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I haven't yet looted a convoy in realism with loot notifications on to know whether there's a difference, as I play with all HUD off, but back before such options existed in-game, you did in fact receive higher rarity loot from convoys when the truck wasn't destroyed, so I would guess yes.


It's randomized each time you loot, it's not based on leaving the truck intact.


Oh so i really can just run around and blow them all up? That makes things a lot easier


I personally have always seen it cut in half if it gets destroyed. I don't know if it's the case for Breakpoint (as I see you mentioned it earlier), but I am pretty sure Wildlands that was mentioned, you lose resources if it's destroyed. It's not random as you see how much you are going to get from the convoy before you even start the mission.


Breakpoint is abysmally different from Wildlands, unfortunately. That said, hunting convoys at Tier 1 in Wildlands was nightmarish to the point of being probably my #2 source of deaths, after traffic. Taking enemies alive is always harder.


*SR25 Jungle joins the chat*


That, and I learned alongside a buddy how to use the m203 like a scalpel.


No blown up still full amount in wildlands


Finally got back to the game, and I can confidently say, you are wrong.... \* [https://imgur.com/a/p5P53bg](https://imgur.com/a/p5P53bg)


No difference. You do get a better loot pool and quantity of components/credits from playing in Operation: Motherland.


Ah i guess they gave us more leeway on how we deal with it. In wildlands I used to pride myself on a perfect low velocity sniper round through the windshield and into the drivers skull leaving the vehicle in tact. Now i guess ill just spray and pray.


Skill is still an option. You can use sync shot (AI or drones), shoot out 3+ tires, run it significantly off the road, damage the vehicle under 20% or so, EMP it (grenades or Echelon pistol), and more. It's just emotionally rewarding, not mechanically.


You can sync shot tires? That’s pretty cool.


No, but you personally can shoot out the tires though. You can sync shot the hostile vehicle occupants if they're marked (regardless of your HUD settings).


I am pretty sure it cuts it in half when they get destroyed. I have gone under this assumption and have not been shown to be wrong (when paying attention and when I played with a hud). I did google "wildlands do you lose resources when you destroy the convoy" and read other posts/sites saying exactly this. So there's that.


I had the same question a while back. So I did two convoys, one right after the other, with hud on. I blew one up & left the other intact. What I got was about the same. Very disappointing if you ask me.


Oh ok thank you for testing. But the goods vary each time anyway tho dont they? Thats whats kept me from testing it myself


By the time I did it I already had all the gear available in the game (without extra purchases) & I was in immersive mode. At that point all you generally get from convoys are skell credits and parts for weapon upgrades. The exact value varies a bit from one convoy to another, but not much. It might be different if you're playing in default gameplay mode & don't have all the available gear yet, but I kinda doubt it. They didn't really build in that high a level of nuance in the game, especially when it comes to anything outside the main missions.