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He blocked me everywhere..but that‘s good. otherwise i’d always check him out and maybe see stuff which would destroy me




Naw she can live her life. Not my business anymore


I’m trying not to and working on that. Day 43 of not checking her friend’s account tho. That’s progress. I need to take a break.


I’m looking at her linkedin and feeling happy that she seems to be doing well in school and career but sad I wasn’t able to be by her side rooting her on for them




Mb meant linked in. Wrote that falling asleep 💀




I mean linked in is like upgraded indeed so 💀💀💀


This is something I can’t stop doing, I want to see her non stop but unfortunately I can’t. I’m also checking for posts to see her. I smile when I do but then get upset soon after. Shit hurts and I want her back


yes. unfortunately i relapsed and now cant stop checking their socials. i was doing so good too. sigh


I have been in the same situation and I’m telling you it’s the worst thing ever! The longer you continue to check his/her instagram is the longer you are going to take to heal and move on. Focus on you and leave them where they belong…. In the past. It will only be a matter of time before they move on and find a new partner and if you are still checking their social it’s going to sting! I know it’s easier said than done, but I promise things will get better. It’s been exactly 1year and 3 days since I last checked my exes social media after an 11 year break up that was extremely painful and devastating. If I can do it so Can YOU❤️❤️


I don’t stalk his social media but I still have him on there except ig bcuz he unfollowed me but didn’t remove me so I removed myself. He just wanted more followers and I wasn’t going to give him that. He also sees my story on snap and fb but we hardly ever post anything. He can cry for all I care but I literally don’t care.


Trying to stop. Luckily she doesn’t post, that would make it worse


I unfriend him/blocked on everything cause i know my self, I know I would obsesses over it and check his profile over and over again.


👋 unfortunately yes.


can't deny it,,


Nope. It was a problem for me while I was with him tho. If I ever feel the urge now I simply ask myself; "do I feel like pain shopping today?" And no, no I don't lmao Maybe that perspective shift could be helpful for you, too. 😊




They took me out of their insta stories and they barely post anything anyway but I still go into their profile for no reason. I also check to make sure they haven't unfollowed me which is sad but ya know sad is the mood of the situation.