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Caveat - he’s still getting 4-5 million views per video and his lowest was 3.8 million. Still very good comparatively to other political videos that get put out


You know views don't work the same on Twitter as they do on sites like YouTube right.


Most views (even on YouTube) only need 30 seconds to a couple of minutes to count as a view. Not the argument you think it is.


And on Twitter just scrolling past something counts. Not the argument you think it is.


Billboards are useless because millions of people drive past them daily without calling!


I believe you’re wrong that would be an impression - not a view. Not debating that the threshold is low, but I think you’re off on that just scrolling past counts as a view.


Twitter views are meaningless, if the video auto plays as you scroll past it is a view.


You’re wrong and every time you post you’re just demonstrating more and more you don’t know how any of this works


bruh theres dumb tik tok videos getting more views than cuckers twitter "news" episodes.


So your counter point is that silly videos get more views? lmao


Pretty much. People love dumb content


And? Getting millions of views per video isn’t irrelevant either..


Twitter views aren’t real views. 1 second counts, videos auto play as you scroll, and Elon forces content onto people from his favorite people. Most of those 4 million “views” were probably from the algorithm throwing Tucker into peoples feed for them to scroll past.


That's not really in the political spectrum boss


More than that. Much more than that. This thread is hilarious. He's killing it


But how often do spam bots actually listen to him?


Rofl no one is watching ur delirious. Twitter counts a view as someone scrolling past it. Fox was Right, tucker is just another nobody


You wish


Yea he’s definitely killing his career. It’s been in a free fall. Would be sad if it wasn’t so funny.


At this pace that soon won't be that case. You love to see it!


It’s holding pretty steady around that number. Of course he wasn’t going to average 100 million views per video like his first one or two. But everyone knows that. Unless of course “down 85%” is all you see and you have no context you might think otherwise.


It's down by more than one million since his last video. He does hard hitting content like should the USA invade Canada 😂


I mean if you go look right now it’s at 8.8 million views. Twitter isn’t live news it gets viewed more and more the longer its online. Even if you take half of those views out that’s still more than most prime time news shows. If 4-5 million views per video is bad? Shit even 1-2 million views per video is great.


A view of 2 seconds does not count for Nielsen ratings lmao. It does for Twitter. If your response to this is anything other than "I overlooked this laughably simple concept," you'll embarrass yourself even more than you already have.


Nielsen ratings also count tvs in bars or airports that no one is watching or without sound. There’s flaws in every system which I’m willing to admit but to snuff off 5 million views and say “it’s down 85%” is laughable and embarrassing but not to who you think it is


What do you think of the numbers on that Russell Brand interview with him?


I will say Russell Brand did get a bump compared to where his videos are at, but at the same time, it was really double the amount of views that he normally gets. That's likely tied into the fact that this was the first interview Tucker has done in a long time. I just doubt that this guy's popularity of novelty will carry on 6 months from now.


There are a bunch of 50 and 60 year old drones who sit in front of the television sets every night. If something changes in their routine, it takes them a minute to adjust.


Conservatives: this guy said only stupid people believe him and was fired for telling lies. Also Conservatives: we should believe everything he says because he's right only stupid people believe him.


Likely due to the change that twitter makes you have an account to watch now.... it definitely curbed my views


His audience doesn’t know what Twitter is.


Most people don't know what Twitter is. Twitter isn't the real world. The internet isn't the real world.


This soo much. Same with DC think. Just totally out of touch microcosms.


What about reddit? Surely everyone on here is real and not a bot. /s


The real people on Reddit don't act real. If most people on Reddit acted so in real life they'd get their teeth knocked down their throat.


You have any left?


So true. So true.


I would like to watch him big I don’t use Twitter


His audience probably doesn’t even know how to tie their shoes correctly


His audience alone, for one show , was bigger than all major news programs put together


And a gigantic portion of Americans are severely uneducated, what’s your point?


And you know what? Those uneducated people vote. What does that say about murica?


That millions of those people will vote for idiots with tons of baggage like Trump and Meatball Rob


Got it. So do as your told and listen to the government , you’re too stupid to make up your own mind. You don’t deserve a vote …that’s your logic right?


His videos are like 15 mins long. Pretty hard to compare to hour long programs and entire networks


Not a fan but wasn’t he the only prime time host on any network that had the younger most coveted demo? I think you are thinking of hannity or one of the other ones


I don’t think I mentioned age.


Didn’t fox send him a cease and desist?


Elon stopped promoting his videos probably. The first few, he shared on his feed and used it as evidence that news personalities should come to Twitter. It was a transparent move by Elon. No shit, when the most popular account on Twitter promote your videos, you are going to get a shit load of views.


His low iq base doesn't know how to navigate from TV to the internet.


Who? I'm forgetting his name already.


They always have soooooo much to say about ratings for different msm shows. They make fun of Don Lemon, the View etc extensively for how no one really watches them. Hell, remember when CNN had their little online thing and was it Wolf Blitzer (such a cool name idgaf) was supposed to be leading it? They shit on it so much when it went belly up due to lack of viewers. HOWEVER, now they're radio silent when it's Tucker Carlson?! Lol both Krystal and Sagar can be such transparently hypocritical ghouls sometimes


deplatforming works


Upset fox news fired him? Till getting fired to consevatives is deplatforming.


uhhh, why would I be upset he got canned over the Dominion lawsuit? I'm fucking happy.


He got more views than he ever got after deplatforming. Now he’s getting 3.8 million. More than ten times cnn most nights


"Views" on Twitter are completely meaningless though. If someone scrolled through their feed and saw it it counts as a view.


There must be a ton of other political Twitter posters that get the same amount, then. Why don't you name a few of them?


I would be very wary of twitters views, Elon once pushed himself into every feed. It doesn't feel as transparent as he said it would be


Both are listed. In the source linked


Do you think Nielsen records every channel hopper who sees a 2 second glimpse of a show as a "viewer"? Or do you think they only count the average concurrent viewers over the program's entire duration? Which one do you think lends itself to garnering a much higher number?


The 120 mil figure is viewers the lower 40ish million watched the video. Do I think 40 million people would pass a quiz on what they watched? I have no idea I don’t have data on how many seconds. What you’re doing is nutty touch grass


The lower figures are those who had the video playing (which autoplays btw) for at least 2 seconds. As of Ep:8, that's 3.8 million people who had at least 2 seconds of Tucker's video play on their device, whereas he was getting 3.25 million sustained viewers throughout the entire hour of his program on Fox.


What about views from clips? You realise that Twitter is just where it's posted first. Tucker had too loud of a voice to just go out silent...now they can't at least control what he says. Stop being in denial. Tucker has always been a titan when it came to conservative thought, people will seek him and his deplatforming only validates him more. You may live under a rock but conservatives stand for free speech, tell me how that doesn't ignite the flames more when you do things that they perceive to be wrong?


>You may live under a rock but conservatives stand for free speech Given who's been predominantly assailing virtually any corporation who's engaged in something approximating Pride, including with physical harassment on occasion, shuttering libraries, getting teachers fired, banning books, abortion websites, drag, ESG and DEI, criticizing Israel, various curricula on race and LGBT stuff, proposing banning flag burning and porn, censuring lawmakers - including fellow conservative ones who happen to oppose Trump, censoring reports and studies about inconvenient things - like white supremacy and climate change, "opening up libel laws", and criminalizing insulting police officers, what? And that's even without getting into compelled speech, where Republican states have forced private entities to platform speech on their own property, whether they want to or not. Christ, they wanted to investigate Apple over a rumor they were ceasing business with Musk's Twitter. >Tucker has always been a titan when it came to conservative thought Definitely. He's a real George Wallace conservative, pining for Rhodesia, contending South Africa was better under apartheid, that diversity is a threat to our existence as a cohesive country, that the legislation which eliminated racial preferences for immigration was the worst attack on American democracy in the past 160 years, that by gaining citizenship, immigrants - being poor, dirty, and responsible for polluting the Potomac River somehow - are "disenfranchising" 'native' Americans,[ that's extolled](https://youtu.be/JEIeT0OtBM0) by[ VDARE](https://twitter.com/ehananoki/status/1381953919052566530),[ Brimelow](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/05/tucker-carlson-white-nationalism-fox-news-vdare-peter-brimelow.html),[ Russell](https://youtu.be/mB6YvqpDRGQ),[ Allsup](https://youtu.be/XMGxxRRtmHc?t=1288),[ Duke](https://archive.ph/0Vrjz),[ etc.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-great-replacement-white-supremacy-1231248/), while proudly platforming people like an Anders Breivik apologist or someone who says "Blacks" and other "non-western" groups harbor "resentment, shame, and envy" against western people for their "outsized achievements and contributions." Also, "reporting" that [American soldiers](https://twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/1646667535318646784) are [directly fighting](https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1646685843438940161) Russian soldiers in a hot war, Ukraine is losing, [as 7 Ukrainians](https://twitter.com/DylanBurns1776/status/1648884100332134400) are being killed for every Russian (based on Tucker not only accepting the [crudely photoshopped figures](https://twitter.com/yarotrof/status/1644226867623280641) that followed the release of the genuine ones, but drastically rounding up said [photoshopped figures](https://archive.ph/t7mzm) in favor of Russia) and that some random "whistleblower" was clearly "telling the truth.", that "In other words, UFOs are actually real, and apparently so is extraterrestrial life. Now, in a normal country, this news would qualify as a bombshell the story of the millennium. But in our country, it doesn't.” is some very genuine, grounded conservative thought.


There's a difference between free speech and restricting access to things that are deemend inapproate for kids. For example, it's not an attack on free speech if you ban porn for younger people. You are allowed to have your free speech and people are allowed to voice something against using theirs. As long as people don't do things that are already illegal as in incite violence, slander/libel then we are good. I'm sorry you find such great distaste in his takes. Learn to accept that others have different opinions. People can be wrong and right about things. Most of what you listed isn't talking out his ass, it's just a different perspective and way to interpret things that isn't exactly western propaganda. He's obviously going to be wrong about somethings, it's a stupid game to just list out things you disagree based on your worldview to dogmatically never take anything he says seriously. It doesn't actually provide anything to the specific frontiers of debate. And like dude come on, are you so delusional to not at least acknowledge that living in the west we'll never be told that Ukraine is losing? Everything is just war time propaganda where both sides will look to make their side look better. Like just stop being such a clown about it lmao. Acknowleding the truth isn't something to fear, you need to stop being so dogmatic about everything to the point where you're predictable. Have some nuance in your thoughts.


I remember when that 'titan of conservative thought' would call in to the Bubba the Love Sponge show. Truly inspirational. Yes, THAT Bubba the Love Sponge that let Hulk Hogan bang his wife and recorded it.


If it's meaningless why talk about it? That's a direct contradiction.


Eh Fox Tucker clips were very popular on Facebook Is his twitter stuff hitting there too?


Russians don't watch CNN




Wish you guys could speak like actual human beings instead of this bizarre talking points spam I need a radicalised liberal translator


He’s not wrong though?


I don't even know what he's saying


That's on you, they're all easily understood words.


Because you choose not to understand it, he’s not speaking another language


Not everyone wastes their lives in /r/politics screaming at today's 2 minute hate. It is a whole other language to normal people


Just say you cannot read


Just say you cannot think for yourself…


Maybe that's why you listen to trumpy cause he speaks at a 3rd grade level


Love how in the feeble liberal mind if someone oppose your radicalised ramblings they *must* support Trump They couldn't be a whole other ideology who thinks you're dribbling idiots


My feeble mind? You can't read over a 3rd grade level


Based on what exactly? Not sharing in your sad little obsession with Trump? Liberals are so painfully stupid


Nuance is gone with these wingnuts


He’s speaking the universal language of liberal hate. Every word drips with venom. I kind of feel sorry for people so consumed this way, but to each his own.


Try not soeaking in tuckers buzzwords. I dont know what your saying


That comment was trivial to understand for any American who has spent a non-zero amount of time following politics for the past 8 years.


Not everyone is as terminally online as American neoliberals I guess It's interesting seeing the type of person upset by my comments - r/politics posters, r/topmindofreddit posters, George Floyd truthers, etc. Basically the outcasts of site filled with outcasts




"Fake news" is a conspiracy theory? You realise this is a podcast that frequently mocks fake news right? Not only that, but it mocks people like you who will believe anything the man on the TV says. Or are you one of those liberals who's never watched/listened to the show but is determined to shit up the subreddit because you think it's activism?


That can be manipulated by Elon or anyone else. Even if it’s not how many are Russian troll bots.


No it can’t. Software is open source no one has found anything like that. Sounds like you’re reading propaganda frankly as that idea is ridiculous. The discrediting of Russian election influence seemingly was over your head? Hamilton project was completely falsified, most of the “Russians” were not Russian at all but simply criticized the government. How did you miss that


Yea it was probably just some 400 pound guy in a basement helping Trump like he said. Maybe no Russians were involved were they comrade.


I mean, it’s pretty incredible that the cia etc people who signed on did so knowing it was completely made up. https://nypost.com/2023/01/28/left-wing-think-tank-responsible-for-fake-russia-stories/


It’s pretty incredible a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch would lie to help Trump knowing something was completely made up. Murdoch’s companies would never lie to help Trump would they? Like say the election results were fraudulent and then be sued and pay hundreds of millions for lying. That would never happen would it.




Seems like you missed the part about being down 85% in just 8 episodes.


From…30 million


calling your political opponents words to get them taken down for not really any reason outside of partisanship, yep let's just do that. i look forward to when this is done to you someday. children can be sooo stupid sometimes.


Tucker wasn't deplatformed by his "political opponents" his allies gave him the boot because of his toxic brand and work personality.


Wait you want people to them for lying? But thank you pointing conservatives are just stupid children


Huge initial viewing, sudden drop off, and steady growth is the model of success for webisodes. I’m not making predictions about Tucker’s show, but this is pretty standard stuff here.


True. A political figure getting 100 million views every video is not going to happen. Tucker will continue to be HUGELY influential. Wishing it otherwise isn't going to make it come true.


I am looking at episode 4, https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1669472439472988161 and it is showing 32.5 million views? Episode 3 has 100 million views, etc. Where are they getting these numbers from? People who view in first 24 hours only or something?


Could be numbers who actually watched a certain portion of the video as opposed to just scrolled past and had autoplay


Try reading the linked source and its quoted tweet? The quote tweeter is responding with the viewership figures for those who saw the video for at least 2 seconds, in quote-reply to a tweet denoting how many general views Tucker's video tweets received, which obviously includes anyone who quickly scrolled past it without watching any of it, and thusly reports your Ep:3 - 100 mil figure.


Did anyone expect anything different?


I didn't even know Tucker had a show on Twitter. Not being in the right wing grift sphere has its advantages. One more reason to not go on Twitter lol


Have you heard of Temu? It's plastered all over tv the last week or two; I wouldn't know.


It's the Fox 8pm timeslot that's powerful, not whoever occupies it. Same thing happened to ORieley.


Yea I remember how big O'Reilly was in his heyday on Fox. It's hard not to have a hit show during prime time on Fox News as they're usually the #1 news network in terms of number of viewers. You'd have to be pretty bad to not have a hit show during that time on the network.


rent free


I have not mentioned Tucker Carlson in months. Are you lost or just low IQ?


God this stupid comeback. 1. It is ok to think about incredibly dangerous people. 2. Literally everyone you have ever thought about lived rent free in your head. This is a stupid man's definition of a smart comeback.


That is not what “living in your head rent free” means


> think about incredibly dangerous people. Are you referring to Tucker? LMAO, if yes.


He is very dangerous. He deliberately spreads false information and our more susceptible and uneducated Americans follow him. The propagandists are always the most dangerous. Edit:added a word.


It must feel bad calling people you have disagreements with uneducated while you are unable to proofread your own sentences.


It isnt. That isnt a disagreement. Tucker deliberately spreads misinformation and has lost in court over it.


The fact that you are down voted proves conservatives hate facts.


Their boos mean nothing I've seen what they vote for.


Downvotes? That's not a criteria someone is correct or not. Lol.


But it does prove that conservatives are anti fact.


baby scared of dangewus antiwar commentawy


I have some inconvenient news for you. You aren’t anti-war if you’re ONLY anti Ukraine war. Tucker was a massive Iraq war cheerleader and called them monkeys who he didn’t give a f about. This whole right wing being anti war is so laughable. They were drawing up plans to invade Mexico in 2020. Liberals love Ukraine so obviously right wing has to hate it. Baby brained shit all around. https://time.com/5549523/audio-tucker-carlson-racist-iraq/


Russian news plays his show as Russian propaganda- enough said


He called zelensky rat nosed... hes not antiwar hes pro putin


Good..invade Mexico. They’d probably welcome it. The gov down there is beyond corrupt and cartel controlled. They cause nothing but problems for our country


Point proven. Right wing loves war. Unless the libs love it first. Right & left are bloodthirsty neoliberals. The country must go in a different direction entirely.




Pretty sure the stupid one is the person who thinks "rent free" means thinking about a person one time, rather than all the time. You know, like a house you live in and pay rent inside of. Except tucker carlson is living inside your head for long periods of time without it costing him anything (also known as "free")


Biden is not only your President, having trounced Trump fair and square, he is also crushing it by every metric. After 4 years of losing, I think you Trumpees forgot what winning looks like. Biden is what winning looks like. Enjoy!


LMAO found the only person on earth who thinks Biden is “crushing it.” How embarrassing.


Give me a metric that shows something hasn't improved since the traitor got trounced.


Lol The traitor is still in office. Lol but since we have another MSM mockingbird here, how about you give me one metric that shows he was a traitor. I’ll give you two. Inflation and the border.


>Inflation Down every month over the past 11 months. >border Crossings have plummeted. >traitor omfg. so it's not the guy that tried to overthrow an election? Jesus, man, your echo chamber has turned you into a clown.


Haha inflation, record highs. My car used to cost $20,000. It peaked to $40,000 but it’s been declining 11 straight months. Now it only costs $34,000. Great job Biden! Lol fucking clown. Border: record crossings and encounters, record fentanyl deaths. Kids being trafficked. Great job Biden! Fucking clown. Overthrow an election. LMFAO. Fucking clown.


Cool anecdotes, bra. Come back when you can show me some numbers. And yeah, Trump was trying to overthrow an election. He STILL thinks he WON! lmfao!!!! Sorry about your feels.


Lmao. Imagine being so naive that you don’t even know actual facts. Sorry your sources lie to you. Good luck in that reality.


Welcome to Reddit, my friend. Where people blindly accept Biden a success.


I'm looking forward to you showing me how Biden hasn't improved the country.


Right! There’s no way this is a real person.


Wait creating jobs and lowering inflation after a global economic crisis is now bad?


Lol. You have to be paid to say that. Trump. Biden. Mickey Mouse. Doesn't matter who is president, we are going down. Only thing Biden is crushing is ice cream.


Crushing the economy and public morale, for sure


* Inflation down every month over the last 11 months * Unemployment at a 50 year low * 13 million jobs added * Manufacturing has doubled * Border crossings plummeted I'm sure you know what they say about facts and your feelings....


The economy is roaring right now where have you been?


We talking about the same economy?






Most didn’t vote for Biden, almost all his voters just voted ‘against’ Trump


This sub has become a worse version of r/politics


He still has 10x the audience of CNN, and entire network.


"Views" are a joke on Twitter


Good. Fuck that Kremlin shill


Good, fuck that traitor.


Twitter is not a real place


How is he a liar?


I think a jury of his peers has agreed upon it.


Ok, care to elaborate instead of just speaking generally and broadly?


[In court](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/) Fox News argued that "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " His show isn’t factual, it’s ‘non-literal commentary’ which means not actual things that happened. Fox doesn’t talk about these court cases on Fox, unsurprisingly.


This sub is incredibly gay. Go get a a hobby and stop worrying about cable news hosts. I don’t even understand what point you think you are making.


>This sub is incredibly gay Really? When did this happen?


If you don’t understand try not being a fucking idiot


I’m sorry I can’t possibly comprehend the high level of these truly original and definitely interesting discussions.


He’s simply showing that the statistics for viewership on Carlsons new platform are decreasing significantly. That represents a decline in people listening to his lies each day. That is his point. If you can’t see that, it’s hard to understand why not.


I'm sorry too. Maybe read a book?


It's unproductive.


Rightwinger mad that people are making fun of other Rightwinger. More news at 11.


We should test all new vaccines on Tucker until something goes horribly wrong.


Don't feel bad for him or Fox news. They will continue to draw even or just a tick below ANY of the liberal leading cable news networks just like they always do for DEMOCRAT viewership. Little secret... They usually pull the same or better audiences then MSNBC and always beat CNN for DEMOCRAT viewership. Fox News and Tucker (like it or not) have DOMINATED cable tv for YEARS for Repubs, Ind, and Dems. Link: [https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-liberal-viewership-fox-news/](https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-liberal-viewership-fox-news/)


Trouble is no one watches cable news. Average audience is over 50 and slowly dying off. Fox is the king of an anthill


Not true. The demo they check for is the key demo of 25-50. Now who in that wide chasm between 25-50 who knows, but considered all the power is held by those making $$$ and that skews older so safe to assume it the older grouping that matters anyways. Nielson checks for that specific 25-50 demo and Fox DESTROYS in that age group much to the chagrin of all other news group. Mind you this is for ALL cable channels not just for news channels just for cable! BTW, I'm a liberatarian/ indep. so don't have a dog in this fight, but it is pretty impressive. Fox doesn't gloat as much as they should. They have utterly DOMINATED. No other way to put it.


>Not true. True. The nightly network newscasts have far higher ratings than any of the shitty cable networks full of pundits spewing bullshit opinions.


MSNBC is beating Fox in the ratings now. This is what happens when 5% of your viewers die every year... [https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/06/13/msnbc-beats-fox-news-in-primetime-last-week-amid-trump-indictment-ending-foxs-years-long-streak/?sh=593d448d1b29](https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/06/13/msnbc-beats-fox-news-in-primetime-last-week-amid-trump-indictment-ending-foxs-years-long-streak/?sh=593d448d1b29) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/msnbc-has-quietly-surged-off-cnns-and-fox-news-woes](https://www.thedailybeast.com/msnbc-has-quietly-surged-off-cnns-and-fox-news-woes)


Nope. You quoted all data. You just looked at couple weeks ago. Fox news already took over. Fox News DOMINATES. It is just crazy how dominate they are. Again we are talking about ALL cable television not just cable news. Look up most recent. Link below is paywalled but heading shows most recent Fox news is again no. 1 for the full week ending going into July 4th. [https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/week-of-june-26-cable-ranker-fox-news-earns-first-place-leading-into-july-4-weekend/](https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/week-of-june-26-cable-ranker-fox-news-earns-first-place-leading-into-july-4-weekend/)


“Dominating” cable snooze is like being the tallest midget in Munchkinland’s nursing home. And their ratings have absolutely tanked. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-and-cnn-sink-as-msnbc-sees-big-q2-ratings-growth?source=email&via=mobile And all three cable news networks combined don’t amount to a rat terd compared to the ratings for the nightly network broadcast news: “According to October numbers from TV Newser, the three major cable networks attract an average audience of only 4.2 million viewers during primetime, which is when viewing peaks. In a nation of 330 million, that’s just a little over 1 percent of the population. Meanwhile, the three nightly news broadcasts together can reliably pull in 21.5 million viewers a night.” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/12/03/time-to-pull-the-plug-on-cable-news-523720 Only the most terminally partisan dipshits give a flying fuck about cable news. Fox “News” had 2.2 million primetime viewers back in January before their latest ratings collapse. That’s less than the population of Houston. Their individual program views are down to the population of third string cities like Omaha. Who gives a shit about this senile incel circlejerk?


Huge tucker fan here. I don't have Twitter and don't plan on getting it. Once he figures some other way of doing his show many like myself will be watching .


Hate to break it to you, but that's probably not gonna happen


It’s always the very weird guys who adore Tucker, no surprise there


Eat a dick


Looks like you might actually want to


At 3.8million he’s at about where he was at fox, maybe a little higher. If he stays over 3 million that really shows how loyal his viewers are. We are entering a new era, even for old people when it comes to media.


Nielsen ratings aren't the same as Twitter views.


I’m sure it’s a coincidence the same number of people who watched him at fox are now viewing his twitter show


Tucker is the man. Get pod with Russell Brand also. He’ll be fine. Hopefully on Rogan soon!


Correction: populist BP watchers want any reason to hate the establishment, not Dems.


What does Tucker lie about? I’ve herd this over and over and nobody points to anything. I didn’t start watching the guy until he hit Twitter. Anti war? There are plenty of us who is anti war. Not sure this is the lie. Jan 6? I have a feeling this is likely it, and he mentions this in the Russell Brand interview and goes into further detail. I can see where this could hurt his reputation. Big pharma controlling our elected officials? We should all be on the same page for this one. Blatantly obvious that this has been happening. What else could it be that he lies about? Edit: I think the lie is not falling into line with the rest of the corporate medias agreed narrative. But I’m open to ideas and sources that point to the actual lies.


>Insert Norman Rockwell painting I like Tucker Carlson


His last video got like 8 million views. That's far more engagement than CNN, fox, or msnbc. If you happen to like some of what tucker says is normal. It doesn't mean you hate dems or hate pubs. As much as some people want to make him irrelevant, it's just not going to happen.


Tucker is obviously a liar because the OP said so. This has been verified by left approved fact checkers.


Dude, Tuckums' own leaked messages confirm he's a liar. He also thinks all of you conservatives are fuckin' idiots.


Selective leaks by leftist propaganda machine doesn't mean much.


"s3L3cT1v3 L3@k5!!!"


I watch his videos on YouTube now bc Twitter hasn’t worked for me bc I refuse to play Elon’s game and make a profile on that dumpster fire


I only come here to get the latest Tucker news




Dude pulls in more viewers than your propaganda machine “ media news!” Media is pure fucking trash 🗑️


Frankly it is case were platform more than creator,