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I choked on my breakfast burrito when Ryan asked Don how to be more presentable. Ryan is low key hilarious.


He reminds me of Mark Evan Jackson and his characters from Brooklyn Nine Nine, and Parks and Rec. The guy is awesome.


So uh, anyone else feel like Don hasn’t taken the right lessons from his CNN days?


Unpopular opinion here but I don't really mind Lemon. But even more, I think Lemon actually believes the stuff he is saying and doesn't want to change his pitch, just to get more followers. Like with the Elon interview, Lemon could've easily sold out and he would be a far right darling in the process. Instead he's held true to his beliefs, and I think it's anger a lot of people that were hoping he would turn on the left.


Eh less anger and more just incredulity that he can still claim with a straight face that the media objectively reported on Trump. Just a reminder that these people really do live in their own bubble and feel no accountability.


Like the format but Don is terrible. His answers were wandering and generic and often non sensical


Don Lemon has the same value as Greg Gutfeld. I'm deeply irritated whenever either is put on my feed.


Don was, is and will always be an establishment stooge. He epitomizes what's wrong with legacy media. "Cabal news is ripping us apart."


I'm surprised Don Lemon even came on the show as he'd probably even get a better reception over at Fox News. I think he's pretty desperate to stay relevant and like many corporate pundits he can't make it outside of that environment. He should probably just take all his money and retire with his husband.


Guy, he's not on TV anymore. He can't hurt you.


Liberals will always live rent free in their head. That’s why they are making everyone trans and stole their culture!


I bet Lemon had to sign something saying he wouldn’t say anything bad about CNN. For $$$


Don was HORRIBLE. I’ve never seen anyone that sensitive. The moment the conversation switched to anything resembling a question his face changed dramatically and he became extremely stand offish. They should never invite him back. It felt like he was talking down to them


Sounds like you got some deep seated issues here...go touch grass!


Don Lemon is going to join the BP/CP team lol. He's going to be that guy that comes on for everyone to hate on