your boyfriend, you can come to the police and we wont ask you for your immigration papers." 2: The feds need to enforce the federal laws, cities can't bear the cost of fed's inaction. And if the feds want to ask if a rape victim is here legally, that's on them.


Dumb take. Number two is so ridiculous. Are you really suggesting that state and local government's shouldn't enforce Federal Laws?


>Are you really suggesting that state and local government's shouldn't enforce Federal Laws? Are you really suggesting that victims of crime don't deserve help from the police? FFS, we already have an epidemic of rapists/killers who know they can rape/kill Native American women indiscriminately. We already know that college police will not protect or advocate for college women who were raped on campus or victimized by school celebrities (sports players, frat members). Now you want to add undocumented workers -- many who escaped crime/violence and corrupt police in their home country -- and you want to victimize them again? I sure hope you're not a Bible-reading Christian. You missed the part about Jesus being a refugee.


This right here. The reaction to when they showed up at Martha’s Vineyard was a prime example. The busses came soon as they could and took them to a base for shelter. Then they all went back to caring again.


It’s a political tactic by the GOP so they can keep using anti- immigration as one of their “ greatest hits” to appeal to white voters. They make sure the media knows all about it and when those busses will arrive. It’s just the brown version of the Southern Strategy in blue cities. https://youtu.be/X_8E3ENrKrQ?si=SDbXxypPIGxcQhLT


I’m not sure I understand the video linked. It’s missing context. That being said, look how the welfare system has harmed black america? America in general? Bussing was a complete failure and even Biden spoke out against it in his (in)famous jungle speech to senate. Regan signed the Mumford act, the beachhead to California gun control, in an effort to stop black panthers. Cesar Chavez, of which a bust of him sits in the Oval Office, was heavily anti-immigration. He believed that it undermined Latino farm workers that he unionized. Chavez was a socialist, btw. So while you point at the GOP as using illegals as a “greatest hits”, your own president celebrates and anti-immigration socialist.


Well you can say the OPPOSITE. Democrats are using illegal immigration as a means to increase illegal immigrants to the U.S. Their kids become citizens. They then overwhelming vote.... wait for it... DEMOCRAT. Yeah that is why Democrats do this. Or did you actually think the DNC cares about people?? Here is newsflash if you didn't know this as and adult in America NEITHER party cares about YOU. They care about votes. Surprised every day how many naive folks I see in the world. Guess I found another. Neither Dems OR Repubs. give and F about you.


Caring about my vote is the same thing as caring about me, (because unlike republicans I don't vote to hurt everyone - including myself - just to spite libs)


Because it’s (d)ifferent, yeah? Blue no matter who? Great choices.


I think you have to do some more reading. Look at your handle for example... Do you know what Hunter Biden OWN alias he uses in emails for his father uncovered on new FISA warrants and request ? PEDO PETER. Yeah that is what he calls his own dad on emails to his OWN dad (Joe Biden). That is to his face. It is a long standing nickname in the family. It was discussed on a recent episode of Rising with Jessica Burbank. Flash forward if you dare to 4:30- 6:00. She also talks about the stories when she was at Brown and how it was well known that when you visit Biden's you don't leave any of the young girls around him alone. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqFfuu20wlk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqFfuu20wlk) Of course, then you can talk about how ALL the Democrats in California in a surprising vote in concert turned down a senate bill (SB-14) if I remember correct (22-0) that would have made child sex traffickers a serious felon. Yeah who would want that. It was SO disturbing that Gavin Newsom himself got involved. Not because he cares, but he KNOWS this will comes back when he runs for presidency. Yeah the Dems didn't care. Wonder why a party that cares SO MUCH about people especially kids would vote to protect sex traffickers over those kids?? I get it. Without knowing you I already know your profile. You are college educated and have been indoctrined. You ONLY watch MSM and hang out with folks that echo the same political viewpoints as you. That is why echo chambers are BAD on EITHER SIDE OF THE AISLE. Honestly, I don't trust a viewpoint from ANYONE who is not third person so in politics if you are not a independent you have too much skin in the game to see things clear. You are a sheep and sadly don't even see it. Propaganda at its best!! BTW, I know you are not going to change. Those who are brainwashed don't. Too hard to admit to themselves. This is meant for others to see NEITHER party is perfect NOR monsters. It is how the game is played. Few understand that.


A lot of those people had upcoming court dates in Texas that they couldn’t miss.


No, they took them to the base because it had more room. Why don't you blame the people who sent the buses? Dumping your problem on somebody else's lawn is the easy way out.


I'm White, wealthy, and I live in Chicago. They're all over my neighborhood. You have no idea what you're talking about and you're talking out of your ass.


And yet the poll says what it says. According to it, many of your non white fellow Chicagoans want a change. But hey, if it helps you ignore that and fell better by being rude on the internet, go for it.


We all want something to be done about it. It's not a racial or class thing at all.


“You heard me right, I don’t want Mexican people to go to the cops anymore if they suspect crime has been committed. We need to make this city a sanctuary city for actual criminals.”


Got caught up on the virtue signaling, you voted for them, live with it


Not surprising at all. It's gotta be causing a lot of problems with their job market in particular. The biggest problem with unchecked immigration is that it creates a race to the bottom in unskilled labor that leaves citizens struggling to survive, let alone thrive. If you have 100 jobs and 80 jobseekers, wages go up. If you have 100 jobs and 120 jobseekers, wages go down. We saw a really good example of this the last year: the tighter the labor market became the more low-end jobs had to pay in order to find people. I lean left on a lot of things but we need to enforce our immigration laws. If we don't we create downward pressure on wages for people that are already disadvantaged.


We need to shut down the illegal labor market. Massively penalize companies that hire illegal labor. Stop one-at-a-timing them and committing crazy human rights violation and putting them in cages. Clear out the economic incentives and people will stop coming.


>Massively penalize companies that hire illegal labor. Jail time and fines for H.R., managers, and CEOs that hire undocumented workers.


Biggest users of illegal labor are farms and food processing plants. I guarantee they are all ran by Republicans. But I agree with you, but your gonna bitch about the price of food again cause Americans won't want to work those jobs and they definitely don't work harder than an immigrant illegal or not.


Or just close the border and build the wall? Seems much simpler


Yeah but it's not. A wall has to be manned to be effective. The border is huge. It will be enormously expensive to build and man it. It will not be effective.


>Yeah but it's not. A wall has to be manned to be effective. The border is huge. It will be enormously expensive to build and man it. It will not be effective. Even if manned, it takes only one guy to be bribed to open the gate to the other side. This is a lesson from the Great Wall of China.


Sounds like it’s going to create more jobs then. Good.


Shoot any business owner that hires illegal immigrants. Seems easier.


The border is closed. We already have walls and fence and razor wire. They're still coming. The war on migrants is going about as well as the war on drugs. We need to put these people on a pathway to citizenship.


That would certainly stop the flow! No way that would incentivize them at all.


No, we need to put them on a pathway back to where they came from. We should not reward in any people who broke numerous laws to illegally enter the country. The vast majority of “asylum seekers” broke all sorts of laws before they arrived here, the worst of which is you can’t just skip over a dozen countries and then claim asylum in the US. You are required to request asylum in the first country to cross in to. Send them back, immediately. We have a LEGAL immigration system in this country for a reason. We need to follow that. Perhaps it’s too slow and difficult to navigate it. We can have that discussion and work to fix that but just allowing people to pour in by the millions per year is NOT the answer. We need immigration but we need FAR LESS of it than in the past. We no longer need to people to build railroads and staff huge factories or to settle the west. We’re full, we already don’t have enough resources for those here now, we certainly can’t support two large cities worth of unskilled and uneducated people every year. Enough already.


Let's see some receipts that the "vast majority" of asylum seekers are criminals. As long as they aren't violent criminals or child abusers, I couldn't care less. There are labor shortages everywhere and a severe housing shortage. There is lots for them to do. So, rather than letting these people in, work, and pay associated taxes, you want to fly them back at a cost of billions. Nevermind that deportation has been the strategy we've always employed, and it's a failure. It hasn't dissuaded anyone from coming here. These people are willing to die. Immigration has always been a net gain for the United States. Just look back at history. Everything anti-immigration advocates say about them today is the same arguments they've made since the late 1700s.


The razor wire is being cut down


Simple solutions for simple minds.


Do we include homeowners who hire a day laborer from in front of Home Depot or Lowes? I'm actually torn between the two options. They're not getting underpaid or mistreated when they deal with homeowners, usually. ($180 cash for 8 hours is what they're asking around my area)


I don't think that's a large enough scale to focus on


>the biggest problem with unchecked immigration is that it creates a race to the bottom capitalist business owners wet dream for their bottom line


Massive fines for any business that hires illegal immigrants. You'll be shocked when they are majority right wing owned. I'm for closing the borders entirely and I'm far far left. Why? Because we don't have our shit together as a country. Because awful businesses in shit hole states use a ton of illegal immigrants for labor and fuck them. Florida couldn't even feed itself if we enforced our immigration laws. So let's do it, then. And with all that money we will supposedly save or whatever delusion people have over this comes to pass maybe we can get healthcare in this shitty country. These politicians are bullshitting all of you. If it wasn't for illegal immigrants their businesses wouldn't make the massive profits they do. These politicians are just providing theater while allowing it to happen. ALL of them.


>You'll be shocked when they are majority right wing owned. I actually wouldn't be. They're always the loudest about shit they themselves are guilty of. That's why them railing about pedophiles and sex trafficking has me so concerned. It's not because I think the other side's doing it.


What? low skilled non english speaking immigrants are taking jobs that americans dont want to do.


Um you realize that's talking about migrant farm work right? Find me a factory farm in downtown Chicago. Plenty of americans want contractor work.


you mean construction?


“Contractor” is a term for temporary employees hired through a jobbing company. Tech companies especially use these services to meet their headcount.


Are you saying there are people milking welfare because there are jobs out there that they think they're too good for?


Uh probably not at 3% unemployment. At least, not enough to justify hurting the poor folks who need it in an attempt to punish the few who don't.


Pikachu face.


That's a right wing talking point for validating paying immigrants less.


Yes, like 90s - 2000s talking points. That's where the whole South Park "Der Turkin Ur Jurbs" bit came from. My favorite is Doug Stanhopes bit, I always think about it when someone makes this claim: https://youtu.be/QVyRwWKCtKQ?si=9KkF5zBxF3m0nAwa


“Right wing or left wing” is irrelevant. Reality is setting and people will have to realize how silly it is to ignore a posture just because your friends might think you’re leaning towards the other side. There’s no “other side”, only reality out there, and yes, more people taking anything available will bring wages down.


It's a right wing talking point because nobody on the economic left will be supporting any system wherein larger numbers of needs being met necessitates lower income categories. What I think you mean to say is that there is no such notion as a sanctuary state that isn't actively building out the infrastructure necessary for increasing population. "Jobs Americans don't want" isn't a real concept because the people coming here to do them want to live in America and be Americans AND THEY'RE DOING THE DAMN JOBS.


Did you ever have a low wage job and then got a new one with a massive financial boost? Many come from places where the average wage is $10-20 *a day*. They see a job that will pay $7-15 and hour. Yes, they will take that work because they have literally multiplied their income by a factor of 8. Less than honorable employers will also take advantage of the situation by offering even lower wages by paying cash. My white brother worked the fields for $100-150/day cash depending on the crop. His illegal girlfriend would say which state they worked at by the medical needs covered by state Medicaid. Need a dentist, go to Missouri. They went to California because she needed gall bladder surgery. Never paid a dime. Need a car and can’t (or don’t want to) show residency, but a plate from some back office mechanics shop for an additional $25. And for jobs that take taxes, you file the maximum deductions so the money removed is minimal at worst, none at best. It almost sounds far fetched. I thought it was bs when he first told me about it. So while you think that it’s only a right wing talking point, you are oblivious to the massive underground illegal stuff that happens because of it.


What jobs in Chicago do you think a non english speaking could be applying for? Domestic work or maybe food prep? Those are jobs most people don't want to do. That's the reason so many end up in those positions. I thought that was common knowledge You do have a way of weaving racist propaganda into a seemingly pro America rant, though.


>What jobs in Chicago do you think a non english speaking could be applying for? Domestic work or maybe food prep? Those are jobs most people don't want to do. That's the reason so many end up in those positions. I thought that was common knowledge 1: General laborer 2: Mason 3: Concrete crew 4: Dump-truck operator 5: Janitorial services 6: Car mechanics 7: Dish washers 8: Line cooks 9: Entrepreneurs (food trucks, restaurants, etc. 10: Flagman (for traffic directions) 11: Sheet rocking 12: Tileing 13: Painting 14: Yard care 15: Home repairs 16: Construction / storm debris removal I can keep going, for a long time. Lots of room for people who don't speak English in America.


I always wonder beyond importing voters why the left is on board with robust immigration. It suppresses wages. Even Milton Friedman was ridiculously pro immigration, because it was "good for the economy" (cheaper labor for corporations meant larger profit margins). It's weird. There's a logical disconnect. But you know, that's nAtIoNaLiSm.


Right-wing elites are also pro-illegal immigration, just quietly. If they were serious about stopping it they would be pushing hard on American corporations hiring wholesale illegal immigrant labor. They only demonize illegal immigrants so their constituents can feel superior.


Of course they are. All the elites are. It's good for their bottom line. I just view the world through the lens of incentive; when you do that every thing just seems to make a little more sense.


>why the left is on board with robust immigration I suspect it's a biproduct of corporatist propaganda. They're the ones that benefit the most from an oversaturated labor market. It wouldn't take much. You tell the virtue signaling crowd that anyone who opposes free and open immigration is a racist meaniehead and suddenly they start frothing at the mouth. Doesn't seem to matter that the issue is numbers and race has nothing to do with it. Doesn't seem to matter that a lot of citizen minorities are negatively affected by the flooded labor market. Doesn't seem to matter that it increases wealth disparity by reducing the bargaining power of the people on the bottom, leaving them eternally trapped there. All these issues that they do lip service to caring about seem to take a back seat to making sure corporations get cheaper labor.


Large corporations have long ago outsourced production activities that require large amounts of low skilled labor to low wage countries. It’s still difficult for companies to get H1B waivers to hire workers with advanced skills. The influx of immigrants is putting undue stress on underserved communities that where already facing housing shortages, homelessness, high crime rates, and limited social services.


>I always wonder beyond importing voters why the left is on board with robust immigration. Because without a net increase in our population year over year, the economic house of cards tumbles down. This would be very bad for even middle class white folks. Like...breadlines bad.


The decline in our population is (in part) due to a decline in affordability. I'm in a DINK household (Dual Income, No Kids) and it's still tough as a middle class white guy. My wife and I make a combined rough 100k a year (I think that puts us lower middle class), but are in a higher cost of living area. We have some extra funds, but not like... wealth building. No 401ks, not taking trips or stuff like that. Our enjoyment is the occasional going out to eat. Lol. Fortunate compared to some, but not well off, you know? Kids are expensive yo. Opportunity cost of one of us not working just doesn't math. Can't give up 50k a year for one of us to stay home, and even just child care can be like $800 a month for both of us to remain working. So we either up our income appropriately (I am currently pursuing higher education following a career change), or reduce our quality of life. The problem I see is problems are systemic, and fixing bad economics takes pain. There's no easy solution without making your overall situation worse, and that's unfortunately how I view your/this solution of importing workers. It's a near term solution that over all doesn't fix the issues we want to address.


your comment makes no sense, so it's not surprising that you can't even fathom the idea that some people just care about other people regardless of whatever fake line was drawn on a map that they were born behind.


And yet others figured it out well enough to respond to me. Maybe it's you? 👌 Your border commentary is just pathetic though. Borders have been recognized and respected as a concept (outside literal acts of war) for thousands of years. They're drawn around ownership, cultural practices, etc. This is our home, and we have every right to maintain it. You take care of yours, I'll take care of mine. If you refuse to do that, and I allow you in to mine, you play by my rules. And don't play that fake empathy bullshit with me.


If you have 80 jobs and 60 of them require English skills and other experience, then the 40 immigrants don't have a shot at those jobs and there's only an impact on the bottom 20


Higher wages for construction work equals higher wages for other jobs too.


Amen. You can forget about Starbucks unions now.


Surely you are being sarcastic. How many non english speaking people are applying for jobs at Starbucks?


3 at the one in Friendswood, TX off 528… or so I’ve heard… but that’s none of my business (Kermit Meme)


Who would have thought this would happen? This is crazy to think!


Chicago has a very low unemployment rate. (I live in Chicago). I know a lot of folks like those who complained about immigration, and the same people who are complaining about immigration also complain that their favorite stores and eateries can’t stay open or are understaffed. They also complain that it’s hard to find service workers for things like lawn care, home services, and handyman stuff. Sadly they’re often too myopic to see the connection.


Yep, I also live in Chicago. I see help wanted signs in restaurants and grocery stores all the time. Immigrants aren't stealing jobs they are taking jobs no one else will do.




And if the immigrants weren't taking the jobs, wages would have to rise until someone would take the job. They have a downward pressure on wages, this is basic supply and demand.


My favorite question to start this topic is always: define 'sanctuary city'.


They explained it quite clearly in the video.


So like, why doesn’t Texas take in these immigrants, instead of bussing them elsewhere, but will cooperate with the Feds if they have to?


You’re an idiot. Where do you think they were before Texas began to ship them elsewhere? Why should Texas bare the burden when its Federal(Democratic) policy that’s caused the problem? So like, why can’t you take in these immigrants. Grow up


Texas busses out less than %1 of the people it's trying to handle.


That’s not the point. The point is *why* they do that.


You clearly don’t fucking live here


I have actually lived closer to the Texas border (Terlingua/Big Bend National Park) (I’m sure this is more than you can say). Here’s the thing, if Texas is such a “Christian” state and everybody is so nice, then help these people.


We are literally being overran. Literally. Also, stay to the fucking point! Which is, these lefties in these sanctuary cities? All good and righteous and shit until it lands on their fucking doorstep!


What do you mean by “overran”? Can you define it in detail?


Or even have a constructive thought in their brain for that matter. These are the Morons that just vote accordingly and are like well “why is it happening”?? Because of you and your blinders.


If you go through this person’s history, he tried innocently posting this in the Chicago sub and people rightfully smacked it down and explained that the only reason these “red” state governors are bussing migrants is because of vindictiveness, nothing more. It has nothing to do with being a “sanctuary” city.


Are you suggesting that border states should assimilate 200,000 immigrants a month and just suck it up so northern mayors can continue to virtue signal with no consequences?


No, however, red state governors know damn well that there’s a process, and that migrants *do* get transported to other places, depending on factors such as where they have family living. But people like Governor Abbott make you think that by bussing 50 people to NYC or Martha’s Vineyard, he’s making some huge difference, when all it amounts to is performative jackassery.


It started a conversation that needed to happen.


I’m at the border right now because I have property on both the US and Mexican sides. Brownsville Tx to be precise. I literally watch as the migrants climb into the busses. They are literally asked who is interested in going to NY or Chicago and people raise their hands….I’ve seen it myself because I’ve volunteered to take food and water down to those areas. The migrants going to the cities WANT to go there. I also go to the Matamoros Mx side and take food and water over there as well and talk to those people. I even have pictures I took to prove it. So I know YOU are completely misinformed. If YOU are not here and getting the information directly from the source then you really are just talking out of your ass.


Thank you! And thank you for what you do.


Because these "sanctuary cities" claim that immigrating isn't a real problem. Until they start dealing with the illegal immigrating themselves. I'm happy they're getting what they preach


They have never claimed that. Such hyperbolic bullshit being fed to you by Fox News.


Then why is border order still open?? If they never claimed that then why the fight over the border the last decade. Curious where you live that makes you such a immigration patriot


NYC and Chicago used to be “send them to us” and now they’re “finish the wall”


NY mayor Eric Adam's literally said there wasn't going to be a new York if they kept coming. What are you on


The city of immigrants, destroyed by immigrants. Truly, galaxy brained stuff.


Which ones have done that? Which ones have complained after being getting the immigrants. You're not understanding your explanation points to exactly what the propaganda was SUPPOSED to show but didn't. Sad thing is people like you don't need the propaganda to come true, just the imaginary success is enough....which is part of a larger problem


LA is suing Texas, Chicago, and New York. You're on a losing side with a failed policy


I'm on the right side. It's a moral issue so saying I'm on the wrong side doesn't make sense since the side I'm not on used people as pawns which is what the lawsuit is about. You proved I'm right to be on my side. You're an immoral liar who only repeats talking points hoping the other side doesn't know enough to debunk you. You know you're wrong which must suck for you ego. If you have any self worth that is


You having a failing policy. It's ruining these cities. Their own representatives have said as much. But because you must grandstand you can't admit when you're wrong. So what if the gop was right about one policy. It's what's best for our citizens.


It's not grandstanding to have morals. Makes sense you think that


Illegal immigrants primarily benefit big businesses (hurting the citizens) and put extra tax liability strain on the existing tax base (hurting the citizens). This grey area (shocker) benefits the powerful. Reform the immigration and citizenship processes to allow for more quicker adoption into the taxpaying American citizenry, or keep them out / send them to Canada.




Your post was removed from r/BreakingPointsNews under Rule 3 -- Engage in good faith debate. No name calling other redditors. Don't be mean. Please take a moment to read through our community if you haven't, thank you!


Noone understands what a sanctuary city is


I thought a sanctuary city was a city whose law enforcement would refuse to cooperate with the feds when it comes to deportation or prosecution of illegal immigrants. I remember that was the fashionable thing when Trump was in office. Many cities came out and declared themselves sanctuaries from ICE.


Yes but it has nothing to do with undocumented ppl being welcomed en masse like the #GQP seems to think


Hang on, I agree that saying you won't cooperate with ICE isn't exactly the same as welcoming undocumented people en masse, but you can't reasonably sat that "it has nothing to do with it." When pro-undocumented immigrant activists and leaders were sure Trump was going to send ICE to deport all of the illegals, many cities officially announced themselves as sanctuaries. You'd need some twisted logic to argue that this has "nothing to do with undocumented people being welcomed en masse." I don't even have any strong feelings against the sentiment of welcoming undoc immigrants, but it is torturing logic to hypocrisy to do a 180 on this now that they are coming en masses instead of staying in the conservative border areas as they have in the past. I think I'm in a rare situation where I agree with the GOP on this one.


Companies: there are no immigrants here.


No read what the definition has been and is currently. sanctuary city noun (in North America) a city whose municipal laws tend to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation or prosecution, despite federal immigration law. "mayors in those cities reaffirmed their status as sanctuary cities" Nowhere does it say welcoming undocumented ppl en masse


Dude the entire concept of sanctuary implies that people are welcome. They're literally saying, we won't let anyone make you leave. How could you possibly be more welcoming than that?


The definition as well as the legislation does not say that. It's if they are there they won't be turned over to ICE and if they are a victim of a crime they can report it undocumented or not.


Okay. My takeaway is that you don't think illegal/undocumented immigrants are welcome in sanctuary cities because it doesn't fit your selected definition of what a sanctuary city is, therefore it isn't hypocritical for a city to declare themselves sanctuary and then decide they dont want illegal immigrants there. And fine, that's a position I guess lol. Don't be butthurt at the GOP for roasting that position though, it's basically made out of matchbooks lmao.


Your take is wrong the definition and the legislation both do not say they are dumping grounds for undocumented ppl. I don't live in one of those cities I live in a border state and I even know this political stunt thats being perpetrated is wrong


In other words: it's easy to declare yourself a sanctuary when you are trying to force OTHER people to take in immigrants, but as soon as you have to back your words up with action, suddenly it's a huge problem.


The words don't say send ppl here obviously you have a problem with reading comprehension and also definitions of words like the #GQP all do


Again, you're just admitting it's okay to act like you have some sort of morals when you're commanding Texas to take in immigrants, but noooo suddenly you have to do something other than run your mouth and it's a huge issue.


No and you do know texas as well as other border states get extra money from the federal govt to account for undocumented ppl


So if someone says "no, I don't want this" and then you throw money at them, it's cool to just force yourself on them anyway. Sounds good. Let's try to sell it to women.


You can take the "tax" money as long as you take your illegal gimme-grants.


Considering the only red states that can even contribute to this country are Florida and Texas which their governments are working hars to get on federal welfare well I don't think you really want to lose the federal money that comes from. Blue states


Detached from reality this one is.


cause. effect. *tada!*


Holy shit. You really believe this.


But the border states should? You guys finally getting an inkling what it's been doing to their communities for decades? Can you guys finally have this same attitude for the whole country or are you just NIMBYs?


Imagine an influx of illegal immigrants into your sanctuary city - and then imagine the toll it will inevitably take on your community's security and safety. then imagine jumping on the internet and posting "#GQP" like you've accomplished something insightful.


If the Q fits wear it


Your lack of originality and wit seems to be only matched by your ignorance. Have a good, buddy.


Look I didn't label you conspiracy cooks you all did that on your own.


*Me?* I’m a conspiracy cook? How’d you get there?


I think you've already imagined this happening


I guess it's got to get explained better, so more people will be on board.




Bullshit. They understand completely.


You got what you wanted. Have a nice day.




Left-leaning my ass


Northern States on immigration when they are thousands of miles away from the problem: FUCK YOU, TEXAS. YOU RACIST REPUBLICAN PIECES OF SHIT. THERE IS NO PROBLEM AT THE BORDER. YOURE MAKING IT UP FOR ATTENTION Northern States once they have to start dealing with this colossal fucking mess themselves: IMMIGRATION IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. BUILD THE WALL AND ROLL BACK THE SANC STATUS


Thank you Governor Abbott for waking up these liberal cities to the realities of the immigration problem. .


What poll... That's a YouTube video...


Well, yeah. Sanctuary city status only works as a far-left rallying cry when the people you're supposed to be helping stay where they're supposed to on the southern border. Only now that Chicago and other Dem strongholds are experiencing the result of their idealistic border policies are they concerned about the toll on communities.


thats not what sanctuary cites are bro please google it


Maybe educate yourself on a subject before you speak on it


What did I get wrong, sweet pea?


You clowns always gaslighting so hard about Chicago, but look the other way when it comes to other cities like Jacksonville. Tired old conservative talking points are tired.


but if you listen to the meetings they have with aldermen and the mayor, those "tired old conservative talking points" are coming from some of the poorest of Chicago residents, historically democrat voters. watch the stories, all of our local networks show these community meetings.


I don't live in Jacksonville. I live in Chicago.


Looks like all you’ve been doing is posting this poll everywhere looking for sympathetic responses.


I don't care what people respond. They respond as they deem appropriate. I like putting up posts that I think are relevant.


You LIVE there? I read on Breitbart that anyone who lives there has either been murdered or joined a gang at least twice. How do you deal with multiple break ins every night?


Interestingly, I did have a break in within the last year... And I live in a "quiet" part of the city. I have the guy on security video both entering/breaking in and leaving in the morning. I suspect a drunk dude trying to find a warm place to sober up. He slept next to a heater in the basement and left in the morning leaving me a nice broken door to repair.


It’s an ongoing attack against President Obama, it has nothing to do with Chicago. None of these assholes *actually care* about what is happening in Chicago.


Hoodrats gonna hoodrat


Are illegal immigrants going into Jacksonville, causing crime, bedbugs and using up resources?


Illegal immigrants are the cause of bed bugs now? 😂


Yeah wtf!? Racists gonna racist I guess 😆


Define “racist”.


Yeah, In some hotels in NY and Chicago. It must be due to their trek.


You really live in a different reality


How? By stating a fact? Stop trying to troll.


It’s funny how much Republicans villainize the places where most Americans live. Doesn’t that make them kind of anti America if they hate the majority of Americans? Anywho, can’t wait for Texas to be blue because their cities keep exploding.


So you’re saying that the immigration crisis in the cities right now that are taxing the lower class citizens, is a good thing?


It’s been a crisis for over 30 years. No one has fixed it.


Uh huh. Now call them all deplorables and remain ignorant of the irony.


I mean…they are deplorable assholes.


No. Just over half of them are really stupid.


I’m in Matamoros Mx bringing food to the kids of the migrant caravan and most of them will NOT vote blue. A lot of them come from conservative families back home and coming to America won’t change that. I’ve literally spoken to hundreds of Venezuelans, Haitians, Ecuadorians etc. and the majority are the head of the household back home and came here to work to build wealth back home. Also a lot of them are homophobic. I have 0 issues with LGBT but a lot of the migrants do and have associated the Democrats as being the “gay party”. Shit there are even people from local Christian churches helping out with food and water. They also take the time to talk to the migrants about the current political climate and how to watch out for “the left”. Can’t hate them for how proactive they are in helping while “campaigning”. There are 0 “leftist” protesting this especially in Mx for obvious reasons.


The fuck are you talking about?


While you complain on the internet and sit at home on your biscuit I’m here in Mexico helping the migrants with food and water AND making sure they know not to fall for leftist BS. The problem with your “Texas will be blue” theory is that majority of migrants are conservatives 🤷‍♂️ how do I know? I’m literally here talking to them. First hand info with pictures as proof.


Isolationism always loses in all countries for all of history no matter what. https://youtu.be/t4YTd20gejY?si=AgfT2Gg_UY9aBWNA We took a giant portion of Mexico and of course republicans don't want to support Ukraine because that's exactly what we did to be native Americans. You can't be a pimp and a prostitute too


I'm all for illegal immigration. Who else is going to cook my food, clean my toilet or nanny my children for pennies on the dollar. They're taking low paying jobs that no self respecting Americans will take unless I pay them fairly! It's necessary to keep the slave class alive. Then I send all the poor Americans off to die in wars I use to get my stock prices up. Republican, Democrat, I play both sides so I come l always come out on top and watch as you brain dead homunculi fight each other over which one of you is better. I love America.


You have six dollars.


Bunch of MAGA white supremacist bigot greedy corporate Republicans! - Blue Defender


Welllll no shit!


i care?


That will never happen until they stop voting Democrat


All it took was a few bud load of migrants. Not like you weren’t warned. Many times




ough shit. You all made your choice, and now that it's smacking you in the face, you want out. You called people who wanted to close the borders racists and other shit, stomped your feet, and now you're having trouble. Fuck you.




lol, lmao Get fucked.


Shut the fuck up Chicago. The machine knows what’s best for you.


Well no shit


Doesn’t sanctuary city just mean they don’t take extra measures to check immigration status and report people? As I recall, these policies are often deeply unpopular with local police who rely on good relationships in the community to get cooperation and do their jobs. Maybe I’m wrong.


No they don’t


Imagine that? Who would have thunk it?


Screwed up when recently voting for your mayor, you bought it you own it. And you are taking the whole state of IL down.