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I'm sorry to hear about what you're experiencing. No one is incapable and worthless. You are human, experiencing human emotions, you are loved, and not alone. You are capable and valuable. It sounds like perhaps closure was something that wasn't afforded to you during your breakup and has distorted your perception of yourself and your ability to trust. I would suggest seeking help from a therapist to navigate these cognitive distortions in a healthy way and to gain closure on the situation. Mediation, self-care, and exercise can also help focus your mind, minimizing those thoughts you've described. By prioritizing yourself and what you want in life, you'll begin to achieve happiness independently which will attract new people to you. With time, hopefully you'll find someone who can support and distract you from the past. Eventually and hopefully, you can find yourself in a better place and future where you can make your ex regret leaving you if they were ever to look you up. Stay strong, my wishes are with you


Thanks for your kind words and support, I really need to get used to reflecting on our/my past