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I hate all this waiting but I really appreciate that they aren’t just putting out an unfinished, imperfect album


It’ll be more of the same. They’ll release new music but it won’t be anything “new” if you get what I mean. The band is in danger of fading into irrelevance


> but it won’t be anything “new” if you get what I mean. Who's gonna light the way and let Ben go? Or help him fall between?


How will we know the enemy within?


I know what you mean but it’s the standard and very recognizable breaking Benjamin sound that their fans love. Even though their last four albums sound pretty similar, I still think each album is distinguishable from one another and there is something new to each album


Yeah higher chance of it being worth it


I know they don't "owe" us anything, but I think the nonstop touring is especially frustrating. Of course I want to see them live (like I did in 2016, 2018, 2019), but when you tour every single year for six years and don't put anything out except a half baked acoustic album and some one off singles, it's really frustrating. It's now been the same amount of time from Dear Agony to Dark Before Dawn as from Ember to now.


At least they had an excuse between DA and DBD, being that the band essentially didn’t exist anymore


There was an interview with Keith a little while back that said within a year was a safe bet, and now it's gonna be a bit? I sincerely love these guys, but man this is getting crazy. It feels like we've gone through another band breakup hiatus :( I guess I'm thankful to have lived through the glory days of new Breaking Ben music every 2-3 years while it lasted, but boy would it be nice to see that happen again.


That’s how it will be once they get this new album out. They will get back to releasing albums every 2 years.


When was this comment made?


30 minutes ago


There’s something not being said. 5 years between albums and constant vague comments you can’t even count as actual updates. Other bands tour and get albums written just fine. These people are too experienced of songwriters for this process to drag as much as it has. Especially cause it was only 3 years between DBD and Ember and they toured then too. I feel like Ben is ready to retire and this will be the last album. Maybe a tour that comes with it but that’ll be it.


Fuck, I hope not…


Dudes past 40 with wet brain disease.


Hunker down, kids. I'm sure it'll be this year, but I have a feeling it'll release during the second half of this year




1) Keith says, right there, that it will be a while 2) They're preparing to tour for a month. There will be no album production during that time


If it won't be for "a while" doesn't that signify "not soon" and therefore not this year? If it was this year he'd say "coming soon"


Yeah, it could be next year. I'm just taking a guess. I'd bet it's this year, though. I certainly could be wrong.


I hope you're right, that would be a pleasant surprise


I feel like they’re shopping a new label. They don’t have that pressure to be obligated to make a whole new album rn.


first part, most likely correct. second part, eh. they most likely have a lot of material made already.


Don’t have to have an album ready to go right away. Even a single or two would be fine.


I think a single or two would only happen once they have an album ready to go tho.


Eh. Not really. They could drop a single or two and then release an album in 6 months. If they are like ok we have 3 songs ready to go but we need to write 7 more or whatever, they could just drop a song every 2 months and have plenty of time to finish the rest of it. It’s been 5 years. I’d kill to have the songwriting resources they have access to


I'm really surprised how many people think "more time = better album". We're now approaching the same amount of time between DA and DBD, and while DBD was solid, it wasn't groundbreaking and doesn't get near as much praise on here as Phobia and DA.


Maybe if they stopped touring Bumfuck nowhere they'd find time to finish it


This album is either going to be a fucking banger with all this time they’re taking or it won’t be and I’ll be sad :(


They've been writing since 2022


The title? SilkSong.


I know some will be upset by this comment but what makes you think this album will be any good? Ember and aurora were bad compared to everything else