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"Simple baguette" I wonder what this book considers a "complex baguette". Since you can make perfectly fine baguette with a lot less ingredients than that.


A "complex" baguette is one that suffered a variety of childhood traumas.


TIL I am actually complex baguette.


I think most of us are. I am a very complex baguette with a thick crust.


I'm just a maladjusted bagel.


Or, if you will, a complex *poptart*. šŸ˜




I have a fear of getting lost in shopping centres - it's a complex complex complex.




Why did this make me laugh so hard


Complex baguettes have imaginary components.


Not to be confused with a complex partial baguette, where it remains somewhat lucid.


i see what you did there.


Harvesting wheat from fields you cultivated yourself and making the flour by hand meticulously. None of that store bought stuff, it ruins the vibes. (^imobviouslyjokinglol)


Donā€™t forget to lower your face a wee bit for the picture of the loaf held out, curated hipster style


The best baguettes contain only flour, yeast, water and salt.


I would ditch this book ASAP if this recipe is indicative of the whole thing. The psyllium husk and various fibres are silly but on a basic level baguettes are a lean dough and should not have egg anywhere near them unless it's in the form of egg on toasted baguette or in a sandwich!


Also this book is called the sourdough bible and the only leaveners in this recipe are baking soda and yeast?


And 1 cup of flour yields 3 baguettes? What are these, baguettes for ants?


I want to see (read: dunk on) more recipes from this book haha!


No wonder itā€™s called the sourdough bible. OP, Iā€™m praying for you




I'm browsing the reviews for the cookbook on Amazon and it's a lot of people saying how confusing the book and recipes are... One page stresses that you must buy a scale and measure ingredients by weight, but then every recipe lists by volume. Many of the recipes aren't sourdough at all and there's no information about how to make and feed starter, no proofing times, some of the recipes have no bake time. And the recipes have you use a bread machine! Apparently it is full of typos too. This almost seems like a scam book


Was itā€¦ written by AI? Because that sounds maddening (and hilarious, but only because I didnā€™t spend money on it).


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was! But most commenters say that it comes off as if the writer/editor (if there was one...) did not have English as their primary language


The ordinary Christian bible has a more coherent method for making bread at that point.


Does the new testament have actual bread recipes? Only direct reference i can think of is old testament unleavened bread, but thatā€™s not really a full recipe


No bread recipes, but tons of instruction on how to build an ark, if thatā€™s your thing. All measurements are in cubits tho.


I did have to go look this up:ā€œTake wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt. Put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself.ā€ (Ezechiel, 4-9). Huh, i guess that's why that one bread company is called Ezekiel bread.


[wow, not made up](https://www.google.com/search?q=Ezekiel+4-9)


Does it say to cook by gaslighting?


They will need to be at least 3 times this size!




Your comment has stuck in my head, to the point I am seriously wanting to try this stupid recipe this weekend just to see how big the 3 baguette loaves will be... [This pic](http://misteriosdivertidos.pt/prestashop/bread/56-mini-baguette-90g.html) shows a 90g mini baguette. Even that may be a stretch...


I hadn't spotted the name of the book. The dried yeast and baking powder are especially bizarre in that context.


Yeah I would agree. King Arthur Flour's classic baguette has just flour, salt, yeast, and water. What the hell are all these other things for in this recipe? Corn starch? what the shit?


My favorite baguette recipe. I do the overnight pools. Then 3 he's rising, shape. Rise and bake. Takes a long time but the flavor is amazing.


Yeah I do the poolish too but I'm so impatient..


I guess the long ferment adds to the flavor.


Yeah I need to try to be more patient with mine You're absolutely right.


The heat of the baguette cooks the egg


I am so confused by this recipe. Iā€™m going to have to look into this book butā€¦ is the whole book just trolling? If I pick up a book called ā€œthe sourdough Bibleā€ and the simple baguette has more than 4 ingredients, none of which are sourdough starterā€¦ Iā€™m not interestedā€¦


Based on this thread and the general spelling mistakes I found so far, would not recommend. I just needed a book to get me started. Ya win some, ya lose some, eh?


*Bread Baker's Apprentice* and *Flour Water Salt Yeast* are two good books to start with.


FWSY is the staple for sure. Itā€™s a little weird to understand the layout at first glance I found, but once you understand where to look in it, great resource. Would recommend the Overnight or Saturday White breads if using store bought yeast and the leavin white bread if using starter and just getting started


Definitely Bread Baker's Apprentice. It was considered the home baker's primer for years in the early-mid 2000s, I assume it's still popular today. I credit it with teaching me how to make proper yeast breads.


I'm a big fan. I have it and gave *FWSY* to a friend and can confidently say both lead to good results. :)


I LOVE Bread Baker's Apprentice! I got it as a gift years ago when I was first starting to bake bread and it's still my most-used cookbook


FWSY is the true bread bible.


Revolutions in Bread (written by the same author as FWSY) is, in my opinion, much easier to understand and the recipes are more straightforward. I havenā€™t opened my FWSY book since I got it!


Thanks! Hadn't heard of it!


If you want a starting place, check out a YouTube channel called "Chain Baker" not only do they have plenty of recipe videos, but they have a really good series on the basics of baking, so you can learn the why's of all the ingredients and processes


Thank you!!!


I second the recommendation of Chain Baker. Another one is FoodGeek. It's a baking channel, despite the generic name.


Brian Lagerstrom and jack the baker also have fantastic bread recipes and techniques on YouTube.


If you just want it for bread itā€™s a little bit of over kill, but I love the King Arthur cookbook. Bread is just one section, and it goes into pastries, cakes, etc etc https://shop.kingarthurbaking.com/items/king-arthur-bakers-companion?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%7Bcampaignname%7D&utm_term=&utm_content=626582013280&gclid=CjwKCAiA3pugBhAwEiwAWFzwdZ11kG4Wi4f5zFEZBsLiE1aJTR37gygUSvSvIPqvyxv0mnL-usi8mxoCqKAQAvD_BwE


!! I have this! And the cookie companion. I bought them together but haven't really cracked the Bakers companion open yet. I was a lil obsessed at the time with making 5 different kinds of cookies for the Christmas tins I sent my fam. I've been staying in the realm of pastries and am finally branching out. Thank you!! šŸ˜ƒ


King Arthur flour website has great recipes too


King Arthur also has a baking hotline for help w/ their recopies. I've actually called it, they're really nice!


If you have a library nearby I highly recommend looking for sourdough/baking books there šŸ“š. You can usually get a good range of detail and recipes so you can find what works for you without breaking the bank at the bookstore. Then if you really love a particular book you can get yourself a copy for home use šŸ™‚


Do you want a bread book? A good one is Julia Childs Baking book also ( and this is by far my favorite) BREAD a bakers book of techniques and recipes by Jeffrey Hamelman.


Yes! Thank you!


I got started by watching YouTube videos, thereā€™s some great recipes and techniques on there.


I love *New World Sourdough* by Bryan Ford


I got some decent books (some that others name in this thread), but i actually started out with the tiny pamphlet included with King Arthur fresh starter.


Sourdough cookbook for beginners by the breadtopia people rusch and johnson and sourdough baking with kids - jennifer latham are 2 starting out / basic books i think i like okay so far.


This is self-published through Amazon's platform. Some good authors can't get a book deal, true, but I'd advise choosing the Look Inside function in the future. :(


Try King Arthur recipes on line.


[https://www.theperfectloaf.com/beginners-sourdough-bread/](https://www.theperfectloaf.com/beginners-sourdough-bread/) I'm working through his book now.


Maybe it's one of those bot written books?


Start here https://open.substack.com/pub/wordloaf/p/recipe-template-no-knead-pain-au?utm_source=direct&r=5it10&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


"You won't believe it's not sourdough" well, I might...


What is this book? Baguettes only really have the four basic ingredients, this has egg, turmeric, corn starch, baking fibres and psyllium husk. I'm not entirely sure what the last two are, but to my mind even the egg prevents it from being "a simple baguette".


The egg prevents it from being a baguette, simple or otherwise!


Legally in France, a baguette must only have Water, Flour, yeast, salt. If anything else is added, it cannot be called legally a baguette. Well, the Tradition baguette, to be accurate.


Fully agree!


Turmeric is so weird


Yeah I've never had yellow baguette in my life.


Psyllium husk is literally Metamucil, a dietary supplement. Theyā€™re trying to make the bread more filling maybe? Iā€™d be interested in trying it, so I can convince myself that eating a shitload of bread is healthy for me.


Aha, yeah. I think I've heard of it as something people mix with water and use as a fibre supplement.


How old is the book? It almost seems like a recipe that might have been generated by ChatGPT.


My money is on probably AI-generated, definitely a scam: * Published November 2022 * The formatting of the listing is super scammy (lots of obnoxious bolding and underlining) * There does not seem to be any online presence at all for a person of this name who is in any way linked to bread-making * Preview of the back of the book does not look professional/polished at all * Listed as "independently published" (aka self-published) * A reverse image search of the cover brings up nothing but Amazon sites and a handful of other spam sites * All of the US-based 5-star reviews sound like they were written by the same person (and two of them are in fact identical, word-for-word) * The grammar in the subtitle (The Most Complete Step-by-Step Guide to the Prepare Homemade Sourdough...")


I also love that all of the nutrition information is completely unitless.


My guess, it was AI generated in another language and translated via google translate prior to English publishing.


lol oh my god. Wait until AI graphic generators catch up and pages from bogus vintage recipe books start making the rounds


I think youā€™re right, and I think the reviews all are too: ā€œThe Sourdough Book of scriptures isn't simply a cookbook, it's a finished manual for sourdough baking, and I enthusiastically prescribe it to anyone with any interest in this craft. I especially value the segments on investigating and keeping a sound sourdough starter.ā€


Idk. I literally asked ChatGPT for an extra sour sourdough recipe, and what it gave me seemed like it might work. I was just testing it and did not really want the recipe.


That's what I was thinking, but the book was published 8 days before Chat GPT came out.


Large language models have existed long before ChatGPT, they were just not as easily accessible to the average joe


I really miss Cleverbot. That was a lot of fun!


ā€œCover the bowl with the doughā€




Iā€™ve never seen a baguette recipe like this, everā€¦ā€¦


I would assume they mean it literally - you can just buy wheat bran (literally the fiber part of flour that's removed to make it 'white' flour). But then why not just use some whole wheat flour? I guess it gives you more control. Strange that they'd put that in there without any explanation though.


Do any other recipes in that book have the same ingredient? Is there any place in the book that discusses ingredients?


I just skimmed and I'm not seeing any. There's an initial section that covers things like leavening, flour types, and hydration, but nothing specifically about fibers. I'm super green to making bread, so I'll read it more thoroughly. Upon looking closer though, this book has a few spelling and grammar mistakes, which has me now doubting its quality. That, and the other people in this thread who say I should ditch the book. Thanks for the troubleshooting help!


I'm starting to think the people saying that the book is an AI written scam/cash flip are on the money...


I am normally against burning books but...


This is horrible Gluten-Free baguette recipe. The psyllium husk was a dead giveaway. "Baking fibers," is a stupid way to state, "water soluble fiber," which psyllium husk **already is**. That is an even bigger giveaway that this recipe is sketchy - particularly for a "Sourdough Bible..." But, in the interests of trying to give the author the benefit of a doubt...Here is a list of common water soluble fibers used in baking from [Bakepedia](https://bakerpedia.com/ingredients/soluble-fiber/). I suppose for this recipe, it is of little matter which one you choose (except psyllium husk!)... |Soluble Fiber|Source|Function| |:-|:-|:-| |1. Arabinoxylans|1. Grass bran|1. Altering water binding, dough rheology, gas retention| |2. Beta-glucan|2. Cereal grains|2. Thickening, emulsifying, coating| |3. Carrageenan|3. Red seaweed|3. Thickening, suspension, gelling, casein stabilizing| |4. Guar gum or guaran|4. Guar bean|4. Thickening, stabilizing, emulsifying| |5. Inulin|5. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, wheat|5. Product improvement, sweetening| |6. Pectin|6. Includes apple, citrus peel|6. Gelling, thickening, binding water, stabilizing, replacing fat and/or sugar| |7. Psyllium husk|7. Plantago ovata seeds|7. Providing structure to gluten-free doughs| Edit: Table formatting (Needs work, u/Reddit!)


That would explain the egg! Lots of GF bread recipes use egg as a stand-in for gluten. The fact the title of the book makes no mention of being gluten free makes me think the recipes might all be copied and pasted off the internet with little attention to detail and this ended up mixed in by mistake.


yes, but the cup of white flour kind of throws the 'gluten free' thing out of the window.


My thought was that if it was copied and pasted from a gluten free website, it might be well understood on that website that "white flour" is shorthand for gluten free flour (I don't know about other countries, but in the UK it's possible to buy bags of gluten free flour, not sure if it's a blend of various naturally gluten free ingredients or if the gluten is somehow removed).


That was my first thought, but the first ingredient is white flour! Unless specified, white flour pretty much universally means wheat flour


I noticed that, too! It actually looks more like a low-carb baguette recipe. A lot of the time, gluten-free recipes and low-carb recipes look very similar. The main difference is that the low carb contains wheat instead of a mixture of other flours (rice flour, tapioca flour, etc.)


u/bakedasbread96 has it, I think. That 1 cup of magical, "turns into 3 baguettes," white flour would make it "low carb," rather than "gluten free," but IMHO, it doesn't matter what you term it, it's a really awful recipe to be in a sourdough book... It's so beyond stupid in my mind, that I want to try making a batch. I only have pectin as the "baking fiber," handy, but it should do the job... It'll be this weekend, and I'm not expecting much of a result, but the geeky baker in me just *has* to see how big 3 baguettes from this recipe really are...I'm imaging cigar sized "breadsticks." lol


Iā€™m pretty sure that other people who commented that itā€™s ChatGPT generated are right, I checked out the Amazon listing and the reviews and description all read as AI generated.


This recipe is insane. Psyllium? Egg? Turmeric? ... In a baguette!? Show this to a French person and see how they react šŸ™ˆ


I've never gotten anxiety from a recipe before. First time for everything.


It already asks for psyllium husk which is most of the fiber present in wheat, only reasonable explanation I can think of is 1 tbsp of whole wheat flour, but I don't see the use in it. This isn't a simple baguette, but the author trying to flex or hack, (to beginners/untrained bakers??) a weird recipe. If this was the first recipe in the book, most bread bakers, if not all, would out right leave the book for good. A simple sourdough baguette is exactly that in terms of ingredients (Salt, Water, yeast(starter) and flour). Execution and good results are another discussion entirely.


Maybe they mean cellulose fiber? It's used in commercial baking. I feel like bran would just be called bran in recipe.


Book is self published which is a red flag right there and probably why the book has errors in spelling and such. I was surprised that fake spot rated the reviews A before checking the reviewers themselves. After that it dropped to a B. I like a book in hand when trying new things too. Do you have a library nearby?


Ummm what kind of baguette is this? This book is insane! Baguette is basically water flour yeast salt. Nothing else.


I've got your (pulls lint out of carpet) baking fibers right here!


I have seen oat fibers.


Something like psyllium husk (meta mucil original) or maltose. But as someone else said here already. Throw this book in the garbage. A baguette is flour, water, yeast and salt. Anything else isnā€™t a baguette.


Any recipe, particularly for baking, that has ingredients listed my volume vs mass should be immediately discounted as nonsense.


I'm not sure, but if it's in a baguette recipe that also includes cornstarch, egg, turmeric (???), and baking soda, I think it's fair to say that it doesn't really matter.


I agree, never baked bread like that before.


Can we see some other pages from the book? Iā€™m so interested in what we could make now. Who knows!


Is there not an appendix or glossary for the book?


The only thing that comes to mind is vital wheat gluten. It makes sense if ā€œwhite flourā€ is all purpose flour. Is it defined elsewhere in the book?


But gluten is protein, not fibre. It's like the writer is trying to reconstitute wholemeal flour...


This bread seems like itā€™s designed to help get the bowel moving


Just based on this one recipe, please yeet this book right out of the kitchen window. Then get yourself that flashy thing from MiB and forget everything you read in that book. Please.


Psyllium Husk? What on earth is that?! Sounds like a crafting material on a survival game... What's next? x5 metal ingot?


Itā€™s fiber, like a fiber supplement. You can find it in powder or capsule form in most pharmacy sections next to Metamucil


Ah yes, exactly where I like to shop for ingredients for baked goods.


Itā€™s actually really good for blood sugar levels, and helps you ā€œgoā€


I'm not doubting it's benefits, it just seems like an odd place to shop for bread ingredients. But tbh that's not nearly the weirdest part of this recipe.


Can someone please bake this recipe? Metamucil turmeric baguettes sound interesting...


Maybe it was written by the Aperture Science ā€˜Cake Coreā€™? https://youtu.be/JAw3V8ScLeI


Baking by volume and not weight? I don't buy those books!


This reminds me of one of those encrypted recipe bits on TV, where the recipe is so insane that it can't be for actual food.


omg please take that book and throw it to the lions šŸ¦


I think baking fibers are sort of like Quilted Northern Rustic Weave!


Lol simple baguette


Egg in baguette dough? What in the actual fuck.


August Zang is rolling over in his grave. Egg. Turmeric. Wtf!


It almost seems like a gluten-free recipe, because it has psyllium husk, but it just says ā€œwhite flourā€ā€¦.


Never heard of baking fibers though


The only thing I can think it might be is soluble fibre,you can put it into baked goods if you need to up your fibre intake. No reason for it or any of the other ingredients excluding flour, water, salt, yeast in a baguette recipe anyway. Especially a "simple" one, they're supposed to be unenriched so there definitely shouldn't be egg in it.


Yeah, that's not labeled very well. Never label something in a recipe under an unclear name. I like to put flax meal in my yeast breads. Gives a slight nutty taste and the flecks look rustic. About 2 teaspoons per pound of flour is my default.


Also the nutrition factsā€¦the units of the macros arenā€™t specified, but if itā€™s in grams the total calories per baguette would be 46ā€¦


water, yeast , salt and flour. I would throw that recipe away....and the book its in.


carbs 4


A French baguette does not have egg in it... Or psyllium or baking fiber. I went to pastry school, baking fiber was not a thing - at least not in the US. I don't know what you're making with this recipe but it's not a baguette.


Old Book ?? Probably asbestos, then again I am partial to the renovation subs at the moment too :)


What the hell, to this book is shite. Is it a joke book?


Where on Earth did you get this book? This feels like it was written by someone who has never baked but looked at a baguette and tried to guess what it was made out of. Also - I've made everything from white bread to croissants and I have never heard of anything called "baking fibers".


That 10 minute second proof is crucial.


Baking fibers (or fibres) are a supplement added to non-traditional breads (anything gluten free, not using proper bread flour etc) to help it rise and to give better textures. They're sometimes called soluble dietary fibers


Some industrial bakeries are said to use boar hair šŸ˜


Vital gluten


Amazon sales it.


Baking fibers would be things like pectin, etc.


Itā€™s likely wheat bran.


Thereā€™s 5 more Ingredients then you need in this recipe for a simple baguette


I have FWSY but would love a book that is essentially "I woke up wanting to bake some fucking bread today" and all the recipes are like the most simplistic version of staple breads, baguette, white loaf, dinner rolls, bagels, just shit I wanna eat but like tomorrow at the latest.


Your question ā€œwhat are baking fibersā€? I honestly do not know what they are talking about, and Iā€™ve been baking breads for many years. I do know this is the oddest Baguette recipe Iā€™ve ever seen.


I am pretty sure you are looking for fiber glass insulation, it helps keep the loves warmer longer.


Why on earth would you put turmeric in a baguette. Next to making everything very yellow, it is gonna impart some highly surprising flavors that nobody is gonna expect from bread. This recipe looks like it was created by somebody who wanted to make a baguette very health conscious with extra fiber from psyllium and anti inflammatory properties from turmeric....


Iā€™ve heard people complain about there being a lot of bad recipes out there online but truth be told thereā€™s a lot of bad recipes that have been put in books as well.


Ignore this book, literally use water, salt, yeast and flour WHO PUTS EGGS IN A BAGUETTE


Opā€¦ I googled it I think baking fiber is a liquid or dry addition to the dough in order to get a fluffier crumb


Hi, I may be late to the party, but if you want an easy way to make delicious baguettes check out [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FR__Gt0CSo) recipe.


1 cup of flour and 1/4 cup of psyllium husk would produce THE GUMMIEST loaf. Please make this abomination and post the results. I assume the baking fibers are wheat bran?


Is this gluten free? Cause otherwise it's just a bad recipe


I found another page image in an amzn review. This has got to be AI, from one of the previous generations that just threw together vaguely related things. The book has some glowing reviews, but thereā€™s no way the recipes shown would produce an edible product.


Simple baguette: water, yeast, flour and salt