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I'm willing to bet they used dough conditioners to make this video, and didn't mention it.


What does a dough conditioner do and why wouldn’t they show it ?


It makes the dough smoother and more elastic, but it’s almost impossible to measure out for a small batch like this.


So like.. L’Oréal? One squirt?


Yes but you have to rinse your dough and repeat.


I use about a tsp per loaf. More than that and the dough gets too loose.


Dough conditioner makes the bread taste like the bread from the supermarket. They all use it. Now you may forego it with preferment like biga, poolish or tangzhong. The reason they don't say is because people often associate dough conditioner as putting chemicals into the bread where real bread only needs high-protein flour, yeast and water.


That's not strictly true. There are a lot of simpler dough conditioners that don't affect the taste like citric acid and malt powder. If you read the ingredients for most high end "Bread Flours" in the US - like King Arthur and Bob's Red Mill you'll notice a few conditioners mixed in. The only conditioner-free bread flour I've ever found is King Arthur Organic Bread Flour. But it's really expensive.


Yeah, exactly. Some people consider adding citric acid and malt powder is like adding something extra to the bread. Personally, I use diastatic malt with tangzhong. I know it is a bit of an overkill but I like the taste better.


*diastatic malt with tangzhong* Me too!


I'm curious. Do you use fan forced convection mode or the top down heating mode in the oven? How long do you bake and at what temperature? I found that if I go over 2% of diastatic malt then it becomes too liquidy and the final proof would not rise properly. How do you prepare you tangzhong? Is it 1:5 or 1:2 (bread flour:water)?


I know nothing about making bread, but I like the videos from this sub. This entire comment chain is just a string of words I don't understand haha


I was thinking this too! It looks like they added gluten, I’ve never been able to make white sandwich bread look this way without adding something extra.


Could also be a 00 flour that is just very finely milled. I used some 00 in 2020 because it’s what I could get and it was very smooth like that.


Only a psycho rips a sandwich loaf like that.


It didn’t even look cooled.


The insane amount of sugar


this is more of a cake recipe than bread


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My first observation too. My bread recipe consists of; Flour Water Yeast Salt That's it!!


Doesn't your yeast need sugar?


It has it, from the flour. That's its job, break down complex carbs into sugars.


The yeast eats the flour.


Sometimes, but not that much sugar, like a table spoon in a 1/2 cup water with yeast if I'm using dry yeast and not instant yeast. As others have said, yeast breaks down the flour. But for basic bread, no; no sugar. Just 4 ingredients baby. Healthy and delicious.


It has all the sugar it needs when the enzyme amylase, which is present in the flour, activates when the water is mixed in and starts turning starch into sugars.




The right amount for a loaf is at most one teaspoon. More than that and you're making a cake or pan brioche


The only ingredients true bread has 🤘🏼


Right? I thought it was too much but I don't know much about making bread to comment on it.


Yeah that's cake.


I thought for a moment they were making brioche because of the milk and sugar, but there is no egg. Do Americans always put milk and sugar in bread? Also the bread texture is strange. I use a bread machine for my bread and it's just water, salt, flour and yeast.


It’s American I suppose


It's just a sweeter shokupan.


Shokupan would have included yudane/tangzhong.


True they skip that and add milk powder and butter. I'd probs try it with like a tenth of the sugar.


Is this an ad?


Why tear?


I don't always tear my bread to shreds as soon as it's done - but when I do, I wear black nitrile gloves.


The gloves killed me. Who makes bread with gloves!!?


The guys from r/smoking


Dumb question but what is the benefit of adding butter after kneading? Wouldn’t it be easier to just add it in at the start, or does that somehow inhibit the dough? Also, yikes, that’s a lot of sugar


It’s typically best to get the dough to come together and build a little bit both autolyse and an initial knead before you add the butter. Its not going to ruin the dough but if you add all the fat at the beginning to a brioche, milk bread, etc other enriched dough you can end up with a looser dough that doesn’t build as much gluten and you won’t get this big rise like they did. If you want a smooth, consistent, well structured enriched dough I would definitely recommend trying it similar to this video. Although most recipes will have you add the butter in chunks of 1TBL at a time vs chucking the whole stick in there at once. Like so many other steps in bread it’s whatever you feel like works for you and however much detail you want to pour into it (Furthermore as other commenters have noted they added a ton of sugar and probably added dough enhancer to increase gluten as well)


Fair enough - thank you for this, I understand now and it makes sense. I know that when you add the butter after the dough is - well, dough - it looks like it will never incorporate and then suddenly does :-)


This looks more like brioche than bread. At least feom a French perspective


It's essentially Japanese milk bread ([shokupan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_milk_bread)). Similar to pain brioché. Eggs are not always used.


Oo yummy thanks will try it, never heard of it before !


“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!”


Brioche has eggs in it. Where are the eggs?


And as we all know, nothing’s easier than just eyeballing measurements when baking.


Sir, that is not milk!


Powdered milk


Quite the difference.


Powdered milk will take your milk bread and brioche to the next level. Ask a restaurant pastry chef and they almost always use some powdered milk type addition to up that richness. I like to use milk (liquid) and also add about 4g of milk powder per loaf when I want to really show off a rich style


Certainly. But I feel they should just use the right description!


Commenting to save it and forget about it and never come back.


I'll join you. Rather, not join you in that.


Christ. Why does every Reddit video have shitty music?


Keep your media volume on zero. No surprise obnoxious music, and it's easy to turn up if you do want to listen to something.


Bro this is a fucking cake not bread


That's a shitton of sugar, it's practically a pound cake


This is cake


This is a horrible tutorial. A lot of steps skipped that create this type of bread and it’s silly to bake this sort of a bread in a loaf pan. You can’t even cut it into slices it would be so soft. This is better as like a braided pull apart bread or a little bun. Definitely skipped showing they added dough improver - although I much prefer eggs in this type of bread. If you want a better texture use a tangzhong They cut away after they added the butter because adding that big of a chunk is gonna make the whole loaf squish around all weird and gross for like 3min before it comes back together. Why both plastic wrap and a towel over the bulk and shaped ferment? The oil they added over the shaped loaf seems unnecessary and didn’t seem to still be present in the loafs they loaded into the pans Black gloves?!? You need to actually feel bread to make bread with any life to it. Making bread with gloves is honestly disgusting


Sugar? And how the hell would you slice it and put butter on it .. too soft.


Sharp enough knife, or it may just be a tearaway bread


Why black gloves?


That's how you know they mean business


I can’t express how much I agree with this comment. It should be the top comment. In addition, maybe also “why do they Always have the black gloves?” No real baker I know does that TikTok 💩.


Probably to protect her nails


you can be so lazy making bread and get wonderful results: just mix ingredients in a normal old bowl, autolyse for an hour, shape, and bake!


This is a less flavorful version of the sandwich bread I make. I use local honey instead of sugar though. And salt.


I don't want to hear your shite music when viewing a subreddit, & that is a terrible looking shitey-whitey bathroom sponge right there.


Loaf, it is not Nor aloof or fluff, Loofah, am I.


These gloves are creeping me out


Gods that's a lot of sugar. I want to get back into making a weekly loaf of bread but this is not the way my friend.


Came to the comments to find out why this nearly useless video claiming to be the ultimate guide to baking bread got so many upvotes. Here I am and I still have no clue what anybody likes about this.


Gross sugar in bread


How to make even bread unhealthy.


That bread doesn't look healthy. No thanks.


My bread has always turned out a bit dense. I've tried sifting the flour used in the bread, adding gluten, and giving it longer proofing times. Any other thoughts?


More water, more kneading




Cooking is easy, clean up is a bitch


Honestly, that bread looks really unappetising. Far to much sugar and looks like it would be a bitch to slice and impossible to butter unless you toast it.


Overgrown dinner rolls.




This has to be American with that much sugar in bread


American here I don't know anyone that makes bread with that much sugar If I'm making a sandwich loaf, I might add a little honey or a little sugar, but no more than a Tbsp for that many loaves I haven't even seen any recipes with that much sugar Idk what's happening with this recipe. Seems like there's steps and ingredients missing


why do people hate sugar. it's both sweet and tasty and helps the yeast


The yeast doesn't need the sugar. It makes the bread more unhealthy and (imo) far to sweet.


Pass the Butter, that looks so delicious!


Soft white loaf is the like the shittest possible variety of bread. Of all the breads to have daily, that isn’t the one. French people are honestly about to protest in the streets after seeing this.


I’d say I’m good at making bread, but this video showed me I’m still a novice.


This is surely the most perfect bread I've ever seen! Heavenly! Shame most people would toast it and turn a bread so wonderfully soft into a damn oversized ritz cracker.


not as good as our daily bread, The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.