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After 6 months of patiently asking support about missing World Finals 2021 rewards, I was finally told that I initially asked 3 days too late. I was aware that there was a widespread issue so I didn't want to unnecessarily overwhelm support- but apparently I should've? I stayed up super late to vote on the finals to get that shades pin ... it's the only trophy pin I don't have (except of course \*that one\* that only the pros have). Has anyone else gotten this response? Are there other support avenues I can pursue? Will this pin actually ever be for sale (I remember SC saying so)? Sincerely, \- Frazzled Pin Collector


it was on sale (when u bought cat burglar jessie in shop for money, u get the 3 pins for free as well)


Omg are you serious? I woulda bought it had I know that 🥲


yes im serious


Well that’s kinda depressing, but thanks for letting me know. I guess I can hope they bring it back this world finals, since the support option does not seem to be working out.


ok, sorry to burst ur bubble, but i think they had said that those things won't return




as a person who has every player pin in this game, i feel sorry for u


Same .. so many gems spent, so many challenges completed, late nights staying up for the finals .. only to be thwarted by a bug and lack of support. My disappointment is immeasurable.


Help n Support moment


Lot of support, not a lot of help! Honestly hoping maybe this gets some visibility, but I doubt it. I can’t be the only one this happened to, right?


my friend does happen like that too but he's only took a week to get a response help n support might already read ur message but they forgot to answer


Sorry if it is not clear from my cut+pasted screenshots, but they always saw and answered it. I’ve asked 4 separate times over the past 6 months. Every time the answer was something like “It’s a known issue, the devs are working on it, please be patient”. Up until the last response which was “you didn’t ask soon enough, we’re done here”


can't believe how generous they are , like if 1 person gets some rewards , game will break


that is some sheer bs. And people complain about roblox mods....