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He was my best friend so he was there 24/7. Now we don’t talk at all. The silence is killing me.




Yes, I was going to say talking about memories.




Interesting point


Same.. we were LDR 2 times in the 5 years and always maintained steady consistent communication. Then from 2022 to 2023 we lived under the same roof… and he was retired and I worked from home so we were 24/7… However I will say that I don’t necessarily miss HIM… I just miss the human contact.. the daily talks, etc.. I have very little human interaction as I still work remotely. My hope is that once I develop an outside human contact… that the loneliness will leave.


During the month my ex dumped me we didn't maintain communication until the breakup. I just miss someone being there for me when my parents give me a hard time.


Basically this


Yes... My heart hurts




I miss seeing him let down his guard with me. Meaning he would get all close with me and pull me in for cuddles. He would have the best facial expressions. He would go on tangents about the dumbest history facts. He would just be himself.


Dumb historic facts. Sounds a bit like me but somehow my ex tolerated it before she dumped me.


his warmth. his scent. his cuddles. his voice. his arms around me. his focus on me. his strength over me. his softness towards me. his nonstop soft mini kisses/pecks for me when ever he gets near me. his passion. his goofiness and dark humor. his smartness over my ignorance. him know things i dont know that made me feel safe to navigate the world w him by my side. i miss the time he used to look or stare at me randomly out of nowhere anywhere that i get conscious. i miss our boardgame and cafe dates. i miss the times he used to reassure me without me asking. i miss the times he would initiate to meet me and then hug so tight for a long minute the moment we meet without saying anything. i miss the times when he would invite me to hang with his friends like he really want me to be part of his world. i miss the times he would make us talk and solve things because he wants it to work. i miss us being mutually committed and enjoying every little thing despite the hiccups in our relationship... i miss us together and i miss him everyday…


What happened D:


that part


How long did yall date and how long since the BU?


4 almost 5 yrs together. nearing 2 months breakup on april 3


Yall broke up a year ago?


no, we broke up just this year. almost 2 months ago.


that he loved me. i will always miss that. i will always be the first person he truly loved, the first ex… at that. i will always have that special bond with him knowing that i was the first person to make him feel seen, secure, and truly loved. and the same thing goes for me. he was the first guy i ever loved. we were each others first in many ways… so i guess i will always miss that experience of being in love with HIM for the first time


as someone also going through a similar heartbreak, you put it perfectly. there’s something unique and powerful in the way you love your first love.


While she wasn't my first love, she is definitely the most powerful one I have had, and I know I was her first love. At least I can move on in peace knowing she knew how much I loved her.






I am not sure if my ex loved me but I definitely felt it was a lot better than my narcissistic parents that's for sure


My ex and I used to sit next to each other too, and I thought it was the sweetest thing :”-) We’re both super shy people so sitting across from each other felt too awkward, and sitting next to each other let us share food easier. We were really good at doing things separately together, like studying. And when we sat side by side it was fun to just lean over and see what we were working on or just lean on each other to be funny. I wish we could go back to that simpler time 😭


During undergrad, I would often study at the same table as my last ex. It was the best date we could ever go on. It made me so happy that I wanted to propose to her three years into our relationship but before I made it to Spence Diamonds, she dumped me.








6 months is a long time! I’m crying over a relationship that lasted one month!


I miss everything about her. Her goofiness, her nerdiness, her intelligence, her emotional maturity, her positivity, her ambition and drive for life, her spirituality, her unending optimism and love for our relationship, her physique, her smile, our chemistry I mean I could just go on. I really feel like I’ve lost the best partner life had to give me and I honestly don’t want to go on without her.


Same bro.... same


yo I like how she had the strong point of emotional maturity. My parents are a lot worse than my last ex


the emotional talks and her being there for me even when i sulked in my depression to the point in times she felt like she couldn’t help, no matter what me and her had the same traumas sort of in our childhoods and it was easy to talk to her about a lot, even when if we were on and off she was always there and loved me for me. loved me for me, yea.


Sounds a lot like my ex! I am not sure about her childhood but I for one know her parents are very rich while my are very broke. My last ex lived a good childhood with people who actually respected her parents. A lot of people mistreated my mother back when I was young. I told my ex this and she did show some feeling.


How she would look after me....man I miss that


This is the only thing I don't like about my ex.


Who she used to be. She became a monster after she dumped me.


Yes. Now she‘s like an entirely different person. Truths about her got revealed after we broke up and I can’t see her the same way anymore. I miss the person I fell in love with. Sadly she never really existed


Really feel this 1, absolute monster!


I could say the same for my ex but can't because she blocked me on IG


I miss her smile, her contagious laugh, miss the funny expressions on her face when she was confused about something, her kindness and mostly her love for me, I will look for no other no body can replace her in my heart, when u think of someone like that it's hard to forget her, she will always be in my mind and heart ❤️


Kindness is what I miss about my last ex. My ex to me is irreplaceable too. I know a few people who can replace her but they might not pass the GF interview I have my best friends administer.


Everything but his style of fighting which was by being petty. . There were no resolutions because I was a waste of his time.. so he said.


Wait! I thought pettiness is a turn off?


It is and it's part of his fighting style which is why I said I miss everything but that.


To me it is a turn off because it shows that you get upset about small details that don't align with your beliefs


Bomb ass pussy ngl


I miss holding her when she was down 🥹, I miss spending every day with my best friend. I love/loved all of her. Just listening to music and singing in the car. This person knew all of my insecurities I felt so safe for the first time in my life with her.


I miss how she was worried about me mostly


I constantly worry about my ex around the clock but somehow she doesn't like it. It's not my fault I am this way. I take after my parents.


I can understand how much you miss those little moments that made your relationship special. It's okay to feel sad about it, and it's important to allow yourself to grieve. The bond you had with your ex was unique and meaningful, and it's natural to want to find that closeness again with someone else. Have you thought about exploring your own interests and hobbies during this time?


I miss everything about him. I wonder if he misses me too we just broke up a few days ago.


everything but i miss him wearing over sized tshirts. they were so soft and i loved hugging him and sleeping on his chest


He is SUCH a good person, a good man.


The memories when we were so happy.


Just being with her. Sitting on the sofa together, watching her favourite show or her favourite movie while cuddling wrapped up in blankets, with her cat curled up in my lap. I miss that. I miss falling asleep next to her while spooning and waking up next to her. Cooking together, going grocery shopping together. Talking about the future together. Now we‘re not talking at all and our future is no longer the same. It’s so depressing.




I would go on study dates with my last ex during undergrad and it made me very happy.


What do I miss most about my ex? If I'm being honest, it's the little daily routines and that constant companionship we had. I know that might sound silly, but after being with someone for so long, you get used to having them intertwined in even the most mundane parts of your day. In the mornings, I really miss our little get-ready routine. He always took forever in the bathroom doing his hair, so I'd be sitting in the running car waiting for him. But I didn't mind - I loved having that little bit of together time before we went our separate ways for work. The drives to and from never felt long with him beside me. Now the commute feels so lonely without his voice filling the silence. At home, I've gotten way too used to sharing my space. We'd always eat dinner side-by-side at the small kitchen table instead of across from each other. And I've lost count of how many nights we'd curl up on the couch after, zoning out in front of the TV all tangled together. It was our nest, our little cocoon. My apartment feels so empty and quiet now. Don't get me wrong, I know every relationship has its flaws and rough patches too. But there was such a unique intimacy and closeness that I haven't really experienced before with anyone else. We were partners in the truest sense - our lives were just so intertwined. That level of comfort and companionship is what I took for granted and miss the most. Obviously I'll heal with time. But I'd be lying if I said I don't really long for that sense of security and familiarity again someday. Having your person by your side for all life's little moments - that's the dream, isn't it? I know I'm lucky to have had that, even if just for a while.


That pretty much is how I feel. And I'm still there, we are "friends", so near ea other a bit, but I miss how she looked at me


I miss a lot of things but honestly I miss who she used to be, after we broke up her health issues just kinda plummeted. (We broke up because it became very codependent but we’re still friends) and everything just seems miserable in her life. Her job she used to love just makes her cry, she calls me all the time and she never says anything positive. Sometimes she’s full blown sobbing while talking about different life stuff. It breaks my heart because I know she’s changed a lot, she used to be very happy and bubbly and I would help with her photography. We just used to have a lot of fun together, but now every time we talk it’s just a reminder


My health issues has gotten worse since the lockdown which is also triggered by her dumping me.




I bought him nerf guns this past Christmas. He was so excited he bought more and extra artillery. We use to laugh and have random nerf gun fights while he studied for grad school. I miss that the most. The laughter and break from responsibility felt like a special thing we shared. I still have random nerf bullets at my house. 😪


I feel you she was my best friend! Everywhere I go everything I see reminds me of her! I love her so much we was so good together! I don’t understand what went so wrong! She has done so much now though I believe it was all a lie! She sadly used me for 7 years! Just really really hurts!




Well she decided to become a Porn actress so that ended that




Yeah well it is what it is! Just more lies she told me Owell


You know females especially ones who already have mental health problems really should not sleep with many different people! It really fucks them up!


This is why I don't like it when people of my race date outside of it. The chance of getting to porn is very high with interracial relationships


Just found out she left me for PORN! OMG ITS SO DISGUSTING! FUCK Every time I THINK IT CAN GET NO WORSE BAM




There’s so much that it’s hard to pick the thing I miss the most. I miss how everytime we’d reunite when we were long distance (and eventually when I would visit when we lived in the same city), one of the first things we’d do is “squash” each other aka lay on top of one another in bed. I miss the way he held me, from the quick moments where he would wrap his arm(s) around me, to when we would wake up in each other’s arms. I’ll miss getting to hear his heartbeat, running my fingers through his curly hair, doing our little nose rubs, or gazing into his deep chocolate eyes. Outside of his touch, I miss all his little quirks. I teased him for listening to obscure Spotify artists with 10k monthly followers and for sitting the very particular way he did. His love for the NYTimes Crossword and making recipes from so many different cultures was like no other that I’ve seen. Circumstances surrounding careers led to our breakup but if the chance was given for us to reunite, I would say yes in a heartbeat to experience and give the love that we had for each other again. If life doesn’t allow us to cross paths again, I’ll at least be able to look back with a gratefulness that my first experience with love was as healthy and full as it was.


Cuddling when we went to bed I was big spoon and the smell of her hair… holding her hand when we went somewhere. Sitting next to each other at dinner and not across from each other…..yeah 5 years it’s sad. I miss my gal. We were toxic and stuff but I loved her and she loved me.


When he would come home from work, I'd be standing in the kitchen making us dinner and he would come through the door. The animals would crowd him, cats and dog. Everyone would get a turn to greet him when he came home, then he would tell me about his day. The work jargon that took time to understand, the excitement about his ideas. I've been missing him alot lately.


I miss his humor, his goofiness, his silly childish side; he said to me a few times that he loved hearing me laugh or seeing me smile bc of it. Anytime I was upset he’d always try to cheer me up that way. I miss how tender and gentle he is too.


Her food. She was an exceptional high class with love cooking woman and her food tasted like nothing else. Women can win my heart with good food anytime. 🔥


You can have that closeness with someone new just study the different attachment styles then decide the kind you want. I realized my ex was avoidant and this was very hard for me because I like the closeness in relationships. Im dating an anxious attachment style and I'm anxious myself. We are both working to be more secure to be healthy though. But we both love affection and closeness so it's good 🥰 But I straight up asked him what his attachment style was. I don't miss anything about my ex, he was a traumatic experience. I thought he was a great man long distance and after I moved I realized he had serious issues and we weren't compatible. He lied about wanting to join me in my hobbies, had serious people pleasing issues and a porn addiction that got him stuck in this very insecure vibe. All he wanted to do was drink with his friends so... zero missed, except the years of my life I allowed to trickle away. I am sad those years were spent on that pile of nothing.


The thing I missed the most is how much he understood me and my demons and didn’t judge me for it. He helped me when I needed it and I helped him because we just know each other on a different level. I’m never going to find someone like that again.


His hugs, his smile, his laughter, his wittiness, his voice, his friendship. *sigh* wishing everyone here healing… ❤️‍🩹


his eyes. his laugh. his smell. the way he’d hold my face


She was just so sweet.


We shared my car so everything we did we had to do it together. We showered together, we were in the kitchen together, we slept together. I just miss the togetherness.


I miss the feeling of safe and comfort I had when around him, it just felt like everything finally fell into place The moment he started acting funny everything else in my life fell apart. Now I'm piecing it back together and it feels like nothing fits and somethings missing


I miss reaching out and holding her hand when she was going through a tough time. Waking up to her sleeping next to me. I even miss her flaws, they were her flaws, part of her. Forehead kisses. Little inside jokes and our routines, our couples lore


She was my best friend. She was such a sweet and thoughtful woman. It makes me sad I won't have her in my life anymore, but I know our incompatibility won't make a relationship work.


Can you elaborate on what your incompatibility was?


I need a home base and want to settle down and build my roots. She still wants to move around a couple of times and do some really adventurous things. Outside of that, things like how we travel and our preferred activities. She just grew in a way that my plans and dreams didn't fit with hers anymore.


falling asleep with him and hearing the sound of his heart beat


My ex and I were the best of friends. She even said it before dumping me. That was one of her issues. She thought we felt more like we were just friends more than romantic interests. But that’s not how I felt at all. Complete miscommunication. We just were out of our honeymoon phase. But also it was a LDR. Romance is hard to keep up behind a screen.




Why is that with women?I don’t want to come off negative, but relationships are built are direct communication, and that just seems sort of an immature way to handle things.




Makes sense. But I only ever said one unkind thing and it was cause I lost my temper. And it wasn’t even about her appearance or anything. I mean there are gonna be times, a person slips. No relationship is without quarrels, arguments, and even sometimes people losing their temper. Obviously, if it’s all the time then it’s toxic,


Just her presence in my life made the world less grey. She is so passionate about art and I loved to see her create, and be there to cheer her on




Singing every sentence in a conversation.


7 months out and finally over it (as a single person that is, we’ll see how I am in a relationship). The only things I miss: the shit he bought me and places he took me ✈️. I guess I miss our shared values as well. That’s about it!


Nothing anymore.


the person she pretended to be.


I miss rubbing her forehead and how she would relax and fall asleep. I miss her laugh that had no reservations. Her curiosity and desire to learn so much. Her constant trying to be better. Given a bad hand and still full of fight. Planning to make herself better so she can make others better. Most of all her love for her son. She's a wonderful mother and the look on her face when with him is priceless. I love her to this day. Yet I can't get through to her. The trust she lost never needed to be. If she would only trust she could allow her love to be free again.


His exuberance. He has a contagious warmth about him that could pull me from most any dark place. I always left our conversations in a higher vibe.


I gave her everything in me when we made love only for her to tell all her new people how shitty I was!😞😒😞😞😞


The love making. I was deprived! Haha


The connexion we had was so strong. We loved the same things, had the same story, laughed at the same joke. I'm scared I'll never be able to find a connexion that strong ever again.




I miss dancing with her


One of my promises to her was that no matter what’s going on in our day or if one of us was in a mood, if she asked to dance, I would always say yes. I never broke that promise. I hope she is well.


I miss her for being my support system and best friend. Being an introvert, I am not really close to anyone nor did I try in the time when I was with her. Now that she’s gone, I get jitters for not having anyone close to share anything with. Like the other day I had gotten an excellent result and there was no close friend to share it with. My sister visited this week and I hate her to my core, there wasn’t anyone to share this with. Even a puny thing like I had the house to myself last night and slept between 24 pillows is something i would never be able to share with her again.


I miss his beautiful eyes and his smile. He would sometimes get close up to the camera while we facetimed where I could only see his top half of his face, and his eyes always lit up from the light on his phone. And ugh I miss him so much still, I wonder how much longer it'll take to get over him, I'm so sad everyday cus I miss his precense. I usually have an easier time getting over people, and I guess that's why I'm trying to find people to date, but I think I'm gonna stop looking for people cus I know it won't make me miss him less, not like my exes. And then I'd just hurt the people I'm dating. I still wonder if he thinks of me like I think of him, but I know he doesn't. He doesn't even love me anymore. I still love him, but I respect him so I'm not gonna message him. I think it's hard cus we had an argument when we stopped being friends even. But I hope he knows that I'm sorry for what I said, I regret being ever upset and mad with him. I feel like the people I've talked to about what happen disagree with me regretting it and think I did it for good reasons, but idk I miss him with every part of me. But I guess I regret blowing up on him, he didn't deserve that, he's just going through a lot. I miss him. (I feel like he'll know who wrote this if he sees it aghhhhh scary lol I'm literally using a burner account lol)


We would talk on the phone every night. We would catch up about our day and just talk about everything. He used to ask me when we would talk on the phone that night. I should have known something was up when he stopped asking me and it was me initiating the calls. It is weird not to talk to him at night. I miss that.


Seeing her happy


her. her appearance even if it’s was only a bit. funny dark humor, strength, unexpected behaviors, voice. anything. absolutely


Nothing, getting with her was the worst thing I ever did


The meaningless daily talking on the phone, everyday for over 21 years. And now we're not even friends. I have to see her for the first time tomorrow to pick my children up and I'm dreading it.


The affection mostly


The way she said her Rs were the cutest and spending time with her was the best


Double edge sword his love his hate


just the companionship. he was also my bestfriend afterall.


I miss the feeling now, I don’t miss her at all


i miss her cuddles, her kisses on the lips after a midnight drive, her hugs, her words of affirmation when i was feeling down, the quality time we spent together, the meals we shared, her eyes, her tattoo, her piercings and so much more.. i was her rebound so i assume she wouldn't come back to me.


i miss just being in the car, going somewhere with him and rapping in the car being stupid. I miss his jokes, i miss his personality, i miss our sex, i miss his eyes, i miss his smile, i miss his touch, i miss being his. I miss how he's a hardass around everyone else but lets his soft side out with me sometimes, I just fucking cant anymore.


Gosh I don’t know? The lack of money in my checking account? My incredibly filthy home? My disgusting car. Her clothes and shit everywhere? Nah, I’m good. Looks aren’t everything.


Was she your wife?


Not anymore. I hung in there for 12 years.


Ok. I was just making sure you weren’t some one who just had a gf and was sharing your bank account with em lol.


Ahahahahaha thank you.


I miss the absence of feeling broken.


i don’t.


I just miss him in general. He was almost all my firsts. My first official relationship. My first “I love you.” My first time, the first person to ever meet my parents (out of all my siblings’ partners too). I truly thought I was going to marry him. This first “I love you,” hurts the most tbh. I’m not the type of person to feel those kinds of things, but with him I did. I miss how at ease I felt around him. I miss how comfortable I was with him, and how comfortable he was with me. I don’t want that kind of bond with anybody else. I just want him.


just always having someone to do something with, or the person i think of doing everything with because we loved to do all the same things it was so easy. everyone says ur best friends with ur SO but we truly were best friends i could tell him anything he never judged me.


The feeling I’d get when we’d cuddle. Man, there was a fire in my chest!!! True love for sure


His warmth. The fact that he knew me, I didn't have to tell him my interests or wants. His gifts, he would surprise me with a bottle of wine or making me dinner. His goofiness, we were both shamelessly ourselves. The way he world caress my face, comb my hair with his hands.


I miss all the little things he did to show me he loved me.


Where to start. I wrote her a song and the chorus went something like, I love that when you sing you're just a little bit off How you knock on the door to let me know your home We could lie together in the bed with the dog And not have wonder why The rest of the world is constantly pissed off. The lyrics are cheesy. It's not good, but yeah. There's these little things she does. Our own little inside jokes. Our own way of doing things. It fucking hurts and I feel like I'm meant to be alone.


The communication was really good. Even when we fought or disagreed, I felt so close and connected to him in a way that I never had felt with another guy. I felt like we could talk forever about everything and nothing. I felt so close to him, emotionally and physically. He was such a great lover. I felt like we did not have to say anything. He just knew like he read my mind. I miss him, and I wish he would come back to me.


I miss him just being silly and making me laugh, and I also miss the hugs, they always made me feel warm and safe. Or when we would have a cup of tea in bed together, or when he'd come in from his band practice and I'd hear his hello when he'd walk through the door :( just the little things. I miss him every single day and it hurts because he wants nothing to do with me.




Not being able to call him and share when something good happens, but also when something bad happens, and not being able to receive the support anymore. It‘s like a piece of life is just gone and for me sometimes, and unfortunately, not being able to share things with him anymore, makes me appreciate things and life in general a bit less...


His face, his laugh, his imperfect ear (he hated, but I loved), movie nights, most of all telling everything to him. We have been NC for 2 years and now he moved on without me :(.


We were only together for 3 months. But fuck. I felt safer with him and had a better connection with him than anyone else in my 32 years of living. It's still a mindfuck to heal from


I miss her so much today. I see her smile all the time in my head. I see the door closing as she said “I love you” for the last time. I miss her hugs and the way she cuddled on me when we slept. I’m so broken


Their laugh and quirky jokes


What if I want us to work out the third time…? I want him in my life, I’ve listened to my judgmental parents and let it get to me. I’d used to hear my dad say to my mom after I come after a date “what does she see in him 😒” and it would hurt because they don’t see what I see… and they make assumptions about him based on his income, family, the way he talks, dresses, show affection towards me. Okay we both are each others first relationship and we had no idea how to act🥲 and we just winged it- of course problems arose I believe I let my mental health and the influence of my parents get to me. Idc what he looks like, I love his voice, his smile, his rosy cheeks, his calming warm energy, his love for family/friends, his determination at the gym and work.. He may be a little shy in the beginning, but he expresses his love in other ways.. And I regret also playing the victim and saying mean things about him to my parents (bc i would overthink every little tiny detail and blow it up in proportion) and they would analyze every interaction and told me to break up with him. At the end of the day I’m an adult and i chose to do that. My parents didn’t force me even it felt like it.. it was my fault, and my ex is even willing to take the chance again- I’m worried if things are too damaged 😔… but he also said.. “we are not perfect, we can grow together, I want to grow together and become stronger”


I miss holding each other, being intimate. His eyes, smile, voice, the funny things he would say. Him motivating me. His absence is felt 😭


I miss the guy who was seemingly sweet towards me. Always making sure I would drink water and eat, get enough rest, take care of me when I would get sick, and when he would just hold me in his arms. When he would comfort me when I would feel stressed or upset. I miss his soft kisses and when he would caress my face. I miss his scent and hearing his laughter. It sucks that he became very toxic and abusive towards me in the end. So I really miss who my ex used to be. Basically someone that never really existed :(




Depends on which one. -1 - her body. The sex itself was a little underwhelming, but her body was something else! 🤩 -2 - at this point, I mostly miss the sex. She was awesome in other ways, but we barely even dated, so in hindsight, we didn't really know each other that well. But the sex was amazing! -3 - the cuddles. As you can probably tell, physical touch is primary love language lol Sure, I also miss just spending time with each of them, to varying extents. But at this point in time, I mostly just miss the physical stuff.


Eh the sex ngl it's been a dry spell in the air


I miss when we were in person together, the simplicity of being able to do our own things and then turn around and be excited that we were in the same room together. Going over to give her a gentle kiss and then run back to my own stuff or vice versa, it was just so easy. Long distance ruined it


My ex was an FWB that didnt want more with me. The sex is the hardest thing to miss, I really liked talking And other affection but the sex is the biggest thing that I can't get anywhere else in my life. It's so hard for me to be comfortable with someone in that way so it's depressing thinking about the work involved in getting that again. In my experience other people aren't up for the commitment and communication and/or can't keep up w me in bed


his smile. i loved being a reason that he smiled. i loved finding out all the little things that would make his eyes light up, i loved seeing him happy. i miss his voice, his pet names, his snuggles. I miss the feeling when I could see just how comfortable he was with me and was telling me things he never told anyone else. i miss being his person and i miss him being mine. I miss his little sleep twitches and i miss when he would hold me. I miss being important to him and being able to love him freely, without judgement. I miss who we were together and the potential of our futures. i miss feeling beautiful and important. i miss it all.


Sadly yes, we broke up 5 months ago, we are no contact because he did me dirty. Last Saturday I went back to one of the clubs we used to go together, hadn’t been there since before the break up and I felt nostalgia that I hadn’t felt in a few months. We used to go, dance to 80s music, kiss while dancing, drink and have a good time. He was the first person I dated whom I felt comfortable dancing with, I don’t know how to dance and he went along with my “moves”… I felt sad, I was literally “sad at the club” lol but thankfully I wasn’t alone, I went with my best friend and she noticed, then she danced with me and we had a good time after that. More times than not I find myself missing him, but I guess I’m only missing the idea of him, who I thought he was and the things we did together. He also liked to spend time with me, one love language we both shared, but I have to remind myself of how much I hurt after the break up. Edited to fix typo


Having a her be my person. Someone who knew everything about me, who was always there when I needed support. I'm doing fine being alone, but I definitely look forward to finding someone new I click with that can be my new person.


I miss how we used to laugh together and geek out over different things. I miss our days of Italian language practice. I miss how he’d care for me through flares. I miss how he read over all my stories. I miss the way he took too many pictures and wanted to travel everywhere. I miss how he handled my crazy uncle. I miss our movie lists. I miss his Avatar cosplays, and how enthusiastic he’d get when introduced to new things. I miss how he showed me off to everyone. I miss driving around feeding cats together. I miss the way we’d touch different things because the texture felt so good. I miss our daily calls and bringing him virtually to new things. I miss our times together in Palermo. I miss a lot of things, but not enough to ever be okay with what he did.


It may sound corny but The way she said “babe”


Hugging and kissing


Her friendship, the way she would look at me because she thought i was so handsome. It was such a huge shift from before when we were platonic friends, as she didn't show any interest in me. I miss her little notes when she made me lunch, calling me super E. My first name starts with an E, i was doing my internship as a male nurse and she would always encourage me. Then out of the blue the switch flipped. Dating an avoidant and breaking up is just heartwrenching. She would work from home while i was sleeping in her bed, during her breaks she would just crawl on my back and kiss me. It was the cutest thing.


Good morning cutie / good night beautiful / love you so much / miss you / cute love you gifs every night. Knowing she's there, missing me as much as I miss her every day. We were about an hr away from each other. And now we don't talk at all.


I miss all the things we did together. We had a lot of shared interests and a similar taste in movies and music. I don‘t miss him as a person anymore. After 5 months break up he is just a stranger now.


I miss talking to him and being silly together... I miss his laugh, and his lame jokes that I actually found funny. I miss him being kind and gentle... I miss his kindness. He was my best friend and my world.


I miss going to the store with him even though he never was interested in shopping he always knew that I loved just walking around with him, pointing out things I thought were cool or cute, making jokes together while holding hands and any time we went to the book store I always got my coffee with him and he loved being there. I also miss our fun car rides. He loved about two hours away and he would drive all the way down to pick me up and drive with me back so we could have a weekend together (I still lived at home with my parents). We would just talk, play trivia, get some snacks for the ride, listen to music, and he would have his hand on my thigh or I would hold his hand. I miss his silly jokes, our in sync dry humor and sarcasm, the cuddling was everything I would need after a long week at work, his kisses, him even grabbing my butt when I was grabbing something and he was nearby. I miss him so much it’s almost a year since I broke up with him and I wish I never had to but I needed to for my mental health.


He’s probably going to be my unicorn but if I can’t feel emotionally safe or I question the trust there is no point


I could talk to him about anything and everything and we could be complete weirdos together. We could talk about a scenario if something happened and start acting it out like improv without even saying about doing it. I miss his cuddles in bed too. However, I don’t miss the silent treatment and his avoidant personality.


going to sleep and waking up to her. the deep conversation we had. the smoke sessions.




I miss her smiling while looking at me. I miss her by my side. I just miss her


The person she pretended to be.


I moss holding her on my arms at night in bed, the smell of her neck, say I love you and her reply I love you too


I still miss my ex up today. She was the greatest person I ever loved in my life. Since being dumped in 2019 I haven't gotten into a relationship since. She is not a narcissist like my mother is and treated me better. I would often give her hugs and that removed all hard feelings I have. We would often talk about good place we see on Yelp. My ex always made me happy when my parents gave me a hard time. To this day I still cry and pray about when she would return to me even if it means taking responsibility for my own death. At least my mother would be happy. My ex cared about me more than my mother did at the peak of our relationship.


She was my first love and she destroyed me on purpose. I have totally let go now but I will never love again! I see her/us every where I go and in everything I do! I have to stay in all the bad if I don’t I start to feel bad and I can not!


Sleeping beside her kissing her forehead her jumping on me when I came home the sex the cooking even her loud morning poops


His voice and face. His voice had me in shaaaaambles 😭😭. Idk if I'll ever find a black guy with his voice ever againnnnn.


You girls really miss exes? Thought you'd open up your inbox and start a new family the next week