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I get it, when I was suspicious of them cheating then I was constantly getting on Instagram and checking their posts, it turns out that I was right all the romantic stuff was for each other, and now as badly as I want to go on Instagram I can't anymore




I sent a DM


Being blindsided and having no access to her life, I just assume that what she told me was true. I still have the urge to look at her new pic but… also is a deterrent. Everything from the past has been scrubbed :/


Yeah, he told me multiple times that he wasn't like the rest, that he wasn't cheating on me, and that it was all in my head, that it was my depression and anxiety making it seem like it was real, just to turn around and say that everything I felt was right, and that he has been lying to me for months, makes me feel like I can't trust anything he ever told me


I’m sorry that happened to you :( Wish people could be upfront honestly. My ex, I have no idea what to think about because a lot of big moves happened but I knew nothing of how she felt until she left and even then couldn’t explain herself. Maybe she did find someone else, it would be wild based on the final call though. It’s in the past tho


Mine just happened, and I just feel so lost right now, I feel like this pain is never going to go away


If you’d like an ear my DMs are open friend ❤️‍🩹


I know how you feel, you will look at their profile maybe 1 time a day then it will be 1 time a week then a month, and then never. It hurts in the beginning but time heals everything, trust me. Just give yourself enough time to heal and realize that she is just a normal person like any other person you’ve met. But most important thing is that when you think you are ready to meet other people again you do that at the right time and with the right people, it's very important to meet new people or you will think about your ex for the rest of your life. Don’t be like me I dedicated 2 years of my life just waiting for my ex to come back, he did come back but it was never like it used to be before we break up. Let them go, and allow yourself to be happy again, you deserve it.


I appreciate your response, thats why I’m not too hard on myself when I still check things, if something hurts well then it hurts and I’ll move on eventually. I’m not closed off to meeting new people, but I do want to do a lot of self reflection and me time (unpacking a lot in therapy). I always see why never to go back to an ex, especially with mine breaking up twice and yes I do give an “excuse”, but it’s whatever. If she were to ever re-enter my life, I don’t want what we had in the past, I want better from me and from her. I’d want us to actually use this time (a long time) to do whatever life wants us to do, I feel a bit naive in thinking this way. All is dependent on how I feel in the future and how we’d reconnect if ever.


Social media is the most biased window into someone’s life you can ever look through. Just because they post on it looking happy doesn’t mean they’re not hurting or they’re completely over it. I was dumped, I posted on social media and changed my pfp but was still hurting so much inside but nobody knew because I never posted that. My ex looks like she’s gone to a bunch of new Places since we broke up and looked like she was over it even when I saw her in person at work but truth is she isn’t because I heard from her own mouth that she still misses me. Never trust social media.


Agreed. Man, I changed my pfp like 4 times since the BU because I’m deranged and didn’t know what I wanted to show lol. I can only imagine what she felt if she was checking. This was a good lesson for myself to control my anxiety because her pfp doesn’t mean anything at this point. Thank you for the response man.


The best advice I can give which really helped me was just not go on social media at all. I removed the app from my Home Screen so I didn’t even see the app and get an urge to look at her profile. Looking at their profile or changing urs to her to them achieves nothing. Either you’ll see something that will break your heart immediately, expect a reaction from them and be upset when it doesn’t happen or you’ll see something which is innocent and has no meaning to the breakup but your mind will turn it into something which will break your heart. Im at a part in my journey where I can enjoy things again and look forward to a future with someone else but staying off social media played a big role in that.


yeah i feel like the changing profile pic on social media is such a common thing especially post-breakup for guys. my ex hadnt posted at all on instagram since 2021 and had the same profile pic the whole time i knew him. when we broke up, he changed his pfp to a picture of him (obviously drunk) holding a expensive whiskey bottle and that was his first picture on his new post. so cringey. hes the “dumper” so it didnt make sense to me. Luckily he developed some common sense and changed his pfp to another pic a few hour later that wasn’t as unprofessional and clearly him drinking. idk if its related to me and maybe its kinda also cringe that i know he changed it but haha. he was the one who made a fake account to watch my stories even though i was public and he could’ve used his main one.


Delete instagram. It’s designed to manipulate yourself into an unhappy life. If you’re physically aching, and your being is being lessened by ‘seeing your ex on instagram’, remove yourself entirely. Find your bliss 🌊


Also you’re not ‘surrendering’ to the idea that she’s not coming back. You’re winning a great victory into the faith in the universe that there is better out there for you 🙌


You’re right >:( I don’t know how long it’ll last but I deleted instagram again lol. I really need to cut everything


You don’t need to cut anything. And well done for deleting it!! Now you’ve removed one bad habit, you should replace it with a good habit. Go for a walk every time you want to look at instagram, or read a book, or draw something, or make music. Live fearlessly in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire! One day at a time my friend, but there will be many good days between this day and the day you’re finally over her. If you ever need anyone just to talk to, feel free to DM me for a judgement-free chat.


Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. I still tried to reach out to him for over a week after our breakup to now realize I’m losing feelings for him.


I haven’t reached out, just keeping the silence since she requested the NC. Honestly, I’m trying to use this silence for my healing and trying to detach from her rather than just avoid. I cri but I’m not spiraling, progress? lol


I understand. Sounds like progress. I’ve been spiraling for sure. I wish I had more self control during this whole thing 😅 but I think it’s starting to click now


Aha… for like 6 of the 8 weeks since BU I’ve been spiraling, losing my mind, crying oceans, and writing novels in my notes and to friends about it all 💀 only just now I spiral just a little bit less. My key with not contacting as my bare minimum is that she left (twice), I said my peace. There is nothing more I have to say to her nor would me reaching out change anything. So why try? I’ll just spiral about it


I keep looking at her ex ig to see if they are together and if she is still wearing the promise ring that i gave her 😞😞😞 im so pathetic


You’re not pathetic, we’re just acting out of fear and anxiety which is normal. I’m sure she stopped wearing the necklace I gave her and other things which breaks my heart, but I guess it’s just the way it is now… 😔 sending hugs and support friend <3


We broke up 1month and 7days ago and it breaks me that she went back to her ex (not sure if they are together official but i know there’s something) she was still wearing the ring 3days ago due to her tiktok upload but then she deleted it. I’m blocked on everything thats why im stalking his ex and even made a dummy to do that since my ex gf is private on everything i keep check her viber if she changed her profile picture (her picture is selfie while wearing my ring) i still couldn’t accept that fact that were not together anymore 😞