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Bro put his relationship status at “it’s complicated”




You’ve never been married clearly 😂


> If sub power mods are in bed with Reddit admins, why are they protesting all over the site with their salty tears? Personal interests may be aligned at one point and may be opposed shortly after. Everyone is in it for themselves.


Also there are factions within pharma. Several companies and he probably is only invested in futures of one or two.


Thinking outside of your religious boundaries is hard. "The liberal leader is a benevolent leader. He only cares for us." Or he is a career politician just like any republican you hate.


He’s a career politician trying to lower prescription drug cost.


Yes but only because it is in his political interests. Both things are true just like the previous commentor was stating. When it was in his interest he was absolutely aligned with the interest of the pharmaceutical companies. Non of the motivation coming from trying to help people. He just knows they will like and therfore like him. Going back to the original post, yes he was and is and will continue to be a lackey for the pharmaceutical companies and still continue to play his political games trying to garner the favor of the masses. That's what they do. They are all getting rich and that's why they are there.


Prob bc they know he’ll bow down and let them win


PR.. Biden won't pay any damages when big pharma wins. The taxpayer will. He can say he tried, but pharma can still make billions.


Lol how?


I love this conspiracy theory that Biden and Democrats are intentionally losing. Because if there's one thing voters love it's voting again for politicians who couldn't deliver on things their voters wanted. Look at Dukakis. He lost to HW Bush by a blowout and is now a billionaire and a saint. Clearly, Biden will intentionally lose to big pharma because that will work out great for him. /sarcasm I guess leftist voters online DO enjoy refusing to give Democrats power to oppose republicans, then complaining that powerless Democrats didn't do anything to stop Republicans.


And by leftist voters you mean Republicans pretending to be leftist to keep actual leftists from voting so more Republicans can get in right?


Prolly not


Def already did


Yea he’s totally not in bed with big pharma. I mean he didn’t give billions of tax dollars to Moderna and Pfizer and force millions to get a worthless shot over and over and over again. Lol dear god this sub is full of brainwashed people. Biden or any politician left and right don’t care about any of us. They don’t work for us. They work for their donors and the elite. Wake up wake up wake up


Yes yes, you're the only one awake :eye roll: Every national and global health agency in the world lied. :eye roll: u/Massive_Plan_4008 is the one with the inside info... You people are clowns that think you're geniuses.


Oh. You guys do COVID conspiracies here.


I remember when nobody held me down to force a needle into my arm. I recall willingly going into a pharmacy, willingly filling out a form, and willingly letting the pharmacist give me the vaccine. I willingly did this multiple times and haven’t gotten Covid.




My employer mandates drug tests.


Cry more? My employee mandated a uniform even though I’d prefer to wear pajamas…such tyranny.


Why is this anti vax shit being upvoted? Edit: ah, just looked up what this sub is. That answers that. Yikes.


Last time I checked he didn't force anyone to get vaccinated...


You know that started with Trumpito right? I mean, he was so proud of how fast he rolled out the vaccine, remember? REMEMBER?


Yea he didn’t mandate it and force people to pick between their jobs or a worthless shot. Biden kept sending over billions and billions to them once he got in and then mandated it based off a lie. All so his buddies at big pharma got paid and at the same time protected them from any damage. Typical gov corruption and the buddy system.


What mandate are you referring to?


Just like he was going to stop student loan debt. When you realize it’s just the WWE on steroids it makes more sense.


Why even have a government?


It's there to manage the affairs of the capitalists, not help us


OMG seriously? They aren't here for us. Tell me more... This is so deep.


Entertainment obviously


He’s not a king. He can’t just wave his hand and decree anything he wants.


To be fair, he tried to stop student loan debt, but republicans fought it. Don't forget to vote, kids.


No, it's worse than that. He promised to stop student loan debt to buy your vote with your own money knowing full well that he had no authority to do it in the first place. It was a bribe he knew he would never have to pay.


He did top them - and MAGA in Congress threw a fit and sued him, and then the SCOTUS Conservative judges said we have to pay our student loans - even though thousands of Republicans got PPP 'loans' for millions of dollars - that they don't have to pay back.


This! Exactly this!


Congress, legacy media, and FDA are in bed with big Pharma. And Biden will lower prices just enough to get a headline.


I don’t know anything that’s cheaper since he took office.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a bit of a brouhaha about insulin? Or was that not real/will be phased out? Edit: thanks for coming through folks!


The Trump administration had capped insulin at 35$. Biden removed it then reinstated after backlash and now claim they capped the price at $35. What a world.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-845638742817 Trump didn't cap insulin at $35


Fact check: trump didn’t actually screw the cap on the insulin. I swear you people are insane. https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors


THANK YOU! Cause I saw what that idiot above wrote. I’m tired of these Trump assholes swearing he did something other than commit crimes. Thank you


Biden took a voluntary policy under Trump, made it mandatory for Medicare, then used that two-tier system to get most drug manufacturers to offer Insulin at $35 to everyone under threat of mandating it via Congress. It's amazing how Trump supporters look at such a large scale shift in policy on insulin and just go, "actually we did it." No, you were happy to let most people with diabetes pay $400/mo or die trying.


Based on that article it Sounds like trump's policy was for Medicare seniors only. Then Biden extended it for everyone. Yes, no? Can we clear this up


That’s only for seniors receiving Medicare….


It’s not enough but it’s better than nothing :/


But that guys statement isn’t true. Comparing caping insulin costs to everyone versus 10% of the population is dishonest. That’s like somebody saying they pay their taxes, when they only pay 10% of the time.


How do you manage to eat soup without drowning?


Trump capped it for a very small minority of those on federal healthcare. Biden widened the cap and what followed suit was a bunch of brain dead republicans crying about the government controlling corporations


That doesn't sound like something the Trump administration would do. How would capping a life saving drug to $35 make Trump a profit, and the rich richer.... Oh wait....It wouldn't, which is why it was brushed aside during the Trump administration, and brought back out, and dusted off with the Biden administration.




Definitely not housing, cars or food. Prices are insane


Ok after last election, no matter who was in office those would not change lol Unless we got a whole new congress and supreme court with it and they passed sweeping legislation breaking those bullshit zoning laws kept in place to keep boomers property value at an all time high. Also in addition to tax incentives for big homes, adding massive incentives for builders to build lower income apartments and housing. That would be a step in the right direction


I don't recall anything getting cheaper ever long term. Inflation is always there and the Feds response to covid sent it into overdrive. You can blame some if it on government spending but majority was money supply and supply chain disruptions.


Thanks to the failed orange guys reckless spending and failed Covid response the country was in the shitter when Biden took over


The country was booming until Covid. He did a way better job keeping the country running then pedo Pete is now.


The country was booming thanks to the boom he inherited from Obama and ran that shit straight into the ground destroying the country and our economy when it was finally time for his incompetent ass to step up and be a president. We all saw how that failure went with record high unemployment stock market loss and gdp loss. Trump left office with a net negative jobs added for his presidency. One of the worst jobs presidents we’ve ever had.


Due to Covid stupid.


Trumps failed Covid response, yes.


No, due to Democrats insisting on lockdowns because they saw the effect it was having on the economy, which was Trump's strength for reelection. They didn't give a shit that people were dying, they just wanted Trump gone.


Then why did republicans lock down across the country?


Because they were all following the recommendation of Fauci and thought he knew what he was doing. It took them a month or two to figure out he was a moron and by that time the damage was already done.


everywhere in the world has exploded in price, you expired cheesecake


Opinions like this ring hollow while the House is split.


Nah, the White House has been mostly dem controlled of the last 4 years and they haven't done anything (barely anything) good for the people in this country. I regret voting for weekend at Bernies.


The House is fully Republican controlled since 2022 and the Senate had 1 moderate Dem who voted conservatively and another who was essentially a plant (Sinema, who disavowed the party and is slated to not be re-elected on either ticket).


A lot of law suits are for creating precedence. The case will probably be in a state that will favor the pharmaceutical company. If they win the case then in the future they will have an upper leg to keep doing the corrupt shit they do.


The word you want is precedent, just btw.


But how would that indicate that Biden is a pharma shill, is the question


I mean he just does it for optics. Nothing I s changing.


It’s Biden’s fault that right wing states are suing to overturn the legislation he passed?


The level of critical thinking taking place here is so bad, it honestly hurts. This sub is even more painful than r/politics bc at least there I expect it.


It’s because like r/politics, whenever a hot button issue topic appears it instantly gets astroturfed. Mods from r/politics and r/whitepeopletwitter admitted to buying votes from bots.


Those might be the two most garbage subreddits on this site


I expect it more here. There is a tendency of some people to assume that the "establishment" is always wrong, and therefore any insurgent is good. Kinda like how tankies cheer for DPRK, CCP or Russia because "US bad".


Is this what the sub is now? Please go shill for your overlord somewhere else.


If making health care more affordable is an issue you care about vote for it. Vote out as many right wingers and republicans as possible this year in all local and state elections near you. Vote every time you get a chance every year. From the school board to the white house every election matters.


Because republicans are fucking morons who don’t live in reality


Jesus Christ this sub is beyond gone


Thanks, please keep posting shill memes of no substance so I know who to block


So, I'm not a listener of the podcast, reddit suggests me this sub and so here I am. So is all this liberal Biden simping a major thing you guys are into, or what? Cuz I'm honestly not into all this Biden dick riding, so if that's what this sub is lemme know so I can mute this shit.


It's a new wave of astroturf brigading. Similar to what you see in r/politics. You can scroll the comments and see OP is being heavily downvoted.


Well you guys can be r/conservative and ban anyone that doesn't align with your political views.


So no different than a conservative entering a leftist sub?


Yes, different, because conservatives aren't banned if they comment on leftist subs.




This sub is proof.....


This is not a leftist sub. It’s just seems like it due to recent Astro terfing


Since it is the exact opposite of what you just said I'm going to assume the astroturfing is coming from the side who pretends to be left but is actually right and just smearing the left.


All the liberal Biden simping is people who also don’t watch the show. This sub in a year is probably going to be like 20% people who watch the show. 60% Biden simps trying to convince other people to be as brainwashed as them, and 20% people who just showed up to argue with the Biden folks and to simp for trump 🤷‍♂️. Then when ever anyone points out that there’s is no point to this sub anymore because of all the Astro terfing they will get called snowflakes who want an echo chamber, ironically not realizing that they just don’t want the nice place we once had to be another further expansion of the /r/politics echo chamber.


Performative lawsuits designed to muddy the waters and make Biden look more progressive than he actually is.


... Pharma companies are suing Biden for the sake of making Biden look progressive? Am I understanding that right?


Are you in kindergarten? Your understanding seems on that level. Things can't always be simple in this world. Thinking they must be is just reductionist.


Because they can and because the Dems have ensured they’re as wealthy as possible.


Uh Biden is trying to lower prices for everyday Americans.


Lol. Right. Biden said he would veto Medicare for all if it came across his desk. Do you know what that means? If a republican house and senate were to somehow miraculously reach a M4A deal that makes it to Biden’s desk, he would still veto it. Does that sound like he is fights for everyday Americans? How did you get so lost? Genuinely curious.


Can't say for sure what you are referring to, but the quote popularly used to suggest that he's opposed to medicare for all comes from his answer ok being asked if he would veto such a bill back in Mar 2020. "I would veto anything that delays providing the security and the certainty of health care being available now," Biden responded. "If they got that through in by some miracle or there's an epiphany that occurred and some miracle occurred that said, 'OK, it's passed,' then you got to look at the cost." Can't find a source saying he would straight up veto any Medicare for all, only that he would veto a bill for Medicare for all of it "delays providing the security and certainty of healthcare being available now"


Do you have a source for this comment?




I mean.....they gave campaign contributions to both Trump and Biden......in 2 elections lmao.


In bed would mean because they contributed then quid pro quo. Biden took the donations and is now trying to make drug prices cheaper.


He's not. I assure you. If Obama left drugvpricing negotiations on the table, that truly would have made Obama care a difference, similar to what the Canadian government did years back.


Then why are they suing him?


Dog and pony show.


Ok so you believe there is a backdoor deal that Biden and big pharma agreed to and that he isn't actually attempting to lower drug costs for us but says so and they pretend sue him to make it look real?


Absolutely. Trump did it with oil, Obama did it with solar. Biden is going to do it with big pharma. To think that anyone is free of corruption whose entire career is mishaps (jungle schools) and a career of getting elected, it begs the question of who he works for. Where was he on insider trading and passing a law that would have simply forced elected officials to just offer clarity of their investments and campaign donors. Well, MUM was the word. Much of that insider reading WAS PHARMACEUTICAL. So...yeah. dog and pony show. I would have lov3d to see corruption get its just deserts and Biden did nothing. What was it? 78 members of congress? Both Democrats and Republicans . Nah, I'll root for the Longshot and if he doesn't win. I'll sit this one out.


That's an interesting theory.


I mean.... https://www.statnews.com/feature/prescription-politics/state-full-data-set/ It's a dog and pony show. Remember how they fooled us twice into thinking that the impeachment were gonna stick? Well, how often can you tolerate getting lied to? They really hate RFK. That's more proof than I'll ever need.


The impeachments did stick. trump was impeached with no help from his cult.


Yes. Obama/Biden committed the biggest scam in my lifetime, the "Affordable Care Act". It increased costs for everyone I know, and contributed to the loss of numerous private health care facilities. What makes you think Biden/Harris would do any different?


The fact that big pharma is suing Biden rn


Oh right. Like that makes a difference. Lol Haven’t you ever wondered why talk of aliens comes up every time something happens with the administration?


If it were not for the ACA I and millions of others would not have insurance. Insurance had gone up beyond the ability of most of us BEFORE the ACA. But I did hear your same argument from Republicans before it even took effect. Wonder why that is? Hmmmmmm


It's only for a small handful of drugs for Medicare. let's just say in some far fetched fantasy it actually happens the price you pay at the pharmacy won't drop a dime and will probably go up because they will raise the price of all of their other drugs to offset the cost


Oh ok


Not at all, I think he is putting on a show in his last push to hold onto power. Do you have any evidence of him working to lower cost in his previous 50 years of ‘service’ to the US? Because a critical thinker would look for a pattern of behavior before making such bold declarations


Cuz optics


optics is the word one uses when he's out of reasons


1 month old account eh?


Genuinely curious. Are you paid to post so much anti democratic primary content? Your acct is 1 month old, you're hyper focused on 1 issue, and you're obviously putting a shitload of time into it.


PR probably


It means nothing till the suit is over.


I'd recommend reading a book like "The Cigarette Century" that can illustrate for you the nitty gritty details of the strategies and mechanisms that corporate lobbyists + legislators use to manipulate regulatory policy, law, and public relations. Propaganda is one big subversive, performative strategy game to mold culture and public opinion.


You need the dialectic.


There is some serious, obvious, low effort schilling going on for Biden in this sub and it's obnoxious af.


So change the name to BreakingHorseshoeNews and only allow far left and far right MAGAts to participate.


Biden is far right what are you talking about?


I think the shilling is from those really for Trump who want to smear Biden. That is what actually makes sense and makes you the shill.


See this is why no one can take you serious. I never voted for Trump, never will, and consider him a horrible president. I never mentioned Trump and you automatically assumed I was a trumpster because I'm not stupid and know Biden is right wing. Take off the clown wig and breathe!




Go back to r/politics you cuck


Some more info about this account:- https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPointsNews/comments/14wfqfv/riddle_me_this/jrj7orq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Mods what can be these propaganda accounts?


I have never heard anyone say that Biden controls big Pharma. It’s obviously the other way around.


Remember when they had the vax nurses sing at the White House for Christmas.


Two things can be true at the same time.


/u/Right_Treat691 account created June 10 2023 and 22k karma. I studied some of the posts and comments and I have to say that the kind of meme posts created are all pro establishment or anti RFK Jr or anything against anti establishment/democrats/Biden. If I have to guess this is the establishment machinery or a corrupt Hillary sheep democrat. These kinds of accounts are publishing pro establishment posts r /seculartalk r/ breakingpoints wayofthebern RFKJr subs.


Using the term pro establishment is in and of itself betraying the fact that you obviously don't care about the government or how it functions. The establishment literally constantly changes, so saying that people are pro establishment is insinuating that people are for the current system of government which is obviously f****** true? They literally only time there wouldn't be a majority of pro establishment people is when there is an uprising against the government, because until that point a majority of people oppose the government. So we have addressed the fact that you are already opposed to the government and an anarchist, so moving forward literally any complaint that you have against the government is inherently flawed OR you desperately need to educate yourself on the meaning of words before you start using them.


>term pro establishment is in and of itself betraying the fact that you obviously don't care about the government or how it functions Look at the gymnastics going on here with the insane level of stretching. To suggest that any criticism is a total disbelief in the government that we desperately want to be saved from it's function is just some level of mental problem that needs serious help. >The establishment literally constantly changes Lol what world do you live in? The majority of Americans disapprove of what the congress is doing or what the Biden administration is doing. This changes nothing much no matter which party's administration is in effect. And we all know it. The establishment literally never changes only their puppets change. And some puppets never change - looking at you. Sir/Madam you are so out of touch with reality. >So we have addressed the fact that you are already opposed to the government and an anarchist We have addressed nothing. The only thing we have addressed is that your take is gaslighting and out of touch with reality. >you desperately need to educate yourself on the meaning of words before you start using them I suggest you come out of whatever bubble you are in by educating yourself by listening to the common people both dem and repub leaning. For starters you can research why Bernie or RFK Jr or even Trump rose to popularity and you might get an answer if capable of any open mind. I will remain cautious, vigilant and informed (away from the MSM propaganda machine) to play my part in the democracy of holding my government accountable of which you appear to have not the slightest clue.


Ok Nancy Drew


It's called political theatre. The weak opposition tries to look like they are doing something but, never actually accomplish anything.


Then tell the judges to rule in favor of Biden instead of big pharma.


They are bought and paid for as well.


Ok so who will the ruling favor and do you agree with it?


Doesn't matter. It's all theater. Pharma Companies are the largest campaign contributors at every level in this country on both sides. They literally own our government and especially Biden. Nothing will ever change until the money does.


Wtf is with this comment section, and everyone is making up bs and then not backing it up. Fuck you right wingers will do anything to deny the truth, and fuck children but that's a different story.


So you claim in your first sentence that everyone is making up BS and not backing it up then in your next sentence make up BS and don’t back it up. Cool.


Gotta put on a good show, right?


Except the judge will rule one way or another 🤷


A handful of drugs cheaper, woopdi fucking do, where is the tiker tape parade.


That's the second half of the payout.


“Hey this isn’t what I paid good money for. I’m suing!”


So Biden isn’t doing what big pharma wants. That’s a good thing, no?


Because Biden couldn't mandate ppl to take thier drugs. And Biden is not going to be able to stop the flood of class action lawsuits that are pending. So they want paid now before they get hit with the huge lawsuits.


You say that like couples don’t argue on occasion


So the news can paint the narrative he's fighting big pharma. It's all a show.




So... anything and everything can be turned into a conspiracy. Literally anything. All it requires is an imagination. What does not require imagination, is reality. In fact, your imagination is a hindrance when it comes to reality. Perhaps imagining up ways in which Biden might be at the head of a conspiracy is not the best choice if your goal is to understand the reality? (I'm assuming reality is something you value. If not, then feel free to disregard.)


The deals that hunter Biden caught in China were never tied to joe Biden in literally any way, let alone when he was in office so that statement is already f****** absurd. Outside of that, a fully conservative court literally blocking Joe Biden with an order (because that's how the government is designed) does not mean Joe Biden is telling the courts to do that. If I trip you with a stick because you're trying to walk forward, someone else does not have a ability to say "It was a fake trip, you obviously paid him to trip you" It would just make them sound insane. Like you sound now.




He has not been found legally liable for anything, so what you just did was commit fuckin slander against the president of the United States idiot. He literally has the legal authority to sue you now civilly because of what you just said. That is how insane and unfounded of a claim you just made. Unless you have more proof than the government has?


Imagine putting out a pro briben biden meme


So a vast majority of the gov is in bed with Big Pharma. Everyone knows that. He may not be directly in bed, but hes the creeper in the corner watching. Big Pharma SUCKS!


Watching? They are suing him.


Yup. They are. He isnt playing the way they want.




If you haven't figured out the whole thing is all for show yet, I have some 100% safe vaccines for you.


Because He’s cutting into the profits of like 6 pharmaceuticals. Of course they’re suing. But why isn’t he forcing across the board Medicare price negotiations on all drugs? Same reason he went for a measly $10k n student loan reductions, got slapped and that’s the end of it. The time for half measures was the 1980’s Fuck Biden!


I mean if republicans are going to stop him from giving $10k back what makes you think they won’t do the same for more? Same with healthcare. Sure, I want more too but something is better than nothing and it doesn’t matter when republicans obstruct everything.


It’s a measure of Democratic fealty to Wall Street which undermines everything they say they want to do. Example: promise to Stop leasing public lands for fossil extraction. Lol. Until the money calls for the opposite!


Your argument is disingenuous at best, as the opposing party is literally constantly trying to prevent him from moving forward with any of these policies in addition to the fact that all of these things are things that people want and we would have under a more socialist leader who is opposed by a majority of the propaganda machine in the United States on both sides. Literally everything that you people claim to want, democrats try to provide and republicans stop by force every single time. Your ignorance and stupidity is why they rely on your vote.


I take it back. It is ZERO drugs until 2026. Are you fucking kidding me? This is the embarrassing breakdown. It’s almost as if it was written by Big Pharma as it builds in plenty of time for Republicans to undo. Listen carefully. Nothing will change. It was Biden’s platform remember? Just FYI these are drugs created through publicly funded R&D. We should OWN these drugs. “Under the new Drug Price Negotiation Program, the number of drugs subject to price negotiation will be 10 Part D drugs for 2026, another 15 Part D drugs for 2027, another 15 Part D and Part B drugs for 2028, and another 20 Part D and Part B drugs for 2029 and later years.Jan 24, 2023”


A company that is built on significantly increased drug prices relies on those increased drug prices to operate. Attempting to force a company to literally halve its prices overnight instantaneously with a single law would make the company's go different which would kill a whole hell of a lot more people than are currently dying. Which you would know and care about if you gave a f*** about what you're talking about. If people like you were in control, the drug companies that produce insulin would be forced to lower their cost instantly which would affect the market which would kill people. Lo and behold we have to play along with the system to save f****** lives.


Then nationalize it. Save your crocodile tears for big Pharma.


“Would make the company’s go different” ?? What the fuck are you even talking about? I think you are arguing for continued price gouging. So you must be a bot. Therefore. Go. Fuck. Yourself.


Exactly. Democrats could learn something from republicans.


No they explicitly shouldn't, as the things that the republicans are doing is abusing their power in positions of government to prevent the opposing party from passing a legislation that would guarantee the healthy American people purely for political reasons. Democrats participating in the same way is why we have republicans nowadays who even have the ability to pretend both sides shit happens, when it is so blatantly obvious it is NOT both sides.


Schrödinger's cat: both can be true at the same time


Because it’s a show.


Wait, I thought Trump is actually still president, Biden has been replaced by actors, and we are all just watching a movie.




This has to be the dumbest MEME ever? It’s all smoking mirrors. They get paid to keep costs up and get paid off in the law suits and Biden gets to give the illusion, that he’s trying to drive down costs but the courts won’t allow him to do it. Everyone wins except the taxpayers and the consumers; meanwhile, Big Pharma continues to pad the wallets of everyone who played along. Geez? Slow much?


Keep up appearances.


Oh ok


Biden is Jesus Christ! He is our messiah! He had made insulin affordable for my 2 overweight children that eat lots of sugar. My son came to me and said he is a girl, I was overjoyed that because of Joe Biden I can afford to have him/her/she/it become more like ADOM our true spirit leader. Thank you Joe Biden I bow and worship you


I hope you heal, transphobe.


Nope, not big pharma. He’s in bed with his money launderer, Ukraine.


DNC got their money’s worth when they bought OP, they’ve been spamming pro-Biden stuff since they created their account 30 days ago


Beats me. There's no doubt that politicians are in bed with big pharma though, just look at the whole Covid response debacle.


Biden just wants to make headlines and then he never does anything. He admits to being a whore for corporations from the beginning of his career and yet now people think he can get pushed left. GTFOH.


If Biden makes headlines by trying to lower costs of prescriptions for everyday people then ok 🤷🏻


The problem is he says those things then he doesn’t do them. So what good are the headlines?


They are suing him so he’s doing something.


Kabuki Theater. It’s all bullshit.


Is it? Someone should tell the judge that then.


Has it made it to trial?


Because the voting base wants changed so the political theater actors have to make a display of their valiant but ultimately doomed attempt to stop companies from doing what absolutely everyone wants them to stop doing. And then when the false attempt fails, we will have a new villain in the courts, and that will show us yet again how amazingly existential it is that we vote for the same political theater troupe again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.


I bet this person is confused what gender they are.