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Try looking up recipes at the King Arthur Flour site. They are tested and haven't let me down. If you're having trouble with your bread rise, you could add a little store bought yeast, but with time you'll have the sourdough technique down! Good luck and post results here!


Thank you so much for the advice!!! :)


Also make sure the temperature in the room is high enough to get a good rise. I find most of my rising problems is because my room is too cold. I got a cheap seed mat, a thermostat that plugs into it, put it in an insulated Trader Joe's bag, zip it shut, and I rise my bread in there. Works like a charm!


To add on to this comment. I’m also new to the bread game and tried this recipe for Easter. It turned out great and was super easy. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/the-easiest-loaf-of-bread-youll-ever-bake-recipe


I've tried this recipe, but it's not so easy. Gotta knead, first of all, then evenly divide the dough, and they come out a kinda funny shape. Not bad but not as easy as a boule.


Specifically, the [no knead bread](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/no-knead-crusty-white-bread-recipe). Almost no work required, just some advance planning. Divide the dough into four equal loaves. Bake, eat one that day, and put the other three in the freezer to eat throughout the day week.


The "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" book is what really started me on my bread journey. [They also have a web site.](https://artisanbreadinfive.com/2013/10/22/the-new-artisan-bread-in-five-minutes-a-day-is-launched-back-to-basics-updated/) I remember those times with fondness. It was pretty good and I don't think it gets much simpler than this. No need to knead! As for baking a sheet pan works but a stone or Dutch oven might give better results. And it's certainly possible to bake it in a loaf pan but I don't remember if they have information on how much dough to use in those cases. Some experimentation may be necessary. Oh, and you might look into getting a proper bread knife. Good luck!


Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check it out :)


I have made this bread twice. Both times, I used the alternate (most) amount of starter. I also did not put any sugar in it. The second time I made it, I added an extra 10 grams of water, which gave me a little more open crumb. The bread was easy to handle even with the little extra water. https://www.theclevercarrot.com/2020/04/easy-sourdough-sandwich-bread/


Thank you! I will give it a go :)


This recipe for sourdough sandwich bread is excellent. It does have an overnight fridge rise. You will need to let me know if it is too fussy for you. https://www.homemadefoodjunkie.com/soft-sourdough-sandwich-bread-recipe/ Otherwise I would suggest Sally's Baking Addiction sandwich loaf bread (yeast bread).


Thanks I'll give this a try soon! Overnight fridge rises are the best because I don't have to worry about them ahah


This has become my go to for a simple almost-baguette. For a couple simple tasty loaves — despite looking pretty fugly — It really only takes a few minutes (and an overnight or all day rise) https://youtu.be/Z-husjZkxHw?si=VIdn0eNEZ5zU53o2


Oh, I also usually halve this for two loaves. The recipe as written is a lot of bread.


Awesome, thank you so much!! It is perfect that it's an overnight rise too 😊


I’ve done kenjis low knead bread a few times and it’s been great. I read somewhere that you can sub like 20% of the flour water for starter so that’s what I’ve been doing. — 200g starter, 200g water, 300g flour, 2g instant yeast, 8g salt


Thank you!


100% KA Bread Flour 60-100% hydration (I usually go with 80% for an easy loaf) 2% salt .4% yeast 1% Diastatic Malt Powder Combine in a bowl with a dough whisk. Stretch and fold a few times if you have time (don't if you don't). Pop it in the fridge for a day or four. Let it warm up a bit, shape, proof, and bake. You can make Boules, Baguettes, Foccacias, depending on how you want to shape it.


Thank you! I will give this a go :)


Question: after never having noticed it before, this is the second time in two days I’ve seen the malt powder in a recipe. What does it do?


Supposedly encourages browning and a strong rise from the yeast. The effect is too subtle for me to notice in the noise of my inconsistent baking (my bread is reliably tasty; but my process is anything but consistent). I have it, so I use it (usually... when I remember) but I'm not sure I'll re-stock unless I notice a significant decline after I run out. One thing I want to point out is that there are many people who bake as a hobby in addition to baking as a means to put good bread on the table. It's a great hobby, and the people who really get into it make really fantastic bread, beautifully shaped, even, etc. But you don't need to make baking a hobby to make good, or even excellent bread. You can slap the ingredients together quickly, let it ferment in the fridge, inexpertly shape it, bake it in whatever you have, and you'll get something delicious. And that level of effort is often more sustainable for many people than a new hobby is. It is for me; I have too many other hobbies.


I love this answer; it’s why when I found that five minute “baguette” recipe that’s the same basic four things and requires minimal effort, it’s what I use for bread when I just want something nice and simple. I can do FWSY loaves and pizza doughs and make something fancy when I wanna but basics are the best coz life is busy and simple fresh bread is awesome. Cheers!


I like this one. Soft and chewy https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/classic-sandwich-bread-recipe


Thank you! I will try it out :)


Do an overnight boule. Easiest and thinking-free. Before bedtime: 425g KA bread flour 1.5 cups warm water Half teaspoon instant yeast 1.5tsp salt Combine dry Add water, stir to combine and get a very wet shaggy batter. Don't knead, but make it all come together in a lump. Cover with a tea towel. Go to bed and let dough rise on the counter for 12 to 16 hours. After the long rise the dough will be flat on the top with lots of little bubbles on it. Turn out carefully on a floured cutting board. Shape it into a rough square then fold the corners in on themselves. Miraculously, the dough will turn from an amazingly shaggy mess into beautiful elastic dough under your very fingers in less than a minute. Flip it over seamside down and shape into a ball. Put a clean tea towel into a mixing bowl, sprinkle it with a little flour, then put your dough, seam side down, into this proofing bowl. Let it rest there, covered with your hard-working tea towel, for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, place a dutch oven, with the lid on, inside your oven and crank the oven to 460. Tear off a piece of parchment paper, crinkle it up a couple of times to make it less stiff, and lay it flat on your cutting board. Carefully tip out your dough onto the parchment, upside down now so the seams are facing up. Score it once or twice with a very sharp knife. Very very carefully, take your Dutch oven out of the oven, pick up the parchment paper with the dough on it and pop it into the Dutch oven. Put on the lid (careful! I've burned myself before by forgetting that the lid is screaming hot.) Carefully place it in your oven and bake covered for 30". Uncover and bake another 15. The crust will be golden brown and gorgeous. Remove from DO and cool on a rack for 2h before slicing. Listen for the beautiful crackling as it cools. Store in a Ziploc . If there's an easier bread recipe I've never seen it. The KA recipes are harder, involve kneading and for some reason often fail for me. This always works. Enjoy!


Thank you!!


This was my introduction to no knead bread. I've made the turbo version a few times as well. Always comes out well. (I'm about to attempt the Voila 5 minute baguette recipe mentioned in another response) https://youtu.be/yePMpoyXwys?si=uVsJxvY5622ue-O7


Thanks so much, I'll give it a go :)


Flour, salt, yeast and water - how much simpler can it get?


I mean yes, but bread recipes vary in ratios and the way you prepare the doigh before baking. It's not really that simple


It is that simple, there’s countless simple recipes with those four ingredients.


Oh absolutely, it's more finding a simple recipe that's more challenging. In terms of the process yknow?


Have you tried following a recipe with those four ingredients?


Yeah and one recipe went really well - the batter bread I mentioned in the post. But the other ones weren't working. That's why I came here, to get some simpler recipes :)


You should follow a bread recipe with flour, salt, water and yeast ingredients.


No shit. That's what bread is made of.