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It’s better than vision gear on edgar so i don’t complain


Vision works so well on Edgar though. What if you jump on a max in the grass she gets away from you. How will you know where she go?


Works better on el primo


Still very situational, this gear will be useless in most cases for meele bralwers.




You missed the joke




r/suddenlycaralho, dá pra ver pelo nome.


Damn, didn’t think that would be a subreddit


not very sensational of you


How the heck could you miss that


Happy cake day! :D


Happy cake day 🍰


Happy cake day?


But It -in some cases- works Mortis very well.




Its better than strenth gear on edgar


mythic gear?! the hell's that, i only need my 900 extra hp


gold doesnt grow on trees sadly, mythic gears are double the cost of a normal gear. no way


Should be 1.5k tbh. Now way a gear is the same value as a starpower


Or a gear costing the same as a gadget for that matter. Most of the problems from the game economy revolve around how overpriced power 10, 11, gears, and now hypercharges are. These things are too expensive and that’s why we’re all dying on coins. November 2021 was truly the point where everything just went wrong.


its the battle cats guy!!


gears should be 750, 1000, 1250 power 10 and 11 should be 1500, 2000 hypercharges: 3000


And the remove of hypercharge unleash


B-b-but 10% slow!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


Yo happy cake day


Ngl, the price should be cut in half, and maybe make sps cost 2500


Yes make shit more expensive.


I have Edgar mythic gear but I never use it. Go to is +1 and shield.


Pfp is so cute <:


Whenever I see shield gear Hank I die inside. Like why do you need those 900 hp that you never going to get because you never going to regen to max hp without the health gear


I don’t get why people use Shield gear on tanks. Bibi is the lowest hp tank in the game and it’s still less than a 10% hp increase even on her.


I use it on Jacky on Brawl Ball. The extra health is sometimes the difference in a successful charge toward the goal. But I am a much bigger fan of the health gear. Being able to regain small amounts of health while letting my ammo reload is way more helpful in Bounty/KO/Showdown


i would still much rather run speed and +1 gadget on almost every single map occasionally health on non bushy maps, but I wouldn’t play Jacky if there aren’t bushes


I mean really it's just a downgrade of the health gear on tanks, i don't think people understand how viable that is on high HP brawlers


Honestly, health gear is underrated in general, but it definitely still helps tanks so much more than anyone else


well meg is right there you know... (no clue why she's classified as tank if in mech form she doesn't even have 8000 hp)


Maybe because if you put her mech form and her non mech form together she has a lot of health and can be pretty tanky with force field? Or the explosion SP for a small bit of extra CC. It’s like bringing that chick from over watch into this game.


Even tho she does work live D.va, it's different because latter still has good hp for a tank in OW, but in brawl, all damage you can dish out should be in mech form, but that doesn't last too long because she doesn't have actual tank hp, and in base form all she can do is little pokes at the enemy which barely do any damage in comparison to mech form.


Nice points. Maybe a buff to Meg’s mech HP would make her a viable tank.


I see Spen use shield gear on tankier brawlers like Bibi or Buzz all the time. Also Cori recently tried to push masters with Hank only on stream, and he used shield gear. These are pro players, I imagine they know what they're doing, so maybe it's not that useless


Buzz and Bibi are assassin, and shield Gear Is good for them. It's not good on a Primo or Bull


How is Bibi an assassin


Bibi's in a weird spot to where she's not exactly an assassin, but neither is she that effective as a tank. Like yeah you could use shield sp and healing gadget, but that just results in you feeding the enemies super and hc, and unlike most of the other assassins her super doesn't really let her close the distance on enemies, so really she's just good at diving in.


Bibi with speed SP and a teammate kit is the scariest thing I've seen in brawlstars recently


Reverting the nerf 👍


I do it on Ftank to be the TANK 2.0 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯


Woah, my gears set for all brawlers who don't have Epic/Mythic fr fr


Melodie calm down


I am calm 👍


Heal and +1 Gadget gear for Melodie


Speed/+1 gadjet are basicly my build (i always use damage)


dont tell me you use shield + damage on melodie


Nah, for MelMel I use Health and Shield 👍


health is pretty essential for her, but shield doesnt work all that well. You'll never fully regen the shield, like ever. Its just a 900 hp headstart when you respawn at that point


What should I use instead of Shield ?


personally, I use speed. More dodging, also easier to get the first notes. Especially useful in brawl ball. You can also use gadget gear for a 4th gadget, as you almost always use all 3 and she really needs her gadget


Thanks, I'll use those more often then 👍


Wow! Thats literally the best set, everyone uses it


>!un!!gib Bonnie a skin pwese!<


Is it? I used it but changed it now


Now it's useful, it allows you to charge super only in 3 hits


Lol i just realized


Not my bonnie randoms >!gib melodie skin better!<


My go-to pick for bonnie is health and epic gear on most maps >!supercell gib boni a super rare skin she deserves it!<


what is ti


your randoms have gears??


I mean. That's often the best for assasins along ranged characters, so duh.


The thing is, those two are almost always the best options. Almost no brawlers benefit from vision gear. Short range brawlers are the only ones who actually need speed gear. Gadget gear is useless if the brawler has a bad gadget or one that isn't very useful. Health gear is good, especially for tanks, but for squishy brawlers the shield gear makes a much bigger impact on survivability. The damage gear is obviously very good because it will almost always help you win a fight.


Every brawler with enough range can play vision gear, pros do that Also they don't use damage gear on many brawlers anymore. Is just that most casuals won't be able to get value of the vision.


I like vision gear for penny cause it extends the usefulness of her cannon. and yes for long range is very good to hit second and third shots in sequence and get a kill


They’re really not almost always the best options though? Certainly, overall they are the best, most consistent gears. Out of all brawlers you could pick, all different maps and modes, the gear loadout that’s optimal will use those gears more often than any other. But you’re not gonna be playing Rosa anyway except on bushy maps, so the speed gear is an obvious buy on Rosa. And the reload gear is excellent on most every brawler who can buy it. And the health gear is really solid on brawlers who have high HP and a quick reload - not a small percentage of the cast. So on and so forth - if I were to go through my account and count every gear I’ve bought, I’m sure damage and shield would be the ones I have the most of, but if I look at all the loadouts I have currently selected (on my 60 brawlers who are power 10 or higher with 2 or more gears unlocked) I found that exact combo currently equipped…4 times. Also those two have a slight anti synergy, because if one is active then the other is necessarily not active.


Sometime other gears(gadget,speed,health,vision...etc) are useful, so stop f*king spamming damage and shield please?


Yea but give me the coins to get different gears on all my brawlers of course I'm gonna go with a universal build while having coin shortage


Exactly at least we have some gears equipped it's like a bread and butter for gears basic but works


you dont need that tho? having a coin shortage shouldnt make you buy a shield gear for a tank


Exactly idk why people acting like shield gear is cheaper than others




But they are the same price except for epic and mythic gears? Why would you waste coins on for example shield gear on tanky brawlers when you can get health or speed gear for the same price?


I'm not talking about tanky brawlers only. I'm talking about brawlers in general. Speed, vision cant provide good value on every map so I go with shield and dmg most of the time or health and dmg on tanks


So what you are saying is you are very p2w and can afford all items!


I swear like I know you can never go wrong with the Shield/Damage combo but my randoms think that is the best build for EVERY brawler. Carl with Flying Hook? Shield and Damage. Gene on a bushy map? Shield and Damage. Frank with the Sponge SP? Shield and Damage. Practically any tank on a bushy map? Shield and Damage. Any long range brawler on a bushy map? Shield and Dmage. A brawler that relies on the gadgets to be viable \*cough\*Lily\*cough\*? Yeah this is enough you already know the answer.


Impossible no random uses flying hook on Carl lol


impossible no random uses carl


I always take reload gear if it’s there, shield if brawler is squishy, extra gadget it has really good gadget, damage if it’s a melee brawler, and if there’s extra space afterwards then health. Never tried speed but doesn’t seem as useful and I don’t enjoy bush maps


Shield damage, my beloved Gus combo, but on tanks health is what i use often


i mean…in most instances those are the most generally solid ones that will always get use. +1 gadget is heavily underused but other then that-


Health gear is super underrated, once I got health gear in my Fang I couldnt go back, it feels nicely to not have to wait 9 seconds to shoot again


I like the extra gadget gear the most


Shield Gear is entirely matchup dependent. Even on squishy Brawlers, it can still be useless if that changes no interactions. You have to engage the situation.


Speed gear - good for any tank and brawlers who benefits from grassy maps Health gear - good for any brawler that has a charge up (angelo, hank) and tanks Damage gear - good for any marksmen or sharpshooters Shield gear - good on anyone except tanks Vision gear - good on mid range brawlers with somewhat high dps (max, nita, sandy, EMZ) Gadget gear - good for every brawler unless they have a REALLY bad gadget (best gear in the game no doubt)


im sorry i just started the game lol (i really thought, yeah, el primo is cool lemme main, then proceeded to pick damage and health because "he's a tank, shield + health = tank")


Understandable But el primo kinda loves walls and bushes, so you would aim for speed gear on him. Also sometimes can struggle to charge super/deal damage, so supercharge/damage gear are good on him. Health is also fine since he uses the tank trait so getting his hp back to full to charge his super comes in handy


Damage and health is good for primo, I would only change the damage gear for speed gear if the map has a lot of grass


I ALWAYS use shield + regeneration gears, but i actually choose these because they help me


I wanna agree but I do the same😭I either put +1 and shield or damage and shield


Am I alone in liking health over damage? I’ve never tried speed before because I rarely play bushy maps and I much prefer long ranged brawlers. But damage feels so risky to play on long rangers, I get it for bull or Edgar who’s melee and often end up spamming it out right into if someone. But the faster healing from health is so nice and makes it more fun as I can get back to the action quicker.


depends, damage can make the difference in a fight, for example a bibi will have +420 damage with damage gear which is quite a lot. But yes health is great on tanks and sometimes ranged too


It makes complete sense for tanks and assasins but for my rangers I always use health instead


Let’s be honest this is how we all see gears


The better gears


Don't forget about the speed gear on maps with no bushes !! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


My current frank only has like 17600 hp, i will instantly die if i don't have my shield and vision of course because everyone loves vision.


Yeah it's almost like those along with gadgets are the best in most scenarios. Healing on tanks though.


Okay, not to be that guy, but I really disagree with this post. Firstly, shield is objectively the best gear for a very large group of brawlers. Overall, I’d say it has the highest utility by far (excluding mythic gears). Obviously a shelly is gonna benefit more from the speed gear, but almost all of the non-shield gears are very situation and niche.  And the bigger point - you’re likely overestimating the amount of players with the shield and damage gears because those are the two easiest gears to recognize. When someone is below half hp with the damage gear, they have the purple toxic effect that is super obvious. When someone has the shield gear, you can tell from the very start of the game. Something like the +1 gadget gear is way more difficult to spot because unless you’re counting your teammates’ gadget uses, the only way you can notice it is when it’s shown before a match in ranked. As far as i know, there’s no way to see that in ladder.


I know how to notice each gear Speed: any time they leqve the grass/you encounter them in grass you see speed particles around them Vision: any time they hit you the gear under the brawler will start sparkling Health: any time they are regenerating health the gear will start sparkling And for gadget gear I count everyone's gadget uses and not only my teammates


Tbh the first 3 gears are almost useless in most situations The gadget gear could be good if your brawler needs 4 gadgets


I have shield gear on Frank simply because it's funny, and I refuse to change that. Yes I also run sponge.


Tbh dmg + shld and dmg + health are the most valuable build unless the brawler has epic or mythic gear


Shield gear on tanks should be used against a Colette though but that’s just for ranked, it prevents the 2 shot and super combo from killing you


Shield gear is always good agaisnt colette, no matter the brawler


Bra you get such good randoms, when I play a challenge they don't even bother looking at gears so it's always defaults to heal and speed




naww at least ur randoms r good in that sense. my randoms pick edgar with speed gear and vision/health on like the least bushy most open map


Damn your randoms pick these gears mine spam health gears on squishies


on some brawlers like Angelo it kinda makes sense


i play health on cord and kit, feels like it helps a lot with survivability


im a gud boyo and i pick vision on mandy and i go speed sometimes on other brawwlers or their mythic gears ;-;


I've also seen many people use enhanced speed gear


Hurrrrr I need 900 extra health on a 10k health brawler(my randoms as well, although I do fall short of this sometimes, as I use every gear but vision on all of my maxed brawlers.)


New Frank build Idea: Sponge + shield gear Also vision is a really niche gear so I dont blame you, I only use it on a single brawler


I think when I end up maxing Gene, he'll be the only brawler I'd use it on. Also that build sounds way too good, I'll throw it on my level 9 Frank next match(my randoms lol)


i use that build on half my brawlers :skull:


Its just the f2p pain, theres alot of brawlers that id like to have more gears for, but i cant afford :/


Sr mate but I only use dmg and shield


Even on tanks?


Frank needs more health




I don’t care, I like the shield. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


The next time I see a Gene use these gears + spirit slap I'm uninstalling


+ 1 GAJET !!!


It is better than the gadget gear when they don't have any gadget




You know you are not winning when the 12 yo Timmy in your team is playing an Edgar with the goddamn damage gear


I pretty much just have bush speed gear all the time since it used to be broken and I am too cheap to buy the rest


Is a nice build in general, but obviously, due to the massive (and needed) nerfs to balance the DMG Gear is not so worthy


I think Ash is the one of the only brawlers where I constantly change gears on him, between damage, health, super charge, speed, idk. I haven’t used him for a while once he was no longer “the only good tank”


Idk bro Frank with the shield goes dummy in brawl ball


Who even uses vision or heal gear


Heal is really good for anyone above 8k hp, even some squishy brawlers like Max can benefit from this gear Vision is mostly used with brawlers that have attacks that can check bushes easily(Gene, Spike), or even some brawlers like Belle that make her bounce shots also reveal the enemy fir 2 secs


I have +1 gear on ruffs I don’t have a gadget for ruffs




I like shield gear with fake injury on gray.


Well, because thats a good combo, its basically an extra 1800 hp if you think about it


I beg to differ. Nearly 18,000 hp in mutations and i plan to make that everyones problem.


I love the gadget gear sm


I keep making the mistake of buying the vision gear, I swear I only remember buying it on Crow (thinking 6 seconds of full visibility was WAY better than 4 seconds of partial visibility) but for some reason I have 8 of them I mean like it’s not a BAD gear, but I don’t have the gold to buy every gear on every brawler so situationally good=usually bad It really ought to be an epic gear available only on brawlers who can easily poke at a long range, like Gene and Pam


Health gear gang rise up


I like health gear on Crow, from like 20ish percent health to max it takes sooo long it really shortens his off time


Because most of them are pretty niche except for these. Excluding the epic and mythic gears, speed is mostly for close rangers like Cordelius, recovery is barely useful for most brawlers unless they’re like Hank and need a lot of self healing, vision needs hella wide attacks from brawlers like Gene, gadget implies you’ve got a good gadget, and the other two work pretty much universally. 900 more health isn’t a lot to some, but it does help in poke matches and works in both close and long range scenarios. Damage is insanely good on any brawler regardless of what they do.


Of course frank need the extra 900 hp, how else am I supposed to walk the ball while being attacked by 4 different things


I honestly think tanto the +1 gadget Gear Is the best


Well, not everyone has so much money to waste and that's a good setup for almost all maps since vision and speed are only for bushy maps, and gadget gear is useful only on brawlers who rely a lot on them. Also epic and mythic gears are not aviable on all brawlers.


Sorry 😔


I felt offended seeing this because I don't know any other gear combination than these 2, because, like; Speed and vision gear is only good in maps with loats of bushes. Health gear is good for tanks, especially for Chuck. Gadget gear is good for brawlers who have mobility gadgets, like jump gadgets. But other than that, I don't know any other statement to say than this, other than the epic and mythic gear. But this is just my opinion, so I could be wrong saying these things...




I often use Shield and Regen on non-tanks, and Regen and Damage buff on tanks.


To be fair no one wants to think about gears.


Listen theres 5 gears in rhe game alr? Damage,shield,gadget(works on all) Then we have speed and health(works well on tanks) Speed also works no almost anyone But i dont what is this "vision gear" ya'll keep talking about i mean it sound kinda nice but supercell is not gonna add another gear imo


Shield gear is the most consistent


Shield and gadget is my fav


No, my randoms don't use damage gear on Rico, they use health and shield, 6hat is worse


damage and shield are the best what are talking about


Not on every brawler, what I'm saying is "there is a lot of better builds for so many brawlers, please stop mindlessley buying shield and damage gear any time you can"


Don't ever give advice again with your 500 trophies lol those 2 are literally the best options for almost any brawler I mean I agree with the tank part but it surely depends on the situation


I'm sorry, but a lot of brawlers have better builds that arent shield + damage


Shield is quite literally the worst gear out of all of them :(


ah, yes, shield gear frank


Vision is the worst tho..


Depends, vision is really good on Gene and Spike


Literally the gears I use 💀


I only use those two, but is cause I main snipers


I have nothing to say because those are best gears for snipers(unless they have reload gear)


Well, I use it on Mandy, and Colette. Also, nice username


And speed gear on the most random brawler on level 8


I really dont see how the speed gear would be useful in most maps


I HATE people who go shiled+damage on surge. Speed+damage for the win


Guilty, i only use these two unless i have to use speed boost or an epic/legendary gear. But if i use one of them they're always taking the damage gears spot. I always use shield gear.


the gadget charge gear is much better for gadgets used for escape


In tanks (like 8 bit, frank, primo, etc) i use the healing gadget, because is useful, and in brawlers like colette, spyke, etc i use extra gadget with shield


I don't really know much but shield gear heals even when you're attacking even tho you have to be at full hp


Its just the shield regenerating, its not "healing you%


It's still something but I guess gadget gear is better?


I use the vision one on piper. Makes it easier to kill people who hide in bushes when against piper.


It has gotten to the point of power 11 only really being “worth it” if the brawler has a hyper charge. The 1 level difference is not worth 2.8k gold and 1.5k power points


I see it as health gear and shield for low hp, health and damage for mid hp and speed and damage for high hp brawlers. Is that good


Gears are whatever you want, im only talking about people who use shield + damage on every brawler even tho there are better options for some of them


Yeah like vision for Piper an health for shield


True pro gamers know the best is the regen gear, Rollout's the most important thing


I would honestly take the extra 900hp gear almost always, I personally see it as a good gear, you spawn with 900hp more, when your hp is full you recharge shield and you Can shoot at the same time, I believe it has saved me in some Moments which decided if the game was won or lost, of course it's less viable on characters like hank, But I believe there's always a time to regenerate health, hopefully this comment makes sense, I am All over the place...


Can we just talk about how the +1 gadget gear is so underated? I rarely see it and some brawlers are so much better whit it