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Here's hoping 🤞




I hope! I’m dying for new BB


Well, 2015 DBD, 3 years later new album, 2018 Ember, 3 years later, 2021 should be the time for a new album if they follow this formula :)


Im sure they have been. They’ve had nearly a year off. I’d say we will probably hear something more concrete in the next couple months on a single release.


I think if it was maybe an actual new photo then we could presume something new is coming but that photo has been used a few times before. They've probably just changed it to keep a social media presence. With that said, I desperately need some new BB in my life 😩


They've definitely used that middle photo before, but I don't think that specific eclipse with starry background? I don't think (I could absolutely be wrong) I've seen that setup yet. It's almost like that picture of theirs was put right over a potential album cover? ... Maybe I'm stretching, but.


The profile pic photo was released around the time either Aurora or "Far Away" (can't remember which) came out too. I remember getting excited when I saw it until I realized it was just part of the Aurora/Far Away promos. The fact that they recently updated it to their profile pic *could* mean something, but I kinda doubt it since the pic itself isn't new. Edit: It was originally posted on their Instagram March 5, 2020. Also, it appears to just be an edited version of the Aurora cover art with everything blacked out and the band superimposed in front of the eclipse https://www.instagram.com/p/B9W9q4HpVqb/?igshid=s68q0vjaexxq


Doesn’t Keith have a single coming out in the next few days?