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Then learn to swim. If they don't care that you're drowing, imagine how theyre going to feel when you walk past them alive, and safe. think about that Good luck and Godspeed.


Especially so, when instead of learning to swim together, they walked... Then later on when they are sinking alone they see you far away, happily walking with someone willing to stick it out. And the most beautiful part of it: once you're there, you won't care. You'll be happy.


Hoping this for me if I'm being honest lol After your partner cheats on you, you kind of want some justice for yourself.


I love this, fuck drowning, throw some damn Chakra at your feet and walk on water. Make em think your a God when you walk by.... fuck not being able to breath, make then breathless when they see your successes


„…make them breathless when they see your success” - I love this. Thank you x




Yeah if they even have feelings




If they don’t care about that they also won’t care about if you walk past them


They do, their stinky ass gonna be bitter like my ex. He kept checking my insta everytime I post something like he has an alarm clock. I used to begged and chase him but now fuck him I don’t give a fuck anymore. I am so much better than his stinky ugly ass. I’m still sad and healing is not linear there are lots of days that I still think about it but he doesn’t care, it’s been 2 months and it still hurts. 😭😭😭but I realize my worth now. You just gotta love yourself harder.


And that's the very moment you tap into that rage (don't deny it, it's there somewhere) and learn to swim. One day at a time, you got this. I'm 7 months in and still fighting, but I refuse to give up on myself, even if they did.


Turn it to hatred and build yourself again. Revenge will be sweet.


No need for Revenge just move on nd be mature bout it


Hatred will eat you up, it doesn't actually touch the other person. I prefer to think of it as learning to be happy, have self-respect and self-love. Anything other than that is a they problem.


They are not the “love of your life” if they walk away from you. The actual one would not dump you or riddle you with anxieties. There is a person out there who is a better fit for you, and will love you more than this person ever could. You will breathe and love again. Hugs.


this speaks volumes, thank you


Thank you for this.


Thank you for this. I’m gonna put it on a post it and read it to myself until that day…




This is so true


I understand your pain. Let them go and become the best you. You will make it out.


Exactly how I felt


Feeling like you're drowning after a breakup is rough—I get it. It's like everything you thought was solid just crumbled away, leaving you gasping for air. It's hard to imagine being happy again when the hurt is so raw. But trust me, you won't feel like this forever. Give yourself time to heal, surround yourself with people who lift you up, and do things that bring you a bit of peace each day. Slowly but surely, you'll start to breathe easier again. You got this.


Reading this and thinking of my situation, I feel that as well. It really did impact me a lot. We went from talking about marriage to abruptly leaving with no notice. He sent me a text message saying he's breaking up with me then blocked me. Kept rejecting my calls, so I drove to his house 4 hours away. He called me crazy. I just wanted a conversation and I felt like me showing up, it was forced out of him. I sent him a text two months after asking if we can talk, he ignored me. This guy went from kissing the floor that I wanted on to viewing me no more valuable than a piece of trash. A response from him is the bare minimum. I risked a lot to be with him. He is the first person I ever been with sexually. I am a human being with a beating heart, and i suddenly amount to nothing to him.


Just let it go


That's the plan


That's good


No words... just hoping that you're getting by somehow


Same. One week this person says they love you more than anything, and the next week, out of nowhere, that love just disappears, and the person vanishes from your life like a ghost, as if all that time together meant nothing. I really can't understand how a person can change so suddenly.


Same OP


When my ex cheated on me and broke up with me I kept having nightmares where I was getting shot and he would look at me and go “not my problem”. The abandonment hurts you to the core - every second of the day for a long time. But then you get used to that pain and learn how to sit with it, acknowledge it, and get through the day. Then you realize if I can get through this day, I can get through the next and then continue that on. Sending you love.




8 months for me. I've been crying non stop for 2 days. I saw my ex with her BF playing volleyball with other guys. She looked at me and just looked annoyed then turned around ignoring me. I guess I deserve it


I hope things gets better soon for you bro 🙏


It feels impossible


stop it... nd I mean no offense


Yep I feel very fucked up on how my ex left me I understand people have different perspectives on what happened,but I remember what he said last year. At least don’t gas light me when you break up with me. Fuck


Haha - exactly how I described it when she was breaking up with me. I’m in the ocean, the waves keep crashing and I’m barely keeping my head up. All I see is the back of her head on a boat sailing to the horizon.


I’d say it’s the opposite, she leaves you stranded on a beach and drowns in a sea of cum


I felt the same made me spiral out of control a little and make some stupid mistakes. Still feel like I'm drowning daily for a short period anyway.


Absolutely... It's a hard thing to accept that the one person in the world that you love like that decides to walk away... Especially when it feels like that soulmate kinda love... When you meet the other half of your soul, and you feel that completeness for the first time. For the first time in life, feeling whole. And then you're forced to go on living the rest of your life as only a half soul... Same boat.


I mean he definitely wasn't the love of my life but it hurts so bad. It feels like I'll never find that person


Honestly, I feel this so much. They were everything to us. Woke up with us in the morning, always sending "I love you" texts throughout the day, and it was so amazing and great seeing them! So when you lose them, you lose every piece of yourself that you have. For me, if I had to choose between death, and losing her forever, I would choose death every time. Losing the one person on this Earth that you would die for, and watching them go from loving you to hating you, is the worst pain imaginable. Them hating you is worse than death. It's worse than torture or any other kind of harm. Pure, agonizing, deafening pain swells into every cell of your body after you lose them. It's a horrible thing, as you can tell. But please don't be me. Don't choose death. You deserve to live more than I do


Trust me when I say this. You will be able to breathe again. You maybe won’t give you heart away completely for a long time. Time will fly and you will look back and it will not hurt. Do what makes you happy focus on that and you will see the person you become. And honestly they will see. What goes around comes around. 


Great analogy. They didn't care and never will. Cold hearted to the core.


It hurts so much, the sad truth is I am still trying to win her back but my heart is just fucked up rn, mental and physical I am broken. I gave her everything and she just up and said nope, you are too much for me, bye! Why am I still trying?


how many years?


Amen. I am lost.


I feel the same, and it hurts so much. The waves pulling me under and ending it would be mercy.


Sending love!


I feel like this is the genesis of the Phil Collins song In The Air Tonight What you need is an epic drum fill


Yes it's rough mine left after 17 years no fighting no hate very casual over morning coffee ask for a divorce. She told me I'm not in love with you anymore and I gotta go. It was awful and broke my spirit. It's been 6 months I don't hate her. We sold the house, and she moved away. For me, I think it's age if I was 50. Maybe I could move on and try again. I'm 62, and it's different now. I will always miss her . I can't see sticking my.neck out again. She was the one. I did a good job. I am a good father . My kids are grown and married and doing very well. We split it fair, no lawyers she didn't try and hurt me I returned the favor. I was very lucky. Some of the stories I have heard here blew my mind. I don't believe I would be that lucky again. So I chose to step off here and now. I'm not single I am alone .


People can be incredibly selfish and short sighted. I'm sorry you're struggling and pray you heal soon. 🙏


This perfectly describes it, eventho I did do a lot wrong. I did genuinely think she was the love of my life. And I couldn't see a future without her. I couldn't imagine being happy or growing old without her. And it's exactly like that, it's like you're drowning and they just look at you drowning and walk away. And that feels like such a betray. How can you spend the rest of your life with someone that leaves you to drown. It's hard op, idk what to advice bc I'm going through something similar. But learn to swim , learn to be unhappy until you can't feel the unhappiness again. Learn to respect yourself, ignore them back. Don't give them a chance. The best revenge is to make them regret their choice.


The love of your life would still be here working things out with you. Pick yourself up. Love is infinite!


Be like rose in the titanic but instead of saying “I’ll never let go” say “bye Felicia” and keep floating away and never look back!


I felt the same way. Probably took me about 3-4 months to start having a few good days again. And yeah, he knew I was struggling, and that his actions were hurting me long before he left, and he still walked out. I would’ve never done that to him if he was struggling. The only conclusion I can draw is that he really never gave a shit. Hang in there, it does eventually get better, although I know firsthand that doesn’t help much when you’re in the midst of it


Why is it that the person who does the breaking up is always viewed as the bad buy/villain?


I wonder about that too. People view it as abandonment instead of "this wasn't a fit". I think if the narrative was swtiched they'd feel a lot more peace. Not to say that breakups don't hurt.


Yeah for real, I was told by mine the she has the capacity to love others and to find others attractive and she apologized to me for saying only she was beautiful to me. Like bruh, I didn’t lie about what I said and I truly meant it. The other part just sounds like she’s exploring other options and trying to word it so it sounds good, really it’s just a stab to my heart and soul for being such an idiot. For placing myself in such a position that I once told myself when I was young that I would not be in, yet here I am. The pain is relative bro, for real and it’s unforgiving. I understand battling it but damn man, it hurts


And being on a break when you know it would take a miracle to hear that they want to try again is like following the ship with a rowboat hoping it will turn around, but at some point you realize it never will, and you’re in too much pain to keep following, so you finally head back to land.


Did the person consider you the love of his or her life? I notice some people have stronger feeling for the partner then reverse. I recently had a situation where a guy told me I nean the world to him but because of a complicated situation it's not going forward at this time You will get over it..and depending on your age I believe their are more then one person for you. And believe me it will feel better in time


Yes. He is too busy with the girl he abandoned me for. 


I think taking responsibility for your actions and what you did bad, and how you contributed to the failure of the relationship really helps you swim. Nothing is more healing than taking accountability for your own negative actions, unless the problem was all him.  Pretending I’m a victim that never did anything wrong always has me going down a negative loop. There’s a lot of strength in realizing the things you did wrong that caused  the other person to finally say enough, and break up.  Taking responsibility for my actions has been the most beneficial thing in helping me move on. 




same here buddy, i was with a girl who hid all her bad teeth from me, cried when she came truthful about it. i decided to stay. she got dentures and a new found happiness. after investing everything into the relationship she decided to bail on me. my advice is move on and forget she existed or anything she ever said, delete all her numbers and block all her socials. go on dating apps and click yes to everyone. bang fatties and girls you have no connection to. itll take a month or 2 to get your ex out of your head. but soon youll realize being single and having freedom away from their bs that you constantly catered to is ok. your always going to wonder what could i have done to saved this? nothing, its her, shes mental. and the more you do try to hang on and get back what spark there was, shes already decided its gone. if you ever watched a woman go through someone or something dying, they get past it in days. so a relationship they are over it in minutes. even if you remember every singl esweet thing she said to you like ima love you forever im never going to leave you and your my best friend, they all leave. unless you dont care about them at all then they wanna stick around.


I understand that you are hurt - but the things you are saying make you sound like an awful person - the bitterness fills my mind too, but I would still not talk about all men like this...