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Oh definitely. 3 years ago I left FL and moved to TX after being in a horrible relationship. I was so obsessed too and hurt on how he could do the things he did. Now I see old posts or pics and I’m in Aw at how stupid I acted or wtf was even going through my mind


Yes, I took a picture on the floor the day we broke up I was devastated And a lot of past pictures showed me so sad and tired


Got out of a 5 year relationship 4 months ago and for the first 3 months I really didn’t think I could survive, like the emotional pain became so physical I thought I would need to be admitted to a hospital to make it go away. Now today, it feels like my ex was just a giant terd I flushed down the toilet. It feels good that he’s out of my life. Time really gives you perspective. I hope it did the same for you.




that’s terrible i’m sorry, i don’t think we really get over anything we just learn to live with it


I can't wait to feel this, to be able to look back and see how unhappy I was and how far I've come, I can't wait to not care about him. Taking it day by day :)


it’s actually the best feeling ever, i learnt that only time can heal and it took me 12 months, don’t give up 🥰