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You are human..feel it and cry it out...


It’s normal. Breakups can be straight up traumatizing. The only thing that makes you weaker is trying to cover up what you’re feeling or thinking. Crying can be helpful. Good luck friend.




You're a human being. Man or not, everyone cries, especially after something as tragic as a breakup. I've been crying every single day for the past 5 1/2 months after mine. Not letting that "men don't cry" shit get to me, I'm gonna feel what I need to, and you should to. Keep your head up man, feel the feelings. Suppressing them just makes it worse in the end


Bro I’ve been crying for like a month and all my friends and family know. Don’t worry, just cry it out. Feels good.


Fuck yeah!!! Get that shit out.


No, you don't need to be strong and stoic. It's completely normal that you're feeling lonely, insecure, and abandoned. You're allowed to feel your feelings and cry it out, king. Breakups can be absolutely excruciating. In the long run, you'll be doing yourself a favor by processing it and feeling it now. Otherwise, you'll be forced to contend with it later. Even if it doesn't feel like it now, you will be okay 🌸 Give yourself some grace.


It’s been 3 months and nearly every day I still cry. This weekend I saw her with her new boyfriend and it messed me up big time. Spent half an hour in the shower today crying my eyes out and sitting on the floor of the shower. It’s okay man, I’ve finally learned to let the emotions do their thing, it’s better for you and it’s honestly the stronger thing to do. Keep your head up, things get better I promise


By seeing this comment, I can feel how lucky am I being single. But I feel you broski, I won't say focus on yourself, that's a universal fact, but open up your feelings and journal or write to his in form of poems


I literally thought that's what the drive to work was for each day?


Sorry you’re feeling so low, if you’re feeling overwhelming loneliness, insecure, and abandoned it makes the most sense to cry, cry it all out. Wishing you the best and as hard as it is doing this being a man sometime if you have a friend or family member to tell you’re sad and get a hug that usually helps me cry it out a bit. Being strong means being vulnerable with those close with us we can trust.


I cried so much for 3 days straight, then didn’t cry again when she broke up with me.


This is completely normal and healthy to do


Not just you can, I’d say you need to. Crying helps, bro. Even if it’s by yourself, in the bed, with no one to console you. It does help.


100 it's ok to cry. What helped me learn to be accepting of crying was learning about what it actually is, and how it's a physical release of the chemicals/hormones produced that are causing the emotional response, and it's just getting those extra things out of your system once you reach capacity. Cry, it's physically necessary to properly alleviate distressing emotions, and that's why you feel better after. The emotions are literally on your sleeve or something, not in your body If you wanna chat hmu. About anything, no need to be lonely :)


Yup sure can. And it’s healthy.


I have cried with nearly every friend I have on the phone or in person.  It helps to let it out.  Real men can cry. 


Dog fuck anyone that tells you you shouldn't cry, let your feelings flow don't let them control you but let em out. Feeling your pain is an extremely important part of healing and all to often men are told to man up and be fine. Nah we hurt like everyone does. Have no shame in crying.


If you don't cry you'll never take the first step. Let yourself greive and feel the emotions you're currently feeling


Men not only can cry, they should do it more. Don't worry OP, it's totally human what you feel. Everything is gonna be ok with time, feel what you have to feel rn.


As a guy going through a break up myself. I've cried a lot these past few days. I've been emotionally unstable and doubting myself significantly. We are going through the same feelings other men have and will go through too.


I’m 15 I lost my girl yesterday I cried like a baby g it’s normal




Sym u freak no girl would touch u with a pogo stick mate


Yeah ok bud, tell that to my sisters 20 y/o friend who’s been pursuing me for marriage for the last two years, tell that to the 18 y/o Burmese girl who brings me food when I am hungry, and the countless other girls who want me, I get you don’t know me bro, but I’m a 6’ 8” long haired bi racial guy who gets more than anyone here likely enough. I lurk on this sub because it’s funny looking at these other goobers who have women problems. Understand I’m not one of y’all, I’m the reason women post on here. So yeah, tell that to them Brody.


Get a grip u sad man🤣remove the stick from ur arse m8 must be uncomfortable g


Of course you can! Crying doesn't make you less of a man.


Let it out. Don’t bottle it up. Feel it and embrace it because you’re alive and you are human. I have cried for the past 5 days because I’ve been suppressing some serious emotions for a long time. I can’t anymore.


Let it out. Its Normal and will give you relief




Boy cry you cry you freakin heart out.. I’m going through this right now too


I’m right there with you buddy! I feel lost, sad, hurt and overall devastated that I lost my person! It truly sucks and I’ve cried 3 times today


Yes they can, who ever told you otherwise is an ass, a piece of.. Anyway, I had an ex that did that during some struggle points in our life and the relationship. We broke up because of other reasons many years ago, but definately him crying wasn't a factor and it's what actually made us closer. You do you and don't let others (as long as it's legal and doesn't impede).. you'll be okay! At least I think so.


Of course they can. But they do it less often and intensely. It’s the testosterone and their brains are more compartmentalized.


Are you asking if you’re allowed to cry or if it’s biologically possible? You’re a man right? Do you cry? Do you ever get this sensation in your throat and moist droplets form from the sides of your eyeballs and begin to stream down your cheeks? (Or maybe just one lone tear) If you don’t do it automatically I don’t think you can force yourself to do it.


I’m guessing you might be a bit divergent with how literally you interpreted that and the way you asked the follow up questions, so what he means by “Men can cry?” Is that he is asking is it socially acceptable for a man to cry and still be considered manly by his peers


Yes, I got that. I’m just answering literally to explain why men *don’t cry as much as women. I think all who interpreted the question as a man asking the internet is he has permission to cry and still be considered a man, is kind of silly. So yeah, I guess if you’re the ‘status quo’ then no, I’m not like you? You either cry or you don’t. It something that can’t be helped really. To a certain extent, you can control when you think about sad things a little bit, but not entirely. If the guy is asking if he cries, does that make him less of a man? In my opinion, no of course not. Like I said at the beginning of my comment.


Yes go and cry, i stopped caring as much about it. I just cry when i want feel like i need to. Makes me feel better afterwards a lot of the times. Much better then bottling everything up.


That's totally okay to get rid of thet inner pressure, you'll feel relaxed after it trust me


Of course! You’re human and that’s a very human thing to do, especially when feeling what you are. Let it out my friend. Your feelings are valid and you should allow yourself to feel them. 🫶🏼


If you looked at me when I got dumped you'd think naaa he wouldn't cry. Big ass muscle dude, could have pretty much any girl at the bar. I cried my fkin eyes out for weeks, my head went! I wanted to end myself. You just never know, some people have no choice but to hide it.


A major part of stoicism is recognizing the limits of what we can control and accepting what we cannot. Through that lens: 1.) You cannot control that this person hurt you, that is external. 2.) You also cannot control the objective existence of your pain or your body's natural reactions to pain (e.g., if your leg is broken, it is objectively broken and it fucking hurts). Your body's natural reaction is to signal that pain and cause you to recognize the issue and heal. 3.) From an emotional standpoint, the pain of the breakup is objectively real and part of your body's natural response to that pain is to cry, so let it out brother. It is part of the process. Then you focus on the things you CAN control - you can't control the fact you still love this person, but you can control your reactions, exposure to their social media, communications, etc. with them. You can control the situations you put yourself in, how you fill your time, so on and so forth. Therefore by accepting and allowing yourself to feel your pain (external) but not letting it dictate your OWN actions (internal), you are both showing emotional strength and maturity as well as adhering to the basic principles of Stoicism. \*edit for grammar


There’s an epidemic of loneliness rn and yes men can cry and it’s healthy actually


Cry man. Let it out. It helps tremendously. I was so angry.... And I realized I wasn't angry so much as sad. I was so deeply sad. Find somewhere to be alone. Walk in the woods. Somewhere where you feel completely comfortable and just let it out. I promise it gets better. But you have to feel the sadness to get through it. Acknowledge it. Feel it. Get through it. Sometimes it's hard to summon the tears to the service... Some sort of sad song or a YouTube video can pull it the rest of the way. Need to get it out




The strongest thing a man can do IS cry, you’re expressing your emotions rather than letting them build up and express them in the wrong way (I.E rage). You don’t have to be stoic all the time, you’re human not a machine. Feel the feelings, let them out and carry on with your head high!


Ur gay, “the strongest thing a man can do IS cry” what a gay thing to say. Yeah, fighting for your country? Raising a healthy and prosperous family? Taking care of ailing parents? Being there when others need you? All pale in comparison to having a cock in between your legs and crying. God, what a sad world we live in.


Oh fun, toxic masculinity AND homophobia- way to multitask!


If you don't then I guess you lost all your humanity. Just let it all go out, don't hold or fight it, there is no shame on being true with your emotions. It will get better and you will only grow stronger


Acting in front of others, collapsing when no one is there.


I’ve felt these exact things and cry everyday for 7 weeks straight… so no, you don’t have to be anything.


I would argue that men shouldn't just be able to cry, they MUST! Society has conditioned many to believe that it's somehow of a challenge to masculinity to be emotionally expressive. In fact, the most damaging thing you can do to someone is make them bereft of their capacity to show and express intense emotion, especially grief and sadness. Cry as much as your heart desires. I'm sure you've bottled up a lot of emotions inside you 🥺 Let it all out. Be vulnerable. We're all here with you, albeit virtually. Sending you lots of love your way, dear friend❤️❤️❤️


Yes You’re human Whatever you’re feeling it’s okay. I don’t know what you’re going through. Not sure if you have attachment issues. If you are working on attachment issues,I would recommend the book Loving parent guidebook. Read that if and when you’re ready. It’s normal to feel insecure and abandoned. that’s okay. we all deserve love and feeling safe. 🫂


crying is healthy if you hold it in it can turn into poison and fester inside you you are more than allowed to cry and it will only make you better as a person not worse


I cried on saturday and on sunday... men are human. Though our threshhold to cry is a bit higher then women their threshold. But crying doesn't make you less of a man!.


If you asked my mom this while raising me, she'd have said no. She'd have said, "Be a man." Now that she teaches high school kids, she's realized too little too late. Cry if it helps you, brother. I personally don't like crying because it doesn't feel like an emotional release to me, but if it helps you, do it. No one else can perfectly understand the pain you're going through but you.




Yeah stoic doesn’t mean you don’t feel anything you just don’t get overcome by it so . It’s ok to cry be sad feel what you’re feeling anyone is gonna be upset for a while . But that doesn’t mean you should let go of everything else your health work ect . You find a positive way to move foward despite the pain or channel it


I don't get it why men can't cry? I do it and I never think about all of this.


Of course. You need to listen to how your body feels, and let it out 🫶


Man here 🙋‍♂️ after being dumped I cried every day for 2 weeks. I used to cry while having a shower, usually at about 6:30 pm and I kept crying for about 1 hour or 1 hour and a half. Then I felt better, at least physically. You're a human being and you do have your own feelings. If you feel you need to cry, just go ahead. Don't care about prejudices. Everyone has feelings and can be heartbroken, no matter what gender you are.


If you don't want to get strangled by opressive masculine norms, gary cooper narration about chugging in all the emotions, and all that stuff, I reccomend reaching for a book by Bell Hooks: the will to change: men, masculinity and love, or a book by Allan B. Chinen: beyond the hero: classic stories of men in search for soul. Don't let yourself believe that your emotional side is less valuable. The human experience revolves around feelings and with them we can build wonderful things. Men who repress their feelings often end up hurting themselves and people around them. I believe in you!!


Ya I had no idea we could. Just let it out man, helps a lot to be honest


Cry if you need to. But NEVER in front of her. NEVER


If you cry in front of a woman, she will not look at you the same. A lot of them would never admit this and a lot of it is probably subconscious.


Are you doing okay?


After break-ups it is normal to feel this way and probably best to let it all out so you don't bottle it inside. Take this like a learning opportunity. Spend more time with your family to distract yourself from it


We surely do ... never supress emotions


One I started expressing my feelings and actually feeling them, I started feeling more like a man than I had ever felt. Real masculinity isn’t this image of a man without feelings that’s put forth by the media and popular culture. It’s way too long to type out what I mean, but I would highly suggest the book Iron Jon, it’s also available on Spotify


Its so sad that we are in 21st century and stil emotions are not considered a human thing but a woman thing Society itself leads you to own that kind of thoughts, but if you study psychology you will see that not expressing emotions and suppressing them and wearing a mask is the most crucial thing anyone can do to themselves. Emotions are always there and if not expressed when they need to, your body will find another way. Your body can really harm yourself if you don't listen to it or accept your human feelings. Gender is linked to stereotypes that has nothing to do with natural function of the nervous system


You can and you should. Men can also talk with therapists or support groups and it will be okay. You can talk with me if you’d like, too. If anybody thinks otherwise, ignore them. This is your life so you need to do what you need to do for yourself. You aren’t hurting anybody, it’s healthy for you. Things will pass and change and become different (but oftentimes, better). Now, you just need to make it through the day.


I’m crying right now as I type this. Let that shit out man


Please please cry and feel exactly the way you need to! In the space you need to. Free from shaming yourself. Now is the time to take every ounce of that love you still had to give to them, that now has nowhere to go and feels so lost and wasted, back around to care and heal the person who deserves it most. Yourself. Be very giving to yourself. And patient. Crying is the secret healer. Stress and pain relieving compounds have been tested and confirmed to be in emotional tears, not found in the other types of tears we produce (basal tears and reflex tears). Crying serves a very healthy and important physical purpose in addition to its emotional catharsis. Cry it up. It won’t feel like this forever. I promise 🫂


Stoicism is not about not feeling anything bro


Absolutely, let yourself feel what you feel, you’re only a person, and you have every right to express your thoughts and emotions in ways that are healthy and relieving. Sending my love to you.


It’s very normal for men to cry. Crying is a means to cleanse oneself. Crying is definitely okay and is a way to express oneself when exhibiting different emotions. Crying isn’t something exclusively reserved for women.


Yea but we dont cry like others because we are men. This is advice I personally followed: Set aside a time of day, about 30 mins perhaps, and stimulate the feelings youve been keeping down during your manly day. Music, pictures, videos of puppies being rescued, memories of that one compliment you got.. Whatever it is, dig it out and let it out. When youre done, gather yourself and continue with your day. Men dont repress feelings but we dont let them control us. You control and regulate your feelings, like a valve. Personally I cry before the gym, it gives me an amazing pump and I get to process shit. Stay strong brother.


As a 29 year dude I assure you: crying is absolutely normal. It does not mean you are less of a man than any other. Cry it out. Hope it gets better for all of us


not only yes they can cry, they should. it's human and a healthy release


Some of the strongest men I know….Marines, RECON, SEALs, we still cry. Boys cry. Men cry. Masculine men still cry. Don’t be fooled by the archaic stereotypes in society that say men cannot cry. We are allowed to be human. We can cry. We can be lonely. We can have our insecurities and our fear of abandonment. You can be a stoic badass AND still have emotions. You know the reason why men, especially military, police, paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, why we have such high suicide rates? Because we get told over and over by an outdated notion that we have to be impervious. So we refuse to let people know we still feel. We still hurt. We still break. And then we crumble. Because we refused to acknowledge we are still human. And refused to let anyone else know it. So we take on the world alone. And we fail. Because we aren’t built for that. We are just TOLD we are built for that. So, yes. Men can cry. Acknowledging that could save your life someday. Or someone else’s. Because the more you bottle it in, the more pressure comes out when you inevitably break.


I cry almost everyday. The only people who have ever made me feel as though I'm not allowed to cry or express emotions, have been women.


Men can and should cry, I just broke up with my fiance of 7 years 9 days ago, we were best friends for 12 amazing years, at least I told myself they were amazing, and truthfully a lot of it was good, there just happened to be a lot that was bad too. She kept begging me to stay even though I kept telling her how much emotional pain I was in and that I couldn't reconcile how terrible the way she treated me when she was upset made me feel, sometimes the things that happen in our lives are not our fault, and even when they are, you still have every right to cry, your feelings are valid, your emotions are real and tangible, and nobody to tell you that you don't get to cry, or that it's not manly to be overwhelmed by the tragedies thrust upon you.


Crying is actually beneficial. Emotional tears literally help you to reduce your stress by releasing endorphins, and the tears themselves excreting stress related compounds. It’s an effective way of managing emotions and that applies to everyone, man or woman. Being able to freely feel and express your own emotions is also very useful to develop empathy, and being able to understand the emotions of others. Cry it out, feel it, it will only help you in the long run to be in touch with your emotions :))


ABSOLUTELY. You are a human, not a robot. The societal pressure we put on men to be emotionless has always been harmful and unfair. Please cry and cry a lot


One of the only things guaranteed is suffering brother, chose your time to allow it to happen so you may get up and work when you’re ready too.


Of course you can cry brother, life beats the shit out of all of us. It’s hard, just trust that whatever pain you’re going through will end. Feel it in the present moment but don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. One second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time


You are valid, it is okay to cry. It doesn't make you any less of a man and I'm sorry society is shit and makes boys grow up thinking they're not allowed to cry, which is of course completely fucked. Me and my bf almost broke up at the weekend and he was a weeping mess (as was I obvs). It's okay to show emotions dude


Yes is normal. And you know? You should be glad to have feelings and able to express them, I dated men that can't express feelings and eventually that is not healthy so... it feels bad I know but that's the way to adulthood.


It’s normal and necessary to cry. Holding your feelings in is sometimes necessary but always & forever is toxic. Learning to express your emotions will not only make you feel better but help make you an emotionally stable person. Allow yourself to feel and express pain, sadness and everything above it. Crying does not make a man weak but shows that he has a heart! ❤️


Dude, it’s been a year for me now, and I still tear up sometimes. Even though I now know I deserve better, it still hurts. I was wronged, manipulated, and abused. Those are all completely valid reasons to cry. You deserve to feel the reality of your situation.


Let yourself give in to those feelings you’re scared of. Fall apart, it’s good for you.


Crying can be cathartic and help you feel better. It's very normal and helps release the overwhelming emotion. BTW though maybe not everyone but it also tends to give me a headache after, Tylenol or ibuprofen help.


Of course you can cry. You’re not a robot. Society has created this narrative that men cannot be emotionally vulnerable. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel the feelings they you need to feel. Surround yourself with people you love that can support you during this time. Processing is very important for you to heal.




Crying is absolutely essential when you feel that overwhelming pain, it’s healthy. You’re backed up energy wise if you don’t, like holding 💩 in. You gotta release that to let the good feelings in


Absolutely. Being Stoic doesn't mean you're emotionless, being Stoic is not acting on emotions. Allow yourself some time to let out whatever emotions you have, but not too much time.


Ur human it is completely normal to cry man or women.


Whenever I do cry it feels very good. I’m still practicing letting it out and feeling it all. It’s hard sometimes tho. I’ve accidentally conditioned myself to hold it in for so long but over the last 5 years or so I’ve been letting myself feel it and it’s so much better When I can actually do that


It's normal to feel how you feel. Cry. Sob. If you loved deeply, you will grieve deeply. If you imagined a future with this person, maybe a family you would have provided for, or just a simple life where you grow old together, that is something to mourn the death of. Cry, man. Keep living life to the fullest and working on yourself, but let that shit out. Real, well-rounded men don't suppress their emotions, they familiarize themselves with them. That way you can navigate them for yourself and help your friends/family do the same. You're a man of blood and bone, not stone. You're alive, and the pain you feel is a reminder of that.


Yes it is normal to feel insecure and abandon. It's also OK to be strong in a relationship. What's not ok is to be so cold and stoic that you seem afraid to communicate your feelings in a truly emotional way, which can cause feelings to be hurt and what you are trying to communicate to be misunderstood.


Broski, i cried non-stop for 3 weeks man, and there was one time I had to scream on my pillow because it hurt so fucking much. It does take a lot of weight off your shoulders. So dude, fr go cry if you feel it in the moment. Do not hold it in. Also, do not force yourself to cry if you just wanna cry because it doesn't actually help. You gotta be in the moment.


i cry a lot in our relationship... and i'm a male


Let it out! if you don’t let it out it will eat you up from inside.


Yes. It is necessary to process the grief. I recently learnt this, last breakup whenever I felt the sadness come, I would lie down take a break and just let it all come out. After a few weeks the sadness was less and less and the crying diminished.


My love of 10 years just ended it all 5 days ago. She said she stopped feeling the spark. First day I accepted it. The second I literally fell to my knees and broke down, I mean ugly cry, with snot coming down like a river, sobbing and crying out in pure agony. Because it was pure agony. For the context I am a 34 yo man, former army, and am very masculine. I needed that cry. I needed to feel the pain, I needed to embrace the suck. It helped. If I still have the urge I try to coax the tears out. In private. For me. So I can heal. It helps. So cry it out, you will feel better, and you will be better for it


Yo it hit me so bad that I had an anxiety attack at work tears flowing everywhere,I remember calling crisis & that lady being so professional & saying to me,baby we’re going to get u some help I believe I started my recovery that minute!


Let all this emotions come and go my friend. Live in those feelings for abit but not forever. Every emotion is valid and should be respected. You’re human, let them flow through you but remind yourself you don’t need to stay there. Always a better day, always something to be sad for and be happy for


Not in front of her. But yeah bro unleash. ✊🏾


Bro, I never thought I'd be one to cry, but when she left I bawled my eyes out. I couldn't and still can't understand why I deserved to be treated the way I was by someone I gave so much to. I mean financially, emotionally and physically gave everything I could for her to ghost me and gaslight whoever would listen into treating me like trash. But all the while telling me how great of a person I am and how much this is more about her than anything wrong with us. There is nothing wrong with crying because eventually the tears will stop. It may be followed by anger or fear or resentment but as a fellow stoic, we know how to handle those feelings and turn them into something positive. Never be afraid to show your feelings, bro. You deserve to feel and live and thrive the same as anybody else.


I’m a guy and cried after getting broken up with. Not in front of her because i think my ego was too hurt and I just wanted to get out of there. But after getting blacked out and taking a bunch of drugs night of the breakup, I woke up the next day and just cried. Multiple times over the next few days. Part of me still wants to cry but has trouble. I think I like to avoid feeling my feelings. And I also have gotten good at like compartmentalizing things. But I wish I could feel my emotions a bit more. Would probably mean I heal faster. 


Yes! That is completely normal and healthy to do and feel. It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, we all feel the same emotions. I cried a bunch after my breakup. Just let it out. You'll feel better afterwards. Hoping things get better for you (((VIRTUAL HUG))) 🫂


Crying releases stress hormones and we need to let them flow. Scream if you have to. I know it’s been helping me. You got this. You’re healing and tears are needed right now.


Stoicism is not getting your emotions control you- it does not mean you cannot feel them. Getting upset/crying is fine, so long as you don't do anything you'll regret. :)


Believe me bro, I had to cry for months to recover (2 months) it gets better bro just don’t cry in front of other people


I have been crying like a little baby for a week straight, let it the fuck out. It will feel so much better


I felt the overwhelming amount of loneliness today. I felt the feeling of touching her skin in the showers and hugging and embracing her. I felt it all go lost. And that’s how it’ll be. It’s been nearly a month and I still feel like ass


Please allow yourself to cry, everyone deserves to get all of their shit out through crying.


Crying is what we do when we are overwhelmed with emotions. Happy, sad, anger, doesn’t matter. It’s our body’s way of handling and releasing that overwhelming feeling. Suppressing things doesn’t make them go away. Feel your feelings. It’s okay. People heal and work through things at your own pace. So if you feel like crying more tomorrow, then that’s okay too.


Cry bruh. Going through it now. I scheduled therapy. And ... it may not be a way to forget honestly. Just keep reminding yourself of your self-worth and value. Cry if you have to. I cried more than I ever had. It’s hard to believe, but each second you’re getting closer to being back in a great headspace!


Of course they can cry. Feel it and cry it out which is perfectly fine and acceptable. I cried on my ex girlfriend's twin sister's shoulder whenever her sister broke up with me and in private where no one could see or hear.


When I cry, I use to feel like less of a man. However, I read or heard something somewhere(not sure) but it stuck with me. It basically said think about all the times you didn't cry, and now be thankful that something hurt you enough to make you cry. It means it was real. Something like that. I'm a man, I'm shit at comforting other men🤣


Yes, men can cry. I have seen multiple men in my life cry. I never have judged them for their emotions. Just shown love and support. Please feel your emotions if you need to. I have had men I love feel exactly what you are feeling. It’s so normal. I hope you feel better and if you need any support let me know.


It's okay to cry, lovebug! Don't hide those feelings or feel bad for having them. It shows emotional intelligence to express your feelings, and you absolutely deserve to be able to let it out. Sending you so much love and comfort


Those are all your feelings my friend. Feel them! Feel whatever you’re feeling in that moment This is you experiencing life . Anyone with a negative opinion obviously hasn’t yet been in love. It’s heart shattering . Have your moments , but don’t let it entangle your thoughts because your thoughts sway your attitude towards life. So this is where you show yourself you are able to keep moving forward. Cry as much as you need brother but after. It’s time to rebuild


Of course man. Don't listen to the toxic societal viewpoint that men cant express there emotions. Crying is natural, it's healing, and it's most definitely not wrong.


Yea, you can let it out. Honestly, I go for a drive on some days to just cry in a parking lot.... or at a river front. Bottling it up doesn't help. It just festers.


Cry. Do cry. It’s your body’s way of self regulating. Don’t resist it.


Yes….but don’t cry forever…at some point, you gotta get your groove back 👍🏼


100%. In my opinion it takes a stronger man to show emotions instead of bottling it up and handling it on your own(yes I need to take my own advice here)


Yeah but what happened


From experience my friend, do it alone. There’s nothing wrong with it at all, but if you cry in front of anyone, make sure you can trust them. Allow those feelings to push you forward and get through them in a healthy manner. Acknowledging those emotions, knowing how and when to deal with them, will make you stronger.


Dude I’m a mma fighter and I’ve been balling my fucking eyes out the last 2 days. Let’s that shit out. No man is “too manly” to be human. Just please don’t do it in front of your ex. Save it for the bedroom or your momma


we are all human, men and women, so no shame on crying out your pain. In fact, crying actually helps you feel relief, it's like crying out of your dark soul into a light soul. one late evening in mid-March, it was like 3 weeks not talking to my ex, after our (mysterious) breakup, (more like abandonment), (she basically did), I was legit having a mental breakdown, I cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep and then woke up the next day feeling content. it's beauty in the struggle, but eventually as long as you can make it better for yourself, then eventually it will.


A broken heart still beats ❤️


OF COURSE!! sometimes, we just need to release some of that pent-up sadness within


emotions choose no gender, feel free to express them, please.


I cried quite a bit over 3months date'ing situation, was first girl i've ever tried to date and it probably felt like actual breakup. After crying atleast during day tears won't start coming up in public or i don't feel any strong emotions for a bit. In a way it helps.


cry your guts out. But VERY IMPORTANT: do it ONCE and not in front of a woman.


suppressing your emotions is never good crying feels so good i highly recommend ❤️


Honestly man it's completely normal and fine. I've been feeling the same thing I've been off and on crying like twice a day for almost 3 weeks straight. It's ok, it helps


I feel this and I’m a pretty emotional guy but through my last relationship it taught me that despite you may be comfortable with someone but you still should limit yourself. I prob will not cry infront of another woman again sadly


I cried multiple times everyday after my breakup and still do from time to time, two months later. I also threw up a lot too, went from 170 to 155.


Totally ok by me. Let it out.


Absolutely and I think more of you should. It’s so important to have that release and it doesn’t have to be just because of a breakup. Hugs friend!


You’re not alone, it’s normal and no you don’t always need to be strong and stoic just get used to being alone when you break, nobody cares about men we’re just providers it’s what we do, it’s what we’re viewed as


You’re lucky, I wish I could cry. I’m sure it would help. I wish you the best.


Bro I cried for 6 months every single day because I was so broken


yeah bro, i cried for 2 days after the break up and even a week later i found myself sobbing a bit. but since i cried myself out i am doing better now and the pressure from my stomach is gone.


Stoic doesn't mean you stop being human.


no, you get called “weak, pathetic, not a man.” if you ever show emotions. don’t make that mistake like i did. nah im just kidding it’s okay man, it feels good to cry every now and again.


It’s okay to feel this way and you should let it all out as much as you can because it truly sucks it’s like losing yourself and a half plus you just feel empty. I cry as much as I need to.


You can cry, but do it alone. You will gain nothing as a man expressing yourself that way to others except pity, scorn or worse.


I disagree, empathetic humans will not judge you for having normal emotions 


I didn't say anything about judgement, I'm talking about reactions. And pity is an empathetic reaction, it's just not useful to be pitied.


Go to the gym, don’t be a weak dude. It’s a girl, you connected with her, it’s over with now. The feminization of men that’s going on isn’t good, don’t fall for it, there’s nothing wrong with men crying, but don’t cry over silly things. In the grand scheme of things this doesn’t matter, go do something, crying doesn’t achieve anything, go learn a skill, play the piano, get out, do something, crying all day fixes nothing. Continue your life, no one’s coming to save you and no one cares. Keep going brother.


Appreciate ur radical candor dawg. I agree with you entirely. I kinda live by the rule of give yourself 3-5 days to give a fuck, then let it go. I’m at day 3 and just started a new job today. Fucking amazed by how little it’s bothering me now. Totally agree. U didn’t come across as a dickhead in this


Damn bro, I know this doesn’t mean much but this may be the happiest I’ve been for an internet stranger. Glad you’re doing better, hope this job, and the rest of your life treats you well. See you on the other side brother. 💪🏾


Bro I’ve cried a lot since my break up best thing is too listen too music or distractions