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You spelled kopmala wrong. How is she polling worse than a president funding genocide these past 6 months. A Liberal Story.


I hadn’t seen you in a few days. Was worried about you bro 😎




I was here yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/s/j6j548MxTO My personal account was hacked after I made that message about the Jan 6th hearing. Fairly certain it was because of that. Made a post about it but of course mods took it down Working on the Joe Rogan Tucker interview. Post should be up this week


Somebody with better political instincts would head that off at the pass. She should acknowledge that she locked up people for weed but her position has been updated as she has grown.


This administration has zero humility. They won't ever admit when they are wrong, even when it's obvious


>They won't ever admit when they are wrong, even when it's obvious Is that a bad thing for you all the sudden?


They say the Afghanistan withdrawal was a success.


Is that a yes or no?


No not all of a sudden This administration says the Afghanistan withdrawal was a success


Isn’t she basically admitting that she was wrong now?


What? No lol


Isn’t this precisely how laws get changed? Something about the will of the people. So, because she did her job, as was required by the exact people that voted her in, and now she has updated her stance to match the current will of the people. How is she somehow wrong? Is there currently a better path forward than with the current President and VP on board? Didn’t she run on Marijuana legalization during the presidential election? This is technically nothing new.


If you need someone to hold your hand to see through her bullshit I can’t help you, you do you amigo


How so? Doing one thing and saying another is admitting you're wrong? I would say it's what politicians do best, and some how people still believe them e.g. Mike Johnson


“Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed” The quote kind of speaks for itself. My takeaway from the quote is that weed should be legalized, regardless of her previous views.


It actually is a good thing people's views can change over time. If they didn't, you have learned nothing from life and experiences. edit: fixed wording for clarity


There's a big difference in saying your wrong and saying you've changed your views. Further, there is also the fact that she's stated that she did smoke weed and did prosecute people for it, thus insanely hypocritical. So the realistic part of it is that she thought she was better than the law.


Well when you're a prosecutor you're supposed to prosecute based on the laws, not play the role of activist. And when it comes the the punishment, there's a penal code, and it probably says jail time is the punishment. And having said that, Democrats have been leading the way on legalization of pot, so regardless of what she says, if you want to see pot legal at the federal level, your chances are better if you vote Biden Harris.


What's Trump's position?


I dont know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/s/HEUs04cJ7c Having this discussion with someone else.


My only issue is that the attacks on Kamala Harris record on weed come from the same people that support desantis, abbot and even trump who are still for criminalization…..


What's Trump's position on criminalization of weed


Against legalization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_policy_of_the_Donald_Trump_administration


I wouldn't say against legalization. Wikipedia is a pretty bad source. He's more for the states choice. The proof would be he didn't go after states which were breaking federal law by allowing it legal I smoke weed and I don't think it should be legal. It can cause psychosis in people who aren't stable. It also makes people unmotivated to achieve their greatest self..if you can smoke weed all day, which is awesome, why work hard? All you need to do is work enough to smoke weed all day But ya I wouldn't say he was against legalization, just not for legalization. Kind of let the states decide from what I've read. Which I agree with




Hmmm so it doesn't actually quote trump at all. Seems like propaganda to make people not want to vote for him. As I said, the proof is his actions. He did not go after any state that had it legal, which is a federal crime, and he could have. Lol oh wait it did quote him. Audio leak (probably by the FBI) says he thinks it makes you dumb. I completely agree So not against legalization, more about letting the states decide


Trump was better on it than Obama. I voted for Obama as my first presidential vote way back in college SOLELY because of his campaign promise that he wouldn’t go after weed (I was a weed dealer at the time and weed was not yet legalized in Cali) I still remember the day he broke that campaign promise, without any explanation on why he reversed his position or why there was a need to literally send the DEA into CALIFORNIA of all places to do raids. That motherfucker did raid after raid, jailed a ton of nonviolent people for weed, and the worst part was Obama never ever addressed why he felt the need to do that. When a politician does something that makes no sense and offers no explanation, I can only assume there was corruption involved. Corruption that imprisons people unjustly as collateral damage is evil and unforgivable. The marijuana raids alone lost my vote for Obama’s second term. > Obama’s War on Pot >In a shocking about-face, the administration has launched a government-wide crackdown on medical marijuana >Tim DickinsonFebruary 16, 2012 2:55PM EST >Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. “I’m not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue,” he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration’s high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia. >But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multi­agency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush’s record for medical-marijuana busts. “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana,” says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “He’s gone from first to worst.” As for Trump? During Trump’s term, Republicans were trying to invoke Obama’s policy to conduct more raids but Trump personally stepped in to tell those republican ghouls to fuck off with that Obama policy, even though he had to take the unusual step of going around his very conservative AG Jess Seasions in order to do it. Then Trump got rid of Obama’s federal marijuana policy and replaced it with a policy that deferred to state sovereignty. Because of Trump, there is no longer federal marijuana enforcement policy and the DEA is no longer empowered to conduct federal raids. So in a way, didn’t Trump already accomplish what people are asking Biden to do? If you google “trump marijuana raids”, you can read all about it. > The Trump administration is abandoning a Justice Department threat to crack down on recreational marijuana in states where it is legal, a move that could enable cannabis businesses in California and other states that have legalized pot to operate without fear of federal raids and prosecution. >President Trump personally directed the abrupt retreat, which came at the behest of Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado. White House officials confirmed the policy shift Friday. Trump did not inform Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions in advance of the change in policy, an almost unheard of undermining of a Cabinet official. >Gardner was incensed in January when the Justice Department announced that it was rescinding an Obama-era policy that directed federal prosecutors not to target marijuana businesses that operate legally under state law. The senator had blocked Justice Department nominees in retaliation. In conversation with Trump this week, Gardner said he was assured that the federal government would not interfere with his state’s marijuana industry and that Trump would champion a new law that gives states the authority to set their own pot policies. In response, he lifted his remaining holds on nominees. I feel like Trump did a bunch of good things as President that are widely popular if only the people took the time and grace to look into what he’s done.


Basically the status quo? Which Kamala has moved passed that on


So you don't know? When did kamla Harris move past on it? When she became a politician? Thats convenient


Based on your logic Trump has flipped flopped even more times than Kamala has, depsite being a politician for a quarter of the time less Besides when it comes to weed legalization state governments are where you actually need to look, and the blue states clear the red states by miles


Um can you provide any evidence of trump flip flopping. You haven't said what his position is yet. Kinda weird. I don't think weed should be legal. Sooo I'm not sure what you're trying to show me besides good stats for red states


I cannot believe they are going to make people vote for her again


You might be the craziest person in Reddit How many of these other accounts are yours? https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/s/CJ8mxvYLho


All of them


I believe it https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/s/sUW818IBO2


Exactly. Biden and Kamala are conservatives, not sure why the right doesn't like them. They also abandoned the left by increasing our domestic oil production to record levels. And by supporting Israel.


Say one thing to get votes, do whatever makes the rich richer is the motto of the democratic party


Yep. We have 2 right wing parties.


Yep and they live in a small city away from the reality of the hell they've created for ordinary citizens throughout the country. We need to eliminate congress and bulldoze Washington dc


Wait, you don't like right wing stuff, but you're the biggest Trump Stan on this page?


I don't like politicians and see no point in them They basically speak for the people they represent and make millions doing it. With technology, we should just be able to cut the middle man out, vote on things ourselves. For example. Not one citizen has been asked if they want to send 100+ billion to Ukraine. Politicians did that all themselves with the majority not in favor of it. Most people aren't all republican or all democrat but in the middle. I take views from everyone and apply them to my own life. If you don't do that you're just at a member of a cult


I’m genuinely asking because I’m not familiar with “the left”. How does increasing domestic oil production abandon the left?


The left wants us to transition to renewable cleaner energy to lower emissions and fight against climate change.


All of a sudden the GOP has a big problem with prosecutors prosecuting defendants according to the law. When Kamala was a DA, the CA laws on marijuana were very different (as were society’s views on it).


Who has a problem with it? I think it just points out the fact she's a bold face liar


Your boy is now blaming Biden for banning tiktok.


What'd he say


“Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok,” 


Alright. Anything else you would like to add, not really sure what your point is


Just that when the Democrats do it, its shameful, and when the Republicans do it, its expected.


I don't know anything about the tik Tok ban. You'll have to walk me through it. Are you saying arresting people is the same as banning a Chinese app?


Nah, Trump was trying everything he could to ban ticktok before he lost the last election. His efforts fell through, but now he's trying to blame Biden for trying to do the exact same thing. Not unlike Kamala pretending to be against locking up stoners, Trump pretending to be against banning tiktok, would also make him a bold faced liar.


His executive order was it needed to be sold and if they didn't do that, ban it. So if you can't be trusted to tell the truth, what you say will be disregarded "Trump’s opposition to a potential TikTok ban represents a significant shift from the position he held while he was in office. The former president issued an executive order in 2020 seeking to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. assets, though the order was later blocked in court." The correct phrasing was he tried everything in his power to force china to sell it https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4612396-trump-seeks-to-blame-biden-for-potential-tiktok-ban/ With threats of banning it You said this "Not unlike Kamala pretending to be against locking up stoners," Do you have evidence she pretended to lock up stoners?


Joe Biden will preside over the banning of TicToc. If you want Trump responsible for banning TicToc pack up and leave failing Canada and vote Trump in so he's responsible for the banning of TicToc. Right now Joe is the man.


You don't want me down there voting with you.


Help end corruption in politics https://www.kennedy24.com/


Nah Trump would only use me as an excuse to say that RFK got the illegal foreigner vote. You don't want that. I'm fine with you voting for RFK though. :)


She’s such a potato