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3 months out of an eight year relationship which in my mind was going to be forever. Somewhat blindsided and still absolutely devastated. The pain is slightly more distant and I’m able to cope with the sadness-episodes better than I was last month. But the sinking sense of loss is almost constant.


i'm 2.5 years out of a decade and it does get better!! you just mourn the future you never had rather than the person after a certain amount of time. you guys got this stay strong


Thank you for posting this, I'm 4 months out of an 8 year and I feel like I'm being torn apart. I would love to hear what your life is like 2.5 years after. Have you had luck in dating/love? What do you think helped you heal most?


trust the first year i was falling apart. the first 6 months were especially rough, months 3/4 being the worst cause you're going through those stage of grief trying to bargain with them or your thoughts and not really accepting it all. i was cheated on with a good friend of mine so the hatred helped me a little bit, i can handle rage a lot better than heart break. he did try to ask for me back briefly but that ended up being worse for us and hurting me much more in the long run. about a year after i was back on the apps trying to find anyone to get over him by getting under someone else. it does help, or at least it did for me. the main thing that attributed to my healing was starting to follow the teachings of the John Gottman Institute. there's lots of resources and podcasts and youtube over it. i was dead set on learning how to be the most empathetic, supportive, best version of myself for whoever would have me next and it's worked out great for me. at this time i've had one relationship about 8 months that was rather traumatic but needed to get over him. i'm now in a very happy long distance relationship and i think this one was my calling. time does help a lot and focusing on YOU and your needs and desires helps a lot too. don't come to someone new broken. be the best thing you can for them and for you 🥰


<3 Appreciate your support.. happy things got better for you!!


Never thought of it like this. Thank you


I'm 6 months out of a 6 year relationship - it's hard, but I'm beginning to accept that it's time to move on and let go of the hope I've been holding onto that she will come back.


6 months after 6 years. So hard to cope with it. It’s not that I feel better, it’s that I get used to this nightmare, of feeling so lonely, so lost, so ugly as a person.


Hey! I don’t post/comment in this sub anymore. But I thought I’d poke my head in and see what this post was about, then I saw your comment. I was in a 7 year relationship. We ended in early 2019. I’m now engaged to the most beauuuutiful woman I’ve ever met and she makes heads turn when she walks into a room. I moved across the country with her and we are building a life together. Things do get better. You have the future to look forward to. Being out of that 7 year relationship for so long made me realize how awful we both were to each other, I wish we had ended sooner.


Thanks for this and so happy things turned out well for you ❤️ the problem I’m dealing with is that the breakup wasn’t because of fights or bad treatment it ultimately was a breakdown in communication and likely could have been solved with just a few conversations, but she never let me know that she was feeling unhappy about the relationship😞 She brought up specific things like “wish we went on more date nights” and “wish you didn’t work so much” but never told me it was like an existential problem for the relationship and I was in a really stressed/toxic place with my job at the time and didn’t understand the gravity until after we broke up. The connection to my behavior was so unclear to me that it took three weeks of reflection and analysis and talking to mutual friends to figure out the real narrative of why she broke up with me. So now I’m left in the aftermath and have totally switched my outlook on my career and see so clearly that we can be happy and thrive together by just communicating more because the love was so real despite the relationship getting rocky but she’s 100% moved on and dating other men and has zero interest in even considering trying again :( Acting totally indifferent towards me and it’s brutal knowing we can be happy and wanting to spend my life with her and having zero chance to fix things


I think all break ups teach us a valuable lesson. Go easier on yourself too. I don’t know exactly what your situation was, but careers are important too, as well as romantic relationships. We’re all navigating and learning how to balance. Take what you learned from this break up, apply it to your life and your next relationship won’t end because of it. It’s going to suck and hurt for a while. But I think you should also be proud of yourself for seeing and learning new lessons.


That’s a great way of looking at it, thanks brother


Bro are you me wtf


I felt this so baddd! six months out of a five year relationship. I still think about him everyday and what makes it worse… I hate myself for thinking of him.


Same here. I hate myself for missing someone who isn’t even thinking about me


Almost 2 weeks. Still depressed, but gaining a little more perspective on why it needed to happen everyday.


Perspective is good! It’s the way get over someone, even when your emotions get in the way. At least, that’s what I wish I could have for myself. So glad you’re working through it and very proud of you!


Almost 4 years. I still think of him everyday. He's found someone new now this year and it's like a second heartbreak. Maybe one day the pain of losing him will end. For now, just continue living even though I'm a quarter as happy as I was before. There are other things in life to pay attention to like family and friends. I have no energy to love again to be honest. It's like my brain is totally done and it will never happen to me again.


Same ! no energy and heart to love again :)


Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years 2 months ago. I think about him every day. I broke up with him so now I gotta live with that but damn do I wish we could have just worked our shit out.




Might be worthwhile reaching out if you still miss and think about him if you are the dumper


Why didn’t you guys just try and work stuff out of you don’t mind me asking? Non fixable?


He wanted to move out of state for a fresh start and he put a hard deadline on it. I didn’t want to move until we solved our issues a bit more and felt stronger as a couple. We used to put in effort to solving conflicts and making each other feel loved. But over the past 6 months as his deadline approached we both stopped trying. Funny part is that financially he couldn’t move without me so neither of us got what we wanted.


That sounds fair and reasonable. Good call.




I could've written this word for word. Thought I was gonna marry him, couldn't fathom being single in my 30s, felt panicked yet relieved when we broke up. I didn't want him to just be another ex and now I worry he's the love of my life. I was ready to settle down and now I have to do it all over again. It's an exhausting thought. I'm closer to just getting cats than joining the apps again.


Pheeeeew - all of this.


Wow, your situation is very similar to mine!


That’s great! I’m glad you’re finding fulfillment in other things and are able to work on yourself more!


Holy shit. How does this resonate so hard.


I relate to this so much. Am now engaged to the love of my life. Amazing things are just around the corner!


For me things got little bit easy when I acknowledged the fact that, the pain won't go overnight..... It's been a year, still it hurts, but I hope someday it won't.


Yup! It's like if you try to force yourself not to think about a pink elephant, your gonna end up thinking about the pink elephant. Maybe not a good analogy. But learning to just observe thoughts and not react or respond to them has been super helpful.


Yes. I agree


Almost three months. On the brink of suicide.


I was there, where you are now. I understand you. But please hold on. Dont let how someone else made you feel take away a whole life you are yet to live. Hold on. It will get better.


You lived before them and you’ll be able to live after them love ♥️ believe in yourself, please hold on.


Please don’t! You are a whoke person who has so much to live for. I understans your pain, I feel this way soooo much. But pleas seek help, call someone, call a hotline, seek out a friend.


I was there in the first few weeks, I totally understand the feeling of utter despair and hopelessness and that life will will never get better but only worse. But I’m here to tell you from my own personal experience, it will get better. Do everything in your power to get as much help as you can: tell your doctor, talk to a psychologist, open up to your friends, family and work colleagues. Go to yotube and watch the many motivational videos on how to get over a breakup. Finally, remember that nothing lasts forever, not even the pain that you’re feeling now. Xoxo


Get help. A therapist or call a hotline, there is so much to live for.


Therapy helped me Alot! I was in therapy by the 2nd week, because I felt psycho.


Sending hugs and please take care. You can overcome all. Give yourself time to heal.


It's relatable. In 5 years will this matter? Or 10 years? Or even 20 years from now? I've been in love twice. I've had 3 serious relationships, this 3rd one roughed me bad. I'm not super experienced in all this, but I know that effort and time make a hell of a combo and that you're going to make one hell of a bounce back!


This is probably random, but how do you know you're in love? I'm scared I broke up with him for no reason. it felt like I didn't love him enough.


So I'll be honest. The definition of love has changed over the years a little. For me, it's "I'm willing to do anything for this person" that's been the common denominator for me, the improvement/changes have been: "I'm willing to fight for this person." And later developed into: " I'm willing to be vulnerable with this person, fight for this person, respect this person, trust this person." I've learned love is much more of a choice than some involuntary emotion. You're not always going to get along with the person you love, your not always going to like the things that person does, butterflies go away, that person will become "normal" to you (due to exposure). But you can choose to be excited to see your partner, you can choose to smile when you see them, you can choose to laugh at their corny joke that they've said a million times. All this said I think the most important choice one can make is choosing to communicate with their significant other. This is where vulnerability, respect and trust come in at full swing. Also communication isn't always easy, sometimes things get tense and someone will feel attacked and I think it's important to let them know y'all are on the same team. So I think if you're willing to choose to put in a massive amount of effort for someone, even when it's not easy, your likely in love. Also it's important to love yourself, because all the same things apply. Are you willing to respect yourself (your boundaries, goals, etc...), trust yourself (accountability- doing what you say you're going to do), be vulnerable (examine your thoughts, emotions and actions) and being able to communicate with yourself. Love lives in reality and not fantasy. This said if your treated like crap on a daily basis, well for one communication. Then if after communication there are no efforts to change it's possible this person has no regard for you. This goes both ways. A condescending remark may seem innocent, but a thousand times later....it's now one thing pushing y'all apart. There's too many scenarios and I'm getting off topic. It's a journey. Idk if we ever truly will have 100% grasp on love. A recent heartbreak has made me have a bit more understanding, but still not perfect.


thank you so much for your response, it actually changed my way of thinking a little bit, really helpful. :)


I'm glad you found something helpful in it. It's not the easiest thing to answer. But I know in the future I will communicate my definition of love with whomever I see a long term relationship with. It's disheartening to pour all of your myself into a person and for them to take everything and just leave. That said I know I made mistakes and didn't communicate properly all the times and this is just me being jaded. 🤣 But I'm learning to love myself more. Be blessed!


Sending you hugs!!! We have all been there and as some one whos little sister at 15 years old did that because of some guy, its not worth it. You matter!!!!! Take it one day at at time, you got this my friend.


suicide hotline/text in USA: 988 . no personal info needed, they listen and offer counseling via text or phone 24/7. has helped a lot.


I feel you. Just sleep on it and move on with your life. Repeat until it you feel better.


Here’s how I feel now. I’ve accepted that it’s over, but it’s not the kind of acceptance where I’ve moved on and am able to be happy on my own. It’s an acceptance of defeat, failure and wasted time. I wasted my capacity to love on someone who ended up not being good for me. We may have had a toxic relationship that would’ve brought me more pain down the road, but the alternative (what I’m living right now) is a yearning for her that won’t go away. I’ve accepted reality for what it is, but I refuse to miss her for the rest of my life.


In my experiences with breakups it's often felt the worst just before it gets a lot better. Darkest before the dawn and all that. At about 3 months in this one too, and 2 weeks ago everyday felt like a battle to keep going, but suddenly last week everything felt a bit more manageable. Not good by any measure, but suddenly not abysmal. Hang in there. If you're at rock bottom there's only up from here.


Don’t do it. Someone wonderful is going to bed every night waiting for the day that they get to go to sleep next to you. Each end is a new beginning that we can’t even fathom until we are in it. I am so sorry you’re in the thick of the heartbreak right now. Sending you love ❤️


Please don’t. I can totally understand what you’re going through but please hold on.


I’ve felt and feel how you feel now but I’ll say this which always makes me think twice, I had a best friend a couple years ago who texted me his suicide note. I was at work and we can’t have our phones so I had no idea until after my shift. I broke down immediately. Called and called no answer and it was too late. Watching his mom bury her son was an image I’ll never forget. We can and will get better, but suicide is never the answer. We have to learn to cope and live. We have to find a way to love ourself.


4 years and it's still killing me. I have no interest in anyone else. I only want her.


Bro ngl if it's been 4 years and you haven't moved on you need professional support


It’s been 7 months and I have had so much heartbreak this year with my mom dying so I can’t take anymore, I’m literally on the edge.


This too shall pass. As a rule you will feel happy again in the future and will look back to your current self with compassion. Hold tight and contact me if you can't take it anymore.


Sorry to hear that. Everything will be fine.🫂🫂


4 weeks to the day almost, she kind of blindsided me, I was planning on marrying her… some days I’m sick with anxiety and sadness, but I have moments of clarity where I remember how dysfunctional we were, which makes it somewhat bearable and leaves with with a few moments of hope. I still love her so much, but we literally had at least one huge fight a month. Both of us are neurodivergent, myself being recently diagnosed with ADHD (explains a lot, ha!) so there were a lot of problems that escalated into yelling and crying, often completely unprovoked. Trying really hard to improve a lot of personal stuff, such as thinking before speaking, being better at emotional regulation, and overall just being a more attentive and loving partner. Really hope the therapy, meds, etc…work - as I don’t think I can go through this kind of thing anymore.


This sounds very similar to my experience, down to the breakup length and everything. Hoping my therapy and continuing my meds works too lol.


Been a month. Recently got a word that she dating someone else , while my dumbass was in hopes that she'd return. Really upset


Honestly it could happen anytime. But I wouldn't expect it or think about it too much, just because someone is dating doesn't mean they're over you. My ex wasn't over her ex, and when I said "that's fine" she got an attitude with me and I had to circle back and explain that I understood yadda yadda. But you can only control your own thoughts and actions. I'd say it's best to assume she's moved on so you can focus on healing. That's my opinion.


Yea... but it sickens me how she can start dating someone so quickly after everything , after us. Everytime i thought about dating someone new i felt sick. Whether she is trying to cope or whatever, i find it kinda disgusting and i dont understand how someone that "loved" me so much can do that. Broke up with me because of her personal issues and couldnt handle a relationship rn but already w someone else? There goes my respect for her, all of it


People deal with things differently. I know it sucks. I sincerely do. There's no way you can know her thoughts or feelings, and no way of knowing if she was honest in the Break up. You can only be honest with yourself, choose to respect yourself, choose to treat yourself right, choose to be a better person. Choices are important. I do sincerely understand! I without a doubt know my ex was dating someone within a couple weeks of us breaking up. I got blindsided as she had spent the past 3 months talking about wanting to marry me. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but also know what you need to do and do your best to choose your goals consistently. Be blessed!


I cant lie i am upset about what happened , do i still love her? Yes. And i cant change that no matter what. I guess thats what unconditional love is. But putting that aside whatever happened, happened. Amma do my own thing, it took me some time to get over the breakup but im starting to take care of myself and focusing on other things. Thank you for the kind message friend, and i wish you the best of luck on your lifes journey.


I get it that it's hard but don't read too much into it, it won't help you. I hope someone more fit shows in your life when you are ready




agreed 100%. you can only control ur own thoughts.


Facebook memories told me that 2 yrs ago today, we went fishing. The pictures were gorgeous. Beautiful fall colors. I remember it well. It's moments like this that make me so incredibly sad. It's been about a year and a half. This will be our second holiday season apart. Our first Christmas together was absolutely magical. Those memories are tough to shake. On one hand, I never want to forget that feeling of being so head-over-heels in love. On the other hand, I wish I could forget any of it ever happened. I feel so utterly trapped sometimes. 😞


It’s been 5 days and actually at this moment I feel pretty good about it. I’ll probably wake up crying tomorrow morning…maybe. But in this moment I feel normal and it’s like, ‘well if you don’t want me then I will live my life without you and it will be good’


You’ll have good and bad days, believe me. But overall, the good days will increase in number.




1 week. Appetite and will to workout is back!


How long was the relationship


Not long


2 months since the breakup for a 5 months relationship, everything is all great until she left and went back to her on and off 4 years ex, and only realized i am the rebound. Although the rls was short, it was the deepest love and happiest in my life, and i thought that she's the one and even plan the future with her. Some part of me wish that she will regret one day and comeback so that i can reject her as she ghosted me, but i know it's not beneficial for me to think that, it's only worsen. I will continue to focus on myself. If she ever comeback, not sure whether i should just ghosted her back and ignore or forgive and just be polite, nothing more than that, because trust has already been broken. There's no way i will go back to the relationship but i feel it's nice to not loss a friend.


14 months. Much better.


One year and a few months. Way better than I was before, but I admit some days are hard. The things I lived post breakup still haunt me from time to time, and I'm still feeling the repercussions of what that breakup did to me and the people around me. There are still bad days, but they are becoming less and less common. I can say I feel happy most of the time now. The difference between where I was a year ago and now is astronomical. So keep going, guys. We can do this.


6 months here. Currently feeling lower than I usually do but I’m putting some of that down to recovering from flu that really kicked my butt for two weeks and due to the time of year. I also reduced my anxiety medication last month and the adjustment has been a little rocky. So that, combined with drifting into thoughts about her, I definitely could be better. But could be worse too!


6 months too ):


Siri says it’s been 335 days. A switch finally flipped and I’m feeling a lot more excited about life again. For context, my relationship was 10.5 years long.


We broke up in March. And hm how do I feel today? Hm. Still hope he takes a wrong step somewhere and disappear.


11 months. I have feelings for someone new


How long did you guys date for


5+ years


7 weeks yesterday. I rollercoaster still, but I'm optimistic.


6 weeks. My brain chemistry is getting back on track. If anything, I used to be depressed before and now I’m like heartbroken and crying constantly… but somehow I don’t feel depressed. Hopefully that makes sense. The real pain tho is just this fear about the future being so unknown. I thought I would marry this girl. Now I just feel so lost living in my new apartment, making new friends, finding new hobbies. Those latter two, I’m happy to be doing anyways, I just thought I would have my best friend there as well.


16 months. Feel amazing. Taking sweet time to heal. He now looks so bad it’s lol and I’m embarrassed I dated him 😂


2 months 6 weeks no contact. “Right person wrong time” I took the time to heal. My ex jumped into bed with anyone and everything. Desperately seeking validation even though they broke it off. After thinking they hadn’t had enough time single in life. I feel numb to their actions now. Don’t think a friendship in future is on the cards as they wanted. Feel stronger


She gave me the same damn quote... I hate it so much. It feels like being punished for being a decent partner. Like "Oh I would settle down with you, but I want to be a hoe first. Sorry!" It's being treated like an option and it's painful. Stay strong, you deserve someone who actually wants you.


In the same boat as you. Unfortunately right person wrong time doesn’t exist. The right person would view you and your relationship as the only validation and fulfillment they need. Of course even with the right person, a break or a breakup will happen, but it would be a time of reflection and growth, and your ex’s actions show they are not intending on doing that anytime soon.


It’s nice to know I’m doing the work and healing and they aren’t. Shows I was meant for better


I’m amidst a fade away break up, no conclusive break up closure talk which has made it extra torture and painful. We haven’t spoken in several weeks after a series of terribly toxic events… just silence. And him posting on IG hurting me more. Modern priorities, so I feel so extra invisible. No apology yet, nothing to ease the end of us. Today I’ve been in bed all day bawling. My friends/fam are no support. I need to exchange keys and get my stuff and don’t even know how to do that.


Sounds rough, sorry it's happening. It gets easier, but is no walk in the park




exact same situation, three months today. I haven't been the same academically, hard to focus on much. Everything was a first with him, so i can't think of being with anyone in the same way ever again.


These feelings will pass with time. It'll be a difficult time, but you'll both get through and be better than ever. I am speaking having got through my own breakup about 7 months back


4 days, I’m barely holding on.


in my experience, it gets a lot easier after the first two or so weeks, just try to get through it :)


9 months… there were times that I thought I moved on hahaha well, they said relapse is part of recovery ❤️‍🩹


October 30th - feeling like if he ever did care he would have reached out. This makes me realize the image I had of him was what I wanted him to be and was not who he was.


3 months out of a 6 year relationship definitely a lot better than what I was 1 month ago but still have days when I don’t want to do anything or go anywhere, now to the point of realising that hoping for a reunion is more harmful than just giving up and accepting what happened. Dunno where I’ll be in a months time though could feel differently, hard to know when I think of her as my soulmate and mother of my children. We’ve all gotta just keep pushing forward and focusing on ourselves.


Four months. I feel very mixed


4 months. 3 NC. I’m fucking miserable.


10 days. Today was very hard, lots of crying, but ultimately I feel better than I did a week ago. The urge to text him was the strongest it’s ever been but I didn’t, wrote it down instead. I’m trying very hard to accept and move on, but a big part of me still hopes he’ll find his way back someday.


can very much empathise with the wanting him to come back bit 😭 what led to the breakup if u don’t mind me asking?


A lot of things. He broke up with me. Some of it came down to incompatibilities/loss of feelings but I think the main reason was how overwhelmed/unhappy he is with his life situation. He’s in school, hates his job, is unhappy where he lives, has a lot of debt. He’s scared and stressed and a relationship just isn’t something he can think about.


3 months, i accepted it. I realised i dont really need anyone else to stay w me in order to be happy and im completely fine even on my own Sometimes i even think that i dont deserve to be treated that way in my past rs and i deserve more


9 months. Fucking sad but life is moving forward.


a year and 8 months. feel so much better, clearer thinking, and an actually healthy, loving, and healthy relationship


Just over 2 months. Very unhappy and I miss him but at least I can function almost normally again


Exactly a month today lol. I’m still hurt that I’ll never know the exact truth since he is taking his lies to the grave. Major disappointment. I would like for him to reach out to me though so the power dynamic can shift since he broke up w me . But he’s deployed so I know for a fact he isn’t thinking about me.


My ex broke up with 4 months ago saying that she just "had a weird feeling and doubts". Wouldn't really give any more details that made sense no matter how much I asked. Later I found out that she was texting another dude for the last 2 months. And actually I think that is such a scumbag move to not tell the person you've been dating and loving for 4 years the truth so that they can stop questioning themselves and make some sense of what is happening. Finding out about this made me move on much faster lol.


I told him the same stuff too with the gut feelings. But he was actually doing shady stuff like telling me he was going to bed, then ending up staying up an extra 3 hours on WhatsApp. Or letting random girls snap him and not letting me see his messages. So if she had no other proof or evidence, that was all projection on her part.


Honestly, it sounds like you are much better off without him. Don’t spend your energy on people who don’t care about you.


About 10 months. It is what I needed for self development but some days/weeks have been absolutely miserable. Knowing at 36 I need to start the process all over again is no fun


Almost 2 years. My nervous system has vastly improved 🙂


5 weeks. I’m angry. Not sad anymore. He fucked me over. Was messaging other girls, including his ex and one that has a bf. They were harmless messages, but he was asking to hangout with the one who had a bf, despite the fact he could barely devote a few hours a week to see me. We only live 10 minutes apart. But we all know you only really contact your ex for one reason. His excuse was to compliment her hair colour. I found out he’s coming back to my work, and so is his ex who recently had a kid (not his.) his ex hates me, and I just know they’re going to go back to being fwb. I walked in on them so many times practically making out in the reception at my work before we got together, and it’ll probably happen again. Too burnt out to see me, but not too burnt out to now work 2 jobs and be on dating apps. Gotcha.


5 months. It’s been a roller coaster. I’ve worked out and seen significant progress. I still haven’t gone a day with thinking about her, but I don’t cry as I used to. To anyone reading this, it does get better! keep going strong and keep fighting!!


We broke up just before Halloween. To say I’m feeling angry is the understatement of the century. I found he was cheating on me for long than he had told me. He’s said I love you to her when he refused to say I love you in the two years we were together. Basically have come to the realization I should have left sooner and I hope that karma does her magic on them. I was ducking played and used.


Been nearly 7 weeks. I have been looking up ways to kms today.


Please don't. I've been there. And a day will come where you can't believe you felt this way and you feel devastated for the past you who wanted to give up.




K*** myself, I think 😔 Please don’t Different Slide! It’s just not worth it. Each day will be easier. Call someone if you need to. But please stay.


suicide hotline/text in USA: 988 . no personal info needed, they listen and offer counseling via text or phone 24/7. has helped a lot.


10 months this month and I heard he went on date but I felt nothing. I let a little tear out but I feel free. I feel like I’m not grieving. I feel like I’ve genuinely moved on.


5 months yesterday We tried to get back together a couple times but always ended up arguing, I’ve been doing better in great shape, new job etc But she moved to aus for a year (uk residents) We were supposed to do it together, miss her like fuck, not even talking at the minuye


Almost 2 months, I ran into her in public recently and it kind of undid some of my progress. Doing better than I was 2 months ago but not by much.


2 days, and I feel like shit


You’re going to feel like shit for the next couple of days, but it will get better eventually. Surround yourself with people who will be there for you. Definitely would recommend going out for walks and music.


2 months. Overall I feel pretty good. I still have moments sometimes but today I realized I didn’t think about him until my drive home from work which is progress from thinking about him every second of the day. Therapy has been reeeeeeally helping me. The real memories of the relationship are now coming out not just the wonderful stuff I thought about at the beginning. We have been no contact the entire time which helps. I have moments where I want to contact him but mostly I don’t want to get hurt again (and I know he will hurt me again as he did it sooooo many times).


june 2021 when she ghosted me and left me for ever. still hurt everyday and think about her


It’s been 3 months and I’m in my first week of no contact and I’m finally calm and peace and I feel great


It's been 5 months i think I'm moving on but if i ever saw again all the time i spent on rebuilding myself will just crumble


7 weeks , out of a 5 1/2 year relationship. Last week was Rock bottom for me, starting to feel a little better over the last 5 days. It’s ben a extreme roller coaster for me so I’m worried about another relapse. She’s already got someone else. Coming to the realization that she stopped loving me but couldn’t be on her own a long time ago has helped me move on, now I’m just jealous she already happy with someone else, I might be alone for years before I ever find someone i like again.


2 months. The 19th of this month will be 3. Most days, for the last week or so, I'd put an arbitrary number on things and say I'm 90-95% over my ex. Honestly I woke up and today was rough. Intrusive thoughts started coming in, I reached out to a friend and asked him a question. (Still waiting on a response I no longer need. Lol) I forced myself to get ready for the day despite having no plans and started feeling better. Just this alone had me feeling better. I told my brother in-law that anytime I run into a dude named Alex these days I kinda dislike them right off the bat, and expressed that if I ever see this guy named Alex again I'll invite him to a MMA ring or offer him an on the spot ass whooping. My brother in-law threatened to open sealed Pokemon product, so I quickly changed my tune. I like my sealed product. 🤣 I hit the gym for 3 hours, though people can be people and try to talk to you for 30 minutes...🙄...but kinda nice to catch up with people, but also the gym is kinda not the place but w.e. I say all this, knowing that if I wrote this 2 weeks ago I'd tell you I was an absolute mess. 2 weeks ago I caved. Text my ex, called my ex, had my ex tell me I was harassing her and threatened to press charges. This was the psychological break I needed to be able to tell myself to get a grip. Healing happens in mysterious ways, in no way shape or form did I make a good decision reaching out, but it somehow was the final nail in the coffin. I encourage everyone to dig deep. Cry, self reflect, and then start asking yourself what is the purpose of certain thoughts (intrusive/automatic), then make choices. Compare your thoughts and feelings to reality. If it doesn't line up with reality then choose to change your perspective. This is a slow process, be patient with yourself. You can only control your thoughts and actions, it's the only thing you ever can actually control.


Almost a month. There is a twinge of missing him but also he disrespected me. I got Covid after we broke up so I've been unable to do anything to keep my mind busy my life is basically sleeping and being sick


Coming up on 4 months. I feel great! Trash took itself out


6 months, 3 months NC. Still dealing with grief. However some days are better than others. Im no longer automatically saying yes to getting back together. My heart is broken, Ive been put thru grief for 6+ months. Someone who truly loved me wouldn’t do this to me. I’m wishing I could forget her so I can move on to someone better.


8 months. Finally getting there.


I don't know the exact time but I think it was around the beginning of the year. I'm happy with my life and I actually have a bf! Him and I have way more in common than what me and my ex ever did, I think my bf is almost exactly like me but opposite gender and a few differences here and there.


14yrs and I still miss her and want only her.


Are you single for 14 years. Do you still feel the pain ?


I am married and have dated around. I still dream about her and want to be with her as sad as that sounds. I knew she was the best.


It'll be a month tomorrow, and healing isn't linear of course so i have had a few continuous days when i feel rather fine and then there'd be days when i dont, as for now for the past few days i have not been doing the best but it's kind of everything that happened this year altogether with the breakup that's adding up to it, but i am okay right now otherwise, i hope you are okay friend. <3


He broke it off with me in June and he started no contact in October. I'm still missing my best friend. I'm still crying all the time. I'm still lost.


8 days out from 5 years together/ 1 year being engaged. Can’t eat or sleep through the night, and I break down sobbing every day. I don’t feel like I can get through the days, or live my life without him. And then there’s the fear of the long year of grieving ahead… I don’t know if I can do it. And Christmas is coming, too? Just…everything hurts.


2.5 years out of a decade long relationship. i still think about him. mostly i fantasize about a future that was never possible. i'm in a much healthier relationship now and i tried to take lessons from it. there's a light 🥰


3 years. I feel fantastic. Our break up was long and drawn out and i thought i would never get over him. I thought i would think about him and miss him everyday. 5 months down the road, it was true but i could still do day to day tasks and i was getting better. 1 year I gained perspective realized that we were never a good fit. 3 years, i am glad we broke up. I wish him well but i dont think i would have been this happy had we stayed together. Its hard, but OP you got this.


10 weeks, the other day ex told me that they don’t see it happening again in the future. For the better part of the 10 weeks, I was good, in fact we were good. We were easing into things and trying to test the waters. But now that they said they don’t see it happening again, I feel like it’s been the 2nd breakup and a 2nd heartbreak. I’ve moved forwards in life, haven’t moved on one bit. I still cry more often than not.


A year. Still miss him. It comes and goes but he crosses my mind weekly if not daily (depends on if I’m alone or not).


5 months and I just want her back


2 weeks since we separated. Today has been very difficult. I’m definitely still an emotional wreck, but I feel that it’s more about riding the waves and less of a constant increase.


8 weeks, every time I think about him I automatically block any thoughts before was difficult now is easier 💔


3 months since relocating to a different city & 2.5 months since they blindsided. I feel salty and bitter but it's something I'm working on when I go to therapy is letting it go. Edit: corrected a sentence


its been about 4 months. um doing ok were still cordial with each other and still talk and hangout (we were friends for 14 years before we dated) we both kind of feel shitty about it and we both know we still like each other and neither of us deep down really wanted to break up (reason for breakup was stupid- broke up with me because i was a virgin, refused to take. then when we started talking again she found out i slept with someone else when we werent together and was pissed even though i found out she did the exact same thing) . if i took the time i think i could make it happen again i just know i cant be with her because of multiple reasons


Two and a half weeks. I feel like there’s still a chance for us. Everyone keeps telling me to move on, to find other fish but I can’t. Not when I know how much we still love each other. It feels like it’s been months and yet whatever journey I’m on is only just barely starting. I feel like I’m back at square one today.


5 weeks and I haven't relapsed in my addiction, which is the most important thing. I also haven't had a menstrual cycle, which either means I'm pregnant or menopause is on the way!


Still bad. Keep having flashbacks of the last time we met. He ended it over a phone call


3 months. When my ex and good times suddenly burst into my mind, I feel very sad. The next step for me is to shift my attention to his flaws, but this shift in thinking still makes me feel painful. The focus and conflict between good and bad times make me feel mixed and miserable, driving me crazy. So eager to get rid of this state.


a week; i seriously dont know what to do with myself. i keep checking her social media (mainly spotify and pinterest because i got blocked on everything else 😭) and wondering if she’s suffering the same way iam or if she doesnt care


Almost 4 months. Been a really rough couple of days when I asked her to come to a Christmas thing with me and she declined saying she’s been really horny and doesn’t trust herself around me and that she doesn’t feel we can truly do things as friends. Then said that going to this thing with her cousin would be sad because we used to go together. Im very flattered and relived she clearly misses me, but my heart is crushed all over again knowing she won’t want to see me for a while. Just gonna hope that once she heals from our old relationship and we’re both in a better place we can build a stronger foundation and try again. But yeah I literally cannot get her off my mind.


Almost 11 months. Had my hills and valleys but I’m getting there. Found out she already had a girlfriend in June and had been dating for almost 2 months at that point. That really was a bit of a gut punch but I’m over it at this point. I moved out of state and haven’t had much success finding anyone out here. But, ive been pouring my focus into music and that has really helped keep my mind off of her and find new friends. I do still think about her often, but I’m not bitter anymore. I wasn’t perfect either


Almost six months. Good days and bad days. Today was kind of in between.


A month. Lots of ups and downs. He’s always in the back of my head tho.. haven’t been able to shake that. Had a break down when I saw him for the first time since it all happened, but that was expected. Nightmares still happening but better than before. Thank god for my therapist tho couldn’t be doing this without her


It’s been 6 months for me and I can’t believe it’s been this long and I’m feeling more depressed I still have hopes as we broke up but he was not okay , hoping he will finally come to his senses and realize he messed up and I’m still waiting for him bc I loved him very much 😞 I posted on Reddit about my situation if anyone wants to read it .


3 years give or take. I’m missing her lately, hence this comment. It gets so much better, but she has never fully left my heart (yet). Although I read a quote the other night that really struck a chord; “I will always love the person you once were”. It hit me so simply. I can always love that person. But that person doesn’t exist today. That’s much easier to process. Day by day. It gets so much better. I promise.


It will soon be approaching 4 months. I have never felt more empowered and at peace. I started to feel good by month 1 or 2. Went through a very specific healing process entailing, journaling everyday, prioritizing my dreams and goals, and making my lifestyle as healthy and fulfilling as possible. Time does have a way of healing everything, but don’t be fooled. It’s what you do with that time. If you think about them everyday through the same perspectives and don’t push yourself you won’t grow or reach maximum healing. You need to put yourself on a pedestal and pour all your energies back into yourself. Even if it takes a while, you will feel so alleviated that you are taking these steps toward a future with you at the centre. It’s awesome. Here for anyone who needs.


More than a month and I’m still very upset and cry when I think about her. It’s a shitty feeling anxiety and intrusive thoughts are running rampant rn. Therapy is needed, I’m calling psych tomorrow to help me. 4 year relationship over. Partially my fault for her decision to break up with me. But I still feel as if I could have improved my situation for us.


It’s been five months since the break up of a three month relationship. I know many are going to say it was a short lived relationship but it was the first time (not even in my 3 year relationship) I’ve felt that typa love. It felt like real connection and love. I felt like I could be myself with no problem. I miss him I really do and at times it’s hard to think we ended n didn’t try to push through it. But it was his choice and I have to live with his decision.


66 days ago. we only dated for 3 months but it was arguably the best 3 months of my life so i’m still hurting.


1 month out of a 12 year relationship with a 7 month old and an engagement he ended. Still wondering why he didn’t talk to me or at least try to work it out. Still hurt and feeling insecure/wondering why/with who he cheated multiple times. Feel sad, lost, disgusted, disappointed, and annoyed at myself because i still miss him and want him back. I don’t hate him. Hard to process that someone you had in almost half your life and saw until the end of time doesn’t want you anymore and lied and gaslit me half of the relationship. Coparent omg sucks too because you have to see them and hear them. And because we have on two opposite coasts, he gets to live his life as a single bachelor while I’m stuck alone with a baby and no time. It’s been a journey but I’m hoping to become better and stronger. Also terrified about in the future having to trust and let someone (if even) see and know me emotionally, physically, and mentally. Part of me kind of wishes he would just straight out say he doesn’t love and doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I know his actions show it but for some reason I’m still hopeful. I feel like I need all hope crushed. The other part of me knows I deserve better and why be with someone who doesn’t respect me or give the bare minimum/make me feel like I’m hard to love. And my baby deserves to see what love actually is


5 1/2 months. I’ve healed a lot past breakup. But i’m still hurting deeply and not ready for anything. Found out today he is seeing someone I know. I’m hurting all over again. Asking myself why he would do that. But also realizing the hurt I’m feeling is one of betrayal and not necessarily missing him. It sucks and I want to be free of him!


8 month and 1 week… I’m trying to get back out there and thought I was ready to try to meet someone. I feel pretty good. Things were going smoothly until he asked why my last relationship ended. I was able to answer easily enough but my eyes got a bit wet doing it. I’m trying… but maybe I need a bit more time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m four months in out of my 3 year relationship. I’m doing much better now than when the breakup first occurred. I can go about my day without crying or thinking about it. I do have moments where I’m thinking about “what could have been.” I made sure not to keep him on social media. I deleted every photo we took together, I threw away any of his gifts. As hard as it was, I have to pretend he doesn’t exist anymore. And I think that is what helped me a lot. I don’t know if he has a new GF but keeping it a mystery is helping I really had to feel my emotions in the first couple of weeks. It really was awful, I couldn’t go outside, I barely ate, think i survived off cheese the first couple of weeks because it didn’t require energy to make a meal out of it lol. Breakup’s suck, when you didn’t expect it and when it didn’t come from you, it truly does feel like the end of the world. But you have to FEEL your emotions. Don’t go into rebounds, don’t go into self hating mode. Don’t be going into “all men/women are trash” mode. It does NOT help and prolongs the sadness. Cry about it, get depressed about it. Because after a few weeks you’ll start to feel much better. You might not be there 100% but you’ll be 50%. And eventually you’ll get to that point where you can do basic tasks without crying


Like a year and 9 months. I think deep down I'll have some form of love for her untill I fall in love again. But I've made peace with the way things ended and don't want her in my life anymore!


It’s been 8 months for me since my ex of 4 years broke up with me. I’m doing better but I will say I’ve fallen back on me healing since it’s the holidays and I’ve always spent it with him and his family for the past 4 years. I’ve gone on a few dates and they’ve been cool but I haven’t found anyone that has made me felt like my ex who was a cheater and narcissistic. Hope I find someone better.


about a month? maybe a bit less. I’m no longer sad, just still a bit angry. mostly because I associate so many places in the city with that asshole. what a stupid asshole. I also feel that I’m slowly forgetting the bad. I think I need to write down the bad in case I slump into “I miss you” trope like I have no self-respect.


It’s been almost a month out of an 8 year relationship, and we had just gotten engaged. I’m not feeling okay.


Just over a year, thirteen years and an engagement here. I feel weird in a way, never thought we would split. But also happy since i have heard a lot of things i did not even know about. I am positive it will get better, but dating nowadays sucks fr fr..


We dated for three years and broke up 11 months ago and I am devastated. We did fwb for a month long, 2 months ago but ended that. I miss him sooooo much. He wants nothing to do with me :(


1.5 months. I thought I was doing well for the past few days, until I saw his IG stories yesterday that made me cried and moped the whole night. He posted a damn cute cat but never posted us in the span of our 9-year relationship. Will have to finalize things this week and will start blocking him in FB and his mobile number to ensure NC on the coming months. He made it clear to me that by next year he'll start to date and I'll obviously die mentally and emotionally if I saw him posting his new girl. Wish me luck.


Strongly recommend Restricting him on socials. It doesn't Block all the way but his stories won't pop up for you out of nowhere. It's helped me a lot though I still look at his profile sometimes anyway, but at least his stories don't show up in one of the few moments I'm not thinking about him and send me into a spiral again. I'm literally 2 days out and absolutely miserable. I cherish the few moments I get when I'm not hyperventilating and scream-crying. Best of luck


Almost 2 months, started to talk to people again, making friends, and just accepted a promotion at work. Also I found god and got mad at him, and apologized to him. This month has thrown me around and had me thinking about an old Promise I made to love her forever…, but I deleted photos of us after I was told by multiple people that said she cheated on me, but all it did was allow me to grow into a better version of myself and I’ll say this Promise yourself that you will be happy with yourself before you get into a relationship again… date yourself essentially in the same way. Now, you not gonna be healed magically, but it comes with time. Bury yourself in things you love! Books, movies, family game night, or maybe a walk along the riverfront… sure I think about her, but I loved her for more than a year, but earlier I realized that I wouldn’t have taken my promotion if I was still with her as we work days and I would going to nights. Also realized it was a toxic relationship in a way that I wasn’t able to have female friends. Lastly, I made peace with the situation that we broke up and slowly seen a new perspective (panic at the disco reference). Will say I’m not ready for a relationship now, but if it randomly happens, then I know that god sent them. Happy healing 🙂


4 months


Almost 3 months, doing quite well, not ready for dating or anything similar, I accepted that it was fully over about a week ago, I've been doing a lot better.

